Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1370: Razed to the ground!

, Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Facing the arrogant Big Brother Feiyan, Tang Long smiled, let Shi Zhijian hide behind him, and then hooked his fingers at Big Brother Feiyan.

Big Brother Feiyan shouted loudly, and his feet rose from the ground, and his whole body was as light as a swallow soaring into the air!

Everyone looked at the air together, with surprise and admiration on their faces!

Fly so high!

As expected of Big Brother Feiyan!


Tang Long swung his legs and slashed his figure into the air!

A scream accompanied by the sound of Kacha!

Brother Feiyan was cut off by Tang Long lazily!

The whole person fell down like a swallow with broken wings, and the whole person became a V shape!

"what happened?"

"Big Brother Feiyan, he----"

Heihu and the others all looked at Big Brother Feiyan, who fell to the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The place was dead silent!

The people in the other prison cells outside only heard a shrill scream, and then there was no sound, and their curiosity drove them crazy!

"What happened?"

"Why is there no movement?"

Looking at Detention Room No. 13, Big Brother Heihu took a long time to relax. Now he understands why Tang Long had such a murderous aura when he came in!

Just when Big Brother Heihu was grumbling in his heart, he began to be afraid of Tang Long's skills, and he planned to give in and say a few good words to put things down, but the jealous sissy called out again: "Don't be afraid! Big Brother Feiyan! This is an accident! Besides, without Big Brother Feiyan, we still have Big Brother Black Tiger! Big Brother Black Tiger’s fist is not a vegetarian, come on, let’s support Big Big Black Tiger together! Big Big Black Tiger Come on! Big Big Black Tiger Come on!”

Big Brother Black Tiger is going crazy, staring at the sissy, is this what people do? I can't wait to tear up the sissy!

"Brother Black Tiger, come on!"

"Brother Black Tiger, we will support you!"

Top your mother! Big Brother Black Tiger is about to cry, didn't you see that swallow was kicked down with one kick?

But at this time, he was already riding a tiger, and he had to do something! Otherwise, his black tiger will lose his prestige!

So Big Brother Heihu stood up with his hips on his hips, then put one foot on the ground, raised the other leg, and put his fists in a muay thai spinning pose, assuming a fighting stance.

Sure enough, as soon as he took this pose, countless younger brothers applauded behind him!

"Brother Black Tiger is doing great!"

"We know that Big Brother Black Tiger is not afraid of heaven and earth!"

"Big Brother Black Tiger has studied Muay Thai and is invincible in the world!"

Big Brother Black Tiger is like a **** in the eyes of these prisoners!

I think that Big Brother Black Tiger also participated in the Muay Thai competitions in the village and the township, and won the gold belt. He was known as the number one master in ten villages and eight townships, and was praised by admirers as the existence of "the invincible player in the world"!

Hearing the praises of these younger brothers, Big Brother Heihu came to his senses, and his previous fear of Tang Long was completely annihilated by these praises!

Yeah, who am I?

I am the black tiger brother who is invincible all over the world!

Rise up!

Black tiger!

Heihu roared and punched Tang Long!

This punch condensed the momentum and strength of the black tiger, like a meteor smashed directly, and it would smash Tang Long to pieces!

The little brothers behind them all stared, waiting to see Tang Long's painful howl!

"Uh, what's the matter?" Heihu suddenly saw a flower in front of his eyes, the opponent who was standing in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then he felt like his hair was caught! The huge force pushed him down fiercely!

At the same time as the black tiger was crushed, he clearly saw an iron knee coming towards him!

In the eyes of others, Tang Long just avoided the black tiger's fist so easily, then grabbed the black tiger's hair, pressed his head down and hit him with his knees!


A crisp sound.

The black tiger eldest brother, who is known as invincible across the rivers and lakes, went into a coma!

how is this possible? !

"what happened?"

"Am I dazzled?"

A group of people thought they were dreaming, and the sissy screamed again: "No, Big Brother Black Tiger has been beaten down! Go ahead and avenge Big Brother Black Tiger!"

At this moment, this group is in the same mood as the black tiger eldest brother before.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Tang Long heard the sound and thought that they were going to start together. His habit is to strike first!

Tang Long flew into the crowd, opened his bows left and right, crackling!

"I'm going to die, why is my head hurting so much, and my nose----" Big Brother Black Tiger, who was in a coma just now, struggled to sit up, shaking his dazed body. Open your eyes and see!

I saw a ghost shuttled back and forth in the crowd, and only heard the screams of my little brothers!

That doesn't count!

The fight was so intense, that black shadow actually rose into the air, slap bang bang, kicking three feet in a row!

What about filming? Big Brother Black Tiger was stunned!

At this time, he felt that something was coming out of his sore nose. He touched it and looked at it under the dim light. His hands were full of blood!

Tang Long raised his legs and slammed under a big axe!


A hapless **** fell to the ground!

There are "corpses everywhere" around, and no one is standing!

Tang Long turned his head to look at Big Brother Heihu who was sitting up. Big Brother Heihu gave a shudder. He wanted to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead, but it was too late. come over!"

Tang Long's mouth showed a sinister smile, and his bloodthirsty nature in the ring made him very sinister.

He walked towards Big Brother Black Tiger step by step.


Big Brother Black Tiger looked at him as if he saw a devil, no, he was even more terrifying than a devil!

"I beg you, I don't want to die!" Big Brother Heihu folded his hands and cried!

"Aaron, that's enough!" A voice stopped Tang Long, who wanted to kill the killer.

Tang Long looked back, but it was Shi Zhijian in white.

For a demon like him, only Shi Zhijian can subdue him and control him.

Tang Long stepped aside and took a step back.

A pair of eyes staring at Big Brother Black Tiger, like the eyes of death, as long as the Black Tiger moves slightly, he will definitely be in a different place!

Shi Zhijian stepped forward, walked to Big Brother Heihu, and looked down at him.

Only then did Big Brother Heihu wake up, knowing that Shi Zhijian was the last straw, he immediately knelt down in front of Shi Zhijian, hugged Shi Zhijian's thigh with both hands, raised his head and said, "Please, forgive me!"

Shi Zhijian squatted down, his eyes were like morning stars looking at Big Brother Heihu, his tone was calm: "Want to die or live?"

"I want to live! I really want to live!" Big Brother Heihu couldn't wait to kowtow to Shi Zhijian, crying so much that his nose came out.

Shi Zhijian smiled, and Big Brother Black Tiger realized that this young man in white was the most terrifying, because when he was smiling, you couldn't see the slightest human emotion in his eyes----

"Then you must do as I say!" Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette, bit it on his mouth, and lit it!

"It's been almost an hour, how about it, do you want to go in and have a look?" The little police officer in charge of escorting Shi Zhijian leaned against the wall and smoked a cigarette, and asked a colleague next to him.

"Go and have a look! That black tiger is not serious or serious, and that guy with the surname Shi is so handsome that he might be tossed to death!"

After the two of them finished talking, they threw away the cigarette butts, and after thinking about it, they brought three more companions together to make up a total of five people and walked towards the most evil Devil's Land, No. 13 Detention Room.

Along the way, people from other detention cells shouted at them: "Why did you come here? Something big happened!"

"The thirteenth call was so fierce just now!"

"Yeah, so miserable!"

The little police officer and his companions looked at each other, and there was a hint of worry in their hearts. Could something really happen? Hurry up and move forward.

The group came to Detention Room No. 13, opened the iron door with a bang, and looked inside!

The situation is different from what they imagined!

In front of him, there was no Shi Zhijian lying on the ground with his shirt uncovered, and there was no such lewd clamour from Big Brother Heihu!

Shi Zhijian sat on the ground gently, and Tang Long stood beside him like a general.

Big Brother Heihu led his group of younger brothers to kneel in front of Shi Zhijian with a respectful attitude!

The scene in front of you is directly stunned!

The little police officer rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and others wondered if they were wrong!

How could the arrogant and domineering Big Brother Black Tiger look like this? Take a closer look, these people all have blue noses and swollen faces...


"Cough, what happened? Why are you kneeling on the ground? Get up!" the little police officer shouted with a baton in hand.

Big Brother Heihu and the others didn't dare to move or make a sound.

The little policeman was embarrassed when he saw that his order didn't work!

The companion next to him hurriedly touched him and said, "I don't think the situation is good! Why don't you report the situation to your superiors?"

"Alright!" The little police officers were also frightened, and hurriedly backed away, "You guys are watching here, I'll report!" After speaking, he left in a hurry!

Director Jonathan hasn't rested yet. He is discussing with his confidant Mike how to frame Shi Zhijian next.

"Since we've reached this point, and there's no way out, if we can't pry something out of this mouth, we'll be in vain!" Jonathan said fiercely, "Even if the excuse of murder and arson is at most forty-eight years of detention. Hours, tomorrow that dog-legged lawyer will come over with documents to ask for someone!"

"I don't know how the surnamed Shi is locked in Room 13? Did he ask for help?" Mike said, "As long as he asks for help, we can pry his mouth open!"

Just when the two were full of bad water and plotted against Shi Zhijian, Dong Dongdong hurriedly knocked on the door.

Jonathan and Mike looked at each other with joy in their eyes, "It must have come to report the news, it seems that the surnamed Shi can't stand it anymore, hahaha!"

The two were extremely happy, "Come in!"

The little policeman hurriedly entered from the outside when he heard the news: "Report sir, something big has happened!"

Jonathan was overjoyed: "But the surnamed Shi was bullied by the black tiger and looked terrible?"

"No, no! On the contrary!" The little police officer gasped and said, "It was Brother Heihu who was beaten by him! No, to be precise, it was Heihu's group who were beaten by him and collectively attacked him. kneel!"

"Huh?" Chief Jonathan was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, and looked at Mike.

Mike also looked at him in disbelief.

"Say it again!"

"The specifics are like this..." The little policeman started talking from the beginning, and transferred Shi Zhijian to the No. 13 Detention Room as ordered by his superiors. Then they waited outside. After an hour, it was almost time to see that the black tiger would make trouble. Human life, so I took people over to see the situation, and then I saw an incredible scene...

Jonathan and Mike listened carefully, but the more they listened, the more evil they felt, how could it be possible? How could Shi Zhijian be a white-faced scholar, how could he possibly beat the black tigers?

"Oh right---" The little policeman remembered something, "After Shi Zhijian was stuffed into Room 13, another prisoner was also brought in. I didn't pay much attention at the time, but now I remember that People are standing next to Shi Zhijian, like bodyguards..."

Jonathan and Mike looked at each other.

Mike immediately called to verify.

Soon Mike got the exact news, hung up the phone and said to Jonathan: "I checked it out, that person is Tang Long! It was Li Yaozu who arranged for someone to send him in!"

"Li Yaozu?" Jonathan narrowed his eyes and slammed his fist on the table, "Dare to play tricks under my nose, **** it!"

"Since that old man is playing tricks, let's show him some color!" Mike also showed a fierce look.

Jonathan grinned: "You're right! Since that's the case, I'll clean up both of them!"

Seeing this, the little police officer was shocked, knowing that his superiors were going to go crazy! Yes! What if you are great? This is the police station. How do you want to play with you? Isn't it just a word from Chief Jonathan?

Just when Jonathan was about to give the order, there was a sudden roar of cars outside!

With the whistling of the the roar!

Even in the office, the ground is shaking and the ground is shaking!

"What happened?" Jonathan was shocked, and hurriedly walked to the window and Mike and the others looked down.

It's not good, but it's startling!

I saw that the darkness below turned out to be a terrifying army!

The army drove armored vehicles and tanks, and nearly 300 people rushed into the police station like a huge wave!

"What's the matter? Why is the army here?" Jonathan was shocked.

"Could it be that Li Yaozu colluded with the army to save people?"

"Impossible! Ricci has never communicated with the army! How can he command the army?"

"That's the Gao family shot?"

"Shut up! They are still fanning the flames, how can they contact the army to save people?"

"Who is that army—"

Before he finished speaking, the entire office was shaken.

The police outside are already in a mess!

No matter how powerful they are, they are not the opponents of these regular soldiers!

Jonathan looked at the army that had been pushed in front of him, and the words Shi Zhijian had asked him before appeared in his mind: "Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Jonathan panicked for no reason, and he didn't believe that these troops were dispatched by Shi Zhijian when he was killed, but the facts in front of him were in front of him, and this army was definitely directed at Shi Zhijian!

Sure enough, an armored vehicle stopped, and a colonel-level soldier jumped out of it, dressed in a powerful and domineering military uniform, biting a big cigar, and spit smoke at the police station building: "Let's pick up Mr. Shi home----if five minutes If he doesn't come out, I'll raze this place to the ground!"

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