Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1323: Nepotism, go through the back door, it's a bad idea!

Chapter 1323 [Nony relationship, go through the back door, it's bad! 】

the next day—

The meeting room of Ricky's Shipping Company.

"Is there a mistake, let people come over so early!"

"Yeah, I hired a new golf coach, a foreign woman, and I was supposed to practice golf this morning!"

"I'm even worse! I was going to participate in the annual horse racing meeting in Bangkok today, but now I'm fine, so I have to come here for some shit!" The three potbellied men said with a look of resentment.

"Shut up, today is a meeting called by Feng Guoquan!" A fat man had a vigilant look on his face, "As you all know, he helped the company make several big deals recently, and he is very popular!"

"So what if he is popular?" a dissatisfied man with a bulbous nose said, "Who doesn't know that today is a day for him to show off his prestige? I don't know where to find a young man to be an accountant--before he grows up, he will follow other people's calculations, ninety-nine Can he recite the multiplication table?"

"Director Qian, don't let Director Feng hear your words," the fat man reminded Suantou, "You must know that he hired such a person as an accountant, maybe it was for checking the accounts, and those accounts will be exposed when the time comes. That's trouble!"

"Director Sun, what do you mean by that? It seems like I'm the only one making false accounts, and you, you also stole food from the company!" Director Qian stared at the fat man with a displeased face.

Director Sun immediately squeezed out a smiling face: "I'm not reminding everyone to pay attention, we are all grasshoppers on the same boat, we must be consistent with the outside world!"

"Yes, yes, we must be consistent!" The other two directors echoed.

As time went on, more and more people attended the meeting.

When Director Qian, Director Sun and others were spanking in boredom, Li Daqi, who was in charge of the personnel department, paced in from outside.

When everyone saw it, they hurriedly stood up to greet them.

Director Qian, Director Sun and others also stood up slowly.

Li Daqi is also the personnel director of this company after all, and everyone always asks him.

In particular, these directors are best at stuffing nepotism, nephews, nieces, etc. of the seven aunts and eight aunts, and even the younger brothers of their little wives, etc., are all stuffed into the shipping company to get their salaries.

"Director Li, you are here!"

"Director Li, you look very good!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Everyone, please sit down!" Li Daqi clasped his fists and saluted everyone politely, with a gentle attitude and no hint of arrogance.

After everyone sat down again, Li Daqi said: "I'm sorry to trouble everyone today. Originally, Mr. Huang didn't want to disturb everyone's rest, but Director Feng insisted on supporting his newly hired accountant, so he had to wrong everyone!"

"Director Li is serious!"

"That's right, even if we don't look at Director Feng's face, we still have to look at President Huang's face!"

"It's a meeting. It's been a long time since everyone got together, so it's rare to have some fun today! After the meeting ends, I'll treat you!" Director Qian said with pride.

"This is good! Let's go to Wanhualou for a few drinks together! Please tell me that there are a few famous actors from Hong Kong over there, and the Chaozhou ditties are really ecstatic!" Director Sun yelled from the side.

When a group of people were talking about famous actors, the door of the meeting room was pushed open. The first person who appeared was Huang Dongliang's personal secretary, and then Huang Dongliang, who was in charge of the boat, came in imposingly from the outside with a big cigar in his mouth and a straight suit. .

"Boss Huang is here!"

"Get up quickly!"

Everyone didn't care to continue chatting, and hurriedly got up to greet them.

"Mr. Huang, I heard that you have been playing golf very well recently! Hole-in-one has become a legend!"

"Mr. Huang, I'm really ashamed that I didn't learn from you at the Spanish restaurant last time!"

Everyone stepped forward one after another, for fear of taking a step too late and being preempted.

At this time, a thin middle-aged man present couldn't help muttering: "A bunch of sycophants!"

Huang Dongliang glanced at the other party inadvertently when he heard it, and recognized that the other party was Director Zhang who was on the same front as Feng Guoquan.

Director Zhang is also an old servant of the shipping company. He has always had a good reputation in the shipping company. He is serious and diligent in his work, and Huang Dongliang can't catch him.

Huang Dongliang bit his cigar and pretended not to hear what Director Zhang said, and greeted everyone: "Director Qian, I heard that you have been gambling recently?"

"Director Sun, you've gained a lot of weight, it's time to lose weight!"

"Thanks to Mr. Huang, I was lucky, at least I won a Mercedes!"

"Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your concern. I'm doing aerobic exercise recently, and I'm also learning Tai Chi from others!"

"Hehe, I'm very happy to see everyone so healthy and rosy!" Huang Dongliang said and walked straight to the center of the boat-shaped conference table. The female secretary helped him pull out the chair. Huang Dongliang sat down and bit a big cigar He took a puff of smoke and said with a smile, "Why, Director Feng hasn't come yet?"

"Not yet, we are all waiting."

"What a big air!" Huang Dongliang snorted coldly, his previous smile suddenly faded, and the thick cigar smoke rose up, obscuring his cold face and making him look a lot more serious.

Seeing this, everyone immediately fell silent.

Especially Director Qian, Director Sun and others knew exactly what Huang Dongliang was thinking, so they drank tea by themselves and did not dare to talk too much.

Only Director Zhang who was standing with Feng Guoquan muttered unconsciously: "What's the difference if you come a little later or a little later? Anyway, the meeting hasn't started yet..."

Huang Dongliang smiled, raised his head and looked at the crowd with a big cigar in his hand, without any fluctuation in his tone, he said lightly, "Which one was talking just now?"

Director Qian and the others looked at the talkative Director Zhang. ,

Relying on the backing of Feng Guoquan, Director Zhang still muttered to himself: "It's me, what? The meeting is held today, and everyone has just arrived. The meeting hasn't started yet, how can-"

Without waiting for Director Zhang to finish speaking, Huang Dongliang directly threw a cigar at Director Zhang's face: "Auntie Pu, are you finished?"

The cigar hit Director Zhang's face, and sparks flew everywhere!

"Oh! How did you do it?" Director Zhang staggered in a hurry and almost fell down!

Huang Dongliang stood up directly, pointed at Director Zhang's nose: "You ask me why I did it? Don't look at who you are, dare to be here with five people and six! I tell you, I bear you to save face for Feng, Now that he's not here, Buddha can't save you!"

Director Zhang was in a hurry, "What do you dare to do to me? I am the director of Li's Shipping Company, and I have shares! I have the right to participate in the meeting! Huang, you don't want to bring me down!"

"Really? You are indeed a director of the company, and you do have the right to attend meetings, but it's a pity—" Huang Dongliang picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, staring at Director Zhang: "Your equity has been taken by your incompetent son. Sold it to me, so you are not even a hair now!"

"What did you say?" Director Zhang was shocked.

"You don't understand me when I speak Chaozhou dialect?" Huang Dongliang reprimanded loudly, "Your incompetent baby son can't get enough of gambling, so he sold your company shares to me! That means you don't have the right to be Here! Someone, drag him out!"

Immediately, someone stepped forward and hugged Director Zhang from behind, and dragged him away—

Director Zhang couldn't care less about face at this time, struggling to shout to Zhang Dongliang: "Huang Dongliang, oh no, Mr. Huang! I know I was wrong, please let me go?! I didn't know that Shanzi sold you shares! Let me live Got it?"

Huang Dongliang ignored his pleading, waved his hand, and motioned for people to drag him away quickly.

Director Zhang was about to cry, he didn't expect Huang Dongliang to be so ruthless, even messing with his son! Losing the equity is not a big deal, I am afraid that the other party will retaliate later, that is the scariest thing!

"Mr. Huang, I know I was wrong! I shouldn't be against you! Your lord, please forgive me a lot!" When Director Zhang wanted to shout again, he had already been dragged out of the door, and his mouth seemed to be gagged.

When Director Zhang was dragged out of the conference room, Huang Dongliang lit a cigar slowly again, and said to the people in front of them whose expressions changed in shock: "Look, is it strange? It would have been nice to have this early, but I have to wait until I lose my temper." ! This person, always has no taboos, is unscrupulous, thinks that someone is covering him, he can be lawless, and he will not admit his mistake until half of his body is buried in the soil!",

Director Qian immediately echoed: "Boss Huang is right! To be a human being, you must know how to be grateful, and you must recognize the situation clearly! There is a saying that those who know the current affairs are heroes! Everyone applaud!"

Clap clap!

Everyone applauded Huang Dongliang.

Huang Dongliang stood and waved his hands triumphantly to calm everyone down, and then ordered with a cigar between his fingers: "In a word, at the Li's Boat Company, you all have to follow what I, Mr. Huang, say and do! Those who follow me Chang, whoever rebels against me perishes—”

The voice did not fall—

"What a big tone! Those who don't know think that the boat company's surname is Huang instead of Li!"

While speaking, Feng Guoquan came in with a young man in white.

Feng Guoquan was still the same as before, calm and capable, calm and calm.

The man in white who followed him was Shi Zhijian, smiling and handsome.

When Huang Dongliang saw Feng Guoquan appearing, he was not surprised at all, but shrugged his shoulders and said, "Director Feng's words are stinging! When did I say that this shipping company is mine? You don't want to sow discord in front of everyone-" ——Everyone knows that I am loyal to Mr. Li! When Mr. Li was almost killed by pirates at sea, I sacrificed my life to save him. How can outsiders like you guess the relationship between me and him?"

Feng Guoquan smiled, walked straight to his seat, and then pointed to another vacant seat, which happened to be that of Director Zhang just now, and asked Shi Zhijian to sit down, then looked up at Huang Dongliang and said, "I didn't come here to argue with you. , I want to introduce someone to everyone—General Manager Huang, can you sit down first?"

Huang Dongliang laughed, biting a cigar and sat down again on the seat, but with a high posture, pointed at Shi Zhijian arrogantly with the cigar in his mouth and said: "Is he the person you want to introduce?"

Before Feng Guoquan could answer, Shi Zhijian stood up with a smile and said, "Excuse me, please allow me to introduce myself. My surname is Shi, Shi Zhijian, and I come from Hong Kong! I will take up the post of accountant of Ricci Shipping Company in the future, and please take care of me!"

Shi Zhijian's demeanor was neither humble nor overbearing, his eyes were burning, and he was filled with indescribable confidence. Even if he looked at Huang Dongliang, he didn't avoid it at all, but met Huang Dongliang's eyes.

Huang Dongliang had never seen such a bold young man, especially felt that Shi Zhijian had an invisible aura, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Illusion! This must be an illusion! No matter how capable a young man is, how can he have such a strong aura? I must be thinking too much!" Huang Dongliang explained to himself.

"Hey! From Hong Kong? No education, unknown origin, and no idea if you are a cat or a dog, so you dare to come here to work as an accountant! I would like to ask one more question, what qualifications do you have?" Huang Dongliang looked at Shi Zhijian contemptuously.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "Being an accountant is not running for the president, so there are so many rules and regulations. Besides, for me, it's not that I want to work here, but Director Feng sincerely invited me here, so I don't have to worry about it." Disaster!"

"What a breath!"

This time not only Huang Dongliang was unhappy, but everyone else looked at Shi Zhijian with displeasure.

"Young man, it's better to be humble!" Huang Dongliang said coldly.

Feng Guoquan said: "No wonder Ah Jian, I really invited him here! I think he is a rare talent, so Corporal Lixian invited him to take up the position of accountant of the company. I believe that under his leadership, our company will continue to grow Finance will be more accurate and transparent!"

"Ahem, Director Feng, I don't like hearing your words! Does it mean that our current financial situation is very poor?" Director Qian retorted immediately.

"That's right, are we all confused, dark, and opaque in terms of finances?" Director Sun also accused.

When the others heard this, they also booed.

"Exactly! It's as if none of us are good people!"

"Invite someone to be an accountant halfway, it's really ulterior motives!"

"People's hearts are separated by belly, it seems that Director Feng has deep thoughts!"

Everyone chattered and began to accuse Feng Guoquan.

Only two or three directors defended Feng Guoquan and said: "Director Feng said this to remind everyone!"

"Yeah, Director Feng didn't mean anything malicious, so don't overthink it!"

Huang Dongliang remained calm when he heard the words, but gave Li Daqi, who was in charge of personnel affairs, a wink.

Boom boom boom!

Li Daqi knocked on the table to make everyone quiet.

"Help Everyone be quiet!" Li Daqi said.

Everyone fell silent and looked up at him together.

Li Daqi took some time off, coughed deliberately, and then said confidently: "Lee's Shipping has always been able to develop so smoothly, the biggest advantage is that the cultivation of talents has never been cronyism! In a high position, a certain position, pay attention to the ability, and let the mediocre , the mediocre!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But Director Feng brought a bad leader today!" Li Daqi looked at Feng Guoquan swearingly, and finally his eyes fell on Shi Zhijian, "It's a trifle for a young man with unknown background to take up such an important position as an accountant in our company!"

Everyone nodded in agreement again: "That's right! How can you just find someone to replace such an important position as an accountant?"

"There is no hair on his mouth and he can't do things well. How can he have real materials at such a young age?!"

"Nepotism, go through the back door, it's a bad idea!"

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