Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1322: A lot of fun!

Chapter 1322 1322 [Good show! 】

"Hey, this is our treasure house! Most of the things here are smuggled from outside! For example, the Rolex gold watch you want to buy only costs 20,000 yuan from us! It costs at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in shops outside. ! It’s even cheaper than a 50% discount!”

Dakoujiu led Shi Zhijian to the secret warehouse, and reached out to open the container cabinets. Inside the cabinets were all kinds of smuggled goods.

In addition to the Rolex gold watch that Shi Zhijian wanted, there are also high-end watches of other brands, in addition to luxury accessories, bags, diamond jewelry, etc.!

The entire cabin is like a luxury jewelry exhibition site.

Shi Zhijian walked to the Rolex gold watch and looked at it. A lot of gold watches were piled together and all wrapped in vacuum plastic bags that were waterproof, moisture-proof and shock-proof. "Can you open it and have a look?"

"Of course!" Dakoujiu has now determined that Shi Zhijian is Huang Dongliang's sister-in-law, intending to please Shi Zhijian, personally found a watch and tore off the outer packaging, revealing the golden watch and handing it to Shi Zhijian: "Look, it's 100% new! It's perfect !"

Shi Zhijian took the watch and looked at the overhead light, then looked at Dakoujiu, and asked Dakoujiu a few questions by the way.

Dakoujiu immediately gave Shi Zhijian a thumbs up: "Expert! You can tell you are an expert just by hearing it! Don't worry, Mr. Shi, our batch of goods is absolutely genuine, not a high imitation! It's not A-grade!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, casually put the Rolex gold watch on his wrist, felt it and said, "It feels very good! How much is it?"

Dakoujiu rubbed his hands together and said, "If it were someone else, it would cost at least 20,000 yuan, but Yi and Huang are always a family, so I will charge a little less, 18,000 yuan!"

Shi Zhijian reached out and patted Dakoujiu on the shoulder: "You know how to be a man, and I can be a man too!" Then he pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Jiu? I'll give you a suggestion—"

When Dakoujiu saw Shi Zhijian's expression just now, he knew that the other party wanted to benefit him, and when he saw that Shi Zhijian didn't speak, he became anxious.

At this moment Shi Zhijian finally spoke, Dakoujiu was full of expectation: "You speak, I will listen!"

"Ninth Brother—" Shi Zhijian touched his chin again and hesitated.

He was very anxious, and felt that the benefit Shi Zhijian had given him must be great, otherwise he would not have hesitated so many times.

Dakoujiu swallowed his saliva: "Mr. Shi, no, Brother Shi! Although you and I met for the first time, we met because of destiny. Besides, I feel that we are not only destined, but also very close!"

"Me too, Brother Ninth! I feel like I hit it off with you!"

"That's it! Now that's the case, what can't we say between you and me?" He said nonchalantly, "Unless you don't recognize my brother!"

"How could it be?" Shi Zhijian touched the gold watch on his wrist, and then looked at Dakoujiu.

Dakoujiu immediately understood: "Brother, let's talk about it and listen to it, the price of this watch is easy to negotiate..."

"In this case, I'm taking the liberty!" Shi Zhijian gritted his teeth and said, "To be honest, this is a secret! President Huang is going to hold a company meeting recently, and you also know that he and the supervisor, Feng Guoquan, have been at odds. This meeting is to kill he!"

"I've heard of this before! That Feng guy is really weird, he always fights against Mr. Huang!"

"Yeah, so here's an opportunity—"


"Yes! It's an opportunity!" Immediately after, Shi Zhijian approached Dakoujiu and whispered in Dakoujiu's ear: "If you do this, then I guarantee you..."

Shi Zhijian whispered a few words to him, Dakoujiu listened very seriously, quickly opened his mouth wide, then covered his mouth again, looked at Shi Zhijian in astonishment, "Is it okay?"

"Why not?" Shi Zhijian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Huang is embarrassed to personally buy off those high-level executives who participated in the meeting. If you help buy them up instead of him, then you think Mr. Huang will know about it?" ..."

Dakoujiu smiled, bared his teeth and said, "So... what should I do?"

Shi Zhijian also laughed, pointing to those Rolex gold watches and said: "Rolex, not only I like it, but other people also like it!"

Dakoujiu licked his tongue: "Then should I tell Mr. Huang—"

"If you tell him first, then it won't be a surprise!" Shi Zhijian patted his mouth and said, "I said earlier, Brother Ninth, you are not only tall and mighty, but also very intelligent. Of course you understand what surprise is and what surprise is. Think about it, Mr. Huang was at a disadvantage in the meeting, and suddenly everyone assisted him to turn the defeat into victory! After the incident, he found out that it was Brother Jiu who helped buy up these fools in the morning, and not only will you not be let If you pay for these gold watches, maybe you will be rewarded greatly!"

Dakoujiu's eyes flashed with greed.


"Yes! By surprise!"

"Surprise him?"

"Yes, surprise him!"

Dakoujiu came back to his senses and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Shi Zhijian's hands: "Good brother! I read you right! You are really good enough friends, even willing to tell me such a big secret!"

Shi Zhijian also held his hand tightly: "You and I are brothers, and meeting is fate—if there is any benefit, who will I not give it to you?!"

"Well said! For the sake of your sincerity to me, this gold watch—"

"Give it to me?"

"No! 50% off! Ten thousand yuan, you take it!"

Shi Zhijian was stunned for a long time: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome! You and I are destined!"

"Yes, it's very fateful!"

Lee's Boats -

General Manager's Office.

Huang Dongliang, the chief executive of the boat company, has two mustaches, combed back hair, wearing a black vest, legs on the desk, and a big cigar in his mouth. He is looking at the personnel appointment in his hand. Shi Zhijian was appointed as the accountant of the shipping company and so on.

"Cut! This Feng Guoquan can't beat me, I don't know where to find a wild boy to help him!" Huang Dongliang threw the letter of appointment on the table casually, and puffed a puff of smoke.

Opposite him is Li Daqi, the personnel director of Li's Shipping Company, who is also a follower of Huang Dongliang.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Huang. At that time, Feng Guoquan pushed me too fast. I couldn't hold back for a while, so I approved the appointment! But don't worry, when this Shi Zhijian comes to work, I will definitely test him. See Let's see if he has the ability? If he is capable and talented, let him be a stumbling block, and get rid of him sooner or later!" Li Daqi took off his glasses, wiped his forehead and said.

"Don't be too impatient!" Huang Dongliang bit his cigar and twirled it in his mouth. "Everyone knows that you are my man. If you kick that kid out so soon, isn't it saying that I, Huang Dongliang, don't tolerate talent?"

"Uh, this—"

"I don't want this and that. You came here to make a report. Aren't you afraid that I will be angry? Let me tell you the truth, I am not angry at all, on the contrary, I am happy!" Huang Dongliang said, put his legs down from the table, got up and walked slowly Going to Li Daqi's side, he said: "Everyone says that Feng Guoquan and I are at odds, and the two fight back and forth, but now my people have hired his people. How can you say that? It proves that I, Huang Dongliang, have a big heart, not a small belly! On the contrary -"

Huang Dongliang stretched out his hand and patted Li Daqi's shoulder: "He, Feng Guoquan, is nepotism and entrusts such an important job as an accountant to a guy with no education and unknown background. What do you think the people in the company will think?"

Surprise appeared on Li Daqi's face, and he hurriedly put on his glasses again: "I understand! I will let the wind out at that time, and I will definitely make him smell bad!"

"Hahaha! Clever!" Huang Dongliang patted Li Daqi on the shoulder hard. "Then Feng Guoquan wanted to find someone to help him, but he didn't know that he found a short-lived ghost! And it was a short-lived ghost who wanted his life!"

Huang Dongliang's face was full of sarcasm. To him, this so-called new accountant "Shi Zhijian" was simply a nobody! If he wanted, he could crush Shi Zhijian to death like an ant!

Li Daqi also thinks so—

Shi Zhijian? Never heard of this name!

Must be an unknown person! Yes, it must be! Just pinch your fingers and you can crush that kind!

Just when Huang Dongliang and Li Daqi looked proud, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Huang Dongliang returned to his seat and said.

The office door was opened, but it was Huang Dongliang's female secretary.

The female secretary glanced at Li Daqi, then at Huang Dongliang.

Huang Dongliang knew that she had something to say, so he pointed at Li Daqi with a cigar and said to the female secretary: "How many times have I told you that Director Li is not an outsider! Besides, he is in charge of personnel affairs, which is very important to me. What's the matter?" Just say, don't avoid him!"

Hearing these words, Li Daqi felt at ease, raised his chin slightly, and showed a satisfied smile.

Only then did the female secretary report: "Director Feng requested that the company's general meeting be held tomorrow morning."

"A meeting? What's the purpose of this rush?" Huang Dongliang asked as he took a puff of his cigar.

"I found out clearly, and said that I want to let the new accountant meet with everyone!"

"Haha, even a small accountant has made such a grand occasion. I'm afraid that others will not know that Feng Guoquan is recruiting troops?" Huang Dongliang rolled his eyes, "That's fine, doesn't he want to show off? Then I'll let him show off enough." Director Li, do you know what to do?"

Li Daqi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Of course I know, I will put on a good show for you tomorrow!"

"Hahaha! You have a heart! The performance you organized must be very exciting!" Huang Dongliang exhaled a puff of smoke proudly, and his expression became ferocious.

Bangkok, No. 1 Tea House.

In the private room——

"Smuggling is a big or small thing, and it's not that I don't know that Huang Dongliang used my merchant ship to smuggle him personally!" Feng Guoquan expressed his opinion after listening to Shi Zhijian's narration. "But the problem is that he is getting bigger and bigger, and the things he smuggled are getting more and more complicated, which makes me very passive now!"

Feng Guoquan said, frowned and took a sip of tea, "If I report this matter to Mr. Li, then it will be tantamount to tearing face off with Huang Dongliang! Huang Dongliang once saved Mr. Li's life, so even if he knows that this time is his If you made a mistake, it would be a big stick to lift it up and then lower it lightly! Afterwards, Huang Dongliang can still show off his might on the boat!"

Shi Zhijian understood, "This is Brother Quan, you have never dared to touch him?"

Feng Guoquan nodded, "If you can bear it, you can bear it. If you can't bear it, let's talk."

"But if someone finds out about his smuggling, what do you think Mr. Li will do? Can you stay out of it?" Shi Zhijian asked.

"This—" Feng Guoquan shook his head, "No! After all, I am in charge of shipping. How could I not know about such a big smuggling case?"

"That's it!" Shi Zhijian picked up his teacup and smiled, "What you call forbearance is nothing more than wrapping hot water in a plastic bag and waiting for the hot water to burn the bag. At that time, the hot water may splash on you and scald you. You! Make you unable to come down and die in pain!"

"Then Ah Jian, teach me, what should I do?" Shi Zhijian took a sip of tea, put down the cup, pointed to the tea in the cup and said, "Since the water in it is too hot, change it to a cup!"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, "As for what cup to replace it with, it's up to us to choose!"

At this time, boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Feng Guoquan said.

The door opened, and it was Hei Zai, Feng Guoquan's confidant, who came in.

Hei Zai was tall and powerful, with lightning-like eyes.

He used to be a dock worker, he could play and spell, and most importantly, he knew how to read.

Being able to read and write is rare in this age, especially in places like the wharf. It can be said to be a talent.

There was a riot at the wharf, when Feng Guoquan went to deal with the riot, an accident happened, and Hei Zai sacrificed his life to save him. After that, Feng Guoquan promoted Hei Zai to be his personal bodyguard, and then transferred him to Li's Shipping Company as a security supervisor.

It can be said that Hei Zai is the most loyal person to Feng Guoquan in the entire Li's Boat Company.

"Hei Zi, what's the matter?" Feng Guoquan asked.

Hei Zai glanced at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian nodded and smiled at him. Heizai knew that Shi Zhijian was a helper invited by Feng Guoquan and did not hide it. He said, "Mr. Feng, I have already done what you asked me to do! Apart from me, there are almost a hundred people who can go out together. In time, we will be able to take down all the Dakoujiu gang!"

Feng Guoquan nodded: "That's good! Dakoujiu is a gangster arranged by Huang. His subordinates are fierce and cruel, and their fighting power is not weak! You must ensure that you grab those smuggled goods and don't give the other party a chance to counterattack!" Xiang Shi Zhijian asked, "Ajian, what do you think?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, looked at Hei Zai and said, "The speed is quite fast. I just talked to Brother Quan, and you have already started!"

Hei Zai is modest: "Soldiers are expensive and fast! If there are no we can fix it tomorrow morning!"

Shi Zhijian nodded again.

Hei Zai also noticed that although what he did was ordered by Feng Guoquan, the whole plan was made by the young man in front of him.

"In addition, I heard that Huang Dongliang has agreed to your proposal, Mr. Feng, and will hold a company meeting tomorrow morning!" Hei Zi continued.

Feng Guoquan smiled, tapped his fingers on the table, looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Ajian, what do you think?"

"What do you think? Now that the stage has been arranged, let's act!" Shi Zhijian raised his teacup and slightly raised a glass to Feng Guoquan as he said, "How did you say that sentence? Sing it, I'll come on stage!"

Feng Guoquan laughed, clinked glasses with Shi Zhijian and drank it down, praising: "This is called a good show!"

Thank you Hao for the reward of what book, that word is really hard to type! sweat!

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