Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1367: scapegoat!

, Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

"who are you?"

"How can you break in without authorization?"

Faced with the sudden intrusion of the police, Xie Guangyi, the duty manager, immediately stepped forward and questioned.

Members of other associations also crowded up. Everyone is a prominent figure in the business circle, so how can they be afraid of these "Thai police".

Shi Zhijian and Xu Shubiao couldn't help but stepped forward to watch the excitement, thinking that this was a bit strange.

You must know that the Food Association is very famous in this area, not to mention that these police officers are afraid to provoke them, even the Thai government has to keep three points of thinness. What's more, this meeting was organized by a big man like Li Yaozu, not to mention the seriousness.

Baimeng Book

The leading policeman smiled, stepped forward to face Xie Guangyi, first took off the police cap he was wearing, flicked the police badge with his fingers and said to Xie Guangyi with a smile: "Seeing this, you don't know who we are. Who?"

"Even if you are the police? How dare you break in without permission? Believe it or not, I will notify your boss, Chief Jonathan, and let him punish you for your crimes?" reprimanded.

The policeman smiled again, this time he put on his police cap, tidied up his appearance, and said, "Mr. Xie, you asked a lot of questions in one go, how should I answer you? Well, I will answer them one by one. , First of all, my name is Mike, and I am the senior police detective here. Second, we will come here because some of you are suspected of committing a crime. Finally, it was Commissioner Jonathan who appointed us to come here, so it is useless for you to call!"

"What?" This time, not only Xie Guangyi was stunned, but everyone else was also stunned.

"It turned out that Director Jonathan personally sent troops here. What happened?"

At this moment, people's hearts are full of doubts, and there is a vague feeling that something big is about to happen.

Seeing what he said, Mike immediately shocked these wealthy and rude Chinese businessmen on weekdays, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Before that, these Chinese businessmen had always ignored the police because they had some stinky money in their hands.

On the surface, these police officers maintain social order and represent justice, but in reality they are reduced to the tools of these rich people, their thugs, horses, and even dogs!

Today, he felt proud, the scene of the dog biting the owner was really cool!

"It's all nonsense! We are all legitimate businessmen here, where can anyone be suspected of committing a crime?" Xie Guangyi continued to overwhelm the other party with his aura.

In the past, after being scolded by him like this, these **** ran away with their tails between their tails, but today——

"Really? Could it be that there are all good people here?" Inspector Mike glanced coldly at the crowd.

"I know exactly what business you are doing, and whether you are breaking the law or not!" Mike's tone became sharp, "Everyone says that there is no profit or business, this sentence is simply a famous saying---- I'm sorry, profiteer Profiteer, I'm not targeting you alone, Mr. Xie!" Mike suddenly pointed at all the Chinese businessmen, "I'm targeting all of you here!"


"Be bold!"

"It just didn't take us people seriously!"

The crowd was outraged, and some even signaled to call someone to come over and fight with the gang of street police!

At this moment, as the organizer of this gathering, the old man Li Yaozu stood up and said to Mike with a smile, "Is that, Officer Mike? Can you be responsible for what you said just now?"

Mike was infinitely arrogant today, relying on the support of someone behind him, the villain smiled triumphantly: "Of course! I will take what I say! How about it, who can do what to me?"

Li Yaozu smiled.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded, but I saw Jonathan, the chief of the Bangkok Police Department, walking quickly and came to Mike without saying a word.

"Mr. Director, you----" Mike was fascinated by the lake. Today, he came here with Jonathan's sword of Shang Fang to "kill demons and slay demons" and take care of these Chinese businessmen. I didn't expect...

"What am I here for? I'm **** you off!" Director Jonathan looked angry, "How did I explain to you? Communicate well with these gentlemen and bosses! Don't annoy them, they are all well-known entrepreneurs in Thailand. But what about you? With chicken feathers as your arrows, you will be out of order! I will slap you in the street! If I hadn't arrived in time, I don't know what you would have done here!"

Mike was slapped, and the military police who followed him were confused by Jonathan's sudden reprimand.

Before setting off, Chief Jonathan was not like this. He gathered everyone together to cheer them on, and swore that this time they would "fight the tiger" and let those Chinese businessmen know that their Thai police are powerful! He also said that he was behind them and that no matter what happened, he was their strong backing! But now, this backing has instantly turned into an iron plate!

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Jonathan taught these "unacceptable" subordinates viciously, just when everyone thought that Jonathan had finished teaching his subordinates, and then apologized to everyone and left——

Jonathan said, "I'm sorry, everyone! I know that everyone here is a powerful person in the business world, so I must have heard of something happening today—yes, because of the newspaper public opinion, our police are under a lot of pressure now!"

"what happened?"

"It turns out that you don't know, it's not some rumors involving Ricci Shipping..."

Sure enough, the scene immediately began to discuss.

Li Yaozu looked at Jonathan coldly, feeling that for the first time he underestimated this old Thai man.

Jonathan sneered in his heart, this is called a "bitter plot", if he doesn't hit Mike's mouths, these people might end up in a group, now, let's catch the thief first!

"Hey!" Jonathan deliberately sighed loudly, "I think this must have slandered Rishi's shipping company behind the scenes, and then slandered the Lee family! Mr. Lee, I really believe in you, our police have been suppressing these public opinions! Unfortunately, these public opinions The fermentation is too fast, and now we can't stop it! The important thing is that Shangfeng has issued an order to us, so that our police must solve this matter and give an answer as soon as possible!"

Li Yaozu smiled, and stared at Jonathan with his hands behind his back: "Your Excellency has a heart! So what do you want to do?"

Jonathan was uncomfortably stared at by Li Yaozu's sharp eyes, so he dodged and said, "Facts speak louder than words! I have always believed that Mr. Li is innocent of you, so I asked you to go to the police station and prove your innocence, how about you? "

"What? Are you taking Mr. Lee to the police station?"

"Who is Mr. Lee, and how can he go to that kind of place?"

The scene was chaotic, and if someone with a status like Li Yaozu was "invited" to the police station, it would undoubtedly be a loss of face! This is not the point, the point is that the food association represented by Li Yaozu has also lost face! It hits them too hard!

Just when Xie Guangyi, Bai Changqing and the others wanted to stand up and scold Jonathan for being outspoken and daring to take Li Yaozu away, Jonathan said again: "To be honest, I am ashamed to say such a thing! Because Mr. Li has always been My idol, I adore him so much! Besides, everyone knows that Mr. Lee is a man. He has always been a selfless man. He is also a famous living Bodhisattva. He often rescues refugees! Let me take him to the police station. I am unwilling. !"

Everyone was stunned by Director Jonathan's performance. He said that he was going to take Li Yaozu away, and now he is the one who said not to take it away!

What do you mean?

Shi Zhijian seemed to remember something at the moment, he suddenly turned his head and said to Xu Shubiao, "Wait a while, no matter what happens, you have to keep calm, and then go back and do your job well..."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Xu Shubiao was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Shi Zhijian said this.

Shi Zhijian didn't speak anymore, but looked at Jonathan's performance with a smile.

Jonathan sighed and sighed, then changed the topic: "So I will definitely not take Mr. Lee away, but our police must give an explanation to the public, an explanation to the public opinion, and an explanation to the superiors, then we must take one person away. Help us investigate this matter!" After speaking, Jonathan looked at Li Xuexuan who was standing next to Li Yaozu, "Miss Li, then I have a ruthless request, could you----can you come with us? ?"

With a bang, the scene exploded.

"What do you mean? Don't take Mr. Lee, but take Miss Lee?"

"Miss Lee has just returned to Bangkok from Hong Kong, and it is impossible for her to be involved in anything!"

"These cops are crazy!"

People started clamoring again.

At this time, the people called by these Chinese businessmen also arrived, and they poured into the conference room to confront Jonathan and the police.

The Thai police in this era are actually very scumbags. They usually show their pretence to the common people. At this time, seeing so many thugs, they even shrank their necks in fright.

Facing the influx of Chinese businessmen thugs, Jonathan looked at Li Xuexuan with a smile and said, "Miss Li, what do you think about this?"

Before Li Xuexuan could speak, Xie Guangyi said loudly, "What are you thinking? If you want to take people away, go through us first!"

Jonathan looked at the thugs who were more than their police officers, and shrugged: "I don't want to make such a big deal!" After that, he glanced at Li Xuexuan and sighed: "Actually, I also know that Miss Li is wronged, just like just now. Someone said that you have just returned from Hong Kong, why would you participate in this matter? However, our police must have an explanation anyway!"

As he spoke, Jonathan turned his attention to Shi Zhijian, who was dressed in white, and said without a smile: "Then I'll take a step back----Since Mr. Li and Miss Li can't cooperate with us to go to the police station to record a statement, we will investigate. If you know the truth, then I will trouble the accountant of Rishi Shipping, what is it called? Shi Zhijian, Mr. Shi! Please cooperate!"

At this moment, not only Li Yaozu, Li Xuexuan's father and daughter, but also Xie Guangyi, Bai Changqing and others can see it----

This Jonathan has been playing "retreat to advance"! First, they persecuted Li Yaozu and Li Xuexuan, and after arousing public anger, they turned their attention to Shi Zhijian!

To put it bluntly, from the very beginning, Jonathan's goal was actually Shi Zhijian!

However, if he directly takes Shi Zhijian away, he will be obstructed by Li Yaozu and others. In turn, he will first "release" Li Yaozu as the target, and then "release" his daughter Li Xuexuan as the target. , it seems that the police have done "the best of benevolence and righteousness", and it is logical to arrest Shi Zhijian at this time, and even Li Yaozu did not stop the excuse!

Sure enough, everyone was shocked by Jonathan's move——

It is reasonable for Shi Zhijian to cooperate with the investigation as the accountant of Rishi Shipping Bank. The most important thing is that the police have taken two steps back, which is also a good face!

Li Yaozu didn't want to make Shi Zhijian his scapegoat. Just as he was about to speak, Shi Zhijian said, "Assist in the investigation, right? I like the cooperation between the police and the public the most to help the police detect the big case!"

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Shi Zhijian took the initiative to stand up, without showing any signs of fear, but looked at Jonathan with a smile and said, "To tell the truth, I know very well about the Liz Shipping incident, Mr. Director, you have found the right person! How's it going? , Shall we strike while the iron is hot and go to the police station to cooperate?"

For Shi Zhijian to take such initiative, Jonathan was stunned.

Jonathan has always considered himself resourceful, but at this moment he can't see what medicine is sold in Shi Zhijian's gourd.

According to his steps, Shi Zhijian should have been forced to go to the police station by him, and then experienced severe punishment, intimidation, coercion and inducement, and finally had to sell his family.

But now---

No matter how you look at this kid, he is so treacherous!

This is the end of the Jonathan no longer thinks about it, and continues to act according to the plan.

"Haha, Mr. Shi is really good! No wonder Mr. Li looks down on you so much!" Jonathan laughed, "Then I will aggrieved you first and come back to the police station with us! Don't worry, just record a confession. You can go back!"

"Then go to your police station and have a cup of coffee!"

Shi Zhijian and Jonathan are like old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

Xu Shubiao didn't expect that disaster would suddenly happen to Shi Zhijian, just wanted to stop it, but suddenly remembered what Shi Zhijian had explained to him before----

Did he already know the result? Xu Shubiao was in a daze for a while, and looked at Shi Zhijian again, only to see Shi Zhijian smiling at him.

Li Xuexuan didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be unlucky in the end. He couldn't help but was stopped by his father Li Yaozu with his eyes. He had no choice but to watch these police take Shi Zhijian away.

Others have different expressions.

Xie Guangyi couldn't bear it, Bai Changqing couldn't bear it, and some people were surprised.

Of course, there are also a few who are gloating! After all, Shi Zhijian is too good to be jealous of mediocrity!

Jonathan personally took Shi Zhijian downstairs to the outside of the tea house, and a police car drove over.

Jonathan personally helped Shi Zhijian open the car door and made an inviting gesture.

Before Shi Zhijian got into the car, he suddenly turned around and asked Jonathan a question: "Take me away, don't you regret it?"

Jonathan was stunned by Shi Zhijian's question, and laughed: "I will never regret it!"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "That's good! There is no regret medicine in this world!"

Turn around, get in the car!

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