Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1378: Volunteers take the bait!

Facing the ridicule of his own sister, Xie Xi realized that it didn't matter much, he shook his head and played the piano intoxicatedly: "No matter how hard they can't keep it, they will also be named Xie---- on the other hand, if I give it to you, in the future But I don't know what my surname is, that's what my father worries about most."

Xie Bingqian sneered: "Do you think I will accept my fate?"

"No, you won't. I'm familiar with your character, you'll give it a shot-----" Xie Xi stopped playing, stood up from the chair, and looked at his sister leisurely with his hands in his pockets, "That's why I I will come here to remind you not to act rashly!"

"Are you threatening me?"

"How could that be? I'm your second brother! I'm just afraid that you will be hurt. You should understand what a father is..." Xie Xi raised his eyebrows and sighed, "For the sake of the family, he does not allow any form of betrayal!"

Xie Bingqian was silent.

Xie Xi shrugged: "Okay, I have finished what I have to say, you can think about it for yourself!"

After saying that, Xie Xi turned around and left.

Xie Xi just came out of the room--


The coffee cup in the back shattered.

Xie Xi shook his head: "I still can't change the eldest lady's temper!" She kept walking and left.

In the room, Xie Bingqian's pretty face was full of anger. For her, what the second brother Xie Xi said just now made her go crazy.

Xie Bingqian has always regarded herself as the princess of the Xie family, especially when others like to compare her with Li Xuexuan of the Li family. For this reason, Xie Bingqian will work harder to surpass Li Xuexuan.

Now Li Xuexuan is prosperous in Hong Kong, and in Thailand, she will be the only heir of the Li family in the future, and she will take over all the huge family business of the Li family.

And what about her Xie Bingqian?

I just found out today that in the future, I want to get married, but I want to marry a husband and teach children! As for the family business, and the Xie family company can't get anything by themselves!

She is not reconciled!

In this way, wouldn't she lose completely to Li Xuexuan?

So many years of their own efforts are not in vain?

Xie Bingqian became angrier the more she thought about it, shook her head frantically, and screamed!

"Miss San, what happened to you?" Master Ah'Dai heard Xie Bingqian shouting hysterically in the upstairs bedroom as soon as he came back from outside.

The servants around didn't dare to go upstairs, they just gathered together and whispered——

"what's going on?"

"I don't know, it's just that something happened to the second young master as soon as he came downstairs!"

Ah'Dai couldn't care less, hurriedly trotted upstairs, and as soon as he opened the door to enter, a teacup slammed into his forehead!

Fortunately, Ah'Dai was agile and hurriedly dodged, and the teacup was broken on the wall behind him!

Ah'Dai breathed a sigh of relief, still in shock.

The cold that had been sneezing constantly before was actually a lot better.

"Miss, what happened?" Ah'Dai asked hard. Xie Bingqian grabbed the glass and was about to throw it at Ah'Dai.

Ah'Dai squatted down and hugged his head: "Forgive me! I didn't do anything!"

Seeing Ah'Dai's cowardly appearance, Xie Bingqian was no longer interested in smashing him, and sat down on the sofa angrily.

Ah'Dai saw that there was no movement, so he dared to stand up and looked around, it was a mess!

But Ah'Dai is already used to it. Every time Xie Bingqian gets angry, he will make a mess in the house. Not to mention those cleaning moms are annoying, even a loyal servant like Ah'Dai is annoying!

Adhering to the idea of ​​helping the third miss, Ah'Dai picked up the sofa pillows, books, tea trays and other items that were thrown on the ground, and said, "third miss, why are you angry, tell me, Ah'Dai will definitely help you out!"

Xie Bingqian glared at him, grabbed the pillow on the sofa and smashed it at Ah'Dai: "Help me! What can you do for me? I'm almost gone!"

Ah'Dai is not a fool, as soon as he heard this, he understood that it was a matter of family property, and he swallowed: "Actually, Miss, you are so smart, there is no reason why I shouldn't leave the company to you..."

"Just because I'm a girl, not a man!" Xie Bingqian said. "I'm going to get married in the future, how can we give me the things from our Xie family?"

"Cough, you can't say that! The Xie family is so rich, and the virtuous people live there! I think you are fine, Miss. As for the eldest young master, he is pursuing an official career and is not interested in business, the second young master... He has some Immoral!"

"You dare to say that my second brother is wicked?"

"No, I said that casually!" Ah'Dai hurriedly covered his mouth.

"Don't talk so much nonsense!" Xie Bingqian said angrily, "You don't usually think of yourself as resourceful, and you often read "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Hou Hei Xue", how can you help me?"

"Uh, this----" Ah'Dai rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth suddenly, "Actually, I have a very good idea here----"

"What's your idea? Tell me now!" Xie Bingqian didn't believe what kind of tricks Ah Dai's stupid brain could come up with.

Ah'Dai hurriedly stepped forward and said cautiously, "Miss Third, last time the Second Young Master purchased five million penicillin from the United States without authorization in order to make a splash, but I didn't expect it to backfire. In the end, Rishi Shipping Co., Ltd. delivered the goods smoothly, not only did we not claim ten times the compensation, Also detained five million drugs..."

Xie Bingqian frowned, "So what? His original intention was to help me."

"Miss San, you can't take care of your family and righteousness at this point." Ah'Dai felt that he was like a big conspirator at the moment, and he was excited to say no, "We have to preemptively!"

"How to strike first?"

"Let's help sell the batch of penicillin that is worth 5 million in the warehouse. The master will praise you for your good work! In turn, the second young master will be shriveled!"

Xie Bingqian sneered, "Sell it? You are dreaming! Those are all contraband products recognized by the government! Who dares to buy it?"

Ah'Dai smiled and rubbed his hands together: "You said it's a coincidence, I happen to know an Indian guy, and he likes to buy these contraband!"

"What?" Xie Bingqian looked surprised.

Bangkok, Loong Thai Hotel Cafe.

The Indian guy Roger Khan opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, looking at Xie Bingqian who was smiling at him with a somewhat amazed expression.

Roger Khan is a typical Indian high caste appearance, tall, with fairer skin than ordinary Indians, and his appearance also has typical Aryan characteristics. He is thirty-two years old this year and is at the peak of a man's career. At this stage, it is understandable to think about starting a business and making money.

Ah'Dai saw this Indian guy staring at Miss San in a daze with malicious intent, and he felt very unhappy. Among many countries, Ah'Dai is the only one who doesn't like India, feeling that this is a country full of cow dung and gods and Buddhas. For example, the one in front of him, if Ah'Dai hadn't asked him for something, he wouldn't have brought the third young lady to this big hotel to meet him.

"Cough, Mr. Roger Khan, this is the third Miss Xie family I want to introduce to you."

"And the third lady, this is Mr. Roger Khan, the Indian buyer I introduced for you!"

Ah'Dai acted as the introducer and briefly introduced each other's identities in the middle.

"Hello, beautiful Miss Xie! I can assure the great Brahma that you are the most beautiful Thai girl I have ever seen!" Roger Khan said with an extremely exaggerated expression and tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Thai, I'm Chinese." Xie Bingqian frowned, disliking the exaggeration of this Indian guy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, in fact, a beautiful woman like you, whether Chinese or Thai, is a gift from God!"

"Thank you for your compliment, but I hope we'd better get to the point." Xie Bingqian didn't want to talk too much with the other party.

"Oh, of course!" Roger Khan said with a smile, "I wonder if you drink coffee or black tea?"


"Okay!" Roger Khan snapped his fingers and called the waiter to serve a cup of coffee. He personally ordered a cup of Indian black tea. "Actually, our Indian black tea is also very good. Miss Xie can taste it if you are interested." Roger Khan didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, still sipping tea slowly.

Xie Bingqian's brows furrowed even higher. At this moment, she could see that the Indian guy in front of her was not as exaggerated as she appeared on the surface. When talking about serious things, she would become very calm.

"Ahem, Mr. Roger Khan, the purpose of our miss meeting you today is to discuss your penicillin purchase." Ah'Dai helped, "As I mentioned to you, our miss has five million worth of money in her hands. penicillin, five million, that's a lot!"

Roger Khan laughed when he heard the words, raised his legs, raised the black tea and blew lightly on his mouth, as if the tea was very hot.

"Yes, as you know, my purchase of penicillin is in high demand and can't wait, but everything has its own value - as for the five million you said, that is Before, but now... Hehe, as you all know, penicillin is a contraband in Thailand and is not allowed to be sold, so it can be said to be worthless!"

Ah'Dai was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "You didn't say that before. You said that as long as the quantity is large, everything can be negotiated, so I brought our young lady here!"

"Hehe, I just said it's easy to negotiate, and I didn't promise you any price!" Roger Khan took a sip of tea, put down the teacup and said with a smile, "Besides, I'm discussing with your lady right now, it seems that you don't need to interrupt. ?"

Ah'Dai was stopped by the question, what an Indian guy, he even killed the donkey!

Xie Bingqian gave Ah'Dai a look to tell him not to mess up, and then looked at the "sly" Indian Roger Khan again: "Let's get straight to the point, what price can you buy this batch of penicillin!"

"What about the price!" Roger Khan tapped his fingers on the table. "If I give you a price that is too low, I'd be embarrassed to say it. Why don't I say this, a one-off price—500,000!"

"What?" Ah Dai next to him couldn't help it anymore, he didn't care about Xie Bingqian's reminder just now, "Our five million medicines, you only give half a million? It's worse than robbery!"

Roger Khan's expression did not change, but he smiled at Xie Bingqian: "Miss Xie, I don't know if you are negotiating with me this time, or is the master by your side decides for you?"

Xie Bingqian snorted coldly: "500,000 yuan, the price you offered is indeed too low, it is one-tenth of our original price!"

"Is it low? Your medicines are hoarded in the warehouse and can't be sold! It will expire after a long time, and it will be worthless at that time!" Roger Khan said in a sarcastic tone, "And I, out of your love for Miss Xie Admiration, and also out of admiration for your Xie family, that's why I gnawed my teeth and raised half a million!"

After a pause: "Seriously, you can go out and ask. This price is definitely the highest in the entire market. If someone is higher than me, I, Roger Khan, will cut off a finger on the spot!"

Even saying such ruthless words, it can be seen that this Roger Khan is very confident in the price he offers.

In fact it is.

Now that penicillin is listed as a contraband, almost no one in Thailand wants it. Even if it is, the price is ridiculously low. There are absolutely not many people like Roger Khan who can pay half a million.

Xie Bingqian has also done market research, and some people are willing to buy at a slightly higher price, but they are not buying all of them, but buying a little bit. If they are sold according to that amount, it will not help at all.

Although 500,000 yuan is a bit low, it can recover one-tenth of the cost and free up the warehouse. If it is really like what this Indian guy said, if the time delay is longer, and the penicillin expires and cannot be used, then it is worthless!

Seeing that Xie Bingqian didn't speak, Roger Khan stood up with a smile, tidied up his suit and said, "It seems that Miss Xie is not very satisfied with the price I offered. It doesn't matter, you Chinese don't have a saying that business can't be done without benevolence and righteousness. Well, today we also know each other. Miss Xie, you can go to the market and ask, who can swallow so much of your goods? After all, this is Thailand, and it is impossible for those penicillins to be checked in minutes. Blood lost!"

"Finally, Miss Xie, you can also find other buyers. I have enough time here and you can wait. If the penicillin has expired and you haven't sold it yet, then I can still buy it. Of course, it won't be five when I see you. One hundred thousand is the price!"

Xie Bingqian was slightly startled, as if she didn't expect this Indian guy to be so eloquent, she couldn't help but remind her of another person, Shi Zhijian who likes to wear white clothes.

"Mr. Rogers, I heard everything you said, but I want to ask you a question before I make a decision—"

"What's the problem, Miss Xie, please feel free to ask!"

"What's the use of you buying these penicillins?"

Roger Khan smiled: "You know, I'm an Indian! Our India is a magical country. Even cow dung can cure diseases and save people, not to mention the penicillin that you have banned?"

Xie Bingqian also laughed when she heard the words, stood up and said, "You are right, India is indeed a magical country - happy cooperation!" "Roger Khan stretched out his hand to shake hands with Xie Bingqian, but Xie Bingqian shrank back.

Roger Khan had to shrug helplessly.

Ah'Dai watched clearly from the sidelines. Although he felt that Miss San sold the batch of penicillin cheaply, it was better than being rotten in the warehouse.

The most important thing, this business was facilitated by him, Dumb, and he also has a lot of credit!

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