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"You, what do you mean by that?" Tian Yao asked.

Lu Yang smiled, but did not speak. He had nothing to say. The thieves of light and dark had already taken 300,000 thieves through the Blood Wolf Fortress and entered the Orcs. With the Orc Central City Beamon City as the center, the entire left All the fortresses are targeted by players of the Jagged Brotherhood.

There are 1000 thieves outside each fortress, and their role is no other than to sneak into the fortress to exchange fortress tokens.

"Boss, get ready." Looking up at the shimmering light, he said.

"Ready." Han Sha said.


Each team reported to Lu Yang, and Lu Yang said, "Push down the fortress."

300,000 thieves rushed into the fortresses of their respective targets at the same time. Their attack method was very simple. They didn't fight with people, but they sneaked into the inner city.

Han Sha personally led a group of people to climb the outer city wall easily. What he boarded was a fortress on a level 70 map outside the main city of the cat clan.

There are hundreds of arrow towers in the inner city of the fortress, almost turning the inner city into a hedgehog. On the inner city wall of the fortress, there are 500 defending players, but that's it, Han Sha and the others are immune to magic with their shadow cloaks, and then open Use the dodge skill to increase the evasion ability by 80%, and then sprint, cover a group of people, and the other groups rushed to the city wall at the same time.

The thieves with the level 70 suit can't be killed easily by the arrow tower. The 500-person studio master can kill a lot of people in the face of magic immunity and high dodge thieves, but each fortress has 1,000 thieves rushing in. The purpose is not to push down the fortress.

The defending players could only watch as they quickly ran into the inner city of the fort and came to the shrine. Han Sha replaced the fortress order. At the same time, he opened the interface at a very fast speed and sold everything in the fort.

Although he was quickly killed, the fortress was already sold out by this time!

The players of the Jagged Brotherhood were confronting Tianyao. Suddenly, they all widened their eyes in surprise.

System prompt: Blackwater Fortress occupied by the Jagged Brotherhood

Player Han Sha sold the fortress hall...

System prompt: The Jagged Brotherhood has occupied the Wisdom Fortress

The player looked up to Shimmer and sold the fortress walls...



300 consecutive wild fortresses were sold by these thieves at the same time,

Lu Yang got more than 300 million, on the other side, Tian Yao's eyes were split with anger.

"Lu Yang, you bastard." Tian Yao roared frantically.

Lu Yang saw the system prompt, and he also saw the system prompt. Tian Yao, who was not afraid of this war at first, now became frightened.

Not only him, but the players under Tianyao were also stunned. Suddenly, more than 300 fortresses were occupied by Lu Yang. They wanted to know what happened.

Lu Yang looked at Tian Yao and said, "Half of your field fortress was sold by me. Let me ask you a question, do you still have the ability to pay wages to your subordinates?"

With the salary drawn from the bottom of the pot, Lu Yang will not be able to defeat Tianyao for a while, but he can make Tianyao have no money first. As long as he has no money, why should his subordinates still give him work.

These more than 300 fortresses cost Tianyao 900 million, and they pointed to these fortresses to make money to pay wages to their players, but now 900 million has suddenly evaporated, and the income of the other 300 fortresses is simply not enough to deal with such a situation. The huge guild expenditure, not to mention, the other 300 fortresses, it is not sure whether they can stay.

The more than 3 million players belonging to Tianyao's side have no intention of fighting at this time. They are very clear about how important it is to lose a fortress. If you don't have a fortress, why would ordinary players fight with you? It's not because you can use the fortress to return. City scroll, fast travel between the main city and high-level field maps?

No one of more than 3 million people went to see the Jagged Brotherhood, and they all looked at Tianyao curiously. They wanted to know how Tianyao was going to fight.

When 3 million eyes are focused on a person's face, if it is a look of admiration, it will make a person swell to think that the world belongs to him, but when these 3 million pairs of eyes turn into doubt and fear, they will Let a person fall into boundless fear.

The cold sweat on Tian Yao's face flowed down in a flash, not only in the game, but also in reality, his back was already densely covered with beads of sweat.

"Lu Yang, you can't do this, this is my hard work." Tian Yao's voice trembled.

Lu Yang looked at Tianyao and said, "I'll give you a choice, give me your guild, follow me, and I'll give you all the money I just got."

The money was not enough to make up for Tianyao's fortress construction, but it was enough to pay back the bank. Lu Yang just took away Tianyao's entire net worth.

"Impossible, this is my guild, I won't give it to you, besides you are a human race, I am an orc race, how could you get my guild." Tian Yao said incoherently.

A token appeared in Lu Yang's hand, he raised his arm, turned the front of the token towards Tianyao, and said, "Look what this is."

"Feng Wang Ling?" Tian Yao said in horror.

Lu Yang right-click to open.

[Full Server Announcement]: Congratulations to player Lu Yang for successfully unlocking the King Sealing Order. He is the first player in the world to have the King Sealing Order. Players of all three races can join his guild.


Ten times in a row of the full server announcement, this corresponds to the whole world, not only the national server, but all the orc players present were stunned.

"The decree of the king?"

"Can Orc players join the Jagged Brotherhood?"

"This, race can no longer isolate war?"


The players whispered excitedly.

Tianyao was even more panicked. He didn't know what to do anymore. Several vice-chairmen were also panicked. Originally, they thought very well. As long as they persisted for 7 days and the National Day was over, the players would definitely get back on track. It’s time to go to work, go to school, and the crisis of this race war will be lifted automatically, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen on the first day.

Lu Yang shouted through the loudspeaker of the World Channel: "All Orc players, I welcome you to join the Jagged Brothers Alliance. Has it been particularly difficult for everyone to play dungeons, the reason is that the three clans did not assign their special occupations to each other? Gather together to play the dungeon. If the orcs can play the dungeon with the paladins of the human race, the invincibility at the critical moment can save lives. In exchange, the shaman of the orcs can start accelerated attacks and save lives, which is the most powerful complement. "

Players on both sides who can participate in the battle are all level 60 or above. After reaching level 60, when playing dungeons, everyone clearly feels that dungeons are particularly difficult. It will be easy for the human race to join the shaman.

Lu Yang's decree of conferring kings just touched what they wanted most in their hearts, and ordinary players all showed their longing looks.

Lu Yang then shouted: "After joining my guild, Orc players can buy things in the Human Race. Many raw materials that are very expensive on the Orc side are very cheap in the Human Race. It turns out that they do business on both sides to make money. I also welcome them. ."

It means that there is an opportunity to make money. Many of the studios that are helping Tianyao directly withdrew from this war and turned to the contact information of the Jagged Brotherhood.

Pride Wan Zong and Yun Yu were leading millions of players to fight with Tianyao's affiliated guild and studio. Suddenly, the two felt that the battlefield became more relaxed at the same time.

"Strange, why have many of the enemy's studio masters withdraw?" asked with pride.

Yun Yu said: "It's not easy. I'm going to talk to the boss to talk about business. What does the studio do, isn't it just to make money."

"Aren't we going to win?" asked with pride.

"Yeah." Yun Yu said.

"Damn, the first time I participated in such a big war, it ended in one day. It's amazing." Said with pride.

Yun Yu was a little emotional and said, "Not only you, no one can think of it."

Liu Jie on the other side and the dead grass didn't expect that Liu Jie's team was confronting Tianyao's cousin, and their strategy was very clear.

Since Tianyao brought someone to fight Lu Yang first, it proved that Tianyao would fight Lu Yang, and they just had to wait and see what happened.

If Lu Yang wins the fight, they will win if they push it in a wave, and if Lu Yang loses, they don't need to go looking for something boring.

But at this moment, when Lu Yang used thieves to raid Tianyao's 300 fortresses, and when the announcement came out that Lu Yang had the king's seal, Liu Jie's expression changed drastically.

"Lu Yang actually has such a thing?" Liu Jie frowned tightly.

The dead grass didn't change his expression and said, "Don't worry, whatever he has, it's yours."

Liu Jie thought of Liu Ruoshi, his heart beating violently relaxed a little, and said, "We can't wait any longer, Tianyao's defeat is set this time, let's attack."

The dead grass nodded and said, "This makes sense, let's fight it."

It still feels a little early in his heart, but now that the victory has been decided, playing early will only cause more damage and have no impact on the overall strategy.

"Such as Yue Taishan, Yaowu Yangwei, Apache, Xue Yiming, and Qu Han, bring your men and rush up to me to defeat Tianyao's troops and occupy the Orcs." Liu Jie ordered.

"Yes." Liu Jie's five commanders each rushed to Tianyao's troops with nearly one million players.

At this time, Tianyao's side was already unstable. Facing Liu Jie's attack, Tianyao's cousin could barely support him.

"Brother, what's going on on your side? Tianyao has already launched an attack on me, and our subordinates are in a bit of a mess. We can't last for a day." Tianyao's cousin said.

Tian Yao looked at Lu Yang, gritted his teeth and said, "You must persevere, you must not admit defeat."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Are you still not admitting defeat?"

"Why should I admit defeat?" Tian Yao scolded.

Lu Yang never wanted to do things completely, especially when he had a huge advantage, and he didn't want to do it, but now it seems that it is impossible not to do so.

"Master Chimu, it's your turn to play." Lu Yang said.

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