Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1377: Set you up!

That night, when Mrs. Tracy hung the precious oil painting she got from Shi Zhijian on the wall and fed the pet cat food, she looked at the quartz clock hanging on the wall, it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening.

Mrs. Triss looked at the light in the study, it was still bright, she had to go upstairs and knocked on the door again, and then told her husband, Dr. Fett, who was still reading at Candle Night, that it was time to go to bed.

Dr. Fett shook his head and asked Mrs. Triss to help him make a cup of coffee, saying that he must read the information in his hand tonight no matter what.

That document was the experimental report on the clinical use of penicillin that Shi Zhijian brought him today.

This experimental report may feel boring and uninteresting in the hands of others. It basically records the various reactions of some patients who have undergone skin tests when using penicillin, some have rapid heartbeat, some have hives, and of chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc.

The report of this experiment was recorded a month ago. It is conceivable that Shi Zhijian had already started to prepare for this a month ago, and the ban of penicillin had just begun.

In a word, this detailed and lengthy report is enough to give many people a headache, but Dr. Fitt felt that the words on Shi Zhijian's experimental report were so irritating. Every word and every sentence made him feel Others couldn't help but read it two or three times, then pondered, considered, analyzed and compared the length of these experiments, and then compared it with what they had learned, and then came to a similar conclusion.

Penicillin is also known as penicillin. Before the 1940s, humans had not mastered a drug that could effectively treat bacterial infections with few side effects. If someone had tuberculosis at that time, it meant that the person would soon pass away. In order to change this situation, researchers have carried out long-term explorations, but the breakthrough in this regard came from an unexpected discovery.

In modern times, the British bacteriologist Fleming first discovered the world's first antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928, but because the technology was not advanced enough at that time and the understanding was not deep enough, he did not separate penicillin alone.

The following year, Fleming published his research results. Unfortunately, the paper was not taken seriously by the scientific community until ten years later, when the German chemist Ernst Chain saw Fleming in a pile of old books. Leaming's paper, so began to do purification experiments.

In the winter of 1940, Qian En extracted a little penicillin. Although this was a major breakthrough, it was still far from clinical application.

After a period of intense experimentation, Flory and Qian finally extracted penicillin crystals by freeze-drying. Afterwards, Flory found a mold that could extract a large amount of penicillin on a melon, and prepared a corresponding culture solution with corn flour. Driven by these research results, American pharmaceutical companies began mass production of penicillin in 1942.

By 1943, pharmaceutical companies had discovered a way to mass-produce penicillin. Britain and the United States were at war with Germany at the time. This new drug is very effective in controlling wound infections.

In October 1943, Flory and the U.S. military signed the first contracts for the production of penicillin. The advent of penicillin at the end of World War II quickly turned the tide of the war for the Allies. After the war, penicillin was widely used, saving tens of millions of lives.

For this great invention, in 1945, Fleming, Flory and Chain were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for "the discovery of penicillin and its clinical utility".

Penicillin has saved countless people since its birth, but because each person's constitution is different, they will have different reactions when using penicillin.

It is a pity that there is no such thing as a "skin test" in this era, and this experimental report written by Shi Zhijian to Dr. Fit is all about the details of the skin test. The medical doctor thought deeply that even ordinary medical practitioners could understand what Shi Zhijian meant.

When Mrs. Triss brought the coffee to Dr. Fitt, Dr. Fitter couldn't help but took off his glasses, turned his head and asked his wife, "Honey, what kind of person do you think I am?"

"Of course you are a good person, and an excellent doctor!" Mrs. Triss said as she massaged her husband's shoulders.

"No, I'm a selfish person! Yes, I'm selfish!" said Dr. Fett. "Because of my selfishness, I am deeply opposed to the penicillin ban! But these experimental reports tell me that I am It was wrong. Penicillin was originally a treasure to treat and save people, but I sealed it up, which is unfair to many patients!"

Of course, Mrs. Triss understood what her husband was thinking, so she comforted him: "These reports were written by the young man named Shi Zhijian for you to read. As for the authenticity, it is yet to be tested—"

"You're right!" Dr. Fit took his wife's hand and kissed the back of her hand: "So I'm going to spend three days meeting these patients who have undergone the experiment in person and see how they are doing. Is it the same as what is written in this report? Medicine, life is at stake, and there is no room for falsehood!"

Three days is not too long, not too short.

But for Shi Zhijian, he doesn't have time to wait, he has to do something, and for Shi Zhijian, what he is best at is tricking people.

As long as the target he set on this time is the initiator of the whole thing---the Xie family.

"Ahie!" As Miss Xie Jiasan's loyal subordinate and follower, Ah'Dai has been in poor health these days. Specifically, he fell ill with a cold.

In places like Thailand, the climate is gentle, and it is the most difficult to treat colds and fevers. Ah'Dai belongs to the category of hot colds. He has a runny nose and sneezing at every turn, which makes his eyes sore and his mouth tasteless.

At this time, Ah'Dai stretched out his tongue in the hospital consultation room to let the doctor on the other side see his tongue coating.

The doctor took a paddle and poked it on his tongue for a while, then retracted the paddle.

Ah'Dai's eyes are sore, his nose is itchy, and Ah Ni, just another sneeze.

Clear soup snot up three feet!

The doctor opposite was the first to bear the brunt, and was almost sprayed right in the face!

The doctor looked out of the drawer in fear and put on the mask.

Ah'Dai blew his snot with his hand, and threw his snot on the ground again!

The doctor frowned when he saw it, but he didn't dare to attack because of the identity of the master of the Xie family, and even had to take the initiative to find a piece of paper and hand it over.

"No!" Ah'Dai casually sipped the snot from his hands on the chair-----

The doctor is disgusting!

"Sir, your cold is getting worse and worse. It's best to stay in the hospital and I'll give you a few days of drips."

"Drinking? Staying in the hospital?" Ah'Dai looked unhappy and pinched his nose, "You know I'm so busy, Miss San can't leave me for a moment, so you let me stay here for an IV? That Hong Kong dialect? What are you talking about, I'll slap your lungs!"

The doctor was not a human being, so he hurriedly coughed: "Then continue to take medicine!"

"Take medicine? Take your mother! Your medicine doesn't work. I've been taking it for three days. I still have this virtue, and my nose is always flowing. It's uncomfortable to sit and lie down!"

"You have a bad cold, of course you're not feeling well!"

"It's you who prescribed the wrong medicine!" Ah'Dai was unreasonable, "I'll be fine as soon as I take other medicines, but I've been like this for three days after taking yours!"

The doctor said in his heart, since you are looking for someone else to see, what are you doing here?

"Did you say in your heart why I didn't go to see someone else?" Ah'Dai stood up, blew his snot and threw it on the ground, then raised his foot and wiped his hands on the shoes, "That's because those guys are now Close the door when you see me, as if I were a tiger and would eat people!"

The doctor frowned, feeling that the guy in front of him still had self-knowledge.

"I have no choice, I can only run here!" Ah'Dai blew his nose again, this time he grabbed the tissue paper in front of the doctor and wiped it, then threw it on the ground, "Help me to prescribe the medicine, this time the medicine is the key! The more, the sooner the better!"

The doctor nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay! I'll follow your instructions!"

Immediately, he started to prescribe medicine for Ah'Dai. When Ah-Dai saw this, he accepted the magic power of blowing his nose, sucked his nose and waited for the receipt to get the medicine.

at this time---

dong dong dong!

Someone knocked on the door.

The door opened, and an Indian-looking man came in, glanced at the consultation room, and then smiled and said to the doctor who was prescribing the medicine, "Dear Dr. Li, have you thought about it? I am buying a lot of your penicillin. I'll pay in cash if I can!"

When he heard the cash purchase of penicillin, Ah'Dai pricked up his ears, because the Xie family still has five million worth of penicillin at home and has nowhere to deal with it!

These penicillins were all purchased from the United States by Cheese when he set the ship for Ricky. At that time, he thought that Ricky could not deliver the goods. Unexpectedly, the cargo ship of the other party docked smoothly and delivered it!

The Xie family can be said to have shot themselves in the foot.

For this reason, Xie Xi and the third lady Xie Bingqian were scolded by their father Xie Shihao.

Dr. Li, who was prescribing the medicine, heard the words and raised his head: "I'm sorry, these medicines are not under my control, even if I want to sell them, I am powerless!"

The Indian man giggled, "It's okay, you can act as an introducer, I'll give you the introduction fee, and as long as the transaction is successful, you will also get your rebate!"

Dr. Li was immediately moved, glanced at Ah'Dai who was still in the consultation room, coughed hurriedly, and said to the Indian, "Please wait a moment! I'm done here—"

The Indian hurriedly made an OK gesture, retracted his head, and closed the door.

Ah'Dai was unhappy, and squinted at Dr. Li with a slanted posture: "I said, what are you doing?"

"Cough, it's nothing."

"Nothing? I heard it all, he wants to buy your penicillin----if you don't want me to spread this out, tell me clearly!" Ah'Dai rolled up his sleeves and coerced and coaxed.

Dr. Li struggled for a while, then sighed: "The specific thing is this..."

Immediately explained the cause and effect of the incident.

It turned out that the Indian was called "Roger Khan" and was a drug buyer from India.

India is a magical country. It relies on drinking Ganges River water to cure diseases, but India's pharmaceutical industry, especially generic drugs, is very developed, and these generic drugs are also sold around the world, known as "high quality and low price".

Now there is a plague in India, and a batch of anti-inflammatory drugs is urgently needed.

Roger Khan is a pharmaceutical dealer and a businessman, and he saw business opportunities in this plague.

For him, penicillin is a good thing. Although there may be medical accidents in use, it can save many people, especially these Indians are very Buddhist, even drinking Ganges water can cure diseases, and eating cow dung can live forever Not old, let alone taking the special drug penicillin.

Roger Khan knew that Thailand had issued a penicillin ban, and many drug stores had stockpiled a large amount of penicillin. He planned to buy these penicillins back and package them well, change the name or something, and sell them as high-priced drugs.

And Dr. Li's hospital was hoarding penicillin worth hundreds of thousands, and Roger Khan was eyeing it and had to buy it.

"That's basically the way it is." After Dr. Li finished speaking, he said to Master Dude, "But you also know that penicillin is a contraband in our place, and it is prohibited to sell. If someone finds out, I will be miserable, so please also ask you Raise your hand high..."

Ah'Dai didn't have time to listen to Dr. Li's begging for mercy at the moment. He pinched his chin and meditated. This Indian guy is really a baby that fell from the sky. If I can put a needle and thread to sell the penicillin worth five million in Miss San's hand... Wouldn't that be a great achievement? One piece?

Ah'Dai began to think crookedly. If he sold it, the third young lady would praise him tenderly: "A'Dai, you are really good!"

Touching his head: "A'Dai, you are awesome!"

"Haha!" Ah'Dai laughed out loud.

Dr. Li was frightened by Ah'Dai's reaction: "What are you laughing at?"

Ah'Dai came back to his senses, "I'm laughing at your mother! If you don't want to die, introduce that Indian guy to me!"


"Ah what? Don't hurry up!"

"Third sister, the real father has already made it very clear!" In the Xie family villa, Xie Er Shao Xie Xi put one hand in his pocket and came to his sister Xie Bingqian's room, "I will still have to take over the Xie family's business in the future. , As for the big brother, he will concentrate on his career."

"What about me?" Xie Bingqian stood up with a cup of coffee and looked at the second brother who was wandering around in his room.

"You? Of course you're married!" Xie Xi walked to the piano and sat down, opened the lid of the piano, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard one by one, making a jingling sound.

Xie Bingqian smiled: "I have no objection to my father's handing over the family business to you. The question is, can you do it?"

"What do you mean?" Xie Xi turned his head and glanced at his sister.

"You know what you mean! It's nice to say that you came back from the United States to visit In the end, did he fail in the computer business there and lost to the guy named Bill Gates?"

"So what? Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs." Not only was Xie Xi not annoyed, but he smiled, fingered the keys, and the song "Blue Danube" poured out.

Xie Bingqian walked over and stood by the piano: "I'm just afraid that you won't be able to keep so many companies in our Xie family..." The tone was full of irony and ridicule.

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