Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1339: What can I do to save you, my loyal minister and good general!

Chapter 1339 1339 [What can I do to save you and my loyal minister! 】

"Ah!" Shi Zhijian woke up from the bed, covered in cold sweat.

He had a dream just now. In the dream, he went back to the United States. He was kidnapped and directly tore up his ticket, and then his body sank into the sea!

In the dream, he vaguely saw a figure standing on the shore and sneering at his corpse, as if laughing at his overthinking and ignorance.

Shi Zhijian covered his face, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down from the negative emotions.

How long has it been since you had a dream like this? As an experienced person, Shi Zhijian has a "golden finger" that many people don't have. He passed all the way, went smoothly, and basically never lost to anyone, but even so, he still didn't know who the person who secretly dealt with him was.

"I must find out the truth!"

Shi Zhijian got up, wiped his face with a handkerchief, and fell into deep thought again.

During this period of time, apart from contacting Yan Xiong and Fu Toujun, he hardly had any contact with his family, the purpose was to avoid being exposed.

Yan Xiong's side is also very painful. In order to help Shi Zhijian conceal the truth, he had to find a lame excuse that Shi Zhijian was investigating investment projects in the United States. He went to Las Vegas today, Texas tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. california…

In short, Shi Zhijian was very busy, so busy that he didn't even have time to call home. For this reason, Yan Xiong had to practice Shi Zhijian's handwriting hard, and bought postcards from all over the United States for Shi Zhijian's elder sister Shi Yufeng, three wives Bai Ledi, Nie Yongqin, And Su Youwei wrote letters.

In the end, in order to gain the trust of the other party, I also vowed that I will go back soon, at most half a year!

What a ghost for half a year!

Yan Xiong knew clearly that Shi Zhijian had gone to Thailand, and he didn't know what happened there, and he didn't know when he would quietly return to Hong Kong.

If it is said that Shi Zhijian's big family is relatively easy to fool, then Lei Luo, Li Hao and others who have the closest relationship with Shi Zhijian are not so easy to fool.

These people are all big shots who are about to become elites. Shi Zhijian has not shown up in the United States for so long, and he has not called them, which inevitably makes them suspicious.

In desperation, Yan Xiong had no choice but to play a full set, and found someone with similar features to Shi Zhijian, wearing a windbreaker in Las Vegas, Texas, and California, etc., and took a few vague photos , together with some American "native products", such as the vinyl records that Lei Luo likes, American coffee, and the "Playboy" that Laihao likes, and "Penthouse" magazine, etc., all mailed together, which makes the two The boss is relieved.

Bitter too!

Compared with Hong Kong, the British side is much easier to handle. Whether it's fooling Shi Zhijian's partner John Hong, or fooling Jester and others, Yan Xiong is familiar with everything! Even His Highness Wilson, Shi Zhijian's close friend, is no problem!

As for the principal of Cambridge University, the university that Shi Zhijian attended, it is even more pediatrics. Yan Xiong just used the phrase "Shi Zhijian is sick and needs to see a doctor" and muddled it out, and directly helped Shi Zhijian go through the sick leave procedures.

The old-fashionedness of the British people, as well as their rigidity, made it impossible for them to doubt that an "honest man" who was so loyal to Shi Zhijian would tell such a big lie.

In short, during these days in the United States, Yan Xiong felt that he was about to become Monkey King, and that guy Ax Toujun couldn't help him despite his big waist.

Yan Xiong would only take Ax Jun with him when he went to the casino at night. On the one hand, he acted as a free bodyguard, and on the other hand, Ax Jun played cards superbly, and even helped him win two hands!

Of course Shi Zhijian knew Yan Xiong's suffering, so he tried his best to comfort him on the phone, cheer him up, and instill chicken soup for his soul.

Tell Yan Xiong that the matter here in Thailand will be over soon, and he will return to Hong Kong soon. Once he returns to Hong Kong, Yan Xiong's mission will be considered complete, and when the time comes, rewards for meritorious deeds, he will definitely take the lead!

Yan Xiong could only hold back his anger when he heard the words, but at this moment Yan Xiong was missing Mrs. Deborah who was far away in England. I don't know if this rich woman is dead. If she dies, will she leave part of the inheritance to herself? Even a fraction is fine! Hey, young people don't know how to be soft and fragrant, so they mistakenly planted their youth!

Thinking of this, Shi Zhijian recovered from his contemplation, got up, put on his clothes, washed his hands, feet and face, feeling a little thirsty, so he walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen—

Suddenly a black shadow hit him!

Shout out!

Warm jade and warm fragrance smashed into the arms!

Shi Zhijian took a closer look, but it was the girl Axiang.


Turning on the light, Shi Zhijian looked at Ah Xiang lying in his arms and asked, "What are you doing sneaking around in the kitchen so late?"

Ah Xiang gave Shi Zhijian a very surprised answer, "I'm a little hungry, looking for something to eat!"

"Are you still hungry?" Shi Zhijian stared at her with wide eyes, making Ah Xiang feel embarrassed. Just now, he accidentally bumped into Shi Zhijian's arms, and his nose smelled a very manly smell, which was the smell of tobacco. It also smells like coffee and perfume. In short, the smell is so good that Ah Xiang is reluctant to get up from Shi Zhijian's arms.

"Hey, did you make a mistake? I just ate so much delicious food at the banquet today, and I'm still hungry?" Shi Zhijian looked Axiang hard and wondered if she was human.

"I'm really hungry, I don't know why my stomach keeps growling, and I can't get out of my breath! I thought it might be because I was hungry, and I needed to find something to eat to hold back the breath! That's what my stomach is like." Damn, if you have something to eat, where can you hide that energy? You’re right?”

Shi Zhijian was almost stunned by Ah Xiang's incisive remarks, "Please, beauty! You're not hungry, you're full of food! The gas in your stomach can't dissipate, it's indigestion!"

"Uh, is that so? I thought it was my stomach that didn't live up to expectations and asked me what I wanted to eat!" Ah Xiang said embarrassingly, patting her stomach.

"Come with me!" Shi Zhijian said to her.

"What?" Ash asked.

"You just come here!" Seeing that Axiang was still standing still, Shi Zhijian went directly to grab her small hand and lead her into the living room.

Ah Xiang felt uneasy for a while, what is he going to do? Does he want me to do that to me? This black light is blind, if he wants that or something, should I give him that or something? But in case I guess wrong, he doesn't want that or something, but wants to do something else, then should I accept it or not?

Just when Ah Xiang was thinking wildly, Shi Zhijian had already pushed her down on the sofa.


Could it be that he wanted the Overlord to attack?

what should I do? Resigned? Or resist a little? But why do I still have such little expectations?

Thinking of this, Ah Xiang suddenly closed her eyes, then slightly pouted her lips——

Shi Zhijian took the needle and thread from the sewing kit and saw Ah Xiang tensed up like a wooden man, with her mouth pouted, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you? Did you eat too much and your mouth is swollen?"

"Ah, what?" Ah Xiang was awakened suddenly, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover her mouth. Seeing that Shi Zhijian came over with a needle, she didn't want that or something... Immediately she was ashamed and blushed like an apple, "No, I just—"

"Is the stomach still bloated?" Shi Zhijian didn't have time to care about what nonsense she was talking about, so he grabbed Axiang's right hand and looked at it, then rubbed his thumb on the tip of Axiang's **** vigorously!

"What are you doing?" Ah Xiang woke up and asked curiously.

"Help you cure your illness!" Shi Zhijian said, "You just need to **** the tip of the **** and the tiger's mouth with acupuncture to help you feel flatulence!"

"Really? Don't be funny!"

"Your grandfather is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and is also good at acupuncture. How come you don't know such a native method?"

"My grandpa wouldn't give me a needle for a bloated stomach - because I never had enough to eat!"

What A Xiang said made Shi Zhijian startled slightly, and he raised his head to look at A Xiang.

Ah Xiang was embarrassed by him, "I'm telling the truth, you don't believe me?"

Shi Zhijian shook his head and said, "I believe it! If you follow me from now on, you will never be hungry again!"

A soft sentence made Ah Xiang's heart feel hot, and he felt a heat surge from the bottom of his heart, very comfortable, very comfortable——

But before she finished feeling comfortable——


Shi Zhijian had already quickly pricked her middle finger, and then squeezed out the blood!

"What are you doing, it hurts so much!" The girl, who is not afraid of pain, immediately yelled.

"Hold up, just squeeze out three drops of blood!"

"Why three drops of blood?"

"I don't know either!"

"Sick to death!" Ah Xiang had just finished speaking, but suddenly opened her mouth: "Uh—!" and hiccupped.

An unpleasant smell came out.

Ah Xiang hurriedly fanned her mouth with her hands, afraid that Shi Zhijian would smell the smell. To be honest, if Shi Zhijian smelled it, it would be worse than her death!

Shi Zhijian didn't think too much about it. Instead, he said happily, "Look, it will work immediately! Hiccup means you're breathing!"

"Then you still don't let go?" Ah Xiang shyly wanted to withdraw her hand.

"I told you that there is still a tiger's mouth--"

"Do you still want to **** it? Oh my god!" Before Axiang finished speaking, Shi Zhijian stabbed Axiang's right hand again, and then squeezed the blood vigorously according to the previous method until three drops came out. .

Ah Xiang was in so much pain that she was "gritting her teeth" and "gritting her teeth". Until Shi Zhijian finished everything, she still had a "gritting her teeth" expression.

Shi Zhijian couldn't help it, and flicked her forehead with his fingers: "It's fixed! Does it hurt that much?!"

Ah Xiang covered her forehead with an "Ouch" and called out to Qu, "It didn't hurt that much at first, but after being hit by you like this, it hurts even more! My whole body hurts! You pay me?"

"How to pay?"

"Bounce me back!"

"Good idea!" Shi Zhijian got up and washed his hands, then went to the wine cabinet to get the bottle of red wine that Axiang stole last time, and turned to ask her, "Would you like a glass?"

Ah Xiang nodded.

Shi Zhijian poured a glass and handed it to her.

Ah Xiang didn't take it, "I want a second cup."

"Huh?" Shi Zhijian didn't understand what she meant, so he poured another glass for her without thinking too much.

"Thank you!" Ah Xiang took the wine glass, looked at the first glass of wine, and remembered that she licked the mouth of the bottle last time! Then there must be my own saliva in this first glass of wine——

Ah Xiang's heart was beating wildly, and she peeked at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian picked up the first glass of red wine and shook it in his hand.

Ah Xiang felt that his posture was so cool - he is handsome and looks good in everything!

Then Shi Zhijian took a sip from the mouth of the cup, and swallowed it down!

Gudong! But Ah Xiang swallowed her saliva, screaming in her heart: "He drank it! He drank it! Doesn't it mean that he drank my saliva when he drank like this? Then wouldn't he and I be equal to an indirect kiss?"

Ah Xiang Xiafei's cheeks fluttered, and she covered her mouth shyly.

"Why, this wine doesn't taste good?" Shi Zhijian couldn't help asking, looking at the strange A Xiang.

"No! It's because the wine is so delicious, I can't bear to drink it!"

"You're welcome, drink more!" Shi Zhijian drank the wine in his glass, got up and said, "Only by drinking too much wine can you sleep comfortably!"

How did he know that no matter how much Axiang girl drinks tonight, she won't be able to fall asleep!

Shi Zhijian didn't sleep well all night, and got up early the next morning to start his business.

He first went to the Ricci Shipping Company to ask Feng Guoquan whether the 200,000 Ricci shares he purchased could be taken to the bank to seize the loan.

Feng Guoquan didn't answer directly, but asked him what happened and if he needed money. If so, he could lend it to Shi Zhijian.

But Shi Zhijian flatly refused, he was not used to owe favors, besides, he could solve this kind of thing by himself.

Feng Guoquan was a smart man, he knew that Shi Zhijian would not accept his love, the more Shi Zhijian was like this, the more Feng Guoquan looked at him highly.

Nowadays, many young people are very ambitious, hoping to soar into the sky, and more hope to get help from others to help them rise to the top!

The question is what qualifications do you have, what ability do you have to make others willing to help you?

People like Shi Zhijian, who are capable and popular, not only do not ask for help, but also actively refuse help, this is what a young leader in the future should look like!

Since Shi Zhijian didn't want his help, Feng Guoquan didn't ask any more questions, but just reminded Shi Zhijian that the bank's loan checks on personal identity are very strict.

This reminded Shi Zhijian on the contrary, because the bank that Shi Zhijian wanted to pledge his shares happened to be a branch of HSBC in Bangkok.

Shen Bi, the CEO of Hong Kong HSBC, is Shi Zhijian's younger Even the headquarters of HSBC knows Shi Zhijian's name.

If Shi Zhijian passed away in such a grand manner, it would probably alarm the entire HSBC, and then everyone in the world would know his whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Shi Zhijian made a plan, took Tang Long's ID card and other documents, and asked him to act as the book agent for these shares, and then spent money to find a ghost lawyer to complete the procedures, and that's it. Tang Long unknowingly became Shi Zhijian's spokesperson, went to HSBC and successfully submitted a share mortgage loan!

Like many banks, things like loans are very dark, especially in this era, the person in charge of lending has to take a bite, and the bank has to take another bite when the loan comes out. After these two bites, shares worth 200,000 yuan will go to Shi Zhijian Only 100,000 yuan left! It is equivalent to shrinking by more than half!

Of course, Shi Zhijian has long been used to this, and besides, when the money is repaid, these shares will still be his own! All we have to do now is-

Take the money to save Xu Shubiao!

The future "drink king"!

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