“Su Zong wins one pair of K!”

After all five cards were dealt, I saw that Su Chen’s cards were only a pair of K’s.

And it was the last card that was dealt a K.

Otherwise it could be, five single cards.

However, his opponents, the largest is only a pair of 10.

The remaining two are all single cards.

So naturally Su Chen won.

More than 900,000 chips, but also became 3.7 million!

Then the second card, Su Chen’s card is 6.

The other three people’s cards are 8, J, A.

Su Chen’s Ming card is the smallest.

Then the guy who got the card A, after looking at the bottom card, directly shouted 500,000!

The other two people also chose to follow 500,000!

However, when he got to Su Chen, he said again: “Stud! ”

And still no hole cards to watch!

So the other three people took a look and all chose to call again!

After all, in their opinion, the probability of Su Chen’s winning card is not even 25%!

Maybe even only about 10%!

This is almost a must-win card for them!

If they don’t follow this, then they won’t have to play cards anymore!

Just wait until the five cards are dealt, Su Chen turned the hole cards over, and found that he actually got two pairs!

Although it is only two small pairs, the largest of the three of them is only a pair of A!

So naturally Su Chen won again!

“Su Zong wins two small pairs!”

The beautiful dealer said again.

At the same time, Su Chen’s chips have also become a total of 14.8 million!

Then the third card.

This time, Su Chen’s cards are even smaller, only one 2!

But again chose stud ha!

And also did not look at the hole cards!

So the other three people, looking at each other again, still chose to call!

Anyway, they didn’t believe that Su Chen’s luck could always be so good!

As for the thousands, it is even more impossible!

Not to mention the three of them, they are all masters of gambling.

It is impossible for ordinary people to want to make a thousand in front of them!

In this VIP room, at least 20 high-definition cameras are installed!

Whoever dares to make a thousand here, it is definitely a lamp in the toilet, find S yourself!

However, at this time, Su Chen suddenly smiled lightly.

“Wait, aren’t you going to raise the stake?”

You know his current chips, but there are a total of 14.8 million!

And his three opponents, each with only more than 5 million left.

So even if he loses this one, he will only lose more than 5 million at most.

There are more than 9 million left!

But this kind of thing, of course, is not something that these three people can decide.

I had to look at the knife scar face.

“Add another 10 million per person!”

Scarface gritted his teeth!

At the same time, immediately let his subordinates, give them three people, each of them added another 10 million chips!

In this way, if Su Chen loses, then 14.8 million chips will all be lost!

But after the five cards were dealt and Su Chen unveiled the bottom card, everyone present was stunned!

“Su total three 2 with a pair of 3, gourd wins!”

The beautiful dealer was stunned, and then immediately announced!

At the same time, Su Chen’s chips have also become 59.2 million again!

Three cards, won more than 58 million!

And his three opponents, each lost more than 19 million!

Twenty million chips, less than 600,000 left!

In this way, naturally there is no way to continue to gamble!



“What, this can’t be played?”

Su Chen looked at the three people in front of him, as well as the knife scar face, and said sarcastically.

This won more than 50 million, not even five times the 17 million of Chen Daozai.

If he had given up on this, wouldn’t he even be as good as Chen Daozai?

Besides, before him, the words were all let out.

As long as the money is lost, it goes.

But you can’t finish losing and you definitely don’t go!

Is there any reason to repent?

But at this time, the knife scar face did not dare to speak.

Because more than 50 million, in Su Chen’s eyes, it is nothing.

But it is already their VIP room, a whole year of profit!

After all, there are more than 20 VIP rooms like theirs in the entire Venice casino!

Not to mention that they give the casino a lot of rent every year!

So they have a VIP room, and they can make more than 50 million profits a year, which is definitely quite considerable!

And even if he wants to continue gambling, he doesn’t have that much money!

Don’t look at Su Chen’s winning chips.

But these chips are all bought by them with real money and casinos!

Of course, what is more important is that none of them are sure that if they continue to gamble, they will be able to win back the money they lost!

What if you lose more?

So admit it, definitely the right choice at the moment!

At the same time, this is also his boss’s instructions to him!

So seeing him like this, Su Chen didn’t know that this was the Xiang family shrinking, wanting the casino and the Crane family to come out!

But that’s exactly what he wanted!

“Since they can’t afford to play, will you go straight to the casino and play with me, or will I go outside myself?”

Su Chen looked at the casino manager again and asked.

Obviously, he was saying that if you were a casino, you wouldn’t dare to gamble.

Then don’t blame him, really go outside and smash the field!

When the time comes, if he takes those gamblers outside, bet together!

See how your casino ends!

“Mr. Su said with a smile, didn’t I just say that today I promise to let Mr. Su have fun with you!” But Mr. Su, you should, don’t mind changing a few opponents, right? ”

The casino manager smiled.

Of course he couldn’t, let Su Chen go to the outside hall.

That way, unless they are direct, they will not let Su Chen continue to gamble.

Otherwise, their entire casino is estimated to be closed!

After all, even if he was stupid at this time, he could see that Su Chen was definitely a real gambling master!

However, Su Chen’s identity made them dare not and directly come hard.

Otherwise, Su Chen could be kicked out of the casino.

After spreading it, it is also that their crane family can’t afford to lose!

You must know that at the level of their crane family, face is often more important than money!

Otherwise today Su Chen would be able to punch them in the face.

Tomorrow, other people, of course, will be able to do the same, without taking their crane family in their eyes!

Besides, when it comes to gambling, how could they be afraid of Su Chen?

And then soon, this casino manager, too, called three people.

The three opponents of Su Chen before were replaced.

At the same time, the beautiful dealer, looking at Su Chen’s eyes, was also a little different.

The corners of his mouth were even more revealed, a hint of evil smile.

It’s like finding something, interesting prey!

Unfortunately, what she didn’t know was who was the prey and who was the hunter.

Not at all her, can decide!



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