Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1321: I am so wise!

Chapter 1321 1321 [I am so wise! 】

The chipper involuntarily reached out to take the cigarette handed over by Shi Zhijian, and said, "Dare to ask Gao's name?"

"Don't dare, Shi Zhijian!" Shi Zhijian said as he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Chiu.

Feng Guoquan had printed this business card for him in advance, and according to Shi Zhijian's request, it was gilded on all sides and sprinkled with perfume.

It's just that Feng Guoquan couldn't afford the expensive perfume, so he replaced it with cheap cologne.

Even so, Shi Zhijian is one of the best in this era who can have a bronzing business card and sprinkle perfume on it.

Mr. Chiu took the business card and looked at it, and felt that it felt good. After smelling it, he felt even better.


Mr. Chiu looked at the business card, and he didn't know many characters, but he couldn't pretend he didn't know, so he pretended to read it carefully, and said, "Shi Zhijian—"

Shi Zhijian pointed to the position: "Accountant!"

"Oh yes, accountant! Accountants are gentle people, they are very knowledgeable!" Mr. Chip said, "My younger brother is studying accounting, and he will go back to work in the bank."

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "I didn't expect that your brother is still a talent, and those who can learn accounting well are not ordinary people."

"Of course, my brother Abao is the pride of our whole family. He studies very hard and has even received a scholarship—do you know what a scholarship is? You don't need to spend money to go to school, and the school will give you money!"

"Teach me! We'll talk about your brother later, now we—"

"Oh, do you want to buy a Rolex? Wait a minute, I can't decide this matter, I have to tell my boss."

"It's such a hassle!"

"Wait a minute!" Chip took his business card and turned to walk towards the iron house near the pier.

The tin house was crunching and shaking.

Mr. Chiu hesitated for a moment, but finally he had the courage to knock on the door and said: "Brother Nine, there is a pretty guy outside, who looks quite airy, and says he knows Mr. Huang, and he is here to buy a Rolex!"

crunch! crunch!

The tin house was still shaking.

Seeing this, Mr. Chi had no choice but to knock on the door again: "Brother Nine, stop for a while, can you hear me?"


The tin house no longer shakes.


With a bang, the door of the house was kicked open!

First, a flirtatiously dressed woman came out from the inside, arranging her clothes as she walked, and said with a cigarette in her mouth: "Dakoujiu, you really know how to brag, it's still an hour, and it's less than a minute!"

After finishing speaking, the chaochou took a puff of cigarette slowly, and said with a wink smile: "how about it, do you want to play too? I'll give you a 20% discount?"

Looking at the woman's enchanting figure, Mr. Chiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He wanted to say what he wanted, but he was afraid of the boss in the house, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't like this, you go!"

"Cut! You don't even have the guts! You deserve to be a younger brother for the rest of your life!" After the coquettish woman finished speaking, she left the iron house with a cigarette in her mouth and her buttocks twisting.

Seeing the woman leave, there seemed to be no movement in the room, so he boldly lowered his head and sneaked in—

But Dakoujiu was leaning against the iron wall in big pants, with a soft cigarette in his mouth, his eyes were blank and he asked, "Am I a failure?"

Mr. Chi was stunned for a moment: "Boss, can you give me a reminder, what is the specific aspect?"

"Which aspect are you talking about?" Dakoujiu said angrily, "I am tall and powerful, and I am majestic and mighty, but...but the bottom is like a shrimp, every time for a minute!"

Chiu was stunned for a moment, and said sympathetically, "Boss, don't be angry! I've heard that the most important thing in this kind of thing is skill, not size!"

"Then how long are you?"

"Me?" Chip counted his fingers, "Seven or eight minutes!"

Dakoujiu jumped up suddenly, grabbing Tiao Lao's chest with both hands: "Pu your mother! You only have one minute as a boss, how dare you take seven or eight minutes? Are you laughing at me, aren't you?"

The chip guy was almost scared to death.

Dakoujiu is tall and tall, carrying him like an eagle catching a chicken.

"No, sir! I'm innocent! I'm just here to report—"

"Message? What kind of letter?"

"As I said before, someone came to buy a Rolex, and he said he knew Mr. Huang!"

"Boss Huang? Which Boss Huang?"

"Of course it's Huang Dongliang, General Manager Huang!"

Dakoujiu threw away Mr. Tiao, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Boss Huang is not someone you and I can offend!"

"I told you—hey, this is that person's business card!" Chiu hurriedly handed the business card to Dakoujiu.

Dakoujiu took it and looked left and right. He was not as good as Chou, and he was even more illiterate, but he couldn't say that he didn't understand in front of his younger brother, so he pretended to read carefully.

The chip pointed to the words on it: "His name is Shi Zhijian, and he is the accountant of Ricci Shipping Company!"

"Accountant? Is the accountant big?"

"It should be very big!" said Mr. Chiu, "There are Sijiu in our gang, straw sandals, white paper fans, and red sticks, hall masters, chief rudders, and so on. This accountant is like a white paper fan!"

"White paper fan?" Dakoujiu flicked his business card, and smiled, "Then let me, the red stick, meet him!"

"Hello, I'm in charge here, my name is Dakoujiu!"

"It turned out to be Brother Jiu, nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!" Shi Zhijian took the initiative to shake hands with Da Kou Jiu.

With a big mouth and nine yin smiles, he exerted strength on his hands.

Shi Zhijian felt it, and said with a smile: "Ninth Brother, I'm here to buy goods, not to compete with you! Besides, seeing that you are mighty and tall, Ninth Brother, you can tell that you are not an ordinary person. Admit defeat!"

Dakoujiu likes to let people praise him for being tall, majestic and masculine, and immediately laughed: "Well said! I think you are quite pleasing to the eye. What do you think you are here to buy?"


"Who told you there's a Rolex here?"

"Boss Huang!"

"Which Boss Huang?"

"Huang Dongliang!"

"You're lying!" Dakoujiu's expression changed suddenly, and he put his hands on his hips.

The four younger brothers picked up the guy at the side, ready to go!

Shi Zhijian remained calm in the face of danger, "What do you mean?"

Dakoujiuyin said: "Don't think that I am tall and powerful, but that I have strong limbs and a simple mind! You know, I am so smart!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, took out a cigarette and put it in the corner of his mouth: "Can you explain it more clearly?"

"Hmph!" Dakoujiu said with his hips on his hips and curled his lips, "Who is Mr. Huang? How can you, a little accountant, be able to get in touch with him? Also, you actually said that he personally told you that there is a Rolex here. Why? Possibly?! He told me, this is a secret, no one can tell it! Including my own father!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, and said to the guy next to him, "Can I borrow a fire?" Rubbing his fingers.

Chiu was stunned for a moment, and quickly took out the lighter to light it for Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian patted the back of his hand to express his gratitude, took a long puff, and then looked up at Dakoujiu with a smug face: "You know, I'm the new accountant hired by Li's Shipping Company, do you know what an accountant is? Checking accounts and collecting accounts—”

The guy leaned closer to Dakoujiu's ear: "It's similar to what I said, it's equivalent to being a housekeeper, similar to the white paper fan in our society, only the people who are closest to the boss can do it!"

"I know these things, you don't need to remind me!" Da Kou Jiu slapped Tiao Lao's face aside.

"Hey, as I said just now, you see me as tall and mighty, but in fact, I have also studied, and I am very intelligent! Of course I know what an accountant does, isn't it just to manage accounts!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "So who dares to appoint me to such an important position? Of course it is Mr. Huang Dongliang! Mr. Huang and I are a family!"

"Uh, a family? Your surname is Shi, and his surname is Huang. How could it be a family?"

"Don't you know that Boss Huang has a younger sister who is not very pretty but very rich, and I am dating her—otherwise, why would Boss Huang let me take such a good position?"

Mr. Chiu leaned closer to Dakoujiu's ear again: "What he said makes sense! You see he looks so handsome, it would be a pity if he doesn't go to eat soft food!"

Dakoujiu stretched out his slap and pushed Tiaolao's face away again, "You don't need to tell me! I know!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Shi Zhijian and said, "So what if what you say is true? What do you tell me to believe you?"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "That's simple, you can call Ricci's now and ask if there is a newcomer named Shi Zhijian who is ready to go to work."

"Huh?" He was stunned for a moment, then hooked his fingers and told the guy: "Go and call—" After finishing speaking, he whispered a few words secretly.

Chiu nodded and left.

Dakoujiu had his hips akimbo, staring at Shi Zhijian with a ferocious look, preventing him from escaping.

Shi Zhijian, on the other hand, smoked leisurely, and blew out a smoke ring from time to time.

Seeing one smoke ring after another coming out of Shi Zhijian's mouth, he couldn't help but secretly said, "This kid is so handsome!"

Soon, footsteps sounded.

"Ninth brother! Ninth brother! I got it right!" Mr. Chou quickly ran over, "There is indeed a new employee at the boat company, and that person is indeed Shi Zhijian—"

Chiu was out of breath, and finally finished speaking.

"What else?" Dakoujiu stared at him.

"Oh, that's right!" Chiu hurriedly stepped forward and leaned closer to Dakoujiu's ear, "You told me, I also found out clearly. Mr. Huang does have a younger sister who is dating someone. It is said that the person is very handsome!"

Dakoujiu looked at Shi Zhijian, he is really handsome!

Shi Zhijian looked at the two of them and felt amused.

Because Feng Guoquan and Huang Dongliang are enemies, Feng Guoquan can be said to have a thorough understanding of Huang Dongliang's details, not to mention his sister's dating, even Huang Dongliang knows exactly how many young wives Huang Dongliang has raised outside.

Dakoujiu put down his hands on his hips, and said to Shi Zhijian: "Hey, now I believe half of you, but the other half, how can you make me believe you? Mr. Huang will not tell outsiders such secret things!"

No wonder Dakoujiu suspected that smuggling would lead to jail time. Huang Dongliang has always been cautious. Last time, because a younger brother slipped up when he was drunk, Huang Dongliang ordered Dakoujiu to break the opponent's leg. .

Shi Zhijian threw the finished cigarette on the ground, stomped it casually with his foot, looked up at Dakou and said, "Brother Ninth, is that right? Let me ask you, what do men value most?"

"Eh? It's the size! Oh no! It's the time! It's not!" He was furious, "Then tell me what men value most?"

"Of course it's about face!" Shi Zhijian spread his hands and said, "For example, if I don't even have a Rolex on the first day of work, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" Shi Zhijian flicked his wrist.

Dakoujiu looked at Chiao, and Chiao also looked at him, and said in unison: "Yes, it's so embarrassing!"

"That's right! Since Mr. Huang promoted me, of course I have to save face for him! Unfortunately, I come from a poor family, and I don't have that much money for a while. Mr. Huang sympathized with me and told me I could I can get cheap Rolexes here, so I drive here!"

Dakoujiu and Chiao looked at each other again, "What he said makes sense!"

Seeing that Dakoujiu was still hesitating, Shi Zhijian simply took out a business card and handed it to Dakoujiu, saying, "No, this is the business card Mr. Huang gave me. If you don't believe me, you can call him and ask him! Of course, I want to remind you One point, Mr. Huang has a very bad temper, if you let him know that you are embarrassing me, as for the consequences..."

Dakoujiu gasped, and reached out to take the business card. Although he was not very literate, he also knew that the business card was real, because he also had one, and kept it as a treasure. He often called whenever there was something to do Report.

Of course, as Shi Zhijian said, Huang Dongliang has a very bad temper. Every time Dakoujiu calls, he will be scolded bloody, which makes him tremble when he sees this business card. Never take the initiative to call and scold.

Mr. Chiu knew that he had a lot of thoughts, and hurried forward: "Brother Jiu, I think what Mr. Shi said is true! Think about it, who would come here to act in a free time? Besides, we all I called to confirm, he is indeed the newly hired accountant of the shipping company! Instead of offending him, it is better to serve him well, maybe we can have a good relationship with Mr. Huang in the future!"

Dakoujiu grinned, "Boy, these few words are just right! You think you're an idiot, but I'm actually very smart and wise! Of course I know that I want to have a good relationship with him!"

After Dakoujiu finished speaking, the vicious look just now immediately turned into a naive look, and he rubbed his hands and said to Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Man, otherwise how can I become an accountant? Also, a man, he should have a good watch by his Otherwise he will be looked down upon by others! Let’s go, I’ll take you to our treasury. There are all kinds of babies!"

Dakoujiu smiled happily and helped Shi Zhijian lead the way, while turning his head and shouting at his younger brother: "You guys rush to the street, do your best for me! Especially guard the treasure house. If a fly flies in, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

"It's the boss!"

Those younger brothers hurriedly bowed their heads and bowed their heads respectfully.

"Mr. Shi, go this way! Be careful, don't trip over the stones!" Dakoujiu nodded and bowed to Shi Zhijian, serving him like an old man.

Mr. Chiu also wanted to follow, and said fiercely: "It is good that Mr. Shi can be taken care of by me alone, you get out of the way!"

The chip guy is full of slander, unloading and killing the donkey!

Why in Thailand can speak Chinese (mainly Teochew dialect) without being afraid to travel all over the country, this is the natural sense of intimacy; Thonburi the Great is Zheng Xin of the Great Chaoshan, that is, the Chaoshan people unified and established the country of Thailand, and the Chekri Dynasty is Obtained by usurping the throne; the Chaoshan cultural lineage has been deeply rooted in the Thai people, and being in Thailand is equal to being in the south!

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