Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1403: Gold title!

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For the major media in Thailand, Shi Zhijian's gold list title - being selected as the "Most Outstanding Young Chinese in Bangkok" is not too hot news.

They would rather track those entertainment stars, such as the beautiful Pallan and the handsome guy Tongchai more, and Mingxiong's life, especially his private life, is what audiences and readers are most interested in talking about.

It may be that for many Chinese in Bangkok, Shi Zhijian's rise to the top can be described as a step up.

What is an outstanding Chinese youth?

It is the young leader among the future Chinese!

This meaning is more important than any news.

Whether it was the Chinese Chamber of Commerce representing the collective interests of the Chinese, the Chaozhou Guild Hall, or the Fujian League, the Guangdong Association, etc., they all spread the news immediately.

Faced with such news, it is undoubtedly the group of young people who had hoped to become future leaders who were hit the hardest.

At the beginning, they were called "Dragon and Phoenix", "pillars of the future of Chinese people", and they were scheduled to be the successors of major associations and chambers of commerce, but now, Shi Zhijian's appearance has directly crushed them and made them dream. broken!

"Damn! It's terrifying!"

As the eldest young master of the Gao family, Gao Chaohui returned from the seafood restaurant, and returned home angrily with the smell of alcohol in his mouth.

At this time, Gao Wanjun, the head of the Gao family, had just finished washing up under the service of a Thai maid, put on a nightgown, and was ready to drink tea.

Gao Wanjun had the habit of going to bed early, and went to bed a little later tonight.

Usually at seven o'clock he would do the Neijia Boxing, which was taught to him by the eminent monk who had attained the Tao.

Gao Wanjun was in poor health and had no children, so he visited the eminent monk. The eminent monk not only gave him a secret recipe for recuperating his body, but also taught him a set of internal boxing that can strengthen his muscles and bones.

For more than 20 years, Gao Wanjun has practiced every night, rain or shine.

Gao Wanjun's training suit would be soaked every time he finished his boxing practice, so he would replace it, and then let the Thai maid help wipe his body, take a shower and change his clothes.

At this time, Gao Wanjun was sitting on the Taishi chair, holding a bowl of ginseng tea in his left hand, and he had not yet drunk it. Seeing his son came in cursing, he scraped the ginseng slices in the tea with the tea cover, looked up at his son and said, "What happened to make you so Big fire?"

Gao Chaohui waved the newspaper in his hand and handed it to his father: "You can see if you look at it!"

Gao Wanjun was surprised for a moment, put down the tea bowl in his hand, reached out to take the newspaper, glanced at it, and found nothing new.

Gao Chaohui pointed at the side: "Here, you always see clearly!"

Gao Wanjun frowned. This time, he took his glasses and put them on and looked again, but he saw that it was a small section with very small words, but the headline was clearly visible----"Chinese youth Shi Zhijian won this Bangkok session. Outstanding Chinese Youth Award"!

"Are you angry about this?" Gao Wanjun put down the newspaper and looked at his son.

Gao Chaohui didn't expect his father to be so calm, so he was surprised. After drinking the wine, his mouth was dry, and he didn't care much. He directly picked up the bowl of tea that Gao Wanjun had just put down. He just wiped his mouth and said, "It's okay if it's someone else, Xie Dongcheng, Xie Xi, and even Li Xuexuan, the eldest lady of the Li family, I can bear it! But why is this Shi Zhijian?!"

"Do you have a problem with him?"

"Of course! He just arrived, and he is nothing. How can he become the leader of our Chinese in the future?" Gao Chaohui said the more and more angry.

Knowing son Moruo father.

Gao Wanjun knew very well that his precious son looked condescending on the surface, but in reality he was arrogant and arrogant, and he refused to accept anyone. In the past, Gao Chaohui only knew the wind, flowers and snow, and he was smart and did not put others in the eye. He also thought he was the favored son of heaven among his peers, and never suffered a loss, but this time he was crushed by Shi Zhijian from the beginning, which made his self-esteem take a strong blow.

"What I've told you is always complaining about the weak, and the real strong will only become stronger when they meet the strong, and self-improvement is the only winner!" Gao Wanjun taught his son a lesson.

"I understand all the big truths you're talking about." Gao Chaohui said, "The problem is that this time it's too weird - he was selected by Shi Zhijian, but no one objected! Could it be that in their eyes, the surname Shi is really the real son of heaven?"

"Haha, I've never seen you take this title so seriously before -- calm down and think about it with your head, why are you all motionless and unresponsive?" Gao Wanjun threw the newspaper in his hand on the table , tapped his fingers on the table and said, "There are many old foxes who are more powerful than you in the shopping mall. Why are those people watching Shi Zhijian come to the top? Especially the Xie family, they are dead enemies with the surnamed Shi, why are they so quiet this time?"

Gao Wanjun's words made Gao Chaohui stunned for a moment, pinching his chin and thinking, "Maybe they..." For a long time, he couldn't say why.

"They did it on purpose!" Gao Wanjun continued his son's words, "It seems that Shi Zhijian's honor as an outstanding youth is not a good thing, what you see is that he is soaring, but what I see is an undercurrent. The turbulent and treacherous are indistinguishable!"

"Master, do you still want to make tea?" The maid next to him couldn't help but ask when she had finished drinking the tea.

"One more bowl!" Gao Wanjun was not angry because the maid interrupted him.

"Okay, sir!" The maid stepped forward to carry the empty tea bowl away, and bowed slightly to the Gao family before leaving.

"This A'e has some winks." Gao Wanjun saw the maid leave, smiled and said, "Now our father and son can talk about some confidential matters."

Hearing this, Gao Chaohui hurriedly approached and said, "Father, what do you have to explain?"

Gao Wanjun said: "If I guess correctly, there will be a big change in Bangkok soon, and the surname Shi may be unlucky, and the health care plan he presides will be put on hold at that time. The problem is that I really can't bear to be so perfect. The plan is gone! Fortunately, there is a girl surnamed Li who can take over the overall situation in place of Shi, and you... Chaohui, didn't you say that you like Miss Nali very much? As a father, I also want to understand now, it's better to be good Fighting the mandarin ducks to separate the two of you might as well complete you two..."

Gao Chaohui was taken aback for a moment, "No, father, didn't you ask me to pursue that Xie Bingqian? For this reason, you also gave the other party my birthday!"

"It's this time and the other!" Gao Wanjun didn't look embarrassed at all, "A man and a man need to judge the situation, as long as it can help our Gao family rise, whether you are dating Xie Bingqian or Li Xuexuan, I have no opinion and will do my best. Support you!"

Gao Chaohui rolled his eyes and felt that his father treated his marriage as a child's play and did not respect him at all.

As if seeing through his son's thoughts, Gao Wanjun said again: "It's not that I don't respect you in this regard, but the situation! I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts---and, a manly man should focus on his career, never for his daughter. Pleasant and soft-hearted!"

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