Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1311: Singer fights for hegemony!

Chapter 1311 1311 [Song King Fights for Hegemony! 】

Compared with Wang Fucheng's singing and dancing, Zhou Dehua who played on the stage was in a suit, and he was affectionate—

He has an outstanding appearance, coupled with that heroic aquiline nose, before he even opened his mouth, the women present exclaimed: "Hey boy!"

Amidst bursts of "beautiful boy", Zhou Dehua came to the front of the stage with a microphone in his hand, first made an affectionate pose, then stroked his four-six development with his hand, and sang "Thank you for your love":

"Don't ask me how many people I've loved in my life

You don't understand how deeply I hurt

It's always cruel to open a wound

I advise you not to be an idiot..."

Zhou Dehua's bass interpreted the emotion of this song very well. From the very beginning, countless female audiences were immersed in the lyrics.

In addition, Shi Zhijian specially designed Zhou Dehua's intentional handsome typhoon, shaking his hair from time to time, holding the microphone with Lanhua fingers, staring at the female audience, etc., directly fascinated some female audiences!

"Why is he so handsome?"

"My God, the songs he sang are so nice!"

"I was moved, by him, by his song!"

The female audience was immersed in a dream and couldn't extricate themselves!

In fact, the song "Thank you for your love" created by Shi Zhijian for Zhou Dehua is the last work of the superstar Liu Dehua in Baoyixing. He also won several music awards for Liu Tianwang. After the song "Thank you for your love" became popular, many fans learned to sing it one after another. As a result, Liu Tianwang asked for a Cantonese version of this song from his former record company after he quit Warner Bros.

Although Dehua was just a counterfeit packaged by Shi Zhijian last week on the stage, he imitated it well, especially in the 1970s when entertainment was not very developed, this kind of Mandarin song was still very popular. Especially in the Bangkok area where Chinese people gather, many women are proud of enjoying Chinese songs, but no one cares about authentic Thai songs.

Like many songs, the climax of "Thank You for Your Love" is particularly popular and the essence of the whole song.

On the stage last week, Dehua sang with an emotional bass: "I dare not think about it, should I not?"

thank you again for your love

i have to exist


like a speck of dust

It will still hurt you! "

Some emotional female audiences couldn't help but began to wipe their tears.

"Why do I want to cry after listening to this song?"

"His heart-piercing singing made me feel sad!"

The female audience took out handkerchiefs to wipe the wet corners of their eyes, but their faces were filled with happy smiles.

"Zhou Dehua, I love you! I have loved you for ten thousand years!"

I don't know who yelled, and the scene instantly cheered like thunder!

"Crazy, these women are all crazy!" Dumb who was serving Xie Bingqian said, "Miss San, look at these women, they are so reserved, shouting one by one, how decent is it?"

Duan was still whispering in Xie Bingqian's ear, but found that Miss Xie San gave him a hard look, "Shut up! Don't disturb me listening to the song!"

"Eh?" Duan was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart: "It's too bad, the third lady is also fascinated by these gangsters!"

Specifically, Xie Bingqian was fascinated by Zhou Dehua's songs.

If Wang Fucheng's "I can't stop loving you" was exciting and cheerful, then Zhou Dehua's "Thank you for your love" is sad and lingering! These are two ultra-extreme song compositions!

When Xie Bingqian was in college, although she majored in economic management, she minored in music art, so she still has a certain level of appreciation for the melody and lyrics of songs.

At this moment, I seem to have heard two styles of works, and I am surprised, who is the person who created these two songs? I even thought about having time to get to know these two people.

That's right, Xie Bingqian believes that two people wrote the song, not one, because the styles are very different!

Xie Bingqian thinks this way at the moment, and Pa Lan, who is a female star, also thinks the same way.

Now that she is in the film and television industry, Palan has also met many pop stars, and she even sang the theme song for a movie, so she is considered a half-star.

Her appreciative ability is also very strong. As soon as she listens to it, she can tell that the two songs are of different styles and types, so she is also full of curiosity about the creators of the two first releases.

"I don't know who these two creators are. After a while, we must get to know each other well and ask them to help write a few songs!" Palan made up his mind.

Ms. Dai Ji, a female politician, did not think as much as Xie Bingqian and Palan. She was mainly fascinated by Zhou Dehua's appearance.

Compared with Wang Fucheng's jumping off, she admires Zhou Dehua's affectionate style more, especially Zhou Dehua's hooked nose is very to her taste, she made up her mind to get to know this Zhou Dehua well after the event is over, oh no, it should be "Andy Lau" is right!

With Zhou Dehua's hard work on stage, the same ballroom waiters as before began to sell Zhou Dehua's support item "Donald Duck" around!

"Beauty, please support Andy and come to Donald Duck! One only costs one hundred yuan!"

"One hundred dollars for Donald Duck, quack quack! You can support the most beautiful Andy in your mind!"

The waiters were full of tongues, and kept yelling at the female audience.

"I'll come fifty! I support Andy! He's so handsome!"

"I'll take a hundred! It turns out Andy Lau is my favorite! Cheng Cheng, I'm sorry!"

Women are emotional, especially those who have supported Wang Fucheng before, suddenly found that there is a better choice than Chengcheng, and immediately emptied their pockets and bought "Donald Duck" aids for Andy!

In the blink of an eye, the supply of Donald Duck in the hands of those waiters was in short supply!

Zhou Dehua on the stage could see clearly, and even yelled at the female audience who were waving Donald Duck aids: "I dare not think about it, thank you for your love!" Blow kisses!

This move is extremely sharp!

The female audience almost fainted!

They held support objects, and they all thought that Zhou Dehua was expressing his gratitude to them with singing, and expressing his love to them with kisses!

Women, how can you resist this kind of gentle offensive, and immediately more women are scrambling for the few remaining supporters, Donald Duck!

"No, Donald Duck is sold out!"

"out of stock!"

"They're still robbing!"

Seeing this scene, Uncle Qi and the others beat their chests and stamped their feet again!

Before, they had been questioning that Shi Zhijian could not sell so many aid items!

But the supply of the previous giant pandas and the current Donald Duck is in short supply!

The cost of one dollar can be sold a hundred times!

Now it's out of stock, it's really rich but not worth it!

"Uncle Qi, what should we do?"

"Uncle Qi, the next game is Mickey Mouse, do you want to buy more?"

"Go in! You have to go in! Hurry up and have a look, what Mickey Mouse, big frog, and little tiger, all come in again!"


"Hurry up!"


Uncle Qi ordered to go down, but he felt his back sweating and his fists clenched!

This time he wants to bet a big one!


Already two!

The fakes Wang Fucheng and Zhou Dehua created by Shi Zhijian are very successful. Apart from their good packaging, these two singers and typhoons are also very good. Although they are fakes, they have their own characteristics, otherwise their support items would not be sold. so good!

But Zhao Liming, who was going to play next, put some pressure on Shi Zhijian, because Zhao Liming's singing skills are not as good as Chengcheng and Hua Tsai, and his temperament is more refined and refined. This kind of man is not as good on stage as he is. Cool guys and affectionate guys are cute, so Shi Zhijian is slightly worried.

At this moment in the backstage, Zhao Liming saw two young friends singing and dancing on the stage, gaining a large wave of female fans, and was very excited.

He looked at his appearance in the mirror again, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was quite satisfactory.

Wang Fucheng's dance just now, and Zhou Dehua's deep affection appeared in his mind, and he felt a little guilty, because he didn't have any special skills!

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Shi said that you are a refined type, the type of noble son, you can't be lively on the stage, let alone use your electric eyes to shock others-you have to be reserved, you have to maintain your noble style, you Hold it!"

Zhao Liming looked in the mirror and tried his best to cheer himself up until he heard someone shouting on the stage: "The following is the noble son of our four heavenly kings, Zhao Liming, whose English name is

Leon, come on stage! The song he sang was "Will you come tonight"! Leon please! "

Under everyone's expectation, Zhao Liming took the elevator and slowly landed on the stage.

A beam of light hit him, and Xin's long figure gave the female audience a very good first impression of him. It feels like these male stars performing tonight are one in a million.

The music sounded slowly, and the prelude of "Will You Come Tonight" seemed a bit soothing and lazy, in stark contrast to the passion of Cheng Cheng and Andy Lau's affection before.

When Xie Bingqian and Pa Lan heard the prelude, they decided that this was the third creator, because the style of the song had changed again.

Under the beam of light, Zhao Liming stood so proudly in the circle of light, holding a microphone, and slightly raised his chin, with the feeling that the world is muddy and I am alone!

I have to say that his high profile is not very flattering, unlike the previous two who can shorten the distance with the audience.

Zhao Liming sang:

"Maybe you just

a most beautiful shade

Maybe it's our previous life's agreement

you are my life

Those who are waiting..."

The scene was silent. All the female audience listened to this song, and they were not aroused in the slightest. They only felt that Zhao Liming's voice was not bad, but his expression was a little cold.

In the words of a female audience member at the scene, "He is a bit too attractive!"

Under the stage, Charlie Chen, Uncle Qi and others also felt that the atmosphere around them was not as warm as before.

Uncle Seven, in particular, started to feel drums in his stomach. He just issued an order to order more aid dolls. What if this Zhao Liming messes up? !

"Uncle Qi, why are you sweating profusely?" Charlie Chen asked when he saw Uncle Qi looking nervous.

"Oh, no! I care about the situation! This Zhao Liming—"

"I guess it's a bit overhanging!" Chen Charlie interjected, "It's too overbearing, girls rarely like this kind of person! Especially those rich and wealthy ladies, they don't like this kind of person the least!"

Seventh Uncle's heart skipped a beat, and he fell straight into the abyss!

He remembered!


That's right!

Those who snapped up support dolls frantically before were those rich people! Either fifty or a hundred in one breath! There are also 300 direct supporters!

They are the main customers of tonight's support items!

But now—

Uncle Qi looked at Zhao Liming who was still singing on stage, he didn't like those ladies at all!

The reason is very simple, those rich ladies have seen many real noble sons in their circle, how can they be attracted by this counterfeit in front of them? !

On the stage, Zhao Liming sang affectionately to the climax of the song "Will You Come Tonight":

"Will you come tonight

is your love still there

if your heart has left

i'd rather have no future

will you come tonight

is your love still there

don't make me all wait

Become a blank! "

Uncle Qi went to observe the ladies. Although many people were moved by Zhao Liming's singing, they were indifferent to the Mickey Mouse that was starting to be sold nearby!

For these noble ladies, they like Wang Fucheng's jumping frenzy, and Zhou Dehua's handsome and affectionate, but they don't care about Zhao Liming's deliberate extravagance!

Uncle Qi closed his eyes, "It's over! Misjudgment! I don't know how much I will lose this time!"


"Leon! I support you!"

"Leon! I love you!"

Those women who couldn't even afford VIP tickets, and the female audience who could only play standing tickets, went crazy at this moment!

They waved Mickey Mouse, who represented Zhao Liming, excitedly: "You are the best! You are the noble son in our hearts!"

"What's the situation?" Uncle Qi and the others were stunned.

But I saw that the support items that could not be sold in the lady's area were selling well in the public viewing area far away from the stage!

These people don't have much money, and they can only buy seven or eight aids at most, or a dozen or so, but they can't stand the crowd!

The advantage of a large number of people instantly digested a huge number of aids!

All of a sudden, Mickey Mouse dolls are hard to come by!

Not to mention that Uncle Qi and the others were stunned by the popularity of the scene, even Charlie Chen was dumbfounded. He never thought that this airy guy on the stage would be so popular with poor women!

Xie and the others also saw the scene in front of them. As women, they immediately understood the mystery.

For women, what is not available is the best!

Those noble ladies are basically surrounded by rich and noble sons, and they have long been indifferent.

But for those ordinary people who are full of fantasies, your son only appears in movies and novels, but they can't get in touch with them in reality!

But now, there is such a person on the stage, and he is still so close. The most important thing is that a "noble son" like him still needs their "Cinderella" to give a lot of support!

For a moment, the drama of Cinderella rescuing the down-and-out prince took root in their hearts!

No matter how poor they are, no matter how poor they are, they still have to spend all their possessions to save this "noble son" and "Prince Charming"!

Once a woman's motherhood overflows, it will be a flood!

Don't talk about buying aids, even if they are willing to dig their hearts out!

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