Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1310: 1 song starts with a shock!

Chapter 1310 1310 [A shocking opening! 】

The newly renovated ballroom was overcrowded at this time.

This "lady's night" theme event attracted many people to watch.

In particular, men are not allowed to enter, women are welcome to enter, and tickets are still free, which attracts more female audiences.

For many women, the dance hall is simply a mysterious forbidden zone, a holy place where only men can have fun. They women are not qualified or have the guts to come here to have fun.

But this time is different, they represent those women who resist oppression, feminism, feminism!

They are a ray of light that illuminates the future of women in Thailand!

Since it is light, then I came here to visit it openly and squarely.

Although the tickets for this event are free, there is still a VIP area and seats with different fares.

In other words, it is free for you to come in. If you don’t want to spend money, you can stand. If you want to watch the performance comfortably, you have to buy a VIP seat ticket.

It is not expensive, it is divided into ABC three grades, A grade is 1,000 Hong Kong dollars, the closest to the stage and the best seats. B is five hundred Hong Kong dollars, which belongs to the middle area and can also interact with the stage. Area C is a little farther away, worth 300 Hong Kong dollars, but you can also see the stage performance clearly.

Ms. Palan, a big star in Thailand, and Ms. Dai Ji, a celebrity in the Thai political circle, sat in the VIP area A without any hesitation.

With these two national treasures sitting in town, those rich and famous ladies who wanted to get close to them and build relationships with them, of course, would not be stingy with the little money, so the A area was instantly full.

This surprised the service staff in the ballroom, as well as those who stood watching.

When Shi Zhijian formulated this strategy before, the ballroom waiters were still not convinced, thinking that no customers would be so stupid, paying 1,000 Hong Kong dollars just to buy a front row seat, but now they are dumbfounded.

Not only the seats in the front row A were sold out, but also the seats in the B and C areas were sold out!

Those who stand and watch the show, how can they experience the fun of rich people? They come here to spend money, and spending money can show that they are different! What's the difference if you don't spend money?

Uncle Qi was on the sidelines quickly doing the math: "The three areas of ABC have a total income of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars! Among them, area A charges 50,000 Hong Kong dollars for 50 seats; area B charges 30,000, and area C earns 20,000! The total is 100,000! My God, this How does Mr. Weishi's head grow so that he can calculate?"

There has never been a division of VIP seats in the previous dance halls. In order to win business, whoever comes earlier will sit in the front, and many people don't care about sitting in the front and the back.

Only private rooms will charge a certain private room fee, or set a minimum consumption in the private room as the private room fee.

Now Shi Zhijian taught them another trick, what is "rare things are more expensive"! What is "grading"!

In fact, the entertainment industry in the 1970s developed relatively fast in Hong Kong, but it lagged behind in other parts of Southeast Asia.

Many new gadgets in Hong Kong have not yet spread to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places. Shi Zhijian surprised them with such a bad street trick.

When Xie Bingqian appeared, although she had expressed that she wanted to keep a low profile, Charlie Chen hugged her back and forth, even if she wanted to keep a low profile, she couldn't.

"Miss Xie is here!"

"Miss San is here!"

There was a burst of shouts around, and the scene suddenly boiled.

Palan and Dai Ji, who were originally surrounded by many famous ladies and ladies, stood up at the same time and welcomed Xie Bingqian's arrival with their eyes.

Xie Bingqian waved to the shouting crowd, and those people became even more excited when they saw Xie Bingqian waving.

Fortunately, most of the people present were women, and everyone was so excited that they didn't do anything too outrageous.

Charlie Chen was careful, and had already arranged a seat for Xie Bingqian, right between the female star Palan and the female politician Dai Ji.

Xie Bingqian sat down in her seat, and Chen Charlie found a seat behind her, taking care of her and explaining the responsibilities at any time.

In this regard, Xie Bingqian also had to admit that Charlie Chen was really "loyal" to their Xie family and to herself.

After Xie Bingqian sat down, the scene was still noisy.

At this moment, a burst of melodious music sounded, and at the same time, the lights of the audience dimmed.

Everyone knew that the performance was about to start, so they stopped talking and all looked towards the big stage.

Xie Bingqian, Pa Lan, Dai Ji and other ladies also collectively looked at the stage.

Above the stage, before the huge glazed crystal chandelier was turned on, a tall and slender figure was already standing on the stage, with an indescribable sense of mystery against the dim fluorescent light.

Behind the hands of the figure, the bright eyes glanced at the scene, and slowly said: "Someone once told me that this world was created by men and women together! Pangu created the world, Nuwa created man! And our first society is even more It's the matrilineal era!"

"But gradually, the status of women began to be replaced by men. They could only stay at home and have children, and they could only exist as men's vassals! Here, I don't want to promote feminism, I just want to use practical actions Let me tell you that women are also people! They are also a collective! They are also animals with flesh and blood and emotions! They also have the freedom to pursue freedom and happiness!"

"Today!" The man opened his arms, "here, I created a dream for you! I created a paradise for you women only! System surveillance, no longer bound by traditional morality! You are yourself, you are angels, mothers, rainbows, and daughters of God!"

Clap clap!

The women at the scene applauded wildly.

For them, they have never heard such exciting words, it is simply the sound of nature!

From their point of view, Shi Zhijian said what many of them dared not say in their hearts!

Even Xie Bingqian, Pa Lan, Dai Ji and the others had to admit that Shi Zhijian's words were very bewitching, even noble women like them couldn't help but be tempted.

Shi Zhijian was still hiding in the darkness, he pressed down with his hands to quiet down the atmosphere.

The applause gradually stopped.

Shi Zhijian continued to use his magnetic voice: "Nothing in this world is born with it, and freedom is the same. We need to actively pursue it! But this first step in history is difficult to walk, who can take this step?"

There was silence.

Shi Zhijian suddenly pointed down: "It's you!"

The scene exploded with a bang!

"When you came here, you have taken the first step boldly! You represent the women's movement, women's revolution, and women's rights! You come to Jinbaihan to participate in this themed event, which means that All of you are the elite among women, the best among women!"

The atmosphere on the scene was once again infected by Shi Zhijian!

"Excellent speech!"

"Yeah, I'm so excited!"

"It turns out that we are the role models for women!"

Xie Bingqian took a high look at Shi Zhijian again, this person is not simple, with such eloquence, and such deceptive power, even in the face of thousands of troops, it is estimated that he can kill the opponent without leaving a single piece!

Shi Zhijian continued on the stage, opened his arms, and raised his head: "Dreams! We will wake up eventually! But we must dare to dream! Tonight, we Jin Baihan will create a beautiful dream of the century for you! Now I announce that your Women's Night theme event, officially opened!"

As the fireworks exploded, the huge crystal glazed lamp slowly turned on, projecting Shi Zhijian's upright figure, and the wonderful music sounded immediately, but seeing the magnificent stage presented in front of everyone—

Before everyone recovered, they saw the stage lift slowly rising, and a handsome guy appeared on the stage.

As the music sounded, Shi Zhijian gave up the stage to the visitor.

The handsome guy stood on the stage and bowed deeply to the crowd: "Hi everyone, my name is Wang Fucheng! It's a pleasure to meet you and meet so many beautiful girls!"

There is no woman who doesn't like to listen to good and obedient words, and immediately laughed on the spot: "We are beautiful girls, and you are also a handsome boy!"

"Thank you pretty girls for your compliments! Now I will sing a song for you, and there are my support items sold outside the venue, mine is a red panda! Please remember clearly, Wang Fucheng is a red panda! Oh yeah, sing and dance !"

Following Wang Fugui's voice, the music suddenly changed, and when everyone was still wondering what a support item was, someone at the scene had already started selling red pandas: "Come on, a little panda, and help Fucheng to cheer!"

"A little panda is only a hundred yuan, which represents your heart for Fucheng!"

While the female audience was still thinking about whether to buy support, Wang Fucheng was already dancing and singing with full firepower on the stage, and the classic song "I can't stop loving you" from the previous life was the first thing he opened his mouth--

"At the beginning of the light, the people who come and go at the end of the night are in such a hurry

I don't want to be too nervous to be like everyone else

But you look at me with big and bright eyes

I'm starting to lose my claim..."

The women were dumbfounded, staring at Wang Fucheng who was dancing around on the stage.

Wang Fucheng followed the dance posture Shi Zhijian taught him, holding the microphone in his left hand, drawing a circle with the palm of his right hand facing outwards, swaying his body from side to side like waves!

"Wow, he's so hot!"

"Simply handsome!"

"Too bad, I'm obsessed with him!"

Those female audiences who stayed at home had never seen such a wild dance, and at this moment they all covered their mouths in surprise, with joy on their faces!

Xie Bingqian didn't catch a cold at first, and felt that the handsome singer was handsome enough, but too exaggerated, but gradually as Wang Fucheng's lyrics unfolded, she gained a new understanding——

"Afraid that I love like the sun

There's a fire in my chest

this is not a good day

Give the promise to you and treat the smile as a letter

But I can't catch you

I can't stop loving you

I can live every day, month, year, and forever..."

The high-pitched singing voice is extremely penetrating, and immediately radiates from the stage to every corner of the scene.

Have those female audiences ever heard such a passionate song, let alone a live performance? !

Immediately the blood boiled—

I can't take care of much anymore!

"Give me ten aids!"

"I want a red panda! I want to support Chengcheng!"

"I love Chengcheng to death, give me fifty!"

There was a commotion at the scene, and those who sold the aid were unable to collect money for a while, and shouted: "Don't worry! Everyone has a share! Chengcheng understands your love for him!"

On the stage, the former ballroom waiter who turned into Wang Fucheng was still screaming "love love love endlessly", seeing countless people in the audience holding up red pandas to support him, he suddenly cried excitedly!

As a waiter, I never thought that one day I would be on the stage and be liked by so many people!

All this came too fast, too suddenly!

He sang the song with a grateful tone, and searched for the shadow that gave him this opportunity with his eyes, and finally, he saw Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian, dressed in white, stood on the edge of the stage and smiled at him.

With palms out, Wang Fucheng sang to Shi Zhijian: "I can't stop loving you! I can live every day, month, year, year, and forever!"

Shi Zhijian waved lightly at him, as if to say: "Got it!"

"Chen Sheng, the red pandas are sold out and out of stock! But the audience wants more!" Uncle Qi ran back and forth, panting.

Chen Charlie was stunned for a long time, "Did I hear correctly?"

"Yeah, you heard me right, thousands of red pandas are all sold out! I don't even believe this, but it's the truth!" Uncle Seven was still surprised.

Earlier, Shi Zhijian ordered tens of thousands of relief items, and asked Uncle Qi and others to count and sell them.

Uncle Qi, Li Shunfa, Director Xiao and others still had expressions of disbelief, thinking that Shi Zhijian was talking nonsense, who would want something worth a hundred yuan?

Unexpectedly, as soon as the show started, the red panda representing Wang Fucheng was sold out!

"Can you go in some more?"

"No, no time!"

"Then earn less!"

"Yeah!" Uncle Qi was heartbroken when he heard that he was making less money! If I had known it would be like this, I would have asked Mr. Shi to order a little more. He is a financial person, and he will definitely approve the money!

Li Shunfa and the others also had expressions of reluctance, but they couldn't earn the ready money, so depressing!

Xie Bingqian sat in front of them and didn't understand what happened at first.

As a master, Dumb was careful, so he immediately went to find out, and came back and whispered a few words into Xie Bingqian's ear.

"What?" After listening to Dumb's report, no matter how calm Xie Bingqian was, she couldn't help showing shock on her face.

"A support doll bought for one yuan is sold for one hundred yuan here at a hundred times, and the supply is still in short supply?!"

"That's true, Miss San, I've found out! There are tens of thousands of aids in the ballroom this time, and this little panda is just one of In addition, there are Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Big frog and little tiger!" Duan continued: "I heard that **** Shi Zhijian came up with all these ideas! This guy is ruthless, a hundred times a hundred times! He dares to sell things like this, and he is not afraid of cutting off his children and grandchildren! "

Xie Bingqian gasped, but what she was astonished at the moment was Shi Zhijian's incredible planning ability and predictive ability!

Isn't it terrible that one person can control the development of the whole event and plan every link? !

Immediately, Xie Bingqian began to search for that rebellious figure, and soon she saw Shi Zhijian dressed in white at the edge of the stage.

At this moment, Shi Zhijian folded his arms around his chest, looked at the stage with burning eyes, and suddenly snapped his fingers towards the stage, and the stage changed drastically——

The elevator takes off and lands --

at the same time-

Wang Fucheng's end!

Zhou Dehua enters!

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