Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2373 The violent power

The Blazing Demon God revealed his recalling eyes and said: "The Red Mist Blood Pond, even in a different world, is an extremely special place. If you want to enter there, you can only enter it when the Blood Sun rises once every hundred years.

By then, there will be a large number of teleportation arrays opened in different parts of the world, and all races can enter the teleportation arrays. These creatures need to fight in the swamp full of blood, and the dead creatures will be killed by the blood pool. Devour. "

Lu Yang asked curiously: "What does swallowing mean?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "The characteristic of the Red Mist Blood Pool is that it devours all the energy of the deceased. The skin, flesh, soul, and magic power will all be swallowed up by the blood pool. The reason why the Red Mist Warrior can be produced is because this blood pool swallows up all the energy of the deceased." The energy of this group of creatures will then deny the blood mist balls that appear."

Lu Yang understood and said with a sigh: "This red mist blood pool itself does not produce energy. It only absorbs the energy of the dead in battle, and then spits out the excess energy into blood mist balls."

The Blazing Demon God said: "This is also the conclusion that the old gods and I came to after research. As for what this red mist blood pool is, we don't know, because only creatures below the lord level can enter this place, like us. It’s not easy to get a chance to enter the God King.”

Lu Yang couldn't help but look at the Blazing Demon God with disdain, and said, "Then I won't be at a disadvantage after entering. I am a peak lord."

The Blazing Demon God said: "It is indeed a big disadvantage. There are at least millions of creatures of all races who entered this time, and at least two thousand lords entered. Each of them is protected by his tribe, but you will be promoted to the Demon King level soon, right? , we studied at that time that even if you are promoted to the Demon King level inside, you will not be kicked out or killed, you can still exist inside, and there will be no problem when you come out."

Lu Yang said: "But how can I survive? There are too many other races, and how can I get in?"

Millions of creatures from other worlds occupy various transmission channels. Putting aside the fact that they will be hunted after entering, just how to get in is a big problem.

The Blazing Demon God didn't care and said: "I know a few secret transmission channels. I will take you there. As for how to survive after entering, I will tell you where to hide."

The Blazing Demon God, who has existed in another world for millions of years, sends subordinate races into the red mist blood pool to study it every time it is opened. He has found several safest places.

"I'm relieved now. Let's finish the battle here first, and then we'll go to the Red Mist Blood Pond." Lu Yang stood up and jumped on Hong Ye's head, swooping and flying quickly towards the battlefield.

At this time, the armies of the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood and the six elven tribes had formed an encirclement on the undead tribe's troops. Although they were not as numerous as the other side, they were far stronger than the other side.

When Lu Yang came to the battlefield, Black Flame and the mage groups of various departments and the six elven mage groups commanded by Rustafa were conducting blanket bombings on the undead in the area. There were a large number of second-level undead and below and horrors. Die in battle.

All the strongest fourth-order spiritual-level terrors have been killed, leaving only thousands of third-order demon-level terrors clinging to the spell. These terrors gathered together to create a huge purple-black protective cover. A large number of spells were blocked when they hit it.


Lu Yang's body instantly transformed into the form of a 100-meter-tall lord, and the two Vulcan war hammers also became 50 meters in size, and the hammer heads were more than 30 meters thick.

"Break it for me~!"

Lu Yang picked up two war hammers and hit the protective shield hard. With a loud bang, the protective shield made by thousands of third-order terrors was shattered by the two war hammers. Everything inside The horrors fell to the ground one after another due to the backlash of magic.

"Die to me~!" Lu Yang opened his third eye on his forehead, and purple laser shot out from it, sweeping across the ground. All the third-level terrors that were touched were cut into two pieces and died on the spot!

Algeia, Zhuojiu and others burst into cheers when they saw Lu Yang being so powerful. This was not because Lu Yang was deliberately showing off his force, but only through this would the six elves have more confidence in humans.

"Summon Magma"

Lu Yang was too lazy to waste time killing these low-level creatures and directly chanted a spell to release the Fire Lord's innate skills.

He felt that there was magma flowing five thousand meters underground in this area. This distance was the limit of his ability to reach out, but he could still reach out.

Zhuojiu, Algeia and others had seen the scene of Lu Yang summoning the volcano, and they were so frightened that they quickly ordered their troops to retreat. The soldiers of the Terror Tribe and the Undead Tribe thought they had a hope of survival, but they just passed Within 5 minutes, the ground within a dozen kilometers around began to shake crazily.

"Get up~!" Lu Yang roared to the sky in the form of a hundred-meter-high Fire Lord, and slammed his hammers to the ground.


With Lu Yang as the center, hundreds of 50-meter-diameter craters appeared within a dozen kilometers around it. Red magma with a temperature exceeding 2,000 degrees violently erupted from the craters. In the blink of an eye, the plains were covered by magma. Submerged, hundreds of thousands of undead warriors within the range died in the magma.

The only job left for Moshijiu, Algeia and others was to hunt down the remaining terrors and undead. By midnight, the chase was over.

Return to Baishan City.

Lords such as Algeia and Haimeyang found Lu Yang, with faces full of curiosity and admiration. Algeia couldn't help but ask: "Boss, how come the peak lord level is so strong? Your strength is obviously higher than that of Lu Yang." We lords are much stronger."

"Yes, yes." Jaimeyan, Bilba and other lords nodded repeatedly.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile and asked, "Why, do you want to learn?"

"Yeah, yeah~!" Algeia and the others nodded desperately. How could they not be excited to be able to increase their power to such a powerful level.

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said: "You can't learn it yet. This requires a lot of magic cores to increase your strength. Even if the magic cores in your hands are all added together, it is not enough for one of you to upgrade to At my level, just accumulate magic cores with peace of mind. When the number is enough, I will teach you."

"Thank you boss (master)!" Algeia, Bilba and others kneeled on the ground and said respectfully.

Lu Yang said: "According to the prior agreement, you are no longer my slaves, but nobles of the heart. Find a place you like. From now on, these areas will be your territory. In the future, races from other worlds will be transferred to you, or If we capture creatures of other races, they will all become slaves, and you and we will be the masters of those slaves."

"Thank you again." Bilba, Jaimeyan and others knelt down again.

Lu Yang looked at Algeia and said: "From today on, you six tribes will send out people to cooperate with my legion to enter the northern area to detect the enemy's situation. Be sure to find out the enemy's hidden location and troop deployment in detail."

Algeia bowed and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best."

Lu Yang nodded, looked at Zhuojiu, Baishi and others beside him, and said: "I will leave for a while to find ways to improve your strength for you and my men. The demons and monsters in Riyue Mountain and Xishi Water Cave The orcs must be killed on time, and the monsters in the wild must not be spared, as well as the daily production conditions in Shekou and Donghai.”

"Don't worry, boss, we will take care of the house." Zhuojiu said.

Kuai Bansheng smiled and said, "I promise not to hold you back."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "I'm leaving, please contact me if you need anything."

"Let's rest for one night before leaving." Algeiya pulled Lu Yang and said.

Lu Yang knew Algeia's thoughts and said with a smile: "It's better to leave your elf maid to Zhuojiu and Baishi. If you have a chance, go see my wife. She is very important to me."

"Hey, okay." Algeia scratched his head sheepishly.

When Lu Yang came out of the Void Palace, he found that the ordinary people of the elves and the ordinary people of the human race were very closely connected. The two races had begun to intermarry, and half-elf children were born. This was what Lu Yang wanted to see the most. of.

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