Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1376: Autumn of many things!

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At this moment, even Mrs. Triss, who didn't know much about pharmacology, was stunned by Shi Zhijian's eloquent talk, she even understood what Shi Zhijian wanted to express, "God, if you can really do this, can you continue to use it? Penicillin saves more people?"

"These are my specific opinions, and some personal opinions! Of course, there is no basis for words, especially for things like medicine, there must be strong experiments and the ultimate practical support! But as a Pang watcher, I feel obliged and obliged to give Dr. Fite such a little advice! After all, life is at stake, and you are a great medical scientist. You have always been rooted in the development of the medical industry in Thailand. It can be said that you have a great The spirit of internationalism is admirable!"

Shi Zhijian's remarks are not simply "flattering", but contain a lot of sincerity. After all, in such a society in this era, people like Dr. Fett who do not seek fame and fortune are more precious than pandas.

"Thank you for your compliment, dear Shi! As you said, this matter is at stake, and it is impossible for me to listen to your words and make a decision immediately. Yes, I must first confirm the authenticity of your suggestions!" "Dr. Fitt said something very seriously, took over the stack of documents and looked at it. It was written in beautiful English by Shi Zhijian with a pen, which made Dr. Fitter once again amazed at Shi Zhijian's excellence, which always surprises people.

According to the information, the first sentence that caught his eye made Dr. Fett's eyes shrink slightly: "Is the penicillin ban saving people or killing people?"

This remark is heartbreaking!

Especially for a person like Dr. Fett who values ​​his reputation more than his life, Shi Zhijian's words are a slap in the face.

is it my fault?

If I'm really doing something wrong, is it really "manslaughtering" a lot of people?

For a time, Dr. Fett looked at the information in his hand and fell into contemplation.

Of course, such a large amount of information needs to be read carefully, and it is not suitable for this occasion. Therefore, Dr. Fitt had to put away these materials after being reminded by Mrs. Triss.

Next, Dr. and Mrs. Fett discussed some other things with Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian is witty and humorous, coupled with the blessing of knowledge from the previous life and this life, there are always some very attractive topics that he talks about vividly.

Being so erudite and talented, with extraordinary knowledge, Dr. Fett was once again surprised, and Shi Zhijian was even more impressed.

Such a young man can become an outstanding person even if he joins any industry. He didn't expect that he would come here to negotiate the mere penicillin incident today. It can be seen that the strength of Rishi Shipping can not be underestimated, and it can recruit such talents? !

At the end of the dinner, Shi Zhijian first sent Dr. Fit and Mrs. Triss away, then went to the cashier to sort out everything, and walked out of the restaurant with ease.

In a black car outside, Feng Guoquan, who had been waiting eagerly, opened the car door and greeted Shi Zhijian: "How is it, Ah Jian, how's the talk? Will the ghost elder agree to lift the ban?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, took out a cigarette and handed it to Feng Guoquan: "How can this kind of thing happen overnight? It needs to be adjusted!"

Feng Guoquan took the cigarette with a wry smile: "How could I not know? But this matter is very important, I am really anxious!"

There is nothing wrong with Feng Guoquan saying this. After all, this matter started because of him. If he hadn't been trapped by the Xie family and signed a contract to transport penicillin worth 5 million, it would not have caused such a lot of trouble, even Julian Shi Zhijian and Li Li. Mr. was also implicated.

Shi Zhijian helped Feng Guoquan light the cigarette and comforted him: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless if you think about it! Since the Xie family has set you up, you won't be able to get rid of it so easily. As for Mr. Lianyi, That's because they figured it out early in the morning, and even if you take care of everything by yourself, they will still find other reasons to drag Mr. Lee into the water!"

"Having said that, but I..." Feng Guoquan took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "I feel ashamed!"

"Don't think so much!" Shi Zhijian patted Feng Guoquan's shoulder, "How do you say that sentence, the mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and the willows are dark and flowers are bright! We will win!"

"I hope so!" Feng Guoquan shook his head and sighed.

Shi Zhijian just finished comforting Feng Guoquan and kissed him again (this chapter is not over!)

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Since he sent Feng Guoquan away.

Feng Guoquan has been "stalking" here for a long time tonight, but he is also exhausted, and he no longer insists on it, so he has to resign himself to fate.

Here Feng Guoquan left, and Shi Zhijian made a gesture to his full-time driver, Aji, and asked him to drive over.

Aji has not been idle during this period of time. He has obtained a driver's license and has become one of the few "full-time drivers" in Thailand. With such a driver's license, he is much better than helping people punting boats before. Even if Shi Zhijian doesn't drive a car in the future, he can still find a very good driver job with his driver's license.

Of course, it is very easy to get a driver's license in this era, and the most important thing is to have money to hand over to those examiners, and Shi Zhijian doesn't have much now, that is, he is not short of money.

Aji's driver's license can be said to have a large part of Shi Zhijian's credit.

Aji, who got his driver's license, is also very proud now. He used to have a bitter face, but now he is proud of himself. He even dares to take a few glances at a woman who twists her **** on the street.

Seeing Shi Zhijian gesturing to him, Aji didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly started the Ford car, and drove towards Shi Zhijian.

Before the car stopped, there was a red Mercedes-Benz car next to it and stopped in front of Shi Zhijian!

Aggie was startled, and hurriedly braked the little Ford, and was about to yell at the Mercedes-Benz owner, but saw the Mercedes-Benz window open, revealing a very pretty but very cold face, not Li Xuexuan, the eldest lady of the Li family. Who will it be?

Seeing that it was her, Aji forced back the "Three Character Classic" in his mouth, but not spitting out the swearing words was more uncomfortable than swallowing a fly.

Li Xuexuan opened the car window to reveal his face, and said directly to Shi Zhijian: "Get in the car!" The tone could not be refused.

Shi Zhijian shrugged, opened the door, and got into Li Xuexuan's car.

Next to him, Aji was in a hurry, driving a small Ford, and hurriedly stuck his head out and asked Shi Zhijian, "Mr. Shi, what should I do?"

Shi Zhijian was about to say that you can follow behind, but Li Xuexuan turned his head and said to Aji, "You go back first, I'll take your boss home later!"

Aggie was stunned for a moment, and said, "This is not good?"

Li Xuexuan glared at him with her beautiful eyes: "Why, are you afraid that I will eat your boss?"

Aji did not dare to talk back, and hurriedly shrank his head.

But Li Xuexuan didn't say more. He stepped on the accelerator, and the Mercedes-Benz car shot out like an arrow from the string!

Aji saw Li Xuexuan taking Shi Zhijian away, so he pretended to be brave and said: "This Miss Li is driving really fast! It's not good to drive too fast, the coach said, if you drive fast, you will die fast! Bah, what am I talking about? Mr. Shi is in the car!" Aji slapped himself left and right.

"Please, drive slower, can't you? I want to live longer!" Shi Zhijian sat in Li Xuexuan's car, fastened his seat belt subconsciously, and held the upper safety ring with one hand.

Li Xuexuan glanced at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian hurriedly said: "Don't look at me, look at the road!" Then he added: "Although I know that I am very handsome, and that a girl like you is adored, you can't bet your life! Yes, there are thousands of roads, safety is the first, and the driving is not standardized, and the relatives are in tears!"

Li Xuexuan was about to laugh angrily, squeaked a dragon and swayed its tail, parked the Mercedes-Benz car on the side of the road, and then stared at Shi Zhijian: "You can't say a word less? Do you know that it will affect my driving a lot? In this way, I really want my relatives to cry as you said!"

Shi Zhijian sighed, released his hand from the safety ring, and smiled towards Li Xuexuan: "I am spreading the knowledge of road safety with you, where is the nonsense?"

"Okay, you're right no matter what! I ask you, how are you talking to that old ghost?"

"Brother Quan already asked this question just now, and I really don't want to answer it a second time!"

"Then let me ask the other one, when are you going back to Hong Kong?"

"What am I going to do when I go back?"

"Didn't you say you want revenge, catch the murderer! Your brother Bruce Lee died unclearly, don't you get angry?"

"Angry! Of course I'm very angry!" Shi Zhijian's eyes narrowed, "But I can't go back to Hong Kong yet----"


"Because I suddenly understood that (this chapter is not over!)

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Why did the kidnappers let me smuggle to Thailand..."

"What do you mean?" Li Xuexuan looked curious.

"I was just like you at first, and I was confused..."

"You're so stupid!" Li Xuexuan didn't know what "stupid" meant, but he knew it wasn't a good word.

"Ahem, don't be so big, I'm talking to you about something very important!" Shi Zhijian said in a serious tone, "You know who I am, although I don't cover the sky with one hand in Hong Kong, my strength is extraordinary!"

Li Xuexuan admitted that Shi Zhijian has a lot of money in Hong Kong, and his brother is a big name in the police circle like Lai Luo. The most important thing is that he has a special status. He is an earl of the British Empire conferred by the Queen of England, and he is a rare Chinese member of the Legislative Council. Can be described as monstrous power!

"But even a person as powerful as me, someone dares to touch me and give me an idea, not only hiring someone to kidnap me, but also indirectly dealing with the people around me... You say, who is this person?"

"I'm not Sherlock Holmes, how do I know?" Li Xuexuan gave Shi Zhijian a white look.

"That's right, you're not Sherlock Holmes, and neither am I, so the simplest point - that person is the person next to me!" Shi Zhijian gave a terrifying answer, "A person I know very well, and Someone who knows me very well, and who believes that even if I was kidnapped, he would not suspect him! Only in this way can he stay in Hong Kong safe and sound!"

"Why can't he be in the United States, in the United Kingdom - after all, you were kidnapped in the United States!" Li Xuexuan asked again, "I think that Yan Xiong is very suspicious. He has opposed you several times, you He almost ruined his family, so it makes sense for him to want your life!"

"You don't understand this! Yan Xiong is a fox who was crippled by me! This old fox is the most cunning, but also the most afraid of death, especially after staying by my side for a long time, he has already accepted his fate!" Shi Zhijian analyzed Said, "Even if you give him the courage, he will not dare to rebel!"

"What about the others? You have offended so many ghosts in the UK and the US, and they deserve your life!" Li Xuexuan asked again.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Though those old ghosts are cunning and treacherous, they don't like me very much, such as Donnie Rothschild, and Lawrence who was killed by me, but there is one thing you didn't analyze, kill me. I don't benefit them at all! It may even harm their interests!"

"Then I get it! The one who will benefit the most from kidnapping you, or even getting rid of you, is the one who is most suspicious!" Li Xuexuan looked shrewd, "The answer is obvious, it's your elder sister Shi Yufeng. !"

"Fart!" Shi Zhijian almost gave Li Ya a shock, "How could my old sister hurt me?"

"Didn't you say, if you die, your old sister will get the most benefits, followed by your three wives, what Su Youwei, Nie Yongqin, and Bai Ledi----even the one Dai Fengni helped you give birth to It's possible for a cheap son Dandan---- he can't wait to inherit your property!" Li Xuexuan's analysis was eloquent.

Shi Zhijian almost died of anger, "Please, can you humanize your ability a bit, don't think everyone is as sinister as you?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Li Xuexuan deliberately made things difficult for Shi Zhijian, "You have so many wives and so many illegitimate So you must have a lot of hidden enemies!"

Shi Zhijian was speechless, "Let's get down to business----I'll tell you why I'm staying in Thailand..."

"Why?" Li Xuexuan blinked her beautiful eyes, "Did you fall in love with someone again? The third lady from the Xie family? Or the maid in your family? By the way, what's her name, Ah Xiang? Wow? , even the name is so fragrant! Isn't it wrong, is that the big star Miss Palan? Also, that Palan has a good figure and looks beautiful, and is also known as the national goddess!"

Shi Zhijian was speechless when he saw Li Xuexuan's jealous look.

"Let's talk about business, shall we?"

"Aren't we just talking about business? We're analyzing why you want to stay in Thailand!" Li Xuexuan gave Shi Zhijian a stern look again.

"To be honest, I'm in Thailand because I'm waiting for the murderer to come here to find me!"

"Huh?" Li Xuexuan widened his eyes.

"If I go back to Hong Kong (this chapter is not over!)

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, he will not show his face, because that is my territory, he will just shrink his head and pretend to be a turtle! And when he knew I was in Thailand, what do you think he would do? "

"Take the initiative to attack?"

"Yes!" Shi Zhijian's eyes were sharp, "I just take the initiative to attack! Especially when I deliberately conceal my identity like me, it is most convenient for him to start..."

Li Xuexuan's heart skipped a beat: "Then when... when will he start?"

"Soon!" Shi Zhijian's mouth showed a hint of ruthlessness, "If it were me, I would choose this time! In troubled times, it is the most stable to start!"

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1376 [The eventful autumn! 】


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