Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1180: Build raw pork!

"Crocodile" Duncan never thought he would be so unlucky.

Although he knew that tonight's mission was very dangerous, and if he didn't do it, he would lose all his efforts, but he never imagined that when he thought he had taken care of all the watchdogs and security guards, and rushed to the screening room, he opened the door for a moment, and he was dumbfounded. !

The room is full of bomb-proof policemen with guns and loaded bullets, and their guns are pointed directly at them!

"Crocodile" Duncan knew in an instant that the situation was not good, he turned around and wanted to escape, but a group of men and horses surrounded them from behind, all of them were also all explosion-proof police officers, armed with guns and ammunition, and lined up and aimed at them!

"Damn, how could this be?"

"Kill it out!"

It was Duncan's confidant, Big Beard, who said "kill out", but before Big Beard picked up the vise and slammed the gun, he fell to the ground, blood dripping from under him.

In an instant, everyone in Duncan lost the courage to fight back, so they raised their hands obediently, and they were tied into dumplings without the strength to fight!

The next story is even more exciting. "Crocodile" Duncan was stripped of his clothes, Charlemagne pretended to be him, and directly "played" Wade and others to the death.

At this moment, Duncan was naked and looked embarrassed. As a qualified prisoner, he was pressed onto the stage by the police.

He was also escorted to the stage by his accomplices. These unlucky **** were downcast, and they were long gone.

Seeing the real "Crocodile" Duncan appear on the stage, Wade was stunned for a moment, then immediately seemed to understand something, pointed at Charlemagne and said angrily, "Are you playing with me?"

Charlemagne stretched out his hand and slowly pushed Sir Wade's finger over, with a contemptuous expression: "If you want someone to not know, you have to do it yourself! Dear Chief Wade, although you did not publicly admit to taking the Razor Party leader Kane Shelby. Mr. bribes, but your companions still explain their guilt clearly. I have reason to believe that they will identify you soon, so before you are officially identified, I hope you can take the initiative to confess your crime and get the judge to treat you leniently! "

"Delusion!" Wade said angrily, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Director Wade, the Viscount of the British Empire! I have the right to amnesty! Damn it! You **** are playing with shit, let me go , I will sue you for threats and intimidation, as well as defamation and personal attacks against me!"

Officer Bowman was about to speak, but Charlemagne stopped him.

Charlemagne stepped forward to look at Wade, tilted his head and smiled slightly: "What are you talking about? Do you dare to say it again?"

"Why, are you deaf?" Relying on his special identity, Wade roared at Charlemagne with his arms on his hips: "I said I was the Viscount of the British Empire, and I had privileges! Damn it, what can you do with me? Sample?"

Charlemagne looked at Shi Zhijian, who had been sitting on a chair watching the play.

Shi Zhijian smiled and stood up gracefully.

"According to the laws of the British Empire, a person with a knighthood and a title of the British Empire does have privileges, but the laws of the British Empire also make it clear that the level of privilege is one level over the other! Now, as an earl of the British Empire, I represent The royal family of the British Empire officially announced that the prince has committed the same crime as the common people! Please also obey Sir Wade's orders and cooperate with the investigation!"

Wade was taken aback.

The others were also stunned.


If Wade insists on using his title to speak, then Shi Zhijian is one level higher than him and has the power to punish him!

At this moment, Wade looked at Shi Zhijian, who came out to "uphold justice". He was so clever that he finally thought of something, and was about to open his mouth to reveal-----

Bang punch!

Charlemagne hit him in the face!

Hit Sir Wade's nose bleed wildly!

"You said I slandered you, I can recognize this; you said I attacked you personally? Now is it!" Charlemagne took out his hand, afraid of wiping the blood on his fist, and before Wade could resist, he ordered his subordinates: "Come here. , Sir Wade please seek medical attention! By the way, assist in the investigation!"

Wade still wanted to struggle, but was controlled by several police officers, and his mouth was gagged, and he was speechless!

Everyone at the scene was stunned by this scene, watching a play, but it was like riding a roller coaster, so exciting!

"What about you two, do you want to go by yourself, or shall I ask you to go?" Charlemagne turned to look at the fat Daniel and the skinny Thomas.

The two of them looked at Sir Wade, who was beaten to break the bridge of the nose, and gave a chill, "Let's go by ourselves! We'll assist in the investigation!"

"Very good, come here, take these two distinguished guests back to the police station!" Charlemagne finished his instructions, and then he had time to relax, turned around and bowed to the audience and apologized, "I'm sorry for the delay in watching the movie!"

Then he personally bowed to Shi Zhijian and apologized: "I'm sorry, Lord Count, for affecting the release of your film!"

After everyone's emotions subsided, Charlemagne waved his hand and said to Bowman and others, "Let's withdraw!"


This group of people came and went quickly, and soon left the movie theater.

The cinema returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, everyone looked at Shi Zhijian in shock.

Shi Zhijian was dressed in white and had a graceful demeanor. Facing the crowd, he smiled with a gentlemanly demeanor, and then said, "It happens to be a horror movie that will be shown tonight! That's fine, just now Quan should be an 'appetizer'!"

After speaking, he waved his hand: "The movie is released!"

In an instant, the lights in the entire theater dimmed.

At this time, everyone's heart is difficult to calm down. I'm afraid they will never forget this scene tonight.

More importantly, these aristocrats and wealthy people are not fools, they vaguely feel that there is a lot of calculation in them.

Even the female reporter Angelina felt this way, she couldn't help looking at Shi Zhijian who had just sat down.

At this moment, Shi Zhijian also looked at her, nodded slightly, and smiled at her.

Angelina couldn't help but feel nervous.

At the same time, not far away, He Jiali, who was a beautiful lawyer, also looked at Shi Zhijian, whose expression was calm as if nothing had happened, her eyes flickered, her expression thoughtful.

Only the "Little Queen" Michelle was looking at Shi Zhijian at the moment, her beautiful eyes were still shining with little stars. For her, everything seemed like a nightmare just now, and now that the nightmare is gone, it's time for her to pursue her dream.

On the big screen, the movie "Blair Witch" started slowly, the story of horror and horror is slowly fascinating...

Outside the cinema——

It started to rain lightly.

Charlemagne, who came out of the theater, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Officer Bowman followed, and took out a lighter to help him light it: "It's a big game this time!"

Charlemagne smiled resolutely: "Mr. Shi said, it's not too big, the bigger ones are yet to come!"

In the gloomy sky, a thunderstorm suddenly fell!



"Cough, cough! You can't do this to me! Cough, cough, I want human rights! You are torture and lynching! God, I hate you!"

"Crocodile" Duncan coughed violently, and was pressed on a chair with a water pipe in his mouth, and the other end of the water pipe was connected to a faucet. From time to time, the two police officers who served him poured water in.

"Crocodile" Duncan's nostrils were pouring out, and his entire stomach was bulging, like a gas-filled toad.

"Haha, isn't your name 'Crocodile' Duncan? Since you are a crocodile, you must like water! How about we let you drink your fill at one time, how about it?" An aquiline-nosed police officer grinned.

"No, no, don't do this!" Crocodile Duncan was frightened.

"Then explain, who is instigating you behind your back? As long as you are willing to say your name, we will spare you!"

"No no no, no one told me! God, I swear to God!"

"Looks like you haven't had enough!" The hook-nosed police officer inserted the water pipe into the mouth of Duncan the Crocodile again. Duncan the Crocodile was handcuffed to the chair, his shoulders were pressed, and he couldn't move at all.

"Hey, we have plenty of water here, 24-hour water supply, absolutely full!" The hook-nosed police officer grinned and turned on the faucet again!

Crocodile Duncan is also a ruthless man. His stomach was slamming and he was poured into a large pool of water. Water overflowed from his nostrils and mouth, and his tears came out.

After taking off the water pipe, Duncan the crocodile coughed violently again, and slumped on the chair, his head back and weak.

"How is it, are you happy? Do you want to do it again?"

"God, what's the use of you torturing me like this? I don't know anything, what do you want me to say? Cough cough!" Crocodile Duncan still had a hard mouth.

The hook-nosed police officer and his companions glanced at each other, and they had to admire this guy. He was indeed a ruthless character. No wonder the Razor Party boss Kane trusted him so much.

"Very good! You are a competent subordinate!" The hooked-nosed police officer smiled gloomily, "But I don't know if you can resist, can your family resist?"

"What do you mean?" Duncan, the crocodile like a dead fish, was startled.

At this time——

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the interrogation room door.

The door was opened, and a police officer escorted a teenager in.

The young man had a cockscomb head and looked only fourteen or fifteen years old. With a nose ring, he looked like a bad boy.

When the teenager saw Duncan the Crocodile, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted, "Big brother, save me!" He wanted to step forward, but was grabbed by the escorting police officer, who was tightly controlled and unable to move.

Crocodile Duncan's face changed. This cockscomb-headed boy was his only relative in the world, his own younger brother.

"Mr. Duncan, you said it was a coincidence, you robbed in the Grand Theater, but your brother robbed in the community! What's the robbery? Oh, by the way, a car! The crime is very big!" The hook-nosed police officer sneered.

"No! God, I can swear that I didn't steal the car, but the car door was unlocked and the window was not closed. I went up to take a look..." The cockscomb-headed boy yelled. "They wronged me! You have to believe me, big brother!"

Duncan's face became ugly, his eyes were angry and his nose was hooked: "You guys are really despicable!"

The hook-nosed police officer shrugged: "I'm not despicable until I see the judge! Your younger brother is so young, if he really goes to jail, he may be ruined for the rest of his life!"

After a pause, the hook-nosed policeman leaned down and stared into Duncan's eyes: "But now, you still have a choice - Kane has done so many things for his brother Tommy, so what about you? What are you willing to do for your brother?"

Duncan's face twitched, and he tried to struggle, but his hands were handcuffed.

The hook-nosed police officer was very dissatisfied with Duncan's performance and winked, "Come on, since their brothers are so united, let's change positions! Let his brother drink the tap water from our police station!"


Seeing that his brother was about to be handcuffed to a chair and be interrogated like himself, Duncan couldn't hold on any longer.

The two brothers' parents died early. Duncan raised his younger brother since he was a child. In order to allow his younger brother to go to school and feed him, Duncan went astray and became a gold medalist of the Razor Party.

Unfortunately, things backfired. He, the elder brother, did not study well, setting a bad example for his younger brother. The younger brother also began to hang out with a bunch of bad boys, relying on his eldest brother to be Duncan the Crocodile, showing off his strength outside.

Now, the police have used it to blackmail Duncan, what can Duncan do?

Seeing that his brother was about to be handcuffed to a chair, enduring inhuman pain, Duncan couldn't bear it any longer: "Stop, I'll do it!"

Hearing that Duncan was about to confess, Eagle Nose smiled and waved his hand to let the cockscomb head cuffed from the chair loosen. Then he smiled and took out a cigarette and stuffed it in Duncan's mouth, and even helped him light the cigarette himself. He said amiably: "That's right, we didn't have to be so laborious if we said earlier! Come on, if I know, who is instigating you behind your back?"

Duncan took a sharp puff: "It's Kane Shelby!"

Eagle hooked nose and smiled: "What else?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"It means that you robbers didn't cooperate with others?"

"Please, can you give me some tips?"

"Hehe, the three heroes of London were arrested with you!"

"God, I confess! Indeed, they are our insiders! That Sir Wade is the boss!" Duncan wisely put half of the blame on the unfortunate one.


In another room next to the interrogation room.

Sir Wade, known as the "Three Heroes of London", is also being interrogated.

"Sorry, I have no comment for your question!"

"I'm going to ask my lawyer to come over! I won't say anything until the lawyer comes over!"

Wade didn't give the interrogator any face at all, and sat on the opposite chair with a cold and arrogant posture, with Erlang's legs crossed and his fingernails clasped.

The interrogator smiled: "Sir Wade, I think it's better for you to confess. Your two friends have already identified you, saying that you took bribes from the leader of the Razor Party, Kane Shelby. The theater and those robbers should work together to rob the Grand Theater!"

Wade sneered: "The first one of your accusations is acceptable to me. As for the second one, say that I should cooperate with those stupid robbers..." Pointing at his head, "Do you want to use your brains? I am the dignified British Empire. Viscount, I will rob the Grand Theater for the little money?"

Just as Sir Wade went wild--

Bang dong dong, someone knocked on the door and came in and reported, "The suspect Duncan has confessed, and his accomplice is Mr. Wade who you are interrogating!"

Wade was suddenly dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief!

Looking at the interrogator again, he turned to Wade with a smile and said, "So now, dear Lord Wade, what do you think?"

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