Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1340: 1 is not careful, Wang 8's spirit is overflowing!

Chapter 1340 1340 [If you are not careful, the bastard's air will overflow! 】

Outside the gate of Xu's Pharmaceutical Factory.

As the boss, Xu Shubiao has been battered these days. Since the fire broke out in the factory, things have been going wrong. First, the burned factory needs to be cleaned and renovated, then the workers’ wages must be paid on time, and finally the backlog of orders must be completed.

Fortunately, Shi Zhijian gave Xu Shubiao 100,000 Hong Kong dollars in advance, allowing him to see a glimmer of light when he was about to be driven crazy.

With the money given by Shi Zhijian, Xu Shubiao refurbished the factory in one go, bought some burnt out machines, and finally paid the workers ten days' wages. end.

In fact, the renovation of the factory, wages of workers, and the purchase of machines are not the bulk. The real bulk is the raw material suppliers of the pharmaceutical factory.

As we all know, opening a factory and doing business has always been carried out on the basis of "credit" in terms of raw materials.

In order to compete for the business of pharmaceutical factories, many raw material companies deliberately settle accounts late. Often, the supply of materials is completed and the accounts are settled once a month or a quarter.

In this way, pharmaceutical companies can sell the drugs produced and convert them into funds to settle the backlog of raw materials.

The same is true for Xu Shi Pharmaceutical Factory, which has a backlog of nearly 100,000 raw material bills in Xu Shubiao's hands.

Originally, these bills could be settled next month, but now there is a fire in the pharmaceutical factory, and the medicines cannot be produced, so they cannot be converted into cash, and the bills cannot be settled.

Those businessmen who were rushing to supply raw materials to Xu's pharmaceutical factory quit. Seeing that the pharmaceutical factory caught fire and might close down, their arrears would be completely lost.

Ever since, these suppliers who got the news gathered together and blocked the gate to collect debts from Xu Shubiao.

At first, Xu Shubiao asked security personnel and financial personnel to help stop it.

But soon the security guard came back and told Xu Shubiao that the accountant had been beaten, and his head was bleeding!

Xu Shubiao was shocked, and asked him, "Why are you okay when your finances are beaten?"

The security guard said: "I run fast! Otherwise, I will die worse than him! Boss, those debt collectors are crazy!"

Indeed, those debt collectors are crazy.

They blocked the door early this morning and wanted to see Xu Shubiao, and asked Xu Shubiao to give an explanation. They didn't expect Xu Shubiao to be so dishonest that he would bring out a financial person to fool them.

The problem is that the accountant's words are not good, saying that they were kneeling and begging the pharmaceutical factory for credit, but now they are only in arrears for a few days, and they can't stand it anymore, and even organized a group to collect the debt! Two faces disgusted him!

These debt collectors are not the gangsters in the Jianghu. Although the business is not big, they are all shameless raw material bosses. How can they stand the irony of this financial staff? Immediately someone tore up with the financial staff!

When this person is torn apart, accidents are easy to happen. You grabbed my face, and I stabbed your eyes. In the end, other debt collectors swarmed up, directly pushed the financial officer to the ground, punched and kicked him, and beat him up!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the security guard watching the battle hurriedly fled to report the situation to Xu Shubiao.

After Xu Shubiao understood what was going on, he hammered his head with his hands. He almost forgot that he was only dealing with financial statements and accounts, and he was not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships!

But now the factory needs manpower to help in all aspects, and there is really no manpower available, so Xu Shubiao bit the bullet and let him go out, unexpectedly, it backfired and caused a catastrophe.

Now he can no longer hide from those debt collectors, he must face reality.

Thinking of this, Xu Shubiao didn't even call the security guard, and went out to meet the enemy.

The security guard hesitated for a while in the office, then gritted his teeth and stomped his feet to follow! Who made Xu Shubiao his boss and paid him wages!

Those debt collectors at the door were bluffing and cursing, and when they saw Xu Shubiao appearing, they immediately surrounded him like crazy!

"Xu Shubiao, you finally came out!"

"Do you want to renege on your debt?"

"What do you mean by sending such a thing to fool us?" After the man finished speaking, he kicked the financial officer lying on the ground hard!

Xu Shubiao looked at his subordinate who was lying on the ground and was beaten miserably. Originally, he was very dissatisfied with his poor performance and bad speech. Now all his anger dissipated, replaced by pity!

Xu Shubiao didn't say a word amidst everyone's scolding, and went straight to the place where the financial staff was lying.

Everyone saw that he didn't respond, but they didn't dare to do anything to him. After all, Xu Shubiao can be regarded as the boss of a factory after all because of his name and the shadow of a tree! In the past, in order to curry favor with him, these suppliers also yelled at each other, asking for food and drink.

Xu Shubiao squatted down, helped the financial staff up, and asked, "Are you okay?"

The financial staff was beaten with bruises and swollen eyes, "I'm fine...I'm sorry boss, I..."

"Don't say anything, you go down to recuperate first!" Xu Shubiao beckoned the security guard with his hands, handed the financial staff to him and said, "Take him down and wipe him some Dieda wine produced by our factory!" After finishing speaking, Xu Shubiao turned his head Say to those debt collectors: "The Yishen Dieda wine produced by our Xu's pharmaceutical factory is all developed from the secret recipe handed down from the ancestors. If you feel any discomfort, you can buy a bottle and try it!"

Everyone was surprised, followed by admiration. Even at this time, Boss Xu didn't forget to advertise the products of their pharmaceutical factory.

"Xu, don't speak so nicely! What about the money you owe us?" a **** man roared.

"That's right, mine is 20,000 yuan! I can't afford a small business!" said a fat man.

Xu Shubiao got up, and when everyone started to yell again, he pressed down with his hands and said, "Don't worry, everyone! You can't lose your money! I, Xu, promise to help you solve it this week at the latest!"

"Cut! You're tricking us again!"

"Yes, that's what you said a week ago! And now we haven't seen a dime!"

"Everyone, don't believe his words!" The black man yelled, "I heard that he has the money to buy new machines, renovate the factory, and pay the workers wages, but he has no money to pay us back! This is clearly a refusal!"

"Yes! Let's all rush in and move his machine away! Take all the valuables away!" The fat man greeted, "Until he pays back the money!"

Xu Shubiao didn't expect these debt collectors to be so irritable, and they ransacked their homes before they even said a word!

There was no one around him at the moment, how could he stop so many people?

Seeing that these people were about to rush into the factory like wolves and tigers, Xu Shubiao was really anxious!

at this time-

A voice said: "Boss Xu's money, I paid him back!"

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then followed the reputation.

Xu Shubiao looked at the sudden appearance of the savior with surprise on his face!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Aji, the manservant, first got out of the Ford car with his briefcase in his hands, and then helped Shi Zhijian open the car door.

Shi Zhijian, dressed in white and wearing toad sunglasses, stepped out of the car, stood up straight, put one hand in his pocket first, looking arrogant, then pushed the sunglasses upwards with one hand, and then took the man Servant Aji strode towards the debt collectors.

Those debt collectors were completely overwhelmed by Shi Zhijian's **** aura. Look at me, I look at you. I don't know who the other party is, why dare to drag him like this? !

"Mr. Shi, you are here!" Xu Shubiao hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

Shi Zhijian nodded at him, without saying anything, walked straight to the **** man, the fat man and the others with unrestrained steps, glanced at everyone through the dark glasses, and then asked: "The money owed by Boss Xu, what should I pay?" I paid it back!" After saying that, Shi Zhijian snapped his fingers at Aji behind him.

Aji hurriedly opened the briefcase, took out a big bulging envelope and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian took the things and raised them towards everyone and said, "I'm a lazy person, the money is too heavy, and I'm afraid of trouble, so I exchanged it all into US dollars!" As he spoke, he dumped the US dollars in the big envelope on the ground!


Stacks of new dollar bills blind people's eyes on the ground!

The **** man, the fat man and the others exclaimed in surprise. They looked at the money on the ground, and then at Shi Zhijian. They didn't understand the relationship between Shi Zhijian and Xu Shubiao.

Shi Zhijian was too lazy to talk to them, and said casually: "The money should be enough to pay off your bills, I'm lazy, you can divide it yourself!"

After speaking, he turned to Xu Shubiao and said, "One hundred thousand balance, pay it off!"

A cup of coffee was placed in front of Shi Zhijian, but Shi Zhijian looked through the window at the group of debt collectors who were scrambling to scrape away the pennies.

After Xu Shubiao put down his coffee, he followed Shi Zhijian's gaze and looked out, and said, "I really can't figure out what these people are thinking. At first, they were vying to curry favor with me in order to be able to supply my factory. A little bit of money is torn apart, not even a little bit of sympathy!"

Shi Zhijian looked back, glanced at Xu Shubiao and said: "This is called pattern! Why in this world some people can become rich and big bosses, but some people can only be small landlords all their lives. The reason is that the pattern is different and they can see far You Qian, that’s how short-sightedness comes about!”

Xu Shubiao nodded, and sat down in front of Shi Zhijian, "What about me, what kind of person do you think I am? Can I develop in the future?"

Shi Zhijian smiled and scratched his chin.

What does this make him say? If Xu Shubiao followed the trend of his previous life, after he developed the "H Niu" functional drink, he would reach the peak of his life and eventually become a billionaire!

But now!

Xu Shubiao's recipe for H cattle was snatched by him, and he directly changed from a "billionaire" to Shi Zhijian's "wage earner".

Cut Hu!

Let Shi Zhijian keep taking wealth, and let many people lose the wealth that originally belonged to them! For example, Momofuku Ando, ​​the father of instant noodles in Dongying, Li Jiacheng and Liu Luanxiong in Hong Kong, Bill Gates in the United States, and the boss Xu in front of you, etc.!

It can be said that Shi Zhijian's wealth and status rest on the shoulders of these people!

"Mr. Shi, why don't you talk? Do you think my question is stupid?" Xu Shubiao smiled wryly, "Yes, I'm in this mess now, how dare I pray for a higher level?"

If an ordinary person saw the other party being so sad, he would definitely feel guilty, but Shi Zhijian was not that kind of hypocritical Madonna whore, he was a real villain.

Shi Zhijian got up, reached out and patted Xu Shubiao's shoulder lightly: "Boss Xu, to be honest, you are so old, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't compare to young people! Why don't you help me well, maybe there will be better development of!"

The translation of Shi Zhijian's words is - helping me to work is very promising!

Xu Shubiao smiled wryly again: "But I always feel wronged!" After he finished speaking, he added: "I'm not afraid of Mr. Shi's jokes when I tell it. I always feel that I will succeed, from a small boss to a millionaire. Millionaire—but reality always slaps me in the face! Do you think I am delusional?"

Shi Zhijian said in his heart, your feeling is right, it's just that you didn't meet me at that time!

"It's okay to have delusions! But you have to find the right time!" Shi Zhijian said earnestly, "It's actually good to help others work, at least you don't have to worry so much!"

Xu Shubiao smiled wryly, stopped talking, and took a sip of coffee.

Shi Zhijian was afraid that he would not give up, so he took a sip of coffee and sorted out his words: "Hey, now your factory is a waste of money, it is better to change it into a beverage factory instead of continuing to be a pharmaceutical factory!"

"Uh, the beverage factory?"

"Yes, you can continue to carry out drug research and development, but the main body is beverage production. The general direction is beverages, chewable tablets, health products, etc.! Now I have the beverage formula developed by you in my hand, and we can work together! Make this Beverages are produced, packaged and marketed, and they may make more money than you do now! After all, people drink drinks faster than they take medicine!"

"Mr. Shi, are you so confident in the formula I developed?"

"No, I have confidence in you!" Shi Zhijian said earnestly, "As long as you nod, we will be partners in the future! I will definitely not treat you badly after making money. How about it? Do you want to do it?"

What Shi Zhijian said made Xu Shubiao passionate. UU Reading He thought for a while that opening a pharmaceutical factory by himself really has no future, and all the money he earned before would be burned in this fire. If Shi Zhijian hadn't stepped in to help Already in debt.

In addition, as Shi Zhijian said, he is already in his fifties, how many more years can he go? Opportunities are reserved for young people, why not let this energetic Mr. Shi toss around, and help him out as an assistant. Maybe one day Mr. Shi will get rich, and he can also get a share of it!

Thinking of this, Xu Shubiao immediately got hesitant, looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Mr. Shi, your suggestion is very good! Thank you for your help and trust in me—but my newly developed drink..."

Before Xu Shubiao could finish speaking, Shi Zhijian snapped his fingers at the servant Aji again.

Aji stepped forward hurriedly, opened the briefcase and took out a document for him, then stepped aside.

Shi Zhijian pressed the document with his **** and gently pushed it in front of Xu Shubiao, saying: "I have prepared everything! Packaging design, production and processing, and later advertising promotion are all included! As for the name of this drink, I also think about it, so I’ll call it—H Niu!”

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