Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1369: Play with you!

, Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

"How is it possible? How could this happen suddenly? I protest! I want to see the evidence!" Peter Li, a barrister, immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted filial piety.

Mike smiled, walked over from the table, leaned in front of Peter Li, and lowered his voice close to his ear: "The protest is invalid! Do you know why? Because I was playing with you on purpose!"

"You----" Li Peter pointed at Mike's nose, exasperated.

Li Peter knew that since the other party said it like this, there was nothing to say. The other party didn't take the law seriously. No matter how much he entangled it, it was useless! The best way at this time is to go back to Li Yaozu to discuss countermeasures.

So Peter Li turned around and said to Shi Zhijian: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, you also heard that the situation has changed. I hope you can stay here for 48 hours! Yes, I'll go back now, and I will definitely seek justice for you. of!"

Shi Zhijian was not afraid at all, as if being detained for 48 hours was nothing to fear.

Li Peter warned again: "These police officers are already crazy, maybe they will do something to you, you must hold back!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Li Peter gave Shi Zhijian a deep look, and didn't understand what Shi Zhijian had to rely on. He was still so determined, and if it was someone else, he would be crying and calling for him to take him away.

"Then I'll go first, I'll go out and find someone to discuss the countermeasures!" Li Peter said, still not at ease, then turned back to Mike and the others and said: "You policemen, remember, now I'll give you Mr. Shi, if he is less than half If you don't have a hair, I will send you to court, clean your **** and go to jail!"

Mike just sneered, and the others were even more disdainful.

In their opinion, as long as the superior Chief Jonathan gives the order, they are not afraid of anything.

Li Peter also knew that his threats might have no practical effect, but all he could do at the moment was this.

After Peter Li left, Mike took out a cigarette with a smile and handed it to Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, I've wronged you, we are also on business and let you stay here for an extra 48 hours! If you find out that you're all right , we will let you go immediately, come, have a cigarette first!"

Shi Zhijian opened his mouth and bit the cigarette that Mike handed over, and Mike personally helped him light it again, looking like a good man.

After Shi Zhijian took a puff of cigarettes, Mike instructed the little police officer beside him: "Take the person away!"

The little police officer said, "Yes!"

Then he escorted Shi Zhijian to the temporary custody of the police station.

Seven or eight big men in the detention room were looking out through the iron railings, and when they saw Shi Zhijian being escorted over, they whistled at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian glanced at them and let out a smoke ring.

The prisoners in the detention room felt that this young man in white was very condescending, and planned to practice Shi Zhijian well in a while, so that he could understand the rules of the detention room.

Just as the police officer opened the door and was about to push Shi Zhijian in, another police officer suddenly came outside and said from behind, "Wait a minute! This detention room is full. Officer Mike sent him to Room 13!"

The little police officer who escorted Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment, and even the prisoners in the detention room who were preparing to train Shi Zhijian were stunned for a moment.

It seemed that this No. 13 Detention Room was some kind of devil land, which instantly silenced everyone, and those mortals who were clamoring for Shi Zhijian even cast an incomparably "sympathetic" look at Shi Zhijian.

"Did you make a mistake, it's really No. 13?" the little police officer behind Shi Zhijian grunted.

The other policeman pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "Officer Mike said, these are what Chief Jonathan meant - this time, even if he doesn't die, he has to be skinned!"

The little policeman shuddered.

Those prisoners looked at Shi Zhijian, who was handsome in white clothes, and thought of the demon imprisoned on the thirteenth, and they all felt a chill.

These people are all veterans who come and go in and out of the police station, and they are very clear about the police station's detention center.

Among the many prisons, No. 13 is the most terrifying one, because it holds the nightmare of all prisoners, Bangkok's notorious underworld elder brother-Black Tiger!

As for why the black tiger is scary, in addition to the cruel methods, he likes handsome guys the most—the more handsome a man is, the more he likes it, and basically everything he likes will be crippled by him! In the next life, I can only sing "Chrysanthemum Terrace"!

"Wow, he's going to be out of luck now!"

"Blessed is Big Brother Black Tiger!"

"It's a pity for such a handsome face!"

Amid the discussions among the prisoners, Shi Zhijian was taken away again and went straight to the thirteenth cell.

Along the way, when the other prisoners in the cell knew that Shi Zhijian was going to be thrown into No. 13, they all roared loudly, their eyes glowing——


Cell No. 13 was opened.

The room called the Devil's Land is open to Shi Zhijian!

Shi Zhijian spit out the cigarette **** he was biting in his mouth, took off his jacket, put it on his shoulders, and walked in calmly!


The door to the prison was closed again!

Chief Jonathan drove back to the police station from outside.

Don't wait for Jonathan to get out of the car, his confidant Mike greeted him immediately.

"Director Jonathan, I have taken that Shi Zhijian to the prison as you wished!"

"Very good!" Jonathan got out of the car. "How did the lawyer react?"

"What kind of reaction can you have? Isn't it just a mouth?" Mike said disdainfully, "I'm going to run out to find reinforcements now!"

"Reinforcement? These literati are more than enough to fail!" Jonathan pouted and walked towards the police station while putting on his trench coat, "That Shi Zhijian is a breakthrough, as long as he is willing to testify against Lee, then we can put pressure on the Lee family. ----"

"Is his little accountant so important?"

"You don't know this, right? He was behind the scenes of this contraband! To put it bluntly, he is sharper than that Feng Guoquan!"

"Ah?" Mike was stunned for a moment, and Shi Zhijian's calm appearance appeared in his mind, "I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"

"Now, what about the others?"

"According to your instructions, I arranged for him to go to the thirteenth!"

"Number 13?" Jonathan showed a wicked smile, "This Shi Zhijian is very handsome, and he must be very fit for the scumbag of Heihu!"

Mike hesitated for a while after hearing the words, "Sir Director, let's be honest, do we need to play so hard? After all, this surnamed Shi has the backing of the surname Li----"

"What if it is?" Jonathan tightened his windbreaker. "It's hard for us to ride a tiger right now! Besides, the surnamed Shi is at most a pawn, a small piece of shit, and I, Jonathan, don't even care about killing an ant like him!"

Seeing Jonathan's face full of murderous intent, Mike's heart froze, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Let the black tiger have a good time with him tonight, and then he will know what life is better than death!" Jonathan said, "If you go over and ask for a confession tomorrow, I don't believe he can bear it?!" After speaking, he strode towards the office. Go!

Mike was stunned for a moment, and the image of Shi Zhijian being devastated and ravaged appeared in his mind, he shook his head, and clasped the amulet on his chest with one hand: "Buddha, forgive me!"


The iron gate is closed behind Shi Zhijian!

This kind of sound is very harsh in the middle of the night, and everyone in the other prison cells pricked up their ears, waiting to hear the staunch story of a man tonight!

Shi Zhijian looked at the detention room. The small place was actually filled with fifteen big men. At this moment, all of them looked like midnight jackals with green eyes looking at him with malicious intent.

"Elder, you are lucky! These turtle sons actually sent such a handsome boy here!" said a voice.

"Wow, look at this little white face is so stinky, and he puts his clothes on his shoulders, thinking he is on the catwalk?" Another voice said.

In the corner of the room, a sturdy black man was leaning against the wall and squinting, digging his ears with a matchstick.


Hearing this, he took out a match stick and rubbed his earwax off with his fingers, then looked at Shi Zhijian with his eyes.

Seeing this, a skinny little man next to him felt threatened immediately. He stepped forward to help the **** man on his shoulders and said, "The little white face is unreliable! There are postures and tricks! Only experienced people like me can do better. I'll take good care of you, Big Brother Black Tiger—"

"Go away!" Heihu kicked the sissy away with one kick.

"Hey young! You are so cruel!" The sissy covered her mouth and choked up.

Another person came over and said to the sissy: "Brother Heihu doesn't feel bad for you and I feel bad! Come on, why don't you be my princess in the palace?"

"It's your mother, I'm unswervingly loyal to Big Brother Black Tiger!"

At this moment, Heihu ignored his little girlfriend at all, and looked at Shi Zhijian with lewd eyes: "New?"

Shi Zhijian glanced at the other party: "I'm just staying temporarily! I'll be leaving tomorrow! Also, I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to find a place to stay overnight----how about it, it's convenient?"

Heihu was stunned and looked at Shi Zhijian like a fool.

Others even sneered: "You are so rude! What do you think of this place, a resort?"

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "As I said, I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want any of you to have any accident. It's best for everyone to be at peace!"

This completely amused everyone.

"What is he talking about? Still caring about us?"

"He should take care of himself, and he will know what Brother Heihu's love is in a moment!"


Big Brother Black Tiger was also amused by Shi Zhijian's words, Zeng Di stood up, he was 1.85 meters tall, like a half iron tower, with a hideous black tiger's head tattooed on his chest.

"Boy, I like you very much! You are very stinky, and I like it very much!" Heihu licked his tongue, his eyes lit up, looking at Shi Zhijian like a hungry tiger looking at a lamb! "I'll give you a chance now, listen to me honestly, and be my maid of honor! Otherwise—"

"Otherwise what?" Shi Zhijian even asked.

The black tiger grinned, revealing his white teeth: "Or I'll break your limbs first, and then play with you like a doll!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "That's why we don't have to talk about it?"

"What else are we talking about?" Big Brother Heihu was embarrassed to point out Shi Zhijian's stupidity, "You are a little white-faced and want to negotiate terms with so many of us? Let me talk about your mother!"

"Brother Black Tiger, don't talk about it, we are still waiting to see the play!"

"Yeah, Big Brother Black Tiger, we're still waiting for you to fight!"


The people next to him shouted again, the more miserable Shi Zhijian was for them, the happier they were!

"There is no cure!" Shi Zhijian glanced at the crowd and shook his head.

"Hey, Xiaobailian, you heard it too! I'll answer everyone's voice, and I'll play you to death now!" Big Brother Black Tiger couldn't hold back the commotion in his heart when he saw Shi Zhijian's handsome appearance, and he was about to act immediately----

at this time----


The cell door opened again.

"Uh, what happened? Why are so many people sent to this cell tonight?"

Everyone, including Big Brother Black Tiger, couldn't help but look towards the door.

A tall and straight figure appeared at the door, like a sharp sword with murderous aura, making everyone stand up.

"Who is he?"

"How fierce!"

Even Big Brother Heihu couldn't help shrinking his neck when he saw this person. He has been in the arena for many years, and he is very familiar with murderous aura. If his hands have not been stained with blood, he will not be able to gather this kind of terrifying aura.

The sharp-sword man walked into the prison!

With a bang, the door behind him closed.

The whole room was eerily quiet.

Looking at the man with the sharp sword, he turned his face to look at Shi Zhijian, and called out, "Mr. Shi, are you alright?"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "How can you call me Mr. Shi? Just call me Ah Jian like before!"

"No, you saved my life! In the future, I, Tang Long, will only follow you! You gave my life to and I will give it back to you!" The sword-wielding man----Tang Long said in a plausible manner.

Without Shi Zhijian's help, he would have died at the US dock long ago. Without Shi Zhijian's help, his illness would not be cured, and he would be thrown away like garbage.

"So let me protect you now!" Tang Long said to Shi Zhijian. "Whoever wants to touch you will pass my Tang Long level first!"

Tang Long's tone was firm, making people believe that he would really die for Shi Zhijian regardless of his life!

Shi Zhijian nodded, reached out and patted Tang Long's shoulder without saying a word, everything was silent.

In fact, Shi Zhijian had already made a plan since he brought him to the police station, and asked Li Yaozu to bring Tang Long in as well.

Over there, Big Brother Heihu watched Tang Long just talking to Shi Zhijian, and didn't read their language at all. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brothers, don't be afraid! No matter how powerful he is, he is only One person, but there are fifteen of us!"

"Brother Heihu is right! Come on, everyone, let these two go to waste!" The sissy pointed at the orchid.

One of the guys who made great contributions immediately flew out: "I'm coming!"

"It's Big Brother Feiyan!"

I saw Big Brother Feiyan "swish swish" on the spot, turning seven or eight somersaults in one breath, very handsome!

"Good job, Big Brother Feiyan!"

"Brother Feiyan is mighty!"

"Feiyan, this kid who is doing somersaults is beautiful!" Even Big Brother Heihu couldn't help but praised loudly, rubbing the tiger's head tattoo on his chest.

Big Brother Feiyan looked proud, "It's crackling!" Another white crane came with bright wings, and then slammed his fist towards Tang Long: "I'll give it up!"

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