Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1315: Let the small universe explode quickly! Stand up!

Chapter 1315 1315 [The small universe explodes quickly! Stand up! 】

Before Charlie Chen finished speaking, Duan sneered and said, "Why, doesn't he give face?!"

Charlie Chen smiled: "How come, I told you, he is very busy—"

"Don't make excuses anymore! Do you think I'll believe you when you say that?" Dumb sneered.

Chen Charlie didn't expect that this dumb is really an idiot, he was so shameless, and immediately changed his expression: "Honestly, what is it? What right do you have to shout here? To put it more bluntly, you are under the third lady. To put it bluntly, it is a dog!"

"What did you say?" Dumb didn't expect Charlie Chen to say that, and immediately became furious.

Everyone around saw that the atmosphere became tense, Uncle Qi and the others were so anxious that their foreheads were sweating.

The female star Palan was in high spirits, as if she didn't mind watching the excitement.

Xie Bingqian stood still, expressionless, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

Charlie Chen sneered, and said in a contemptuous tone: "What are you asking me for? Of course I'm speaking human language, but some idiots can't understand it!"

Dumb's face flushed a little red: "Well, are you insulting me?"

"Insulting you? Hahaha, I don't dare to be so presumptuous! Without the consent of the third lady, how dare I, a member of the Xie family, dare to insult you, a confidant? I'm just telling the truth, so that some people can recognize their position, don't bark indiscriminately Shout out, make a fool of yourself!" Charlie Chen had a sarcasm on his face.

Dumb felt his face was burning hot, especially with so many people around him, the feeling of being insulted was even stronger.

You know, as Xie Bingqian's queen attendant, he is a master-level existence, and he often advises the third lady. Anyone who knows him respectfully calls him "Sir"!

Even in a big family like the Xie family, the servants would all respect him when they saw him, but now he was insulted face to face, how could he bear it? !

Seeing that Duan was about to explode, Xie Bingqian sneered in her heart, this is what she wanted.

She just wanted Duan and Charlie Chen to do it together, and then told everyone that the name of Jin Baihan's dance hall was Xie, not Chen! Duan is her dog, and Chen Charlie is also a dog raised by their Xie family. As long as this dog is disobedient, she can kick it up in minutes.

Just when Xie Bingqian's scheme succeeded——

"My friend, why are you so angry? I have bitter tea here, do you want to drink a cup to calm down?!

While speaking, a hand was placed on Ah-Dai's hand, separating Ah-Dai and Charlie Chen.

Dumb looked up, but he was a handsome young man with a smile on his face, and his eyes were extremely deep and bottomless!

Duan recognized the person, it was Shi Zhijian who he saw last night, and he was also the target of his young lady.

Dressed in white, Shi Zhijian suddenly appeared on the scene, making everyone stunned.

Charlie Chen, Uncle Qi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Palan looked at this handsome young man curiously.

Xie Bingqian's beautiful eyebrows frowned again, every time Shi Zhijian appeared, she would destroy her plan, and it was the same this time.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to talk about this here?" Duan pretended not to know Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "Wow, my friend, you are so forgetful. I scolded you before, don't you forget all of them? Do you want me to scold you again?"

Dumb: "You—" Pointing at Shi Zhijian's nose, he was too angry to speak.

Shi Zhijian ignored him, as if he was a fart and insignificant, but turned his head and smiled at Chen Charlie: "Chen Sheng, let me come here!"

Chen Charlie nodded and handed the red wine to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian took the red wine and smiled slightly at Xie Bingqian: "Miss San, don't you want me to pour the wine for you? I'm here!"

Xie Bingqian didn't say a word, but pointed at the red wine glass arrogantly.

Shi Zhijian smiled again, his eyes drifted past the female star Palan.

Palan was shocked by his eyes, and felt numb.

Shi Zhijian picked up the red wine bottle and began to pour the red wine calmly.

The rich and fragrant red wine slowly flowed along the wall of the red wine glass into the glass, and soon, a quarter was poured.

Shi Zhijian's right index finger and **** were spread apart, and he gracefully held up the red wine glass, and gently handed it to Xie Bingqian, saying: "Miss Xie, forgive me for being late, this glass of wine is an apology to you! I hope you will be satisfied .” The tone was neither humble nor overbearing, on the contrary, there was an indescribable atmosphere.

Xie Bingqian looked at him, and he also looked at Xie Bingqian——

Immediately, the two looked at each other.

Xie Bingqian has been raised by her family since she was a child, and her every move is full of natural nobility, which is something that the grassroots female star Pa Lan next to her does not possess.

Since she has been in and out of high-end places for a long time, the people she associates with are all masters. The aura Xie Bingqian cultivated invisibly is enough to crush many strong people!

Especially those successful men who come from a humble background and later rely on hard work to get to the top, they can't help but feel ashamed in front of her, Miss Xie San, and feel that the other party is a bright moon, not to be blasphemed!

But Shi Zhijian is a freak!

Not only did he dare to make eye contact with her, he didn't even fall behind!

Shi Zhijian behaved elegantly, and handed the red wine glass to Xie Bingqian, his eyes collided with Xie Bingqian's!

Xie Bingqian gritted her teeth and struck out with sharp eyes!

Shi Zhijian didn't show any weakness, and stabbed deeply!

The invisible battle of eyes ended in just a second or two, and Shi Zhijian's gaze went straight in, making Xie Bingqian want to avoid it.

She bit the bullet and continued to look at Shi Zhijian's eyes, but Shi Zhijian's eyes moved down to her nose, red lips, then gooseneck, collarbone—the eyes were delicate and gentle, as if admiring a work of art .

Who is Xie Bingqian?

Goddess of Heaven!

The family has always been pampered and loved, who would dare to be so rude to her?

Xie Bingqian immediately suppressed her anger, reached out to take the wine glass handed over by Shi Zhijian, and said with a sneer, "I accept your apology! But I hope you can pay attention. Although you are the manager hired by Charlie, you are still working for our Xie family. ! Since you want to be a wage earner, you have to look like a wage earner! Don't lose your sense of proportion!" After speaking, he took a sip of red wine and put it down.

Shi Zhijian smiled and didn't say anything, but refilled a glass of wine and handed it to the female star Palan: "Miss Palan, it's the first time we meet, I haven't greeted you far away, I'm sorry!"

Palan was already fascinated by Shi Zhijian's handsome appearance, and said with a smile like a flower: "Mr. Shi, it's not the first time we've met. I also participated in the Ladies' Night event planned to be held last night, and I'm very impressed with Mr. Shi's creation." The five songs are very impressive!"

"Creating randomly, I made Miss Palan laugh!" Shi Zhijian chatted happily with Palan, ignoring Xie Bingqian's murderous eyes next to him.

Xie Bingqian understood that Shi Zhijian did this on purpose, deliberately leaving her, the third young lady, aside.

All of a sudden, Xie Bingqian became the foil and the screen, and Shi Zhijian and Palan chatted and laughed, very proud of themselves.

Charlie Chen turned a deaf ear and pretended not to see anything.

Uncle Qi and others saw that Charlie Chen was pretending to be deaf and dumb, so they had no choice but to take care of themselves.

Dumb saw that the hostess was left out in the cold, and wanted to stand up and fight the injustice. At this time, the owner of the restaurant, Fatty Bai, knocked on the door and came in, saying: "All the food and wine are ready, can I serve them?"

Before Charlie Chen could speak, Shi Zhijian said first, "Of course! All dishes are served! And the important thing is, we must prepare more Miss Palan's favorite food for our table—such as abalone in honey sauce, golden fin and silver belly!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he looked at Palan with a smile: "Are you right, Miss Palan?"

Palan was not an idiot. Although he knew that Shi Zhijian was using him, he still echoed, "Thank you so much! I'm really sorry!" He glanced at Xie Bingqian intentionally or unintentionally, but saw that Xie Bingqian was about to be blown up.

Palan felt refreshed for a while.

"Miss Palan, this dish tastes very good, please try it!"

"Miss Palan, although this Tom Yum Kung is not a Chinese delicacy, it is also the best soup in Thailand!"

Shi Zhijian and Palan had a good chat during the dinner.

"Mr. Shi, thank you for your hospitality! Also, I'm curious how you created so many works?"

"It's not worth mentioning! If Miss Palan is willing, I can help you write a song, and it will be a big hit!"

"Really? Thank you!" Palan was overjoyed.

Here Xie Bingqian looks very deserted, if it is not for Charlie Chen helping to introduce the name of the dish from time to time, it will be even more deserted.

"Miss San, this person surnamed Shi is obviously aiming at you!" Duan fanned the flames beside him. He couldn't understand Shi Zhijian's handsomeness, let alone Shi Zhijian's attitude of no one else.

"Look at him, he regards Napalan as a treasure, as a female pig's foot, may I ask, where will you be placed?!"

"Also, you can see that he is beaming, and he keeps courting Napalan, obviously showing you! Miss, don't be fooled, don't be angry!" Dumb said in this way, but in his heart Roaring, Third Miss Cosmos explodes quickly! Stand up!

Sure enough, Xie Bingqian couldn't stand Duan's provocative method anymore, and slapped the chopsticks in her hand on the table.

Chen Charlie, Seventh Uncle and other accompanying guests were startled, and the timid ones almost jumped up in fright.

Shi Zhijian stopped joking with Palan when he heard the sound, and turned his face to look.

At this time, Charlie Chen hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "Miss San, why don't you eat? Don't these dishes suit your appetite?"

Xie Bingqian snorted coldly, "I drank the wine and tasted the food, okay, you know it well!"

Charlie Chen continued to smile: "I'm not Miss San, how do you know if these are good or bad?"

Xie Bingqian looked at Shi Zhijian coldly: "If you don't know, then this Mr. Shi should know!"

Shi Zhijian saw that Xie Bingqian drew fire on him, shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "Miss Xie, I have no grievances with you, why do you target me every time? To be honest, I am in your way, so I should poach your Xie family." Ancestral grave?"

"Bold, dare to talk to our lady like this!" Dumb was furious.

"Ajian, shut up!" Charlie Chen also felt that Shi Zhijian's words were too much.

Xie Bingqian was so angry that her face changed color: "What did you say?"

"I speak Chinese, don't you understand?" Shi Zhijian was not afraid, and slapped his chopsticks on the table.

The female star Palan wanted to persuade him, but Shi Zhijian stared at him, and stared back at what was on his lips.

For some reason, Palan was a little concerned about Shi Zhijian's opinion of him, and he was a little cautious in doing things.

This made the female star Palan very depressed, why? After all, she is also a famous female star, and the other party is just a ballroom manager, why should she obey him? !

"To tell you the truth, Miss Xie, if you came to inspect the dance hall this time, Chen Sheng and I and others would definitely welcome you with arms raised! But in fact, you know what you are here for this time, and you know better than anyone else!"

"That's right, the ballroom has been doing very badly over the past few years, and the benefits are not up to standard! You Xie's family should have complaints, but regardless of the reason, you are ready to kick people out of the horse, let Chen Sheng resign and leave, and let Chen Sheng leave. It's not in accordance with the rules for your own people to replace them?"

"Okay! To take a step back, your Xie family's business is your Xie family's decision. Whoever wants to be the person in charge can be the person in charge. We have no doubts! But the rules are made by people, but morals are made by people! Chen Sheng I have worked so hard for your Xie family for so many years, there is hard work without credit, if so many years of hard work can't even exchange a word of morality, wouldn't it be chilling?!"

Shi Zhijian tore his face and became angry, leaving Xie Bingqian speechless.

She didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be so eloquent, he almost grasped all the truth and morality.

Chen Charlie was even more embarrassed, stuck between Shi Zhijian and Xie Bingqian, not knowing what to say.

Seeing him like this, Seventh Uncle and the others couldn't help but feel sad. Even the female star Palan felt a little sympathetic to Charlie Chen.

Looking at Xie Bingqian again, seeing that the surrounding situation was moving closer to Shi Zhijian's side, she immediately

However, since she was able to keep pace with Li Xuexuan in Bangkok, of course she is not a vegetarian, so she immediately smiled coldly: "Is Shi Zhijian right? Since you have behaved with me, I will behave with you! First of all, you must recognize your identity Who are you? You are just an outside manager of the ballroom, and you have no qualifications or strength to make irresponsible remarks here!"

"Secondly, I don't need you to speculate about how I treat Chen Charlie! If you want to attract my attention, then I can tell you that you have achieved your goal! Our Xie family has no shortage of talents, but we also value talents. , what ability do you have, just show it, if you can stand the test, I will push you to the top!"

Everyone could hear it clearly, and the reason why Shi Zhijian deliberately stimulated Xie Bingqian immediately came to mind, because he wanted to climb up to Xie's family and make a fortune!

In one sentence, Xie Bingqian portrayed Shi Zhijian as a villain.

"Of course, if you don't have any real skills and are just talking here, then I'm sorry, our Xie family doesn't accept fun, let alone trash!" Xie Bingqian looked at Shi Zhijian with a contemptuous gesture.

Facing such sarcasm, Shi Zhijian looked calm, looked at Xie Bingqian and smiled slightly: "Miss Xie, have you finished speaking? Let me say one more thing after I finished speaking. Whether it is fun or useless, they all have their own value, can't they just be taken by others? People ignore it! On the contrary, those excellent people who look down on Le Se and good-for-nothings are not necessarily elites! Do you know why? Because some elites are not even as good as Le Se!"

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