Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1385: Booming sales!

Rebirth: Rising Xiangjiang 1385 [Booming sales! 】

Xu's Beverage Company.

At the moment, the entrance of the huge company was surrounded by two or three hundred people, and the number of people blocked the entire entrance of the company.

Some idlers who like to watch the fun also put their work aside, some neighbors even come out of their own homes and look over here, and some good people even lean over and squeeze into the crowd, wanting to see what's inside. what happened.

"Is it giving out free drinks?"

"I heard that this company's cows are very energetic when they drink it!"

These spectators have speculated.

Unfortunately, these guesses are all wrong.

There is no free beverage distribution, and those people are all here to purchase goods, and those goods are not the beverages produced by this company, but the drug penicillin that has just been lifted.

The predecessor of Xu's Beverage Company was originally a pharmaceutical company, and it is reasonable to sell medicines here.

"Now the price of penicillin is still soaring, and several of our major hospitals are buying frantically. Within three days, the price will soar!"

"President Wang, is what you said true? We are a small hospital and can't compare to you. What if we buy at a high price and lose money?"

"Loss? Loss is definitely not a loss! That's a life-saving medicine! In addition, a typhoon has hit recently, and penicillin from outside cannot be transported in. Demand exceeds supply, and the price will only be higher, never lower! "

"I believe you, Dean Wang! I'll buy as much as you buy this time!"

"Don't, don't follow me!" Dean Wang immediately vigilantly said, "If your hospital is small, it's better to buy less, it can also save you a lot of money!"

Dean Wang's mind is very simple, the more people buy, the higher the price of this drug will be, and the less the supply will be, the one who suffers will be himself!

Dean Wang complained a little about his big mouth.

President Wang's surname is Wang Mingyi. As the chief director of Zhongjing Hospital, he has the most sensitive eyes and ears. As soon as he heard that the penicillin ban was lifted, he personally led a team to come here to purchase medicines.

In Wang Yi's view, penicillin, an anti-inflammatory drug, is indispensable. Even if his hospital can't eat it, he can sell it to other small hospitals in the future. Maybe he can make a big profit by "making the difference between the middlemen".

As the general manager of the beverage company, Xu Shubiao came over after hearing the news, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw the hustle and bustle in front of him.

I think he didn't change careers back then, and when he was in the pharmaceutical business, it wasn't as lively as it is today.

Now that he has switched to selling beverages, these drug wholesalers, as well as the directors of major hospitals, have flocked to buy the penicillin that Shi Zhijian has hoarded.

The original price of penicillin was as high as 50 million, and now it has occupied half of the entire warehouse of the beverage company. Fortunately, the H-Cow sells well. Many times, it is purchased by department stores and grocery stores as soon as it comes off the production line. Otherwise, there is no warehouse. .

When those buyers saw Xu Shubiao come out, there was another commotion.

Wang Yi, President Wang took the lead to squeeze in front and said, "Boss Xu, it's me! Wang Yi!"

When Xu Shubiao saw him, the two of them were considered partners in the past, and they had eaten together, so they were acquaintances.

"Oh, so it's President Wang, what's the advice?" Xu Shubiao asked politely.

"That's right. Several of our hospitals want to get some penicillin, and we hope that Boss Xu will be accommodating----" As he spoke, Wang Yi took out a cigarette from his arms and handed it over.

Xu Shubiao took the cigarette subconsciously, but felt that something was wrong. The other party put a stack of US dollars in his hand when he handed over the cigarette. Xu Shubiao felt it, and there was still a lot, at least three or five hundred.

At this moment, Xu Shubiao was both angry and funny.

In the past, when I was in the drug business, I always went to my door to sell my own drugs. From time to time, I needed to deliver alcohol and cigarettes, and even treat guests to dinner.

This Dean Wang is the one that Xu Shubiao treats the most.

I remember clearly that Dean Wang looked very sluggish and dragged when he was eating.

Unexpectedly, when the world changed, the president Wang in front of him actually took the initiative to curry favor with him.

Xu Shubiao calmly held the money in the palm of his hand, bit the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and asked the other party with a smile: "President Wang, you should clarify what you said, what do you mean by accommodating? Otherwise, you smoke...I Don't dare to smoke!"

Wang Yi smiled and said, "Boss Xu's words like this are a sign of disrespect! You and I are not outsiders, both are old acquaintances! Of course, what I call accommodation is in terms of price and quantity - hehe, you understand!"

Xu Shubiao also laughed, and put the money in his palm back and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't understand!"

"Eh?" Wang Yi was stunned for a moment.

Xu Shubiao patted him on the shoulder and said, "I have always treated people and things equally. Besides, I don't own this batch of medicines, I just help them sell them, so the price is the same, it's indispensable, and it can't be lower, as for the quantity-- ---How much do you want, three thousand or thirty thousand?"

Hearing this, Wang Yi let out a flattering smile and said, "One hundred thousand sticks! Is this quantity large enough? Can the price be less?"

Xu Shubiao had a smile on his face: "I said just now that the price is not negotiable! If you don't want it, there will be people waiting behind!"

Wang Yi did not expect Xu Shubiao to be so heartless!

Thinking that when Xu Shubiao was still in the pharmaceutical business, he knelt down and begged his master.

Wang Yi was angry and wanted a few words of hard steel. The person behind him urged him: "President Wang, if you don't want it, then retire first, and let us buy it first!"

"Yeah, everyone is in a hurry to buy medicines to save people, don't get in the way!"

Wang Yi blushed when he was told, turned his head and said, "Who said I don't want it? I'm not discussing with Boss Xu!"

After speaking, he turned back and put on a smiling face to Xu Shubiao: "Boss Xu, just as you said, give me 100,000 sticks first! Remember, you want the best ones! Don't those that are about to expire!"

Drug warehouse.

Xiao Jinbao, who was introduced by Shi Zhijian to the beverage factory as a warehouse manager, was wearing a cheongsam, sitting on a chair and burying his head in recording the delivery of penicillin.

At this time, the three truckloads of President Wang had just been loaded, and the four stevedores were sitting on the medicine box wiping the sweat from their foreheads. ignite.

Smoking is banned in the warehouse and is found to be fined.

When Lao Heiyan got addicted to it, he felt uncomfortable, so he turned his attention to teasing Little Jinbao and said, "Vault keeper, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner!"

The other three looked at each other, thinking that Little Jinbao was weak and easy to bully, so they wanted to tease her, and they sang and said: "Do you hear me, Vault Manager, Brother Hei wants to treat you to dinner tonight!"

Little Jinbao looked away from the record book and looked up at the four reckless men.

Seeing that Xiao Jinbao is not only in good shape, but also looks pretty, the old black is even more itchy and can't wait to swallow the cigarette biting in his mouth as Xiao Jinbao.

"Treasurer, our brother Hei easily doesn't invite anyone to eat!"

"No! Our brother Hei has always been a friend of women, and many beautiful girls like his thick and strong arms!"

"Our brother Hei has strong arms and strong arms, and he can pick up people at once, and he has a good sense of security---you will know after you try it!"

Seeing the three partners touting him, Lao Hei deliberately rolled up his sleeves to show his biceps, and then imitated his quail appearance, leaning over and clenching his fists, making a fitness pose for Little Jinbao to see.

Little Jinbao watched them perform with a smile, how could she, who had been a Fengchen woman, put these four idiots in her eyes.

"Wow, that's amazing! Good!" Little Jinbao applauded deliberately, praising Lao Hei.

Old Hei was elated and felt that there was a drama.

However, Xiao Jinbao said with a sad face: "To be honest, I really want to go out to dinner with you tonight, but unfortunately my man won't."

"Your man? Is your man as strong as me?"


"Then why don't you dump him? Come with me, I must be nice to you!" Lao Hei patted his chest and said.

"No," Xiao Jinbao shook his head. "Although my man is not as strong as you, he is not as strong as you are, and his arms are not as thick or as strong as yours... But he can't bear to be rich!"

"Rich?" Lao Hei glanced at his brothers, then turned to look at Xiao Jinbao with a dissatisfied expression: "Looking at you working here, how much money do you have as a man?"

"Yeah, our monthly salary is a lot!"

"At least a thousand pieces!"

"Don't underestimate us!"

Old Hei raised his face even more and said with a smug look on his face, "Did you hear me? I'm at least a thousand dollars a month! You follow me, and I'm sure to keep you fat and white!"

Little Jinbao smiled: "Is a thousand monthly salary a lot? Have you seen these penicillins in the warehouse?"

"Why?" Lao Hei glanced at the warehouse, "Of course I saw it!"

"Then how much do you say these goods are worth?"

Lao Hei scratched his head: "I heard... about 100 million!"

"Brother Hei, it's more than 100 million! It's not nearly 100 million!" the friend next to him corrected.

"Go ahead!" Lao Hei kicked the other side's ass, "Don't say 100 million, we haven't even seen 10,000 yuan! You tell me those things are useless!"

"How can it be useless?" This sentence was said by Xiao Jinbao, Xiao Jinbao looked at the four of them with a smile, "You must not say less when you are talking, and you must not when loading the goods. Pretend too much, do you know why? Because so much penicillin belongs to my man!"

The four old black people were stunned, and then they laughed, laughing back and forth!

Old Hei laughed so much that his stomach hurt, he covered his stomach and pointed at Little Jinbao: "You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big! These penicillins belong to your man? Could it be that your man is some kind of billionaire? Hahaha!"

"Yeah, do you know who these goods belong to?" said another. "It's Mr. Shi! Do you know who Mr. Shi is? He's the big boss behind this pharmaceutical factory!"

"Could it be that you are Mr. Shi's girlfriend? Hahaha, it really made me laugh!"

Just when the four old black people laughed and ridiculed Xiao Jinbao, a voice said: "What happened? What's so funny?"

While speaking, Shi Zhijian walked in from outside the warehouse with Tang Long and Aji.

But the four old black people knew Shi Zhijian. When they saw that he was coming, they immediately stood upright and put on a respectful appearance: "Hello, Mr. Shi!"

Shi Zhijian nodded towards them, "What were you laughing at just now?"

The three companions did not speak, but looked at the old black with their eyes.

Old Hei was busy puffing out his chest and was about to speak—

However, he saw Xiao Jinbao swaying and twisting his willow waist and came to Shi Zhijian, smiling like a flower: "Have you ever eaten the breakfast I made for you this morning?"

As Master Ma had expected, Ah Xiang was "bringing wolves into the house" this time. Since Xiao Jinbao came to Shi Zhijian's house, he has grabbed a lot of work to do, and cooking is the first.

Ah Xiang originally wanted to resist, but Xiao Jinbao's cooking skills were much better than hers.

Shi Zhijian was also overwhelmed by Xiao Jinbao's cooking skills after tasting it a few times, so he asked Ah Xiang to help.

Shi Zhijian didn't understand why Xiao Jinbao suddenly asked these questions, so he said casually: "Eat it! Your craftsmanship is getting better and better!"


The four old black people were so shocked that they almost fell!

Especially when Lao Hei was shocked, he was even more frightened!

Could it be true what this girl said just now?

Is Mr. Shi her man?

Are they living together? !

Shi Zhijian was very surprised that the four of them reacted so strongly, and raised his eyebrows: "Are you all alright?"

The old black four hurriedly stood up holding the box: "It's okay! Are we okay?"

Then the four of them kept winking at Little Jinbao, meaning begging for mercy!

Especially Lao Hei blinked a pair of bull's eyes like a small light bulb, crackling and shooting sparks!

If he can, he is even willing to kneel down and kowtow to Xiao Jinbao to beg for mercy, just asking Xiao Jinbao to hold his hand high and not to tell them about their molestation just now.

Little Jinbao smiled slightly: "Maybe they were too tired to load the goods just now!"

"Yes, yes, we are too tired! Mr. Shi, your business is doing well!" Lao Hei and the others hurriedly said.

Shi Zhijian smiled, no doubt about him, and said to Little Jinbao: "Help me load 100,000 penicillin!"

"doing what?"

"Send it away!"


How can drugs be given as gifts in this day and age? !

Afternoon tea time ~ ~ French Cafe in Bangkok.

"Dear Shi, how can I accept this? If you ask me to do such a thing, I'll be embarrassed!" Dr. Fit's lover, Mrs. Triss, returned the donation document Shi Zhijian handed her with some surprise and refused. road.

She never expected that Shi Zhijian would invite her as the main donor to donate a total of 100,000 penicillins in three trucks to major orphanages and elderly homes in Bangkok.

Whether it is an orphanage or a nursing home, there is a shortage of medicines. The medicines to treat and save people have always been raised through donations.

Mrs. Triss had donated medicines to these places before, but it was only a small matter, and it was worth 35,000 at most.

This time Shi Zhijian took out 100,000 pieces of penicillin in one go, and now that the price of penicillin has skyrocketed, it is almost as high as more than 1 million. Anyone would be shocked by so much money.

What surprised Mrs. Tracy even more was that Shi Zhijian actually chose her as the donor, which means that Shi Zhijian put all the limelight on Mrs. Tracy, which made Mrs. Tracy embarrassed.

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