Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 934 New Tactics

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"Boss, we cooperate with Liu Jie. Can he really fight with us? Don't start a war with us, but he doesn't fight, and let Tianyao's main force fight us." Kuai asked for a long time.

Xia Yuwei, Bai Shi and others also looked at Lu Yang curiously. They were worried about this war.

Cooperating with Liu Jie is equivalent to seeking skin with a tiger. The shrewdness of the dead grass and the huge Liu Jie family always make them feel not so safe in their hearts.

With a confident smile on Lu Yang's face, he said, "Did you know, I can actually destroy Tianyao by myself."

"What?" Zhuojiu, Zhou Tianming and the others looked at Lu Yang in surprise.

"Boss, what's your trump card?" Zhuojiu asked.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Come with me, Tianyao is right in front of the battle, and I'll give you the answer when I get there."

Surprise expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and they continued to walk with Lu Yang.

Facing the simultaneous attack of Lu Yang and Liu Jie, Tianyao arranged for his cousin, who is also the first vice president, to take more than 3 million people to Sea Lion City to guard against Liu Jie's attack at any time. He personally took more than 3 million people with him. The player came to the orc's domination fortress.

When Lu Yang brought 3 million people to the front of the domination fortress, Tianyao was setting up a formation under the fortress. Seeing Lu Yang coming, Tianyao had an uncontrollable anger on his face.

"Lu Yang, come out and answer." Tian Yao scolded coldly.

"Let's set up your attack formation, I'll go talk to Tianyao." Lu Yang rode the Chiyan Lion King to a position 50 meters away from Tianyao.

"Lu Yang, why are you hitting me?" Tian Yao asked angrily.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Yang said, "Tianyao, you didn't deserve this."

"What do you mean?" Tian Yao asked.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Tianyao, I'll give you one last chance, just admit defeat, this time I'll let you go, I can let you take all the money you made in the game, sell those fortresses, and become an ordinary player. Bar."

Tian Yao was stunned by Lu Yang's mindless words, and asked, "What nonsense are you talking about, do you think I would be afraid of your alliance with Liu Jie?"

Lu Yang shook his head,

Said: "Of course you are not afraid. Even if Liu Jie and I attack you together, with your current strength, even if we beat you for half a month, we will not be able to beat the Orcs."

In such a large-scale battle, it is almost impossible to win when the strength of the two sides is not much different and the number of people is very balanced.

Especially Tian Yao holds 6 totems of gods in his hands, as many as Lu Yang's hearts of gods. Even if he only has three here, Lu Yang wants to defeat him. This is possible, but he wants to rush into the beast. It is absolutely impossible to be a family, and he can mobilize a large number of players to support various places at any time.

"You know that you can't beat me, and you still come to beat me. I advise you to go back as soon as possible." Tian Yao said.

Lu Yang still shook his head and said, "I can't beat you, but you know, I don't need to attack you at all. Do you know how many guilds of orcs you killed, and how much they hate you?"

Lu Yang asked Hoqing Wanzong, Liu Yunpeng and others to contact more than 30 guilds, with a total of more than one million people, and they are gathering in Jusha City.

"Lu Yang, don't be smart, do you think I don't know that you have gathered more than 1 million people secretly, they have long been surrounded by my affiliated guild, as long as they dare to come out, I will dare to destroy them, Liu Jie's side The same is true, if you want to beat me with this, you are too tender." Tian Yao said mockingly.

Lu Yang said, "Then let me ask you now, is this all your strength?"

Tianyao said: "No, I still have studio players. They are defending wild fortresses everywhere for me. You have no chance."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "How do you know that those studios can be defended?"

Tian Yao frowned and said, "The studios I'm looking for are all top studios of the Orcs. Do you want to sneak attack?"

Lu Yang sighed, he knew that Tian Yao would not give up, and since that was the case, he didn't want to waste any more time, and said to Wan Zong, Liu Yunpeng, Han Yu, the Thief of Light and Darkness, and Sky Wolf, "Let's start, give me Sold all the fortresses in Tianyao's hands, leaving none of them."

"Yes." Looking at the tauren fortress in the distance, Wan Zong said with a cold expression, "Crazy Wolf Guard, come with Lao Tzu, it's time for revenge."

The 500-strong Mad Wolf Guard should be called the Demon Wolf Guard, but they still liked the name Mad Wolf. They took the form of a collective fighting wolf and rushed towards the fortress stealthily.

Including the arrogance, everyone is holding two ghost thorns, and all the equipment is a piece of 80-level dark gold. This is the blueprint that Lu Yang made in the city of war. The blacksmith shop made it overnight these days.

Although these pieces do not have a suit effect, they are level 80 dark gold equipment after all. There are 17 pieces of equipment in total, each with 150,000 HP, more than 30,000 attack power, more than 20,000 defense, and 20,000 magic resistance. many.

Even if Lu Yang wanted to kill them, he still needed to release 5 magic spells, not to mention the "studio elite" on the city head.

The city head of the Bull Fortress. At this time, the gate of the fortress has been closed, and only more than 500 players are guarding the various positions of the city head.

In the form of a mad wolf, the 30-meter-high fortress can strengthen its ability, but it can jump on it with a single jump.

"Look at me." Pride Wanzong activated the jumping skill in a stealth state, and jumped to the top of the city.

He glanced back at the invisible men under the city, waved his hand, and motioned for them to follow. The rest of the mad wolf players nodded and jumped up following his example.

In less than 3 minutes, all 500 people went to the top of the city. The 500 players who were defending the fortress were defending the four city walls. They should patrol back and forth. Willing to move, they all leaned against the towers in the inner city, gathered together and rested.

"Oh, really, the boss is fighting over there, and he even arranged for us to defend the city. I really hope to follow the fight." said a tauren player who was defending the city.

"That's right, even if Lu Yang and Liu Jie fight together, we're not afraid of them. The strength is there," said another Tauren player.

"Why are you resting again, go out on patrol, don't have an accident." A leading player frowned and said.

"Captain, we have selected our brothers to patrol outside, it will be alright," a player said.

"Really?" The proud voice was like the ghost of hell, which made the players in the gate tower feel the coldness of hell.

"Who?" The captain reacted the fastest, and returned with an axe, but just before the axe hit the arrogance, he had already inserted a paw into the opponent's neck, including the skill damage, the attack power was as high as 40,000. Under the effect of the triple crit, the captain was killed in place in seconds.

"There is an enemy sneak attack." The player who reacted just shouted, but was killed by another mad wolf.

But the player still shouted out, and the defending players who were resting near the gate tower stood up one after another, but before they could participate in the attack, a mad wolf more than two meters tall appeared beside everyone.

"Crazy Wolf Burial"

A cyan light flashed, and the 500 defending players, including the so-called studio elites, were all killed.

"Don't pick up the equipment, go sell the fortress with me. The boss told me that some of the money from selling the fortress will be distributed to us. This is more than the equipment before, so rush with me." In the city, he came to the shrine, turned into a human shape, smashed the token above with one paw, and put the token of his guild on it.

The wild fortress is based on the guild token, and changing the token is equivalent to changing the owner of the fortress.

System prompt: The Wild Wolf Army has occupied the Bull Fortress

With a fist full of pride, he clicked on the fortress purchase interface, and sold all the things that could be sold in the Manniu Fortress.

System prompt: You sold the fortress hall

you sold the garrison bank

You sold the bricks in the fortress


Tian Yao, who was confronting Lu Yang, immediately received the news from the system. His face changed wildly, and he didn't care to talk to Lu Yang, so he quickly sent a message to ask, "What's the matter, why is the fortress lost?"

The captain of the defending city cried and said, "Boss, the enemy's speed is too fast. All of them are stealth occupations. There are 500 people. Before I could react, we were killed, and the fortress was lost as soon as it was resurrected."

"Trash." Tian Yao scolded.

In order to prevent the fortress from being attacked, he made very complete preparations. An elite army of 20,000 people is always ready in Beamon City. As long as the fortress is attacked, these 20,000 people will immediately fly over to kill the enemy.

But he didn't expect that the opponent's speed would be so fast, and he snatched the fortress in an instant. He looked at Lu Yang with blood-red eyes, and scolded, "You are too despicable."

Lu Yang also received the news from Wan Zong of pride, smiled and said to Tian Yao: "There is nothing despicable or despicable, this is a race war, it is a war to decide who can dominate the national uniform, your strength is not good, you lose Can't blame anyone."

Tian Yao laughed and said, "Just because you destroyed one of my fortresses, I lost? I have more than 600 such fortresses, and now I have sent people to destroy your men."

Lu Yang looked at the time with a smile, and said, "Looks like there's still time. Let me teach you a tactic. If you want to make a comeback one day in the future, this can be used for reference."

"Tactics?" Tian Yao frowned.

Lu Yang said: "This game has a tactic called locust tactics, you should know it."

Tianyao said: "Who wouldn't know this."

Lu Yang said: "But there is another tactic, you must not know it, it is an advanced version of the locust tactic, the play method is very simple, only for the purpose of robbing your fortress and selling it, without doing anything else. "

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