Han Xiao smiled and said, "Okay! It's an instant hit. Next, as long as we maintain unique features and a stable output of exclusive news, we will soon gain a firm foothold in gossip news and lifestyle newspapers!"

"My goal is very clear, that is, to knock down the Oriental Evening News from its number one position in Hong Kong!"

Yu Huixian said: "Then, will the scoop bonus promised by the boss before be fulfilled?"

"Now the reporters are waiting!"

Han Xiao waved his hand: "The reward should be rewarded! However, we provide clues to those reporters to dig out and follow up the exclusive news of the interview. I think the reward should be halved, what do you think?"

In fact, for exclusive news, clues and breaking news are the most important!

Yu Huixian said: "I think it's fair. Without the clues we provided, they wouldn't be able to make such a big news."

Han Xiao said: "Then let's distribute the rewards according to the scores! Send out the rewards today! Let those reporters know that working in our Tomato Daily will make you rich!"

Yu Huixian and Han Xiao made up their minds together, and she excitedly returned to the large office area where the editors of Tomato Daily were located.

"Crack, crack—"

She clapped her hands and said, "Everyone, stop what you're doing and listen to me!"

Editors and reporters stopped what they were doing.

Yu Huixian cleared her throat and said loudly: "I went to see the boss just now, and the boss said that our first issue of the newspaper is doing really well! It's a good start!"

"So, today, we're going to reward you for your merits..."

Yu Huixian announced the scores of all the news articles in today's newspapers, and then, based on the scores, rewarded the top-ranked reporters.

The two hot news stories were collected and edited by reporters based on the clues they provided, so the rewards were halved.

But even so, the reporters who collected and edited these two big news also received a total reward of up to 60,000.

These two big news stories were jointly completed by 6 reporters, so each of them shared 10,000 yuan!

Such rewards have never been seen in other newspapers. Therefore, the eyes of the reporters who got the money were all wet. They all couldn't believe it.

In addition to the two explosive news, 4 reporters received a reward of 5,000 yuan, and 12 reporters received a reward of 2,000 yuan.

All these rewards are given out in cash.

The reporter who received the money was happy.

Those who didn't get the bonus also clenched their fists. They thought that as long as they worked hard enough, they would definitely be able to get exclusive news.

The morale of all the editors and editors of Tomato Daily was high, and they started to go out to run news or follow clues according to the selected topics.


This day is a stressful day for Oriental Daily and The Sun.

When Han Xiao announced his entry into the gossip newspaper of urban life, they were a little disdainful.

Because Xiangjiang is not a big place, there are already too many life gossip newspapers of the same quality, and it is very difficult for new newspapers to develop in this field.

In recent years, a dozen or twenty new newspapers have invested heavily and plunged into this field. However, most of them have been working for a year or so, and have suffered heavy losses and had to withdraw. Even if you insist on doing it, you are half dead.

Zhang Yukun of Dongfang Daily believes that Han Xiao does a good job in casual and anecdotal newspapers, but he doesn't understand the methods of running newspapers in life and gossip.

Susan, the female boss of The Sun, has the same opinion as Zhang Yukun.

They were all waiting to see Han Xiao's joke.

After the first issue of Tomato Daily was put on the market, the researchers of major newspapers in Xiangjiang were closely observing the market reaction.

And Zhang Yukun got a copy of Tomato Daily at the first time, and he flipped through it on the way to the newspaper office.

Seeing this, he was a little terrified.


No way?

This newspaper is well done!

What shocked Zhang Yukun the most was that there were as many as 20 exclusive celebrity gossip news in the Tomato Daily. It's all about this star's scandal, that star's scandal, and there are secret photos to prove it.

Among them, the news that the W male star was pimping the rich businessman was the most eye-catching.

After reading the entire Tomato Daily in his hand, Zhang Yukun felt a little hot and dry, so he loosened the tie around his neck: This time, he probably met a strong enemy!

After Susan from the Sun newspaper read the first issue of Tomato Daily, she was too shocked to speak for a long time.

She felt bad.

The positioning of Tomato Daily and The Sun is too similar.

However, Tomato Daily is obviously better than The Sun!

If this continues, the reader market of The Sun will definitely be greatly affected.

Susan immediately called Han Xiao.

"Han, I've finished reading your new paper! I'm so scared!" Susan said.

"What are you afraid of?" Han Xiao smiled.

Susan said: "Because your newspaper poses a huge threat to mine! I'm worried that the Sun newspaper can't compete with you!"

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Susan, be confident! Your Sun newspaper is an established gossip daily, with a relatively solid market position and a large number of loyal readers!"

Susan said: "My head is a bit big! Han, I think, you are the most terrifying opponent I have ever met in my life! I will most likely lose this newspaper that my father passed on to me!"


The first update! The data is still very bleak! There is no monthly ticket, and there are very few flowers and evaluation tickets. Those who read books, please support me, let me see some hope!

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