The stall owner said: "There is no Shuanglong of the Tang Dynasty, but all the stories on it are really good. The terracotta warriors on the front page really made me cry."

Mr. Xu tried to read for a while the beginning of the Terracotta Warriors on the front page of the newspaper.

He was fascinated by the story.

"It seems very interesting! A general in the Qin Dynasty was actually made into a pottery figurine, but because he took the elixir, he could never die. The tomb was opened by the tomb thief, and he returned to the world. He also met his beloved past life. girl."

"I want to buy a copy of this newspaper just for this story."

The stall owner smiled: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, you will never regret buying it. Chenghui 1.5 yuan!"

Mr. Xu was surprised: "Wow! Why is it so much more expensive than other newspapers?"

The stall owner said: "Because it tells a good story and is very readable. There is no gossip news on it, and it is all dry stuff! You can tell it after reading it! It is absolutely worth it! It is more enjoyable than buying a Wesley novel! "

Mr. Xu hesitated for a moment. He thought to himself, there are newspapers such as the Oriental Evening News in the office to read. I bought a copy of The World’s Stories and Stories, and I happened to read it when I was on the bus.

Mr. Xu bought a copy of World Stories.

Han Xiao stood aside, and he observed for more than an hour that his World Odd Stories had sold a total of twenty-three copies.

Most of them were sold under the enthusiastic recommendation of the stall owner.

Of course, some people read the poster and learned that this newspaper was founded by the author of Datang Shuanglong, and it was strongly recommended by Cha Daxia and Ni Kuang, so they thought they could buy a copy to see if it looked good.

But he said that Daxia Zha also got up very early this morning.

He takes a walk on the sidewalk near his home while he organizes his work for the new day.

At this time, Cha Daxia has been closed for 7 years.

This martial arts master-level character declared to the outside world that he would stop writing after writing in 1972, and he had to revise his past works carefully.

In addition, his main energy is also devoted to the daily management of famous newspapers.

Daxia Zha walked to a newsstand, and he stopped in front as usual to see the changes on the stand.

At this time, he naturally saw the poster of World Stories and Stories using himself and Ni Kuang as spokespersons.

Daxia Zha immediately became interested.

He was very surprised: this young man is very fast!

This put the first issue of the newspaper on the market?

"Mr. Cha, good morning! Is this world anecdote really recommended by you?" The stall owner, a woman in her forties, asked Cha Daxia with a smile.

Daxia Zha smiled and picked up a copy of World Stories from the stand. While reading it, he said, "The owner of this newspaper is a friend of mine who is very talented. Ugh! I feel that he is really Quite an idea."

Right now, he was already reading the front page story of the World Strange Story.

Who is Cha Daxia?

That is the first of the four great talents in Xiangjiang!

His vision is naturally very high.

After reading the story of the Terracotta Warriors, he was amazed.

This young man is really thoughtful, quick-witted, and unconstrained. Moreover, the writing is very good, and the story he wrote is so attractive.

Zha Daxia subconsciously took the story of the terracotta warriors as Han Xiao's writing.

He bought a copy of the World Odd Stories and wanted to take it home to read and study it.

Newspapers are generally the carrier of news information.

But Cha Daxia discovered that the newspaper founded by Han Xiao was different from other newspapers. This anecdote is actually a popular story publication.

Odd Tale is the equivalent of a pulp magazine.

This requires a large number of powerful writers to continuously contribute to it.

Zha Daxia walked while studying the World Stories and Stories. He found that at the bottom of the front page of this newspaper it was written that it will be published the next day, and each retail offer: 1.5 yuan!

Cha Daxia was very shocked: My God! Such a newspaper can be published every other day? Can the manuscript source really keep up?

After breakfast, after Daxia Zha came to the office, he continued to read the story of the Terracotta Warriors while drinking tea.

It took him another two hours before he finished reading the newspaper.

After reading it, Daxia Zha sighed: Every article in this newspaper is very good! very attractive! Moreover, the writing is good and the plot is first-rate.

"The younger generation is awesome! It's really extraordinary!" Cha Daxia said with emotion.

He had a hunch: The newspaper founded by Han Xiao was likely to become a hit in Xiangjiang.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone on Cha Daxia's desk rang.

He reached out to pick up the microphone: "Who is it?"

Ni Kuang's voice came out of the microphone: "Old Cha, the kid's newspaper is on the market today, have you seen it?"

Daxia Zha said, "I've finished watching it."

Ni Kuang laughed dryly: "How do you feel?"

Daxia Zha said: "A newspaper of a high standard! Moreover, he seems to have spotted a gap in the market. Now, I feel that his newspaper is likely to succeed!"

Ni Kuang laughed and said: "What puzzles me is: where did he get so many high-quality drafts? He asked me to endorse him, but he didn't even dare to ask me for drafts."


Chapter 6! Ask for flowers and votes for support! If there are more than 500 flowers tonight, there will be another update!

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