Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1404: Killer 4 volts!

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"Brother Li, isn't it a bit of a joke to do this?" Gao Wanjun said to Li Yaozu with an expressionless expression, "It's too much of a joke! Besides, the facts are not as tense as you said. Mental trouble!"

Li Yaozu smiled slightly, his eyes full of playful taste: "Whether it's a child's play depends on what you think. We know the destiny of our age, and the future era will be dominated by young people, waves and waves, and continuous progress! Competing with these young people, it is better to **** and **** to be considered as doing my part!"

"Brother Li, I understand----" Gao Wanjun handed the joint name to his son and said, "Chaohui, what do you think?"

Gao Chaohui immediately smiled and said, "Of course I am grateful that Bob Li can think of our young people! But I swear this form is really—"

Li Yaozu smiled, "Nephew, you are wrong! In fact, no matter who it is this time, I will do it! If it is you, I will do my best to keep you safe!"

Gao Chaohui hurriedly stood up and bowed to Li Yaozu: "I didn't expect you to love me so much, Uncle, Chaohui is really flattered!"

"Hehe, Chaohui, I also know that you like our Xuexuan. I have nothing else but the beauty of an adult! But it still depends on your performance!" Li Yaozu threw the bait.

In exchange for the previous Gao Chaohui, he would be ecstatic at this time, and would agree to any request of Li Yaozu on the spot, but after talking with his father just now, he was more careful: "That said, this joint name is still a bit too... So, let me sign my father's name!"

Li Yaozu looked at Gao Wanjun.

Gao Wanjun laughed: "That's fine, the Gao family still wants him to be the head of the family in the future. As for me, I'm old, so I can only be his solid backing!"

Li Yaozu thought for a while and nodded, "That's fine!"

For a moment---


Li Yaozu asked Feng Guoquan to put away the joint name and got up with a smile to leave.

Gao Wanjun politely retained a few words before letting him go.

After Li Yaozu left with Feng Guoquan, Gao Wanjun and his son returned to the living room.

"Father, this joint name is really cruel! It seems that the surnamed Li is determined to help that Shi Zhijian!"

"Maybe the surnamed Li wants to recruit him as a son-in-law."

"Eh?" Gao Chaohui was taken aback.

"So you have to take advantage of it!" Gao Wanjun said to his son, "This is a rare opportunity, and there is an accident with the surname Shi, so whether it's your marriage or the entire Chinese business community will be shuffled!"

After saying that, Gao Wanjun put his hands behind his back and walked up the stairs to the bedroom: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep first!"

Gao Chaohui suddenly shouted from behind: "I just signed the signature, are you not afraid that I will die?"

Gao Wanjun stopped in his footsteps and said without turning his head, "So what if I'm afraid? Besides, our Gao family has a secret recipe for giving birth!"

Pattaya, Seattle Private Club.

This club was built on the initiative of Thailand when it asked the US to station its troops. The purpose was to entertain high-ranking officials and celebrities from the United States in order to get help from the United States and whitewash Thailand's embarrassing position in World War II.

In fact, at the time of World War II, almost all the world was caught in the whirlpool of war, including the whole of Asia, Europe, and America, but there was one country that didn't even know about the occurrence of World War II, and that was the tiny land of Thailand at that time.

At that time, Thailand was in a period of political transition, in other words, it was transitioning from the feudal period to the modern period. Therefore, Thailand was basically busy with the changes of its own people and the development of its own economy. Visiting Thailand, the residents even said, what is World War II?

In fact, after knowing that the war broke out, Thailand was also very stubborn at the beginning and chose to resist the Eastern Ying invaders, but after only three hours, it took the initiative to sign an offensive and defensive alliance treaty with Eastern Ying to reconcile.

In the whole process, Thailand was not the most staunch ally of Dongying. Instead, it signed a series of treaties with Dongying and declared war with Britain and the United States. At the same time, it began to secretly communicate with Britain and the United States.

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In fact, almost all countries in Southeast Asia at the time followed this strategy to bet on both sides.

After all, for these countries, neither side is a good country nor a good camp, and Thailand has a strong ability to clean up its own white. In the late stage of the war and just after the war, Thailand actively sought to compete with the United States, the most powerful in the world. In cooperation with other countries, the United States has actively invited the United States to establish a military base in Thailand and help the United States build its own sphere of influence in Southeast Asia. The United States has recognized it under various campaigns.

What's more frustrating for Thailand is that it asks Dongying for 15 billion yuan in compensation, on the grounds that it is also the target and victim of Dongying's aggression, and lists the large amounts of money that Dongying has collected in Thailand. The evidence is conclusive.

As for this private club in Seattle, it was built with the money from the claim----the whole style is in accordance with American Even the grass and trees are transplanted from Seattle, and the western chef is also from the United States The hired Samsung chef can be said to have reached the pinnacle of flattery.

At this time, in the American-style cafe on the second floor of the club, several couples of young people were sitting and chatting together, and from time to time some non-standard American English came out of their mouths.

On the stage, a black man was playing gracefully with his saxophone in his arms, next to the accompaniment jazz horn, everything seemed so leisurely.

Li Zhaotian wore a top hat, adjusted his tie, and walked into the cafe in a low-key manner.

Immediately, the bartender at the bar came out, took a letter and handed it to him: "Lisheng, your letter! It's from Hong Kong!"

"Well, thank you!" At the same time, Li Zhaotian put the letter in his arms, took out his wallet, took out a ten-dollar Hong Kong dollar and handed it to the other party as a tip.

The bartender was extremely happy, and hurriedly took the money handed over by Li Zhaotian and said, "Thank you."

Since Li Zhaotian stayed in this club, the bartender has become Li Zhaotian's personal mail delivery butler. Every time Li Zhaotian writes a letter to Hong Kong, or a letter is sent from Hong Kong, it will pass through his hand. .

The reason why Li Zhaotian chose this bartender is very simple---

First, Li Zhaotian liked the "Martini" that the other party helped him concoct.

Second, the bartender is an old American and does not understand Chinese.

Third, the other party suffers from dyslexia and has a headache as soon as he sees the words.

After receiving the letter, Li Zhaotian did not immediately leave the cafe to go to his room, but stopped to listen to the saxophone played by the black man for a while.

He is playing "Edelweiss", a famous song from the American movie and musical "The Sound of Music". The melody is relaxed and elegant, and the tone is melodious and lingering.

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