Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1316: The death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox, the plan of two cities!

Chapter 1316 1316 [The rabbit died and the fox was sad, the plan for two cities! 】


"What did you say?"

Dumb didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be so bold, so he immediately stood up and scolded.

Xie Bingqian didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be so sharp, and couldn't help saying angrily.

"I'm telling the truth, aren't I?" Shi Zhijian's eyes were deep, "Perhaps in the eyes of you elites, those beggars on the street and those dock workers are all fun and useless! But have you ever thought about why they beg? Why do you have to work hard? It’s to survive! To feed your stomach, to buy clothes for your daughter, and to give your wife peace of mind!”

"These **** and waste wood are the theme of the society. It is their hard work that has created the wealthy class like you, and will let you eat and drink here, drinking 20,000 bottles of red wine, eating Three hundred and one cups of abalone!"

Shi Zhijian's tone became sharper, and he looked directly at Xie Bingqian: "Miss Xie, you were born rich, you were reborn well, you have never suffered since childhood, and you don't understand the sufferings of the world. I can forgive you for that! It is showing your ignorance, and your vulgarity!"

"What did you say?" Xie Bingqian's eyes twitched, her breathing became short of breath, her eyes became sharper, she picked up the red wine in front of her, and poured it on Shi Zhijian without hesitation!

Shi Zhijian was already alert when the corners of her eyes twitched, so the moment Xie Bingqian raised his wine glass and poured out the red wine, he just casually dodged sideways, and then the red wine splashed and splashed onto an unlucky person behind him. face.

The owner of the restaurant, Fatty Bai, knocked on the door and came in with a pot of "beautiful soup". He was just about to serve the soup himself when there was a bang, red wine splashed all over his face!

The fat white man's face was full of wine stains, dripping down his head and face, and he was holding a pot of soup in his hand, looking extremely embarrassed.

Seeing that the person who splashed him was Xie Bingqian, he tried his best to smile, first he stuck out his tongue and licked the red wine on his lips, and said, "Thank you, Miss San, for enjoying the wine! Also, this is the clearing heart-clearing fire-removing soup I made for everyone Lotus seed soup, please taste it first!"

Shi Zhijian could see clearly from the side, so he had to secretly give Fatty Bai a thumbs up, sharp!

Charlie Chen also breathed a sigh of relief seeing the fat man smooth things over.

Xie Bingqian glared at Shi Zhijian, but couldn't help being indifferent to Fatty Bai's words, and immediately said coldly: "Boss Bai has a heart! Put it down! We will taste this beautiful soup slowly!"

The fat man smiled and put the soup on the dining table, then found a tissue to wipe his cheeks, and said with a smile, "20,000 yuan of red wine, I didn't think I could drink it!"

After all, Xie Bingqian came from a wealthy family, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was rude just now."

"No! No!" Fatty Bai quickly waved his hands and said, "It's not the time for me to come in!" After speaking, he looked at Shi Zhijian with a smile, "Mr. Soup - to dispel fire!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, took out a napkin from the table and handed it to Fatty Bai, "Wipe your clothes, red wine is not easy to wash off!"

"I'm determined!" Fatty Bai giggled.

Xie Bingqian had no appetite at this time, since Shi Zhijian made the matter clear, she didn't want to hide it anymore, before Shi Zhijian sat down, she got up and said, "Chen Charlie, I just want to ask you now, are you still our Xie family?" ?”

Charlie Chen hurriedly stood up and said, "Of course!"

"That's good!" Xie Bingqian pointed at Shi Zhijian and said arrogantly: "I don't like him! No, I should say I hate him! So now I ask you to fire him!"

"Huh?" Charlie Chen was stunned.

The others also looked at Xie Bingqian, but they didn't expect her to do so.

The female star Pa Lan's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't help blurting out: "Miss San, there's no need to go too far, right?"

You must know that expulsion is a trivial matter, and it can be resolved in private, but Xie Bingqian's words on such an occasion are clearly slapping Shi Zhijian in the face.

"Ahem, Miss San, Ah Jian is me—"

Before Charlie Chen could finish speaking, Xie Bingqian said coldly: "I just ask you, do you agree or not?" His tone could not be refuted.

Charlie Chen gritted his teeth and struggled, "This—"

Uncle Qi and the others were very angry. They felt that Miss Xie had gone too far. Shi Zhijian had just made a great contribution to bringing the ballroom back to life, so it would be unreasonable to fire him now.

Seeing that Charlie Chen was struggling, Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Miss Xie, you don't have to force others! Isn't it just to fire me? I accept it!"

"Huh?" Xie Bingqian didn't expect Shi Zhijian to answer so simply, and looked at Shi Zhijian coldly to see what tricks he was playing.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "I'm leaving, so you can attack Jin Baihan Ballroom, won't you?"

Xie Bingqian's eyes remained unchanged, and she looked at Shi Zhijian coldly.

"Chen Sheng, I'm sorry, I can't help you anymore!" Shi Zhijian turned to Chen Charlie and said.

Charlie Chen looked sad: "Don't say that, you know it's not my intention."

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect that this celebration party would turn into a breakup party!" Shi Zhijian snapped his fingers after finishing speaking, "By the way, you promised me that if you earn a million dollars, then—"

"I know, I'll give you 100,000! Now you help the dance hall earn 2 million, and I will give you double!" Chen Charlie said.

"I'm determined!" Shi Zhijian nodded, then glanced at Uncle Qi and the others, smiled, and left without further ado!

The entire room was silent.

The atmosphere has become tense!

Uncle Qi and the others feel the sadness of the death of the rabbit and the fox!

After Shi Zhijian left, Charlie Chen took a deep breath.

The others looked at Xie Bingqian together with weird eyes. Xie Bingqian's trick to force people to resign seemed to have caused public outrage.

Of course Xie Bingqian knew, but she really hated that Shi Zhijian.

In addition, Xie Bingqian insisted that she had a special status, so she didn't pay attention to Charlie Chen and others.

"Now that the annoying person is gone, it's time for us to eat happily!" Dumb stood up and said with a smile.

Xie Bingqian instructed Chen Charlie: "Your red wine is very good, pour me another glass of red wine."

Charlie Chen didn't move, but looked at Xie Bingqian with anger.

Xie Bingqian glanced coldly, "Why, want to rebel?!"

Chen Charlie said: "Don't dare to rebel! Just now you said that Ah Jian is an outsider, I hired him from the outside, and he has no qualifications or strength to bargain with you. Now, as an old courtier of the Xie family, I, Chen, dare to propose to you, Miss San. A recommendation--"

Xie Bingqian said casually: "What suggestion?"

Chen Charlie didn't hesitate anymore, took out a document from his body and handed it over: "This is a contract, three million, I want to buy Jin Baihan!"

"What?" Xie Bingqian's beautiful eyes widened, staring at Chen Charlie: "Just three million, you want to sell our Xiejia Ballroom?"

Uncle Qi and the others also stared wide-eyed, looking at Charlie Chen in disbelief.

Doesn't this mean breaking away from Xie's family and establishing a family of their own? !

Female star Palan felt awkward staying here, and the other party talked about "family affairs" one after another, not to mention that Shi Zhijian, whom she was interested in, had already left. However, she was still very curious about how Xie Bingqian would respond to Chen Charlie's departure.

"Yes!" Charlie Chen went all out, "I have been taking care of this ballroom since it opened, and I have a deep relationship with me! The most important thing is, as far as I am concerned, I am too old to continue to serve Xie family, so I plan to sell this store and live a good life in the future!"

Xie Bingqian smiled, stretched out her hand to shake the red wine and said: "Your private red wine is not very tasty, you are so ambitious!"

"Miss San, let me tell you one more thing. I have no ambitions, but I am getting older and want to find a more secure job. I won't be fired casually like Ah Jian!" Charlie Chen said confidently.

Xie Bingqian nodded, "Your so-called stable job is to stand on your own! It seems that our Xie family can't keep you!"

"I also hope that the third lady will be successful!"

"Hahaha!" Xie Bingqian laughed loudly, "You want me to fulfill you? You betrayed our Xie family, and you still want to buy this dance hall, how can you ask me to fulfill you?"

Charlie Chen: "The betrayal is a bit serious, but I judged the situation and felt that I can no longer rely on the Xie family for living!"

"Just you, want to take over the dance hall?"

"And us!"

"And I!"

Uncle Seven and others stood up one after another, "Miss Xie, I hope you will be successful!"

Xie Bingqian was stunned.

Dumb was also stunned.

Even the female star Palan was stunned.

They never expected that Uncle Qi and the others would stand with Chen Charlie.

"Miss Xie, don't get me wrong! At first we didn't think so, but you fired Mr. Shi just because you didn't agree with each other before! This point makes us all chill!" Seventh Uncle said.

"That's right! Although Mr. Shi was hired by Chen Sheng, he is very capable. You saw the scene last night. He made two million in one night. Who can do it?" Li Shunfa stood up and said.

"Mr. Shi not only has outstanding ability, but also distinguishes rewards and punishments, and treats us very well! Although he has only been the general manager for a few days, we all recognize him!" Director Xiao also stood up and said, "But it is such a person that we collectively respect. The person you recognized, but you fired him every minute, without mercy, without even a bit of dignity!"

Uncle Qi interjected: "Now you understand what we are thinking? That's right, we are all wage earners from your Xie family, but we also have dignity and self-esteem. We are not a dog of your Xie family, and can be called to drink by you. Go! We also want to be like Chen Sheng, leave the Xie family and set up our own family!"

Xie Bingqian didn't expect that these ants, which she usually didn't pay attention to at all, would stand up and scold her one by one at this moment, and the pent-up anger in her heart was about to explode!

Dumb opened his mouth and said: "You people, how can you make such a reason!"

"Shut up!" Charlie Chen scolded, "You dog has no place to speak here!"

"Huh?" Dumb was stunned.

what is it today? Shi Zhijian called himself a dog, how dare this Charlie Chen be so presumptuous? !

Chen Charlie looked at Xie Bingqian again: "I know you are very angry, but please make a choice! Everyone in and out of this dance hall is willing to follow me, and those singers are also signed to me. If I leave, the whole The ballroom will collapse in an instant and become an empty shell! On the contrary, if you choose to sell it to me, then at least this ballroom is supported by your Xie family, and many people will say that your third lady is benevolent!"

Charlie Chen analyzed the stakes for Xie Bingqian in detail. Xie Bingqian is not a fool, of course he understands that what he said is true.

The problem is that she was forced, and she couldn't swallow this breath!

"The price of three million, Miss San, is not too low!" Charlie Chen said, "This is almost all of my savings over the years, and I want to take such a gamble, and I hope it will come true!"

"Miss San, please help us!"

"We don't want to be wage earners for a lifetime, but also want to have our own business!"

Uncle Qi and the others also began to pray.

Xie Bingqian couldn't get off the tiger, and she really couldn't get off the stage at the moment.

What's more, there are outsiders like Palan and Fatty Bai.

Seeing this, Chen Charlie had no choice but to resort to a killer move: "Miss San, to be honest, I used to be with Mr. Xie Shihao! Thanks to Mr. Xie's benevolence, this is the only way to convince the public! If Mr. Xie knows that Jin Baihan went bankrupt overnight, I miss him He will definitely be heartbroken! On the contrary, if he learns that you, Miss San, have a kind heart and help us achieve a career, so that more people will attach to Xie's family in the future, he will definitely be overjoyed when he learns the truth!"

Chen Charlie's words directly hit Xie Bingqian's weakness!

Xie Bingqian has always been very dissatisfied with her two older brothers, thinking that women can do what men can do!

For this reason, she kept fighting at home, hoping to win her father's favor.

Hearing that Jin Baihan was not doing well this time, Xie Bingqian took the initiative to invite Ying, wanting to make some achievements to show her father. If this thing really messed up and Jin Baihan went bankrupt overnight, even if she had a hundred mouths, she would not be able to explain it clearly.

On the other hand, if Chen Charlie gave him the dance hall as he wanted, it would be more obedient, at least it wouldn't be so miserable!

"Chen Charlie, since you have served our Xie family for so many years, this ballroom can be offered to you! But—" Xie Bingqian changed the subject, "The specific price needs to be discussed in detail!"

Chen Charlie was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Of course! This is just a draft, and we will discuss the details with you, Miss San!"

Uncle Seven and the others were so happy that they almost jumped up.

Today when they saw Shi Zhijian being fired and leaving, they immediately felt a sense of sadness.

Until Chen Charlie stood up and wanted to take down the ballroom and set up his own business, they seemed to see the light at once, and they all stood by Chen Charlie immediately.

Now that Miss Xie San is forced to make concessions, they can't help but be overjoyed.

Bet right!

I should really thank Shi Zhijian, if he hadn't given the warning, they wouldn't have the guts to take this step!

Everyone cheered.

Chen Charlie looked at them with a relieved expression.

Xie Bingqian saw everyone's expressions in her eyes, and suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart!

That's the feeling of being calculated!

She carefully filtered what happened last night and The feeling of being calculated is getting stronger!

Shi Zhijian faced her arrogance and rudeness.

Chen Charlie's compromise.

And Shi Zhijian deliberately provoked her to get angry——

She couldn't help being angry and fired him!

Then Uncle Qi and the others were sad when the rabbit died!

Charlie Chen took advantage of the situation to attack——

What a wonderful double reed!

Xie Bingqian couldn't help feeling dizzy after thinking about the whole situation, and quickly reached out to support the table.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Xie Bingqian waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, but gritted her teeth and spit out three words: "Shi Zhijian!"

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