The newspaper seller responded with a smile and said: "Yes! The price of World Stories will be reduced from this issue! They are giving back to readers! It is said that the first two issues sold well, the boss made a fortune, and their advertising volume I also went up, and I have to give readers a profit! It’s really affordable! Such a thick newspaper only costs 50 cents, can you imagine?”

Some people expressed doubts: "The sudden price drop of this newspaper must be because the articles on it are not good-looking."

The newspaper seller raised his eyebrows: "It's not good to read? How is it possible! Let me tell you, this issue of the newspaper is still very good to read, I have already read it. If it is not good to read, I will give you the newspaper for free, no money!"

People around also began to laugh at the person who questioned the content of the World Odd Story.

"What do you know! I've read two consecutive issues of World Odd Stories, and every one of the articles on it is a classic! They want to develop for a long time! How could they smash their own brand!"

"How can the price reduction be linked to the unsightly article? What kind of logic do you have?"

"This newspaper was jointly recommended by Daxia Zha and Daxia Ni! The founder, Han Xiao, is the author of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty. Will he smash his own brand?"

"This person is a troublemaker at first glance. Is it someone from other media who deliberately came here to make trouble?"

The man who only questioned a sentence of the world's strange news and stories saw that he had committed public outrage, and hurried away in desperation.

Seeing this scene, Han Xiao was very relieved.

What does this mean? It shows that the World Odd Stories already has loyal readers! Moreover, there are still many loyal readers!

After the man left, the people around the newsstand stretched out their hands to take the world anecdote that still smelled of ink from the stand.

"Give me a copy, this is money, no change!"

"I'll take a look at it too. I've always heard people say it looks good, but I haven't bought it yet!"

"I'll take two copies and send one to my boss. There is no newsstand near our company."

In less than an hour, more than half of the 300 copies of World Stories and Stories that entered the newsstand were bought.

It can be seen that the promotion effect after the price reduction is still good.

At around 7:30 in the morning, the crowd around the newsstand dispersed, and the newspaper seller was free at this time.

He glanced at Han Xiao, raised his hand and said hello: "Sir, you've been watching over there, what's the matter?"

Han Xiao smiled and walked over.

"I'm just looking at the sales on your newsstand," Han Xiao said.

"The world's anecdote is the best-seller in retail, followed by Oriental Evening Post, Famous Newspaper and other newspapers. Some high-end people will buy English newspapers like Nanhua Zaobao." The newspaper seller said while smoking a cigarette.

Han Xiao asked: "Generally speaking, which newspaper do you sell for more money?"

The man who sold the newspaper said: "Now the World Stories newspaper earns a lot. I earn 25 cents for one copy. I should be able to sell two or three hundred copies today! I can make a net profit of more than 70 yuan! Of course, the previous two issues of World Stories I can earn 5 cents for selling a newspaper, which is quite cool.”

Han Xiao smiled and asked: "After the price cut, do you feel that there is a significant impact on your income?"

The newspaper seller shook his head: "Well, it shouldn't have a big impact. After the price cut, I sold more. Judging from the current situation, selling 300 copies today is not a problem."

After chatting with the newsstand uncle for a while, Han Xiao bought some of the more popular newspapers in Xiangjiang and took them back to study.


At around 10 in the morning, Han Xiao was studying his opponent's newspaper in his office when the phone on his desk rang.

He grabbed the microphone and held it to his ear.

Ni Kuang's voice came from the receiver: "Xiao Han! Have you been very busy recently!"

Han Xiao said with a smile: "Mr. Ni, hello! I'm a bit busy, but it's okay!"

There was a bit of sourness in Ni Kuang's words, and he said: "You are considered a successful person now! The World Stories is really doing well! The whole Xiangjiang is talking about you and your newspaper."

Han Xiao thought to himself, why does this guy speak with a bit of jealousy?

It seems to be a bit of envy and jealousy.


The words still seemed to be on the sidelines.

As soon as Han Xiao changed his mind, he knew what Ni Kuang meant.

Ni Kuang is known as one of the four great talents in Xiangjiang, and the writer with the highest manuscript fee other than Cha Daxia. Now that his world anecdote is so popular, he doesn't even ask him for a manuscript. He is a bit bitter Bar?

Han Xiao smiled. Although he knew what Ni Kuang meant, he didn't want to ask Ni Kuang for a draft.

Because it is completely unnecessary!

His newspaper does not need to rely on the old man's manuscripts to attract popularity.

Don't waste that money.

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. Ni, it all depends on everyone's praise. The kid is panicked, and now he has achieved such a small achievement."

I have already hinted so clearly, but the other party didn't have a normal reaction?

Ni Kuang was a little helpless.


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