Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1368: Savvy!

, Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

"What should I do? Just let these police officers take people away?"

"Yeah, even though Ah Jian has just joined our food association, he is already one of his own, and he is being bullied by others. How can we see death without saving him?"

Xie Guangyi and Bai Changqing were filled with righteous indignation.

Everyone else started talking too...

"If we don't do anything this time, where will our food association lose face?"

"Something has to be done!"

After speaking, everyone looked at Li Yaozu, the initiator of this conference.

"Everyone, don't be impatient!" Li Yaozu had to stand up and say, "Today these police officers are obviously targeting our Li family and have nothing to do with everyone!"

Older gingers are more spicy!

Li Yaozu left the Food Association out in one sentence, which made people have to admire his righteousness.

"Also, Ah Jian is a member of our Lee's Shipping Line. Since something happens to our Lee family, of course I won't sit idly by! No matter what the outcome is, I will send a lawyer to follow up closely, please rest assured!"

Xie Guangyi and Bai Changqing nodded, this is the attitude of being a big boss. People with discernment have long seen that Shi Zhijian is a "scapegoat", and now Li Yaozu has not put the blame on this, but he is quite a big boss!

Li Xuexuan watched his father talk to everyone, but there was a trace of worry on his face, but this worry was not about Shi Zhijian, but about the hapless Bangkok police station----

Do they know what kind of people they have taken?

"Abba, are you looking for me?" Gao Chaohui sat on the sofa and asked Gao Wanjun, who was building potted plants by himself.

Gao Wanjun put down the scissors, took off the gloves, and threw them to the servant next to him. He sat next to Gao Chaohui and patted the other's knee: "Don't you hear about it? There was something wrong with the Food Association, to be precise about Ricci. Something went wrong!" Then he told his son the news he had received, and said, "That Shi Zhijian is also unlucky. It was a happy day. He was promoted to join this food association by Li Yaozu. The scapegoat was taken away by Chief Jonathan!"

Gao Chaohui was stunned: "Then Shi Zhijian can't be so unlucky, right? He doesn't look stupid, on the contrary, he is shrewd.

"Conspiracy? I think you are frightened by Shi Zhijian's young man. What kind of foundation can a young talent have not long after he came to Thailand? If you are arrested and taken to the police station, you might want to enjoy the torture treatment inside, and you will not be able to stand it. Recruit Li Shi!" Gao Wanjun picked up the teapot by himself and poured half a cup of tea into the teacup: "As for our Gao family, I will temporarily suppress your bribery, and just watch Cong not surnamed Shi. It would be interesting if a smart, stupid person confesses to you too!"

"He shouldn't do it!"

"Shouldn't it be?" Gao Wanjun also gave his son a sideways glance, "In this world, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what happens. No matter what you do or not, you can't fall for it. You know what I mean?"

"What do you mean, Dad?" Gao Chaohui sighed slightly and asked Gao Wanjun.

Gao Wanjun took a sip of the tea cup and said, "I mean, the situation is chaotic now, so let's stir up the water a little more---the Xie family is playing a conspiracy behind the scenes, thinking we don't know? Hey, let's get the news out, It is said that the Xie family is engaged in conspiracy theories, that Shi Zhijian is the scapegoat of the Li family, and he will be dragged into the water no matter what!

"Abba, do you mean to let the Li family and the Xie family go straight to work?" Gao Chaohui replied knowingly.

Gao Wanjun nodded: "That's right! That Shi Zhijian was the fuse! This time the police arrested him and either forced him to ask something, or he couldn't ask anything at all! As for us, we took advantage of the situation to fan the flames and let the Li family and the Xie family fight. Get up, and take advantage of the fisherman!"

Gao Chaohui sighed heavily: "I understand, Dad! I'll prepare now! But, will that Shi Zhijian really betray Ricci?"

"Everyone is selfish." Gao Wanjun said with a smile: "Especially a little guy like him who has no foundation, how can he resist coercion and temptation?"

The Xie Group, a private club.

Luxurious crystal lamps are adorned overhead, surrounded by quaint screens with the traditional Chinese story "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" engraved on them.

Look at the entire private room, the combination of Chinese and Western, in addition to luxury or luxury!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xie! It's late! It's late!" Jonathan greeted Xie Shihao who had been waiting for a long time with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but apologize.

Xie Shihao pointed at Jonathan: "Old rule, if you come late, you will be fined three drinks first, and then you will be seated!"

"Of course! Old rules, I understand!" Jonathan picked up the glass on the table without saying a word, filled it up for everyone to see, and then drank it all.

After drinking it, he had two more glasses, and then he smiled and said to Xie Shihao, "How is it, Mr. Xie, are you satisfied?"

Xie Shihao nodded and pointed to the seat: "Please sit!"

Jonathan then smiled and sat down in his seat.

Xie Shihao introduced the people next to him, "My son, Xie Xi, and three daughters, Xie Bingqian!"

"It turned out to be Miss Xie's son, disrespectful! Disrespectful!" Director Jonathan looked very humble.

But only those who are familiar with him know that his humility is a pretense most of the time. If necessary, he can kill a tiger at any time, such as the Lee family he bit today.

"You did a good job today," Xie Shihao said, "at least let Nali Yaozu lose face!"

Jonathan smiled hehely: "I just did my duty, plead for the people and do justice!"

"Good justice, I like it!"

Jonathan lowered his voice and put his mouth close to Xie Shihao's ear: "I've already had that scapegoat, Shi Zhijian, taken to the police station, and I'll come directly to meet you here----what do you want to do with this person?"

Xie Shihao smiled and looked at his son and daughter: "Did you hear that? Director Jonathan asked me what to do with that Shi Zhijian, Xi Jiu, Bing Qian, you all suffered losses in his hands, and now you can take revenge. !"

Xie Xi didn't say a word, but looked at the third sister Xie Bingqian, and said with a smile: "Three sisters, I will let you do everything from childhood to adulthood, and I will let you choose any benefits first, and this time is the same--- - What are you going to do?"

Xie Bingqian felt uncomfortable for some reason, but on the surface she said coldly: "Of course I hope to see him die! Even if he dies 10,000 times, he will still be dead!" But he was thinking, do I really want him to die? But why is my heart so uncomfortable, sour and bitter? !


Xie Shihao and Xie Xi heard the words and looked at Jonathan with a smile.

Jonathan smiled: "I received it! I will definitely help Miss San to arrange it properly!"

After that, we talked about other things.

Jonathan knew that this was a private party, and it was inconvenient for him to be an outsider for too long, so he excused himself to go to the police station to handle affairs and said goodbye first.

Leaving the private room of the Xie family, Jonathan exhaled and waved to the waiter next to him. After waiting for the other party to come over, he lit a cigarette with the other party's match and breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, Jonathan suddenly remembered what Shi Zhijian said to him when he got into the car: "Are you sure you don't regret it?"

"I'm so sorry! You bastard, little person, can you still hold me? If the third lady calls you dead, then you can't blame me!" Jonathan gave a wicked smile and threw the cigarette he had just smoked on the ground. "Go!"

In the detention room, Shi Zhijian sat across from the table under the guard of the police officer, took off his coat, hung it on the back of the chair, then raised his legs and looked at the inspector Mike, who was interrogating him.

Mike is not used to being stared at like this, "Mr. Shi? Please put your legs down!"

Shi Zhijian shrugged and lowered his legs: "Can you have a cup of coffee first to refresh yourself!"

Mike rolled his eyes, and finally said to the people around him, "Bring him a cup of coffee."

Coffee was served soon.

Shi Zhijian picked it up, took a sip, and praised: "It tastes good."

Mike said impatiently: "If it's good, you can drink more in the future, and now we'll start working!"

"Okay, I will definitely cooperate!"

"How much do you know about the recent smuggling of contraband by Ricci Shipping?" Mike cut to the chase and took out his trump card.

Shi Zhijian's eyes looked at the various scratches left on the table a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Your question is so wonderful, I'm just an accountant, how do I know so much? Why don't you ask me some numerical questions? It's my profession!"

"You don't want to cooperate? Do you know what the consequences will be? We already have a lot of evidence, especially Li Daqi, the head of the personnel department, who has testified! And your immediate boss, Feng Guoquan, has also confessed! Now what else do you have to say? " Mike used a seduction method to try to get rid of Shi Zhijian's mouth.

Shi Zhijian rubbed his coffee cup with his hand, and laughed when he heard Mike's words: "That Li Daqi is a despicable villain, do you believe his confession? As for Mr. Feng, he has always been loyal to Ricci, even if he takes all the blame on himself. You will never betray your family, and the credibility of your words is really low and low!"

"What's your attitude? Is it you a police officer or I'm a police officer?" Mike obviously did not expect Shi Zhijian to dare to say these words so boldly, and was a little annoyed, "Now I'll give you one last chance, what are you doing to Ricci smuggling contraband? How much do you know about it?"

Shi Zhijian said: "I don't want to explain, now I just want to wait for the lawyer to come! Yes, you can ask my lawyer if you have any questions!"

Mike was speechless. According to Thai law, Shi Zhijian has the right to exercise the right to silence, and he can wait until his personal lawyer comes to deal with the matter.

Needless to say, the private lawyer must have been dispatched by the Lee family.

Without waiting for Mike to finish thinking...

A police officer knocked on the door and said, "Sir, Shi Zhijian's lawyer is here!"

Mike scratched his hair angrily: "So soon?"

Shi Zhijian was also surprised, Li Yaozu's actions were really fast.

"Stop people outside first, and say that we are still interrogating here!" Mike said helplessly.

But before he could finish speaking, a voice said, "Officer, you are breaking the law by doing this!" As he was speaking, a middle-aged man in a suit walked in with a briefcase.

"Hello, this is Mr. Shi Zhijian's lawyer Li Peter!" The middle-aged man with a greasy mid-parted hair and a small bow tie took out his business card from his arms and handed it to Officer Mike.

Mike took the business card and glanced at it, then nodded helplessly: "What do you want?"

"As the lawyer representing my client, of course I will help my client to cooperate with your police in the interrogation!" Peter Li smiled brightly.

Mike knew that things were going to be difficult.

Indeed, things are getting harder.

With the lawyer's intervention, Shi Zhijian has completely turned into a hands-off shopkeeper. No matter what the police ask, he doesn't have to say anything. It's all Peter Li who is helping to answer.

Since he is a lawyer, those answers are basically all "seamless", while for Mike and others, those answers are all "rubbish" and useless!

"How is it, Officer Mike, do you have anything else to ask about Mr. Shi?" Peter Li was very confident in his professionalism, and admitted that the answer just now was not leaked. According to the general routine, he can take Shi Zhijian home now. After going back, he met Li Yaozu successfully.

Mike scratched his hair, glanced at the person who recorded the confession and scolded: "Did you record the interrogation just now?"

The recorder was taken aback. Knowing that the other party was full of anger and had nowhere to go, he became the unlucky person. He hurriedly said, "Record it all! If you don't believe you can check it!" handed over.

Mike took the record book and glanced at it pretendingly, but his mind was thinking about how to keep Shi Zhijian behind, so that people could not easily leave.

One minute has passed!

Two minutes passed!

Three minutes passed!

"How is it, Officer Mike, is it okay?" Peter Li took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead, asking impatiently.

Mike threw away the record book in his hand, looked at Shi Zhijian, and then at lawyer Li Peter: "Our police have always been very serious! Why can't we bear it?"

"It's not that I can't bear it, it's that time doesn't allow it!" Peter Li smiled, showing his watch and saying, "It's almost time to record the confession!"

Mike was helpless.

Li Peter got up and said to Shi Zhijian, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Shi, we should be able to go now!"

Shi Zhijian stood up with a smile: "You are the one who really worked hard!" He said that he took off the coat hanging on the back of the chair, shook it off and put it on!

Seeing that the situation here is over, Mike is extremely unhappy!

At this moment----

Jingle Bell!

the phone is ringing.

Mike was busy answering the phone, and it was Jonathan's voice on the other end of the phone: "No matter how you deal with Shi Zhijian, you must not let him go! If something goes wrong, I will bear it!"

Mike laughed!

He hung up the phone, then looked at Shi Zhijian who was about to leave with evil eyes and said, "Sorry, Mr. Shi, please stop!"

Shi Zhijian looked back at him with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Mike put his hands on the table and said with a wicked smile: "I received a tip here that someone accused you of murder and arson! Because the case is serious, we will detain you for 48 hours!"

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