After changing three opponents, the game resumed.

And this time, Su Chen’s luck was also very good, and Ming card was issued an A.

At the same time, he knows the hole card without looking, and it is also an A.

So his two cards are a pair of A’s.

This is already the biggest starting hand that can be obtained!

So he immediately smiled and said, “Stud! ”

“Don’t follow!”

“Don’t follow!”

Both opponents immediately chose to fold.

But the remaining opponent, the card is a K, but chose to call.

“I’m with you!”

With that, he pointed out 59.2 million from his chips and pushed it to the middle of the table.

Before the casino prepared a full 100 million chips for each of them!

Then the third card, Su Chen sent an An again!

He also got a K again!

However, now Su Chen has stud and has no money to continue to raise, so he directly sends the fourth card.

Then I saw this fourth card, Su Chen was still an A!

He’s still a K!

The last fifth card, Su Chen is a 2, he is a 3!

“Mr. Su, I am four K’s, unless you are four A’s, this card is that I won!”

At this time, I saw this opponent of Su Chen, and suddenly opened his hole card and said.

“I’m sorry, but I’m indeed Shijo A!”

Su Chen also smiled and opened his hole card.

However, seeing this result, everyone present did not seem to be surprised by it.

“Mr. Su, this card is too coincidental, so I have reason to suspect that you are out of a thousand, and I ask to check the card!”

The opponent who got 4 K’s looked at Su Chen and said very calmly.

“OK, whatever!”

Of course, Su Chen didn’t care.

And for their little trick, he had long known it.

Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that he can not only change his cards.

As long as it is within ten meters of him, he can even replace other people’s cards!

This way, unless it is a mark on the card.

Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to find him out of a thousand!

But to make a mark on the card is itself to make a thousand.

So if they casino, really dare to do that.

Then don’t blame him, turn your face on the spot!

In other words, this card, Su Chen is indeed out of a thousand.

But these 4 A’s were bought directly from him, in exchange for the remaining cards!


To be precise, only the last two A’s were changed by himself.

The first two A’s were clearly sent to him by this beautiful dealer!

But no matter what, they absolutely can’t be inside the rest of the cards.

Find any more A!

Sure enough, after some careful examination, they found that among the remaining cards, there was indeed no A!

This also shows that Su Chen really did not have a thousand!

At least they have no evidence to prove that Su Chen is out of a thousand!

“I’m sorry Mr. Su, I was reckless!”

This opponent immediately chose and apologized to Su Chen.

However, the attitude seems to be obviously very perfunctory.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn’t care.

“Can that continue?”

Su Chen asked.

“Of course you can!”

The casino manager on the side said.

So the gamble continued.

And the second card, Su Chen actually got 4 A’s again!

This is no longer out of the thousands!

Instead, in front of everyone present, I tell you that I am out of a thousand!

But you are, there’s nothing you can do with me!

So much so that everyone was finally completely stunned!

Including that beautiful dealer, too!

But that beautiful dealer didn’t concede defeat like this!

Since you like to take 4 A’s so much, I can always send the A to someone else first!

Then this hand, one of Su Chen’s opponents, got 4 A’s!

But Su Chen got a bigger flush!

Then the fourth card, this beautiful dealer, wants to send the largest flush, Spades 10JQKA, to Su Chen’s opponent!

But suddenly found that after the cards reached Su Chen’s opponent’s hand, they all became five completely random single cards!

So in the end, Su Chen actually won this one with a pair of small 2s!

With that beautiful dealer, I was finally completely confused!

Then, after a few more cards, Su Chen’s three opponents, without suspense, lost all the chips again!

The whole time, not even 20 minutes!

The chips in front of Su Chen also reached a total of 359.2 million!



“Why, wouldn’t you lose three hundred million in such a big casino that you can’t afford to play?” Or you can go and find a few more people to come over!” ”

Looking at the stunned people, Su Chen smiled again.

“Mr. Su, I already knew that your gambling skills were so powerful, and we didn’t dare to gamble with you to death!”

The casino manager said with a sad face.

Three hundred million only, although some heartache.

But this little money, their casino can still afford to lose.

But the point is that after winning three hundred million, Su Chen still refuses to give up.

They also didn’t have any evidence to prove that Su Chen was out of the thousands.

If this is really according to Su Chen’s meaning, continue to gamble.

I’m afraid that even their casino will lose to Su Chen!

“Mr. Su, if you wait a little while, I’ll go and ask for instructions from above…”

No way, by now, it is no longer his little casino manager, who can do the master’s work.

Although before, he had also been there, following the instructions above.

But now, even if the gambling king gave him orders personally, he couldn’t take this errand!

But at this moment, as soon as he finished saying this, he saw an old man suddenly enter the VIP room.

“No need to ask for instructions, I’ll do the rest!”

Just see this old man, his face looks like he is about 40 years old at most!

Not only is his face full of red light, but he doesn’t even have a single wrinkle!

Even if it weren’t for his full head of silver hair, he wouldn’t look old at all!

Even Su Chen could only be sure from his breath that he was indeed quite old!

At least 70 years old!

At the same time, seeing this old man appear, everyone present, except Su Chen, immediately showed a respectful expression!

And Su Chen can still feel it, and their respect is absolutely from the heart!



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