Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1312: ?? Feet 00,000!


This is definitely a huge counterattack!

Chen Charlie looked at the scene in front of him, sweating profusely.

Uncle Qi and the others wiped the sweat from their foreheads vigorously.

Xie Bingqian frowned, she began to be interested in these messy little fresh meats that Shi Zhijian packaged.

With such insight into women's psychology, this Shi Zhijian is either a friend of women, or a devil in love!

But what makes Xie Bingqian even more curious is what "Four Heavenly Kings of Jin Baihan" has been packaged by Shi Zhijian this time. Now three of them have appeared on the stage. It can be said that each has its own characteristics. Well, what kind of features will it be? !

Don't say that Xie Bingqian is curious, even female star Pa Lan, female politician Dai Ji and others are also curious.

As for the other female audiences at the scene, they were also full of curiosity about the fourth "Xueyou Wu" who appeared on the stage.

Sitting behind Xie Bingqian, Charlie Chen fully felt the atmosphere of curiosity and anticipation around him. He couldn't help but took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead.

This time it was Uncle Seven's turn to be surprised: "Chen Sheng, are you nervous? Keep wiping your sweat!"

Charlie Chen said with a worried face: "To be honest, I don't understand A Jian! I agree with the three before me. During the training, I also saw that they are all very handsome and excellent, but This fourth—"

"You mean Jacky Wu—"

"That's right, this is Xueyou, he really looks like—" Charlie Chen wiped his sweat again, "It's really hard to describe!"

Uncle Qi also started to worry when he heard this! Regarding the appearance of Wu Xueyou, this little fresh meat-it is a bit modest to describe it in words!

He doubted whether a woman would love this bite? !

On the stage, the lift slowly landed!

Wearing a red suit and acting sullenly, Jacky Wu finally stepped onto the stage!

The female audience is full of excitement and anticipation——

The light hit Xueyou Wu, and then—

The whole time seems to stop in an instant!

All the female audiences focused their attention on Jacky Wu's exaggerated big nose!

"Uh, what's going on? He looks so indescribable?"

"His nose is so big! His eyes are so small!"

"Why? Why do I think of annoying flies when I see it?!"

Jacky Wu on the stage also seemed to feel that time stood still for an instant, and he felt uneasy!

He knew he wasn't handsome enough!

He didn't understand why Mr. Shi chose him to perform on stage!

But Mr. Shi said to him, "You are yourself! You have your own characteristics! Give full play to everything I have taught you, and you will achieve success in life!"

do my best!

Jacky Wu thought of Shi Zhijian's encouragement to him, immediately discarded distracting thoughts, clapped his hands with a microphone and shouted to the audience: "How are you all? I'm Xueyou! Today I bring you a new song - "Kiss Goodbye"!"

Without further ado, let's do it!

"The past and the past become clouds and smoke and dissipate before each other's eyes

Even after saying goodbye, I can't see you feeling sad

Everything you give me is just perfunctory

The more innocent you smile, the wilder I will love you

There is always some understanding in an instant

what was said could never come true

I found your face in a blink of an eye

It's already a stranger, it's never the same as before..."

With Wu Xueyou's high-pitched singing, the female audience who despised his appearance were stunned!

There are such beautiful songs in the world? !

In fact, the song "Kiss Goodbye" created by Shi Zhijian for Jacky Wu is the representative work of Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung in the last time and space.

This song once dominated the music scene at that time, won the global sales champion of Chinese albums, the first place in the annual sales of the Golden Melody Awards, the most popular album of the Singapore Golden Melody Awards, etc.

In 2004, the internationally renowned pop band Mike Learns to Rock (MKLR for short) sang the cover of the song and included it in the album "Take to Your Heart", which made the song popular all over the world.

The lyrics of this golden song vividly express the reluctance and entanglement of the lovelorn, which is highly infectious. The singer and the audience will fall into the "trap" step by step as the song and lyrics are sung. A special kind of sympathy for the lovelorn hidden in the song.

Especially when Jacky Cheung sang, his charming and vigorous voice and his infectious expressiveness added a lot to this song.

What is a master?

As soon as you open your mouth, you will know if there is one!

Although Jacky Wu is a counterfeit heavenly king packaged by Shi Zhijian, his voice is very characteristic, thick, sharp and high-pitched, and he can control both the bass and the treble!

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Coupled with the blessing of the lyrics and melody of the song "Kiss Goodbye" composed by Shi Zhijian for him, it instantly killed many female audiences!

On the stage, Jacky Wu sang emotionally:

"My world started to snow

too cold for me to love another day

So cold that even hidden regrets are so obvious

I kiss you goodbye on the deserted street

Let the wind laugh i can't refuse

I kiss you goodbye in the crazy night

My heart waits to meet the sorrow..."

The female audience was completely moved by Wu Xueyou's song, and some even hummed along: "I kiss you goodbye in the deserted street, let the wind laugh i can't refuse; I kiss you goodbye in the crazy night, my The heart waits for sorrow!"

The sound waves of the live chorus are higher than the waves!

"What's the situation?" Charlie Chen, Uncle Qi and the others were stunned!

Xie Bingqian, Pa Lan and the others widened their beautiful eyes in astonishment. They were surprised that the resonance brought by this song would be so strong! Even these people almost couldn't help but want to sing along!

Dai Ji, a female politician, is not so determined. She is also humming, and can't help but beat the time with her hands and feet!

Xie Bingqian and Palan looked at each other, and they decided that the four songwriters were geniuses!

That's right!

Absolutely genius!

Compared with the previous three creators, they still need to know this genius no matter what!

Looking at the waiters who sold the "big frog" aids on the spot, they were still very nervous at first, and they were embarrassed to open their mouths to sell the dolls in their hands, but now—

"What are you standing there for? Give me ten!"

"I'll have thirty!"

"I'll come to a hundred!"

"Purely to support the arts!"

The female audience burst out again. For them, what they saw this time was not Jacky Wu's appearance, but his talent!

No matter those rich ladies or ordinary people, they all like talented people!

Support the arts!

Support talent!

What is a frog figure? !

Seeing those frog figures sold out once again, Uncle Qi couldn't help feeling like he was dreaming.

That's okay too? !

At this moment, he was in a state of ignorance, feeling that Shi Zhijian could pinch and count Zhuge Liang, everything was under his control!

Charlie Chen admired Shi Zhijian even more!

After four performances, Shi Zhijian was calculating from beginning to end!

Just one night!

Seat tickets and support items alone have already earned more than 900,000 yuan! One step away from one million!

Shi Zhijian had promised Chen Charlie before that he would earn a million dollars in a month!

At that time, Chen Charlie suspected that Shi Zhijian was fooling himself, and Uncle Qi and others felt it was unbelievable, and even satirized Shi Zhijian as an idiot dreaming!

But now, it's only been a few days, and this goal may be achieved tonight!

At this moment, not only Charlie Chen was very excited, but he shouted in his heart that Shi Zhijian was really his lucky star, a genius among geniuses, Uncle Qi and others admired Shi Zhijian!

The performance of the fake four heavenly kings is over!

Next is the only combination that Shi Zhijian packaged, the fake "Little Tigers" playing.

"This Shi Zhijian is so weird that he actually packaged such four male singers, but he doesn't know what the **** is this so-called Little Tigers?" the female star Pa Lan asked in surprise.

"Indeed, now I'm not only interested in those four creators, but also Shi Zhijian!" Xie Bingqian said.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Miss San, what do you mean by four creators?" Charlie Chen who was sitting in the back interrupted Xie Bingqian.

Xie Bingqian frowned: "Of course they are the creators of the four songs just now. Not only me, Miss Palan also appreciates them!"

Chen Charlie was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "No! You may have misunderstood—not the four creators!"

Xie Bingqian and Palan looked at Charlie Chen together when they heard the words, and Ms. Dai Ji also looked over.

Charlie Chen said: "The one who wrote those four songs is the same person! He is Shi Zhijian!"


Xie Bingqian almost fell off the chair!

Palan also looked shocked!

Ms. Dai Ji is even more incredible!

The creators of the four songs turned out to be the same person?

And that person is still Shi Zhijian? !

Chen Charlie didn't expect Miss Xie San to react so strongly, and immediately scratched his head and said, "Also, the songs they sang by the Little Tigers performing on stage this time were also created with the help of Ah Jian!"


Xie Bingqian was almost speechless.

Palan and Daiji stared at each other, suspecting that they heard wrong.

"Hey, the Little Tigers are on the stage!" Charlie Chen pointed to the stage.

The elevator landed slowly, and was packaged by Shi Zhijian as Thunderbolt Tiger, the three members of the Little Tigers. Xiaoshuaihu and Guaiguaihu jumped off the elevator together, and sang "Love" directly with the music:

"String your heart, my heart on a string

String a clover, string a concentric circle

Let all look forward to the call of the future

Be a companion while you are young..."

The three of them were full of youthful breath as soon as they opened their mouths!

Cheerful singing was flying in the huge ballroom, and those female audiences were almost unprepared!

They were struck by the youthful song, and each of them covered their mouths and exclaimed: "Wow, they are so handsome!"

Yes, three handsome little tigers are jumping and jumping on the stage, can't they be handsome? !

Don't talk about these ordinary women who are often imprisoned at home, even those wealthy ladies are dumbfounded.

The youthful breath is too strong!

Too violent!

They couldn't help but take a deep breath! I feel like I am back in my youth!

At that time, they were carefree, full of embarrassment and enthusiasm for love!

But real life is cruel! Arranged marriages, childbearing, etc., household chores almost take over their lives now!

How much they want to avoid these burdens, avoid these disturbances, but the reality makes them unable to find any gaps!

Now, the youthful song "Love" by the Little Tigers makes them feel the same way!

Especially when the Little Tigers sang:

"Don't let the young grow up lonely

Plant my clover in your dream field

Let the earth follow our concentric circles

never stop spinning

Shout out to the sky and say I love you

Say I miss you to the wandering white clouds

let the sky hear

let the white clouds be seen

No one can erase the promise we made! "

The female audience at the scene could no longer bear this kind of rendering of emotion, and shed tears of excitement!



Never go back!

The audience was stunned by the performance of the Little Tigers!

For Xie Bingqian and female star Pa Lan, they were stunned by the melody and lyrics of this song!

If Wang Fucheng's "I can't stop loving you" is surging, Zhou Dehua's "Thank you for your love" is affectionate, Zhao Liming's "Will you come tonight" is tender, and Wu Xueyou's "Kiss Goodbye" is full of sentimentality If so, then the song "Love" by the Little Tigers is a complete "back to basics"!

Simple lyrics!

Catchy melodies!

Without any bells and whistles, just like a simple and simple big boy!

Coupled with the youthful performance of the three little tigers on the stage, it made people mesmerized!

"Is this song also written by Shi Zhijian? How is it possible?"

"There are such creative geniuses in the world! The five songs have very different styles, and each one is more intriguing than the last!"

Xie Bingqian and Palan looked at each other, and they could see the astonishment and disbelief in each other's eyes.

What is even more unbelievable at this moment is the distribution of on-site cheer supplies!

Uncle Qi was worried before, wondering if he was playing too much, and secretly ordered a batch of dolls, and now the sales of the three little tiger dolls have exploded at the scene!

"Give me a Thunderbolt! He dances so well!"

"I want Xiaoshuaihu! He's so handsome!"

"I want to be obedient, he is so obedient!"

The female audience untied their purses one after another, took out the last sum of money tonight, and bought little tiger dolls to support the little tigers on stage!

Even, some female viewers have contacted and paid five times! She is there for every support, according to her words, this is called "fraternity"!

Those rich ladies and socialites have always been generous with the purchase of aids, and they will immediately spend a lot of money if they look pleasing to the eye! In this respect, he is more arrogant than many men in nightclubs!

No way, who makes women all emotional animals!

As long as they are touched, they are absolutely willing to pay for their idols!

"It's no good Uncle Qi, all the dolls are sold out!"

"Uncle Qi, those girls still want to buy it!"

"Uncle Qi, we are overwhelmed, help me!"

Uncle Qi was utterly battered by those waiters.

He can't help it, he has already gambled and ordered a large number of new dolls, but he didn't expect that even so, it was not enough!

"Go, go, go! Tell those people, it's gone! It's all gone! Continue next time for support!"

"Okay, Uncle Seven!"

"Hey, that's the only way to do it!"

After solving the matter here, Uncle Qi returned to his seat happily.

It just so happened that Charlie Chen turned his head and asked, "Seventh I want to ask you something, you are responsible for the sale of these aids, how much money do we make now? I think the sales are booming Yes, there should be a million, right?"

Charlie Chen asked this question carefully, but deliberately amplified his voice for Xie Bingqian to hear.

Uncle Qi arrogantly said, "Please forgive me, Chen Sheng—"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Originally, I could earn a full one million, but just now I made a good idea and entered another group, so now I can earn a full two million!"


Charlie Chan almost fell!

Xie Bingqian turned her head to look at Uncle Qi in amazement: "Really!"

Seventh Uncle turned his back and smiled proudly: "It's more real than real gold!"

Reborn: Rise of Hong Kong

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