Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1179: Big change!

Originally, I went to the cinema to watch the premiere, but I encountered a robbery on the way. This kind of inexplicable thing happened to me, and the entire audience in the Grand Theater was in a commotion.

"What should I do? Will something happen?"

"So many people are taking guys with them, how can they escape?"

"I hope they just rob money and don't make trouble!"

On the stage, "Crocodile" Duncan raised his gun again and said in a commanding tone, "Quiet!"

This trick is better than anything in Turin, and immediately the entire Grand Theater is quiet.

"Don't worry, we are just robbing money. As long as you honestly hand over your belongings, nothing will happen! Of course, if anyone wants to oppose us and joke with us and hide their belongings, then I'm sorry, my gun I'm not a vegetarian, and my friends are not easy to mess with!" "Crocodile" Duncan said, glaring at everyone fiercely.

Everyone was silent, not daring to look at such a ruthless person.

"But before the robbery, I want to play a small game with everyone! The name of this game is 'Truth or Dare'!" As he spoke, he saw "Crocodile" Duncan jumped off the stage with a gun and walked straight towards A man covered in chaff pointed a gun at his head: "What's your name?"

"Bau... Bowman!"

The sieve man's tongue is all knotted.

"Oh, brother Bowman, don't be afraid, we're starting the game now, you can answer whatever I ask, the point is----the questions you answer must be real!"

"What if... no, it's not true?"

"Not true? That means you are telling lies. Although I am a robber, I hate those who tell lies the most in my life, so the consequences are very serious!"

"What, what are the consequences?"

"You'll find out later!"

"Crocodile" Duncan smiled grimly, coughed twice to clear his throat, everyone looked at him, and the unlucky guy pointed at the gun.

"The first question, are you male or female?"

"Huh?" The man named "Bauman" was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied, "Men!"

"Second question, what do you do?"

"I'm a policeman!"

"Oh, it turned out to be a police officer, disrespect! Disrespect!"

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Then can you let me go?"

"Don't worry! The game has just begun----" "Crocodile" Duncan held the opponent's chin with a gun, "As a police officer, have you ever embezzled?"

"Uh, this—"

"Please answer me, just answer yes or no!"


"You seem very honest----then next question, do you think Mr. Charlemagne, the chief of your Eastern District Police Department, is a handsome guy?"

"Uh, this question..." Bowman was a little confused.

Others are also confused, what kind of problem is this?

"How should I answer this question?" Bowman spread his hands, "I'm not familiar with him!"

"It's not that you ask me how to answer, but you must answer! Hurry up and choose yes or no!"


A bang!

Bowman fell in a pool of blood!

"Ah, murder!"

Screaming loudly.

These pampered aristocrats never dreamed that they would witness shooting and killing in such a place, and there was no warning!

"Whoever yells again is next!" Duncan threatened.

The screaming stopped abruptly!

Everyone looked at this murderer.

Duncan kicked the hapless Bowman, who fell in a pool of blood, and said to himself, "Director Charlemagne is obviously a handsome guy. How dare you open your eyes and tell nonsense, who will you kill if you don't kill you?"

The scene was dead silent, and everyone thought the robber was too perverted.

"Then let's continue the game!" "Crocodile" Duncan picked up the pistol again and pointed at the audience, "Let's have something exciting, how about pointing the soldiers? Whoever clicks is his turn!"

There was another commotion at the scene.

Wade, one of the Three Greatest Heroes in London, had a calm expression and a look of watching a play.

But the fat Daniel and the thin Thomas were a little scared, "God, this guy is a lunatic, what should I do?"

Wade smiled contemptuously, hugged his arms and said, "Don't worry, haven't you seen who the guy in the cowboy suit and hat is?"

"who is it?"

"The confidant of Kane, the leader of the Razor Party---'Crocodile' Duncan!"

As soon as Wade said this, the eyes of the fat man Daniel and the skinny Thomas immediately lit up, "Yes, yes! No wonder he looks very familiar with his clothes, so it's that guy!"

The two of them instantly straightened their waists.

The three of them are the "guests" of Kane, the leader of the Razor Party. Kane runs bars, dance halls, and nightclubs in East London. Eat and drink, and let beautiful women accompany them, and give them red envelopes before leaving.

It can be said that in order to get the help of the three of them, that Kane tried his best to keep his posture very low.

Wade looked disdainful: "No wonder when I went to see Kane the day before yesterday, the guy told me that if I came here to watch a movie, I could see a good show, so that's how it is!"

"Yes, yes, we also remember what he said - it turns out that this Kane really has a grudge against Shi Zhijian, and it's obvious that he is playing tricks on him tonight!"

"It depends on how unlucky this surnamed Shi is! Maybe it's his turn next!"

The three of Wade figured out the truth, and immediately lost the slightest fear. On the contrary, they became excited. The three of them stared wide-eyed and waited for Shi Zhijian to be unlucky.

Sure enough, as they said, the "crocodile" Duncan slowly walked towards Shi Zhijian with a gun.

Everyone also looked at the ferocious robber wearing a mask.

One step, two steps!

Wade rubbed his fists excitedly: "God, it's about to start!"

Seeing that "Crocodile" Duncan was about to walk in front of Shi Zhijian, he suddenly stopped, then turned to look at the three of Wade.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Before Wade and the three of them understood, they saw Duncan the Crocodile had appeared in front of them: "Seeing that you guys are smiling so happily, you seem to like this game very much, then I'll play with you!"

"No, how could this be?" The three of Wade were stunned.

As Duncan "Crocodile" approached, Wade winked at him even harder, meaning you made a mistake, your enemy is over there, that **** Shi Zhijian, not us!

"Crocodile" Duncan ignored their eyes, clicked, loaded the bullet, and aimed directly at the fat man Daniel, who was most afraid of death: "I like the fat man the most, let's play first! First question, what's your name? ?"

Daniel struggled to send a distress signal to Wade.

Wade was still in a state of confusion and couldn't respond at all.

Everyone around looked at them.

The atmosphere is very tense.

"My name is Dan... Daniel."

"Second question, what do you do?"

"I'm... from the Water Conservancy Bureau! Yes, I'm the Director of the Water Conservancy Bureau!" Fatty Daniel hoped to use his position to scare the other party so that the other party would not dare to mess around.

"Second question, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to attend the premiere."

"Who is next to you?"

"They are all my best friends----Wade, Thomas, please save me!"

"I didn't ask you to talk so much, you'd better shut up!" "Crocodile" Duncan put a gun on the fat man's chin.

"Oh, okay!" The fat man was about to urinate.

"Next question, have you recently accepted money from Mr. Kane Shelby, the leader of the Razor Party?"

"Huh?" The fat man was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wade and Thomas hurriedly.

Wade and Thomas also felt that something was wrong. How could this **** betray their boss?

"Why, is it difficult to answer? Now you just need to answer yes or no! Of course, if you answer wrong, you will end up the same as that friend!" "Crocodile" Duncan pointed to the guy who fell in a pool of blood .

Fat Daniel Alexander immediately, beads of sweat falling from his forehead.

Things have gone beyond their imagination.

"A piece of advice for you, you should know who I am, so I know exactly what you did, don't try to fool me!"

As soon as these words came out, Fatty Daniel was sweating profusely. He originally wanted to answer "no", but under the pressure of the other party's eyes and rushing words, coupled with this scheming, he immediately softened, "I... yes! "

"Crocodile" Duncan smiled: "That means you took a bribe from Kane, the leader of the Razor Party?"


"What to do for him?"

"Open the back door for him."

"Crocodile" Duncan nodded, "Very good, you are an honest and good boy!" After that, he aimed his gun at the thin Thomas, "Then it's your turn!"

Like fat Daniel, skinny Thomas is also a fear of death, so he said everything he had to say without waiting for Duncan to ask questions.

"My name is Thomas."

"I'm the director of the Electricity Bureau."

"I also accepted a bribe from Kane, the leader of the Razor Party!"

"God, forgive me!"

Everyone never dreamed that a robbery would involve so many secrets!

The fat Daniel and the skinny Thomas, known as the "Three Heroes of England", turned out to be such people.

As a female reporter, Angelina was even more excited and recorded all this with a pen.

Other invited news media, as well as commentators, also began to write down these black materials as if they had found treasures.

Next, "Crocodile" Duncan aimed his gun at Wade in "Three Heroes of London", a high-ranking official of the tax bureau and the Viscount of the British Empire.

Compared with the two soft-egg partners, Wade seemed very calm at the moment, facing the muzzle of the gun to "Crocodile" Duncan and said: "I know you, buddy! If you are joking, then it is enough for now, otherwise I will Let you know how serious the consequences are!"

"Crocodile" Duncan smiled at the cowboy hat he was wearing on top of the gun: "I'm wearing a mask and you can recognize me?"

"Of course, your **** dress has a deep memory in my memory!" Wade said fiercely, "If you admit your mistake and apologize to me now, maybe I will choose to forgive you..."

"What if I don't?"

"No? Haha!" Wade sneered twice, "I'll expose your true face! Damn it, you know who I am, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

"Crocodile" Duncan laughed! Laughed wickedly!

The surrounding atmosphere became tense.

"Is Lord Wade crazy, dare to talk to the robbers like this?"

"He seems to know the robber!"

"Is there any secret in it?"

At this moment, those aristocrats and rich people were deeply attracted by the strange scene in front of them, and for a while they forgot that they were being robbed.

"Hey, Ah Jian, what's going on? Why does this robber want to have a grudge against Wade and the others?" John Hong quietly touched Shi Zhijian's arm and asked in a low voice.

"Don't you understand after watching it?" Shi Zhijian leaned on the seat, pinched his chin, and smiled.

Looking at "Crocodile" Duncan again, he seemed to be provoked by Wade: "Then let's make a bet to see if you can guess who I am?"

"Why, thought I wouldn't dare?" Wade stood up and glared at "Crocodile" Duncan, "You **** bastard, despicable little bastard! You dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I'll let you eat Walk around?"

"Then let's try it out---I call one, two, three, you call my name, and I show my true face!"

"Come on!" Wade said fiercely on his hips. "You **** bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

"Crocodile" Duncan laughed, "One!"

Everyone was nervous, and they could only hear each other's breathing!


Everyone stared at Wade and "Crocodile" Duncan.


When the voice fell, Wade pointed at the other party: "Damn it, you are still playing tricks on me? Who else is Duncan if you are not the 'crocodile'?"

In front of everyone's eyes, the other party took off his hat and then took off the black mask from his head!

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned!

Wade opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the other party's appearance!

The fat Daniel and the skinny Thomas at close range are even more unbelievable!

Look at the person who took off the mask, where is "Crocodile" It is clearly the Chief of the East London Police——Charlemagne!

Just when everyone was extremely surprised—

"Surprise!" The hapless "Bauman" who fell in a pool of blood suddenly jumped up!

"God, the corpse is cheated!" A woman screamed.

Everyone else was also taken aback.

"Bauman" hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Everyone calm down! Please keep calm! I'm not dead! Those just now were not blood, but syrup! Also, let me introduce myself, my name is Bowman, and I'm the director of the Central London Division!"

When he heard that Bowman was a policeman, it wasn't blood just now, he was pretending to be dead, and everyone was stunned.

Looking at the kidnappers who were wearing masks, they all took off their masks to reveal their true colors. They were all police officers in the central and east London districts.

Bowman continued to explain: "I know that there are not many tricks to deceive you, but we the police can't do anything about it! Before that, we received a tip that someone was colluding with the robbers, and they were going to make trouble in the theater, so Director Charlemagne and I decided to play the game. The scene just now! Not only did the suspects who colluded with the kidnappers be found out, but the kidnappers who came to commit the crime were also arrested in one fell swoop! Come on, bring the criminals up!"

"Follow your orders!"

Following the order, I saw a large group of police officers escorting a group of hapless people onto the stage!

The man's clothes were stripped off earlier. Originally, Yang Wuyang's face was full of sorrow and helplessness. Wade and others could see clearly that it wasn't the real "crocodile" Duncan, but who else could it be? !

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