“Ding, the number of draws this month has been refreshed, is the host starting the draw?”

“Start the draw!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the god-level language skills!”

Host: Su Chen

Age: 22

Skills: God-level investment skills, God-level programming skills, God-level driving skills, God-level performance skills, God-level singing skills, God-level directing skills, God-level cooking skills, God-level fighting skills, God-level gun skills, God-level manufacturing skills, God-level screenwriter skills, God-level playing skills, God-level basketball skills, God-level medical skills, God-level gambling skills, God-level dance skills, God-level language skills

Number of draws remaining: 0

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the monthly lottery again.

And the god-level language skills in this draw, although they do not look particularly good, are very practical.

Any language or writing, Su Chen only needs to listen to it once, or take a look, you can immediately understand the meaning!

Even in theory, even the language of an alien can be understood as long as he can hear or see!



Magic capital, Tianchen live carnival scene.

This is the first carnival event held by Tianchen Live, so it is very important.

Not only did hundreds of anchors participate.

All costs are also borne by Tianchen Live!

What’s more, three days later, it’s the official start of the S2 Season Global Finals of Tribe of Heroes!

Tickets for each game were sold out a month ago!

So these days, there are a large number of “Hero Tribe” fans, gathered in the magic capital!

It also makes this Tianchen live broadcast carnival particularly lively!

At the same time, due to Su Chen’s intervention, the scale of the “Hero Tribe” global finals this time is also larger than the previous life!

The number of clans has changed from 12 to 16!

In particular, the Dragon Kingdom Clan has changed from two to four!

Directly doubled!

Therefore, in Su Chen’s view, this year is definitely the year of the Dragon Country team and the most promising championship!

And it’s definitely not irony either!

It’s strength!

However, if you can’t win this championship this year, then when the Great Devil King officially debuts next year, it will be a little difficult to win the championship again…

But this is not something that Su Chen needs to care about.

In his current capacity, he no longer needs to care about such small things.

And with the development momentum of “Hero Tribe” today, no matter who wins the championship, the impact is not great…




“The mushrooms are so beautiful!”

“Anchor, we want to see Brother Seven!”

“And Fei’er!”

“Anchor, take us to see it!”

“Otherwise we’ll go!”



In Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room, a group of water friends are frantically brushing the bullet screen.

Today’s Chen Miaomiao can also be regarded as a big anchor.

It is also the famous “Renmei technical dish” of Tianchen Live.

It’s just that it lacks the strength of local tycoons, so there is still a big gap compared to those top anchors.

But the monthly income can be at least more than 100,000.

This income is not to say in 2012, even in 2021 before Su Chen’s rebirth, it is definitely quite good!

Therefore, Chen Miaomiao himself is already very satisfied.

“The anchor is angry!”

“The anchor is so cute when he is angry!”

“We’re the cutest of all!”

“The anchor is the real big beauty!”

“Just watched several female anchors, none of them are pretty!”

“The beauty of those female anchors is too strong, it looks good in the live broadcast room, and once it arrives offline, it will be exposed!”

“Or our wonderful appearance is the most real!”

“Hey, anchor, your bag is so beautiful!”

“The anchor’s clothes today are also very good!”

“I lean on, brothers, I just checked, the anchor’s bag turned out to be 800,000!”

“What? A package costs 800,000? Are you sure it’s RMB? ”

“It’s not RMB, it’s still a star point!”

“Even if it’s 800,000 star points, that’s 8,000 yuan!”

“An 8,000 yuan package is not too much, but if it is an 800,000 yuan package, it is too much!”

“The anchor package can’t be fake, right?”

“The anchor is also a big anchor, if you carry a fake bag, how humiliating!”

“The anchor’s relatives can afford to live in hundreds of millions of villas, and the anchor himself buys an 800,000 bag, what is it?”



The attention of the water friends was quickly attracted by the bag that Chen Miaomiao was carrying.

And the news that “a female anchor is carrying a bag worth 800,000 bags” also quickly spread throughout the entire Tianchen live broadcast.

So that a large group of female anchors who got the news immediately found Chen Miaomiao here.

“Wow, Sister Miao, your bag is so beautiful!”

“Is this package really worth 800,000?”

“Did you buy this bag yourself?”



A group of female anchors surrounded Chen Miaomiao.

So much so that Chen Miaomiao’s face immediately became a little ugly.

This is not because they mouthed a “wonderful sister” and looked very old.

It’s because the bag wasn’t what she bought.

She just picked one out of Ye Yiyi’s bags.

I didn’t expect it to be so expensive!

Before she lost it, she was still feeling complacent about the income of 100,000 yuan a month!

As a result, even one of her roommate’s bags could not be compared!


To be precise, if she wants to buy such a bag, it will at least save half a year!

But such a bag, people not only have several!

It’s all there!

Some don’t even pack it!

This gap is inevitably too big!

At this time, Chen Miaomiao and all the female anchors suddenly heard a violent engine roar in their ears!

Then they saw that a sports car that was extremely windy suddenly stopped not far from them!

So much so that all of them were immediately stunned!

Including those water friends among their anchors, they were also stunned!

“Oh, who is this, so arrogant!”

“I dared to park my car directly at the entrance of the venue, don’t die!”

“This is the territory of Tianchen Live Broadcasting, the backstage of Tianchen Live is Tianchen Technology, and now we Dragon Country, does anyone dare to provoke Tianchen Technology?”

“Don’t say it’s our Dragon Country, even those big foreign companies don’t dare to fight with Tianchen Technology in our Dragon Country!”

“Even if it is a fox and a penguin, now they can only join hands to compete with Tianchen Technology!”

“Isn’t that a counteract, that’s called self-preservation!”

“Don’t talk about a fox and a penguin, even if it’s a fruit company, is there no way to take Tianchen Technology?”



Water friends are talking about it in the live broadcast room.

But the next moment, when they saw that, handsome figure coming down from the sports car.

All of a sudden, all of them stopped talking!

Because that handsome figure turned out to be Su Chen!



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