Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2372 Red Mist Blood Pool

"This is humanity's defensive position. It's just two mountains and some magic arrays. It's so vulnerable."

"Weak humans, despicable creatures."

"Destroy their souls~!"

The seven lords raised their arms at the same time, and fierce black light gradually formed from their hands. But at this moment, violent pressure suddenly came from the air.


Hong Ye roared angrily, and the dragon's head flew toward the chariot ferociously. Lu Yang stood above Hong Ye with a war hammer in both hands, and said loudly: "Lord of the Terror Tribe, do you look down on us humans so much?"

The arms of the seven lords pointed at Hong Ye at the same time, and the terrifying black ray flashed across the sky in an instant. But before he could get close, Hong Ye turned sideways to avoid the attack. A hundred meters away from the ground, a mouthful of dragon breath sprayed towards the ground.

When the dragon's breath with a temperature exceeding 3,000 degrees fell to the ground, it had turned into a cone-shaped fire storm with a diameter of nearly 80 meters.

Hong Ye swooped over a distance of 200 meters. The undead, zombies and second-level terrors within the 200 meters length and more than 100 meters width were all burned to ashes by the flames. Then Hong Ye's speed did not slow down, and the second dragon's breath spurted out. , and the enemy more than 200 meters in length was wiped out.

"Human lord, where is your dignity?" The Terror Lord in the middle one of the seven carriages stared at Lu Yang and roared: "If you don't stop, I will personally destroy your human city wall."

Lu Yang looked back at the speaking Horror Lord, whose appearance was extremely ugly. He sneered and said: "Seven Lords have surpassed the attack together, where is your dignity? If you want to fight one-on-one, come with me. I would rather Let’s see how capable the lord of the Terror Clan is.”


After receiving the order, Hongye roared and flew towards the east side of the Shekou defensive position. There was a plain without any shelter.

In the grass of this plain, the elven lords such as Rustafa and Algeia and the other five lords were hiding in the ice and snow.

"This does not have the dignity of a lord, I protest." Bilba, the lord of the Hasta clan, growled unhappily.

"Stop talking about your sense of honor. This is Earth. You have to understand the rules of survival on Earth. This is a weird planet that is so cunning that even the gods of our world cannot compare. Believe me, humans here will become gods sooner or later. And the day when they become gods will be the twilight of the alien gods." Algeia said with a sneer.

"I agree." The undead lord Dade said: "I learned something when I was captured before. This is a group of creatures that have no sense of honor and only know how to use conspiracy. Once this group of creatures has power, it will be different from them. If their conspiracies and machinations are added together, God is no match for them."

Bilba still felt unhappy, but at this moment, a dragon roar came from the sky, and behind the dragon, seven carriages were speeding towards him at high speed.

"Coming, prepare for an ambush." ​​Rustafa whispered.

The 22 lords were accumulating strength, and every three lords targeted a Terror Lord. The extra lord acted as a back-up, ready to fill the loopholes at any time.

500 meters

400 meters

300 meters

Lu Yang controlled Hong Ye to fly over the heads of these lords, and then, seven carriages rushed over. The moment the carriages passed over the heads of Rustafa and others, 22 lords took action almost simultaneously.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage burst into pieces, and the seven Terror Lords were suddenly attacked and severely injured. Lu Yang jumped off the dragon's head and came to the seven Lords who fell on the ground.

"Despicable humans, where did these lords come from, who are they?" The most powerful of the Terror Lords covered the hole in his heart and asked angrily while staring at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sneered, and the two hammers appeared in his hands, smashing the heads of the seven Terror Lords one by one, and then pulled out the soul cores in their brains and said: "Come back with me and kill all the undead and Terror Lords. "

"Yes." Rustafa and others did not expect Lu Yang to be so cruel. He did not give the Terror Demon Clan any chance of survival and killed them on the spot.

What they didn't know was that the Blazing Demon God told Lu Yang that these seven Terror Lords were all promoted through forcibly inculcating human undead. To reach this level, each one must have at least 1 million lives, and these The main source of human life is the zombies and skeletons on the battlefield!

Lu Yang brought Rustafa and others back to the battlefield. At this time, the battlefield was already a different scene. The 100,000 warriors of the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood and the 5,000 demon army were forming a square formation to push down the undead army.

The strength of ordinary skeletons and zombies is the first level of elementary or intermediate level. A few skeletons can reach the second level, and an even smaller number can reach the third level.

Most of the warriors of the Terror Clan are second-order warriors. This time, the army sent by the Northern Undead to attack did not even think that the human legion could survive the war between the Void Zerg. Therefore, in addition to sending seven lords, Facing the six elves, the remaining legions are mainly the most ordinary legions.

"Retreat, retreat, our lord is slain."

"All undead retreat north."

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