“General Manager Su, please take more care in the future!”

“Mr. Zhang, you are too polite!”

“General Manager Su, if there is anything in the future, please do not hesitate to tell me!”

“Mr. Li, you are my senior, how dare I command you?”

“Mr. Su, we, the senior students, can look up to you in the future!”

“Mr. Wang, look at what you said, I don’t dare to be…”



At the venue, Su Chen was surrounded by a group of “big guys”.

And soon, I had a big number of business cards in my hand.

However, Su Chen is not ambiguous, except for politeness, there is not a single real word!

And not to give them any promises!

“I don’t see it, you’re quite familiar with dealing with these people!”

Half an hour later, as soon as Su Chen got out, Miss Lin came over.

“You don’t really think I’m a dead house that doesn’t know anything!”

Su Chen rolled his eyes.

But of course he wouldn’t say that these were his experiences from the last life.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this that he knows very well who these so-called “big guys” are!

For them, anything can be fake, only the interests are real!

“You’re certainly not a dead house!”

Miss Lin glared at him fiercely!

She hoped that Su Chen could be a dead house.

At the very least, this can provoke a little less women!

For example, just now, how long has it been, and it has provoked another school flower!

He also competed with people and played bullfighting!

However, she also knew that Su Chen could not be blamed for this kind of thing.

Because now Su Chen, that is a piece of Tang monk meat!

I don’t know how many female goblins are worried in their hearts!

Besides, even if she wanted to blame Su Chen, it would be useless…

At the same time, Su Chen only smiled lightly and did not explain anything.

There is also no half-point, awkward feeling.

After all he had never, ever cheated on any woman.

Nor did they use any means to force them.

At the same time, all his women, before following him, were also very clear about his style of acting.

In other words, all of this is actually their own choice!

Then a group of people came to the school auditorium.

Then it is up to them, the “big guys”, to tell this year’s new students about their own successful experiences.

However, it was originally arranged, and Su Chen was the first to speak on the stage.

But Su Chen was certainly not interested.

His successful experience is the rebirth plus system.

What does that make him say?

Besides, even if he said it, others wouldn’t be able to learn it!

It’s a matter of fate!

But Miss Lin was very interested in this speech.

So Su Chen simply let her go up and speak on her behalf.

It is also convenient for him to chat with Zhou Qian’er at the bottom.

Of course, this time it is still Zhou Qian’er’s initiative…

And so, until the evening, a group of people came to an upscale hotel again.

This is the dinner arranged by the school.

But the meal wasn’t cheap.

You must know that today, the school is organizing the alumni association, and it is also providing a stage for everyone to pretend, and now even dinner is arranged.

Especially this alumni association, but also specially invited Su Chen, all of them came!

If you don’t express this, it is too much to say!

So all the “big guys” have also donated generously.

Tens of thousands less, tens of millions!

Su Chen was naturally not stingy, and directly said that he wanted to donate various books worth 100 million yuan to the school library!

Lin Damei also followed, donating books worth 10 million yuan!

So much so that a group of “big guys” present immediately began to flatter again.

“It is worthy of Su Zong, and the shot is the atmosphere!”

“Lin Zong is also a woman who does not let her eyebrows be shaved!”

“Su Zong’s boldness is certainly not comparable to me…”

At the same time, even the principal on the side couldn’t help but show an excited expression!

“Worthy of being an outstanding student of our school, when the next alumni association, I will personally award the two of us the ‘Outstanding Alumni’ badge, and write the names of the two into the history of our school!”

You must know that counting Su Chen and Lin Yao’s 110 million, the total donation has reached, nearly 130 million!

Although this is 130 million, it is not a big deal for a university.

A nationally renowned university like them has at least a few billion dollars in funding every year!

Even tens of billions are possible!

But those expenses are counted!

How to use it, you must use it!

And such a big school, there are many places that need to use money!

More people need to use money!

So everyone divides a point, and in the end, there is not much that can let him as the principal freely distribute!

But this 130 million is not the same!

It was definitely his principal who had the final say!

As for what Su Chen and Lin Yao said, donating books to the library, in his opinion, is just a gimmick.

In the end, it’s not direct, give the money to their school!

At most, when the time comes, he will take out some of it and add some books to the library!

Anyway, in the annual budget, there is this one!

Unfortunately, what he didn’t know was what Su Chen said, donating books worth 100 million yuan to the library.

That’s really ready to do that!

And I am still ready to buy it and send it to the school!



“Wow, is this really Su Zong?”

“Mr. Su is also too handsome!”

“Su Zong’s technology, to play professional is enough!”

“Playing professional? Who do you look down on! ”

“Su Zong’s technology, to play the NBA is enough! Or the top of the bunch! ”

“It’s a pity that no NBA team can afford Sue’s total salary…”

“But if Su is happy, he can buy an NBA team to come back and play…”

“Sure enough, this is the world of the big guys…”



The next day, the video of Su Chen’s bullfighting was posted online.

And in less than half a day, the number of plays exceeded one million!

Netizens are also all completely conquered by Su Chen’s superb basketball skills!

Unfortunately, they also know that it is impossible for Su Chen to join the national basketball team!

It’s even more impossible to play the NBA!

Otherwise, they can not only have one more NBA star in the Dragon Kingdom.

Maybe in the future, take an Olympic champion back!

Then for the next period of time, Su Chen’s life also became very peaceful.

Accompany a few big beauties every day, or chat with Zhou Qian’er.

He didn’t take Zhou Qian’er down immediately.

Although he knew, he could do it whenever he wanted.

But now, he has enough women around him.

And almost every one is busy.

So it’s not bad to have someone to chat with…



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