Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1380: Kind-hearted as a donkey's liver and lungs!

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Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang 1380 [A kind heart is like a donkey's liver and lungs! 】

The next day, at the Longtai Hotel.

Today is the official trading day of Indian pharmaceutical buyer Roger Khan and Xie Jiasan Xie Bingqian.

In order to successfully complete today's transaction, Xie Bingqian not only brought Master Ah'Dai, but also brought the ghost old lawyer Robert.

The old ghost lawyer Robert had a difficult life these days. Specifically, since he accidentally screwed up the contract with Ricci Shipping, he was ridiculed by his peers and accused by the Xie family.

Although Robert believes that in the final analysis, he did not blame himself for the incident. It was because the Xie family was too greedy and wanted to frame Ricci, but he did not expect to shoot himself in the foot. It's all about the boss.

In those days when he was "delegated", the famous lawyer Robert could only go to Xie's banana farm to manage some banana purchase contracts, sign some contract memorandums, etc. It was a pain in the ass.

No, during that time, Lawyer Robert actually did a "good deed", that is, he helped a poor Lou Feng "Little Jinbao" win the divorce lawsuit. In the end, not only did he not lose money to the oily and powdery husband, but instead Received divorce compensation from the other party!

Originally, Robert, a barrister, disdained such a small and unknown divorce lawsuit. However, during that time, he was at a low point in his life and desperately needed a victory to soothe his soul.

In addition, there is another reason that Robert had to pick up, that is, Little Jinbao was introduced by Shi Zhijian.

When Xiao Jinbao found Robert with the introduction card Shi Zhijian gave her, Robert was surprised.

He didn't understand why Shi Zhijian did this, but he soon understood that Shi Zhijian thought he would be fired by the Xie family and would kowtow to him and beg for mercy at that time. He didn't expect his Robert's vitality to be so tenacious, and he would rather be sent to the banana plantation to continue. Stay at Xie's house and work.

But Robert turned his head and thought very clearly that there is no permanent enemy in this world. Since Shi Zhijian threw an olive branch to him, he, Robert, is not a fool. If he can catch it, he will catch it. What is the result.

That's two reasons Robert wants to help Jinbao win his divorce case.

But what Robert didn't expect was the gratitude Xiao Jinbao gave him after winning the lawsuit, the applause of the onlookers in the court, and the judge's approval of him, all made Robert feel for the first time as a member of the court. The pride of lawyers!

Yes, he was too utilitarian in the past, and he had long forgotten that the essence of a lawyer is to **** the strong and help the weak, punish evil and promote good!

At this moment, his mind was a little confused. Lawyer Robert took out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped his forehead, although there was no sweat on his forehead.

In front of him, the beautiful third lady Xie Bingqian was sitting elegantly on the coffee seat waiting for the Indian businessman.

Master A'Dai flattered Xie Bingqian with a fan.

Thailand in October is actually a bit hot.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xie, I'm late!"

Lawyer Robert heard the news and looked around, only to see a tall and handsome Indian greeted with a smile by a middle-aged man dressed as a lawyer.

Robert's eyes stayed on the Indian for a moment, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the lawyer behind him.

Robert frowned, feeling that the other party was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while.

"It's okay, we just arrived!" Xie Bingqian smiled and got up to greet her.

Roger Khan glanced at the others and said with a smile: "It looks like you are well prepared, Miss Xie, and I can't be left behind. Let me introduce, this is my personal lawyer, Mester-Wang!"

"Lawyer Wang, hello!"

"Miss Xie, hello!"

"This is our lawyer, Mr. Robert!"

"Hello, Mr. Robert!" Roger Khan politely took the initiative to shake hands with Robert.

Without thinking too much, Robert hurriedly shook hands with the other party.

After introducing each other, there is no need to go around in circles and go straight to the topic.

Roger Khan sat down and said straight to the point: "Miss Xie, as you said last time, this time I am very sincere to spend 500,000 to buy the batch of penicillin in your hand. This is a contract we made according to your request. Look first, if there is no problem we can sign directly."

While speaking, the lawyer Wang took out a contract from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it to Xie Bingqian.

Xie Bingqian took it and glanced at it, suddenly smiled, and threw the contract on the table.

Roger Khan raised his eyebrows: "Why, are you not satisfied with this contract, Miss Xie, do you have other additional requirements?"

Xie Bingqian smiled and took a sip of coffee: "I just read the contract and was a little unsatisfied-----"

"Where?" Roger Khan was entrusted by Shi Zhijian to perform this play. If the other party did not accept it, it would be equivalent to returning without success.

Xie Bingqian used a slender jade finger to pestle the amount on the contract: "Here!"

Roger Khan smiled bitterly: "Do you want to go back, Miss Xie? We had an agreement before. UUkanshu We bought the penicillin medicine in your hands at one-tenth of the price. Now..."

"Don't be in a hurry, please listen to me." Xie Bingqian put down the coffee cup gracefully, her beautiful eyes shining brightly at Roger Khan.

Being stared at by such a beautiful woman, even if Roger Khan is studying drama, he can't hold his mind at this moment. He only feels that the other party is too beautiful, and the big watery eyes seem to be able to speak...

"The price we negotiated before was 500,000, and now it has become 5 million!"

"What?" Roger Khan exclaimed, "This is nothing to talk about!"

"I've said it before, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet!" Xie Bingqian was very satisfied to see Roger Khan, an Indian old man with a red face. "Since I charge you five million, of course I will give you five million penicillin! One-tenth of the original price!"

Roger Khan was stunned. Previously, Shi Zhijian explained that he bought penicillin from the Xie family at one-tenth of the price. Why are so many out now? five million! What kind of number is this? !

Xie Bingqian looked at Roger Khan in a daze, and felt much more comfortable again. What she wanted was this "scare you to death" effect.

The master next to him, A'Dai, also looked proud, and said in his heart: "You old Indian, you are going to explode this time?! I'll beat your lungs!"

"How about it, can you eat the five million goods?" Xie Bingqian said in a contemptuous tone.

"I-----" Roger Khan was tangled, Shi Zhijian didn't tell him about the acquisition of so many, 500,000 became five million, a full tenfold, what if the purchase went back and the warehouse was sold out? How to explain to Mr. Shi!

"Why, do you still have to think about it? Or..." Xie Bingqian looked at Roger Khan with tentative eyes, "You can't be the master at all?"

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