Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1379: Everyone is an actor!

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Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang 1379 [Everyone is an acting school! 】

On the way back.

As a confidant and master, Ah'Dai couldn't help but said to Xie Bingqian: "Miss San, tell the truth, the price of 500,000 is too low. After all, our batch of goods is worth 5 million!"

Xie Bingqian fiddled with a diamond hairpin in her hand and said, "You introduced this deal, do you think it's low?"

"Although it was introduced by me, it's really hard to accept the price, especially the old Indian looks like us, I'm really upset!" Ah'Dai said, but his eyes were looking at the change in Xie Bingqian's expression.

If Xie Bingqian is angry, he will intensify his rebuke to India for always being a tortoise bastard.

If Xie Bingqian wasn't very angry, then Ah'Dai would try to take the credit to himself.

In a word, Ah'Dai feels that he is using "Learning from the Black Queen" to a level of perfection.

Xie Bingqian stuck the diamond hairpin in her bun, and then glanced at Ah'Dai with her beautiful eyes.

Ah'Dai snorted in his heart.

"500,000 is indeed very little, the old Indian's calculation is also very accurate, but there is one thing he didn't calculate——" Xie Bingqian sneered.

"What?" A'Dai wondered.

"Since he can spend 500,000 to eat so much, then he can also spend 5 million to eat ten times as much penicillin!"

"Uh, that's not right, miss!" Ah'Dai said hurriedly, "We only have one batch of goods in our hands—"

"Don't you have a brain?" Xie Bingqian showed a trace of contempt, "Our Xie family has a wide range of contacts. As far as I know, the Lin family, Zhang family, and Zhao family also have a large backlog of penicillin in their hands! Since they and our Xie family have a backlog of penicillin in their hands! They are good friends, so help them!"

"Miss, you mean—"

"Call Uncle Lin and the others and say that I, Xie Bingqian, can help them sell the backlog of penicillin!"

Ah'Dai was stunned for a moment, and immediately said in surprise: "I understand, miss! You are about to make a great contribution! As long as this deal is made, it will be a great achievement. If you know it, Master will definitely appreciate you!"

"You've finally learned to be smart! Remember, don't be afraid of losing money when doing business, you must find the corresponding benefits from the losses. This time the old Indian price is so low, it doesn't matter, I will rely on him to make some connections!" Xie Bingqian looked proud .

"Yes, yes, Miss, you are wise and martial, Dumb I will never be able to match! Then I am now——"

"Take me to the club, you call Uncle Lin and the others directly, saying that my niece invites them to drink tea!"

"Follow your orders!" Ah'Dai looked excited, and said in his heart, "Damn old Indian, you really didn't count on this point, right? You will be killed by then! Gaga!"

at the same time.

"Thank you! I'm so overwhelmed that I can't eat any more!"

In a high-end Indian restaurant, Roger Khan in a neat suit didn't mind wearing it at all, and touched his round belly with his hand.

Who would have thought that he was still struggling with hunger and satiety a few days ago, because he couldn't find a job and couldn't even eat enough to eat.

And today, the reason why he can sit here and eat and drink is because of this handsome man across from him.

Shi Zhijian, who was dressed in white, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled a tissue and handed it over: "Wipe your mouth first!"

Roger Khan was flattered and took the tissue: "Thank you, Mr. Shi!"

Fate is so wonderful.

Roger Khan originally belonged to a rich family in India, but unfortunately the family business went bankrupt. His eldest brother took all the property he had and only gave Roger Khan a plane ticket to the United States.

According to Brother Roger Khan's meaning: "Even if you go to the United States to beg, you can live a very nourishing life!"

Perhaps in his eldest brother's opinion, this one-way ticket to the United States was more important than giving Roger Khan more fortune.

The problem is that Roger Khan has never been a person who likes to follow the rules. After getting the one-way ticket to the United States, he directly changed the ticket to Thailand, because it would save a little money. Let him go to a university theater in Thailand to study acting.

Yes, Roger Khan's biggest dream is not to inherit the family business and become a successful businessman, but to become an actor and experience a different life and different wonderfulness on the movie screen or on the big stage.

Unfortunately, the dream is full, the reality is skinny!

After he graduated, the entertainment and film industry in Thailand did not accept Indians like him at all.

Roger Khan regretted it a little, and felt that Thailand was not as good as he thought. Although he liked Thai food very much, he came to Thailand because of Thai food.

Now he wants to fly to America, to Hollywood to pursue his movie dream.

It's a pity that at this time Roger Khan has no money and no job - to be precise, he can't do a lot of hard work, or the salary that can be done is too low, such as going to the circus to perform, go to The Grand Theater staged singing and so on.

When he was sleeping on the street, he met Shi Zhijian. Shi Zhijian gave him a script and asked him to perform according to the script.

And told him that after the script is familiar with the actual combat, UU read www. is no longer just a show!

In this way, Roger Khan has transformed from a poor Indian college student to a current drug buyer.

"Mr. Shi, don't worry, I said all your lines without omission! As you expected, the beautiful Miss Xie Bingqian was completely convinced by your words and finally had to choose to cooperate with me!" Roger Khan carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin and said in a complimenting tone.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "No matter how good your lines are, it's useless without your sharp performance!" He took a sip of coffee.

Roger Khan hesitated and asked politely: "To be honest, Mr. Shi, there is one thing I don't quite understand - as far as I know, penicillin is still a contraband, and it cannot be sold in the Thai market at all, even if There is a market in India, and you can't ship it out because of the customs embargo! It's a losing business!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "You're right, even if I buy those penicillins, they won't be shipped out, and in the end they will still be in my hands! But there is one thing you need to understand, things are unpredictable, and many times even policies like this Everything is changing rapidly, let alone a ban?"

Roger Khan was stunned for a moment, "You mean... this ban may be changed?" He was busy frantically calculating how much benefit it would bring to the other party if the ban was lifted. Gradually, his eyes glowed and his heart became hot.

"I didn't say that!" Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette and lit one by himself, then looked at Roger Khan in front of him with a smile and said, "I'm just gambling! People who know me know that I, Shi Zhijian, are addicted to gambling! Big ups and downs, it’s exciting to gamble, isn’t it?”

Roger Khan swallowed and said to himself that he was also gambling all the time? Coming to Thailand from India is a gamble, and now doing things according to Shi Zhijian's instructions is also a gamble.

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