Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1384: whistleblower!

"What? Ban lifted?"

"how come----"

Lin Changhao, Zhao Zhenhua, Zhang Jianghu and others were all dumbfounded.

The other elders dropped their jaws in shock!

Xie Bingqian was also shocked by the news and her face changed color!

Dumbfounded in disbelief, he stepped forward and grabbed Robert's shoulder and shook him vigorously: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Robert: "I said the penicillin ban was lifted! It was the order of the Thai royal family! Now the FDA is following up, and it's being broadcast on TV-----"

"Yes, yes, TV!" Everyone at the scene was in chaos, and they hurriedly asked people to turn on the TV.

TV on!

The crowd couldn't wait to look over.

On the TV, a female announcer was holding a bulletin: "I'm sorry, but an important news is interrupted now! According to the latest news, in view of the proposal of Dr. Fite, the chairman of the Royal Medical Research Institute, penicillin, which is strictly prohibited from tomorrow, will be restored! Just A skin test must be done before use…”

"In addition, regarding the previous penicillin ban, Dr. Fitt himself admitted his mistake and took a one-size-fits-all approach before finding out the medical malpractice, causing many innocent patients to delay treatment time. I'm sorry for that!"

"Finally, due to the lifting of the penicillin ban, the price of penicillin not only returned to its original price, but also began to skyrocket, and now it has more than doubled!"

"The Food and Drug Administration reminds everyone again not to hoard and hype up drug prices..."

The entire hall was silent, and everyone stared straight at the TV screen.

The elder Lin Changhao opened his mouth and said, "Then our penicillin...isn't it a cheap sale?"

The old man Zhang Jianghu: "Sold at one-tenth of the price. Now not only has the original price been restored, but it has also doubled..."

Elder Zhao Zhenhua: "Our penicillin worth 50 million is now worth 100 million?"


Zhao Zhenhua's eyes flashed, his body swayed, and he fainted directly on the ground!

"Someone fainted! Help!"

"Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

"Artificial respiration! Artificial respiration!"

The hall was a mess.

Xie Bingqian's brain was buzzing, as if he didn't hear anything.

Ah'Dai stepped forward: "Miss San, are you alright? Don't scare me, your face is ugly!"

Xie Bingqian still did not speak.

Ah'Dai turned back to Robert and said, "I ****! Are you here to **** off Miss? What are you doing with this damned news? You're an unlucky bastard, a mortal star!"

Robert was scolded speechless.

At this time, those elders can no longer care about dignity, money ah money! In the face of interests, who cares? !

"Miss San, tell the truth, are you joining up with that old Indian to deceive us?"

"Miss San, please help and return those penicillins to us!"

These people swarmed up, surrounded Xie Bingqian and wanted to tear her up!



The sound of the wine glass breaking!

Everyone turned their heads to look!

But seeing Xie Shihao smashed a glass wine glass, when everyone looked over, he picked up another wine glass from the waiter's tray and threw it to the ground!

Glass **** flying!

Everyone was taken aback by his move.

Xie Xi stood behind his father without saying a word, and there was no schadenfreude on his face, but his eyes flickered, looking at Xie Bingqian, the third sister who was besieged by everyone, as if to say: "In the end, it's not up to my father. Wipe your ass?!"

"Mr. Xie, what's the matter?" The elder Lin Changhao asked boldly.

"You guys... you're good!" Xie Shihao's tone was cold, he pointed at Lin Changhao and the others, and pointed his finger in the past, those people bowed their heads one after another, not daring to meet Xie Shihao's eyes. "When my daughter helped you, you talked so nicely, and toasted her to celebrate! Now, it's just a mere lifting of the ban, and you've been exposed, shouting here for that little bit of money, and even Also learn to faint..."

Zhang Jiang, who is helping Zhao Zhenhua to pinch people. (This chapter is not over!)

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Hu heard the words and hurriedly put Zhao Zhenhua down. Zhao Zhenhua also woke up at this time, and his old eyes looked at Xie Shihao who was frantic.

Xie Shihao walked towards his daughter Xie Bingqian.

When those who surrounded Xie Bingqian saw this, they all moved away automatically and made way for a corridor.

Xie Shihao walked to his daughter, reached out and patted her shoulder: "Are you okay?"

Xie Bingqian also woke up from the shock at this time, feeling the hurt those people had done to him just now, as well as his father's kind eyes at this moment, he couldn't bear it any longer, and tears flowed out.

Xie Shihao sighed and wiped away the tears from Xie Bingqian's eyes with his thumb, "Don't cry! You are my daughter of Xie Shihao, no matter what setbacks you encounter, you should not cry!"

"I didn't cry, I just... just couldn't help it." Xie Bingqian choked.

At this time, Xie Xi also stepped forward, took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to his sister: "Wipe it! Are you ashamed to cry at such an old age?"

At this moment, Xie Xi's tone was full of tenderness, and there was no way he was tit-for-tat with his sister just now.

Xie Xi finished comforting his sister, turned around and said in his father's place, "All uncles and uncles, as well as relatives and friends, this is the end of today's banquet! As for everyone's demands or dissatisfaction, you can come to me! I, Xie Xi, Xie Bingqian's second brother will take full responsibility!"

Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers on the battlefield!

As far as Xie Xi is concerned, this sister can only be bullied by Xie Xi!

Others, no!

Facing the powerful aura of Xie's father and son, the elders at the scene shook their heads one after another: "There's no drama to watch, let's go!"

The elder Lin Changhao sighed even more: "This is a celebration feast, it is clearly a Hongmen feast!"

Zhang Jianghu even said: "I lose, this time I lose! Hundreds of millions!"

The crowd began to disperse.

Xie Shihao protected his daughter Xie Bingqian and left.

Xie Xi will take care of the rest.

"Master Xie, can we get our penicillin back?"

"Young Master Xie, if you say you are responsible, at least give us a reply!"

There were also some unrepentant elders who surrounded Xie Xi and complained bitterly.

"We were originally a small business, and we lost so much this time, we're going to go bankrupt!"

"Even if you have pity on us!"

Xie Xi looked at these philistine businessmen and smiled coldly: "Bankrupt? It's such a coincidence that you were not bankrupt before, but now you are bankrupt? Poor? How pitiful are you? Can you pit me more than my third sister? He is held high by you, but also by you. Fall hard—where is your conscience, point to me first?"

Those people were dumb, and Xie Xi was speechless.

Seeing that these people were silent, Xie Xi twisted his neck and loosened his tie. With a trace of anger on Jun Lang's face, he turned around and strode away, saying, "What we owe you, we will definitely pay it back! It's not our thanks. What the family owes you, even if you want to do it ten times a hundred times is useless! If you don’t accept it, let’s fight!”

The next day-----

Thailand's major newspapers and magazines are reporting the news.

"Bangkok Daily": "Penicillin ban lifted! People rejoice and cheer!"

"Hua Business Daily": "The ban on penicillin is lifted, and the drug market is booming again!"

"Economic Times": "The price of penicillin has doubled, and some are happy and some are sad!"

Gao's mansion.

"Father, have you read today's newspaper? The Xie family is going to be unlucky this time!" Gao Chaohui waved the newspaper and said to his father, Gao Wanjun, who was drinking soup.

Gao Wanjun put the spoon into the bowl, took the napkin handed over by the servant and dipped his lips, then looked at his son: "You are also a young master, what's the decency to come here with a newspaper?"

But Gao Chaohui didn't care so much, he sat down on the dining table and chair, and handed the newspaper to his father: "Look first! The penicillin ban is lifted, but Xie Bingqian is clever and sells his inventory at one-tenth of the price! This is not enough. Forget it, I heard that she also helped some relatives and friends to sell the penicillin they had accumulated in their hands! Okay, the medicines worth 50 million that they sold at 1/10 of the price are now worth more than 100 million! them!"

Gao Wanjun raised his eyebrows: "The Xie family is unlucky. (This chapter is not over!)

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Are you happy? "

"Isn't it?" Gao Chaohui said in surprise, "The Xie family slandered the people who helped us smuggle medicines and bribe the Drug Administration. Now that the penicillin ban has been lifted, everything has been solved. They have become unlucky people. Of course I am happy!"

Gao Wanjun rolled his eyes at his son: "It's a fact that we bought the drug administration bureau. There is no doubt about this! The question is, Xie Jiahui and Li Jiasheng, are they good things for our Gao family?"

Gao Chaohui was stunned for a moment: "Father, what do you mean -----"

"The four major Chinese businessmen in Thailand are the Xu family, the Xie family, the Li family, and our Gao family. Among them, the Xu family does not care about world affairs because of their children. To be precise, the Xu family is now headed by a foreigner..."

Gao Chaohui can understand this point. The Xu family was originally the largest family in Thailand, and was also the first to be named a noble by the king of Thailand.

It's just a pity that the fortune of the Xu family's century is almost exhausted, and there are no people who can shine on the lintel. Even because of the scarcity of males, they have to rely on foreigners to support them.

The decline of the Xu family is also seen by other families, which is also the main reason for the fighting between the Li family, the Xie family and the Gao family.

Dead water!

Only by fierce fighting can the arrogance of their three major families be revitalized!

"In the battle between the three major families, our Gao family has always played a balancing role. If the Xie family wins, we stand with the Li family. If the Li family wins, we will advance and retreat with the Xie family -- do you know why?"

"Why?" Gao Chaohui asked in confusion.

"Because this is Thailand, we are Chinese! Neither the King of Thailand nor the current rulers would like to see a powerful Chinese family rise!" Gao Wanjun said, "This is a threat to them!"

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, have you seen it? Only when the forces are dispersed and the three pillars stand together, will the Thai side be assured of us aliens and give us favorable policies!" Gao Wanjun sighed. "And we Chinese know this in our hearts, but we still can't stand our nature. We have serious introversion and constant private fights! That's why many foreigners say that one Chinese is a dragon, and a group of Chinese is a worm!"

Gao Chaohui finally understood, "So now that the Xie family is unlucky, we have to stand on the Xie family's side, lest they have opinions on us Chinese giants?"

Gao Wanjun nodded: "The situation is better than people! The first thing we need to do to protect ourselves in a foreign country is to feel the mind of Shangfeng!"

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Of course it's charcoal in the snow!" Gao Wanjun said, "Send a few orders to the Xie family! Everyone will say that our Gao family not only did not fall into trouble, but also repaid their grievances with virtue!"


The Gao family and the Xie family overlap in many business areas, and to be precise, there is competition, such as the oil business, the rubber business, and the automobile business.

Gao Wanjun's meaning is obvious. Now that the Gao family is standing at the top of morality, then the interests can give way first to help the Xie family get out of the crisis, which will raise the family's reputation to a new height.

This is indeed the case.

With the lifting of the penicillin ban, the hats that had been placed on the heads of Ricci and Gao were completely removed. @ Essence\\/Book Pavilion·No mistake starting~~

What smuggling, assisting smuggling, and bribing FDA officials, etc., all vanished with the lifting of the ban.

The investigation by the Bangkok Integrity Department and the police also stopped directly.

In this regard, Li Yaozu breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Guoquan felt a great sense of escape.

Only Li Xuexuan knew that all of this must be someone behind the scenes!

Shi Zhijian had mentioned before that he would resign from Ritchie Shipyard and devote himself to running his own beverage business.

Although Li Yaozu was a little reluctant to give up such a talent as him, he had no choice but to let go.

Li Xuexuan, who knew Shi Zhijian's details, knew that Shi Zhijian's actions were all a premeditated plan, and the ultimate purpose was to lure the mysterious Hong Kong man who wanted to deal with him.

Just pity the Xie family in Bangkok, and inadvertently acted as cannon fodder in Shi Zhijian's fight with the mysterious man!

The problem is that the Xie family still doesn't know that they are "cannon fodder"---- they never dreamed that they were not a heavyweight opponent at all compared to Shi Zhijian!

And Shi Zhijian's next move, straight. (This chapter is not over!)

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Take them to death!

In the following days, the crisis facing the Xie family made headlines. Error free update@

This world has always been less icing on the cake, and more falling behind!

When the Xie family encountered this time, the situation reversed.

Those opponents who had been robbed of business by the Xie family and were full of complaints began to act.

For a time, countless reports and accusations were sent to the mailboxes of the police station and the integrity department!

If these letters are all nonsense, forget it, but there is still a lot of accompanying evidence.

In fact, in order to maintain the interests of the family, the Xie family has used many illegal means to make profits.

These are just the tip of the iceberg.

In the past, it was because the Xie family was too powerful that no one dared to report it, but now they are all exposed.

Of course, such a situation has something to do with the mastermind behind it. Needless to say, this mastermind is of course Shi Zhijian, the "generation of goddess of women who can't **** again!"

Shi Zhijian has never been a good man and a believer. He has always adhered to the principle of "taking advantage of your illness to kill you", and he has never been soft on the enemy! Whether it is Hong Kong's Dai Fengnian, Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaotian, or British and American Lawrence, Donnie Rothschild, they all deeply appreciate his cruel methods.

For Shi Zhijian, doing these fanning things only requires a whistle, and it doesn't even need to spend a penny, the resentment accumulated in the hearts of the enemies of the Xie family will be detonated!

The wall is knocked down!

Shi Zhijian just acted as the whistleblower. .

1384 [Whistleblower! 】

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