Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1405: Carpet bombing!

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During this time, according to the plan previously formulated, Shi Zhijian handed over the health care product business to Li Xuexuan, while Li Xuexuan personally went to the North Point Factory District in Bangkok to select a factory.

According to Shi Zhijian, although he holds the three major patents of "Melatonin", "Huiren Brand Shenbao", and "Three Oral Liquids", and he divides 37% into other giants to make money together, he still has to Keep an eye on it and be a "flagship store" of a "chain store" to restrict and manage those "branch stores".

Now that Thailand's economy is in a recession, many factories in the North Point Industrial Zone have closed down. Those poor workers have either stayed in the factory to eat, or directly looked for other jobs to do odd jobs. Some factories that can't support it are sold directly at low prices.

Li Xuexuan herself was born as a strong woman, and she is most particular about quickness in doing things. She went to seven or eight factories in one morning. All factories met the requirements. Five more companies were compared, and three companies were finally selected.

As the heir of the Rishi family, Li Xuexuan is in charge of the Rishi Group in Hong Kong, and he does everything calmly, and he is even more respectful in the face of the board of directors.

But this time, it opened her eyes, because the owners of the bankrupt factories begged her one by one, hoping that she would wrap up the remaining factories that were screened, and some even knelt down and said, "Even if they don't want to. Help me and give those workers a way out!"

Li Xuexuan admits to being "ruthless", but she is always a woman. If she is a woman, she will inevitably be "kind and gentle". After listening to these words, I feel that these bosses are not easy, so I selected them again from the few factories that were screened out. Two, enough for five.

Of course, in the face of the advantage of sellers seeking buyers, Li Xuexuan did not "soft-hearted" this time, and directly bargained the price, killing the bosses to cry - this time, he really cried.

Among them, the most cost-effective one is a large factory with a total area of ​​5,000 square feet. It used to make plastic utensils, mainly dealing in plastic bowls and basins, as well as plastic toys.

Speaking of which, this factory is also pitiful. You must know that plastic factories were very popular in the 1950s and 1960s. For example, Li Jiacheng and Li Chaoren in Hong Kong started with a plastic flower factory and finally became the future No. 1 tycoon in Hong Kong.

This factory is at the end of the plastics business. Everyone who started this business has made money. When it was his turn, there were a lot of plastic factories. The profits fell and fell, and finally he could not make ends meet. High-interest loans have to be transferred at low prices.

Li Xuexuan took his own lawyer, Peter Li, to send away the factory owners who had completed the delivery, as well as the practicing lawyers hired by the other party. Then he returned to the simple office and sat on the boss chair, only to feel pain in his feet. , wanting to take off his high heels and rub his feet, but seeing that Peter Li was still proofreading the documents, he endured the pain and asked him what else he had doubts about.

Li Peter is also a careful person. After checking the accounts, he said that he would go to the bank to check the accounts in person.

Li Xuexuan immediately agreed, and asked his personal driver, A Liang, to take Li Peter over there.

Li Xuexuan took off his high-heeled shoes under the desk as soon as he left after packing up the documents, and rubbed it with his hands, feeling that he was finally alive.

The more Li Xuexuan thought about it, the more angry he felt. He felt that Shi Zhijian's appointment as the president of this health care product group was a conspiracy. happy?

That's right, if he wasn't flirting with the beautiful maid A Xiang at home, or he was hooking up with that Lou Feng Xiao Jinbao, or he was going to harass the third Miss Xie family, or the big star Miss Palan.

In short, men like Shi Zhijian can't be idle, and they have a strong lethality towards women in particular.

The more Li Xuexuan thought about it, the more angry he became. He couldn't help kicking the high heels out, gritted his teeth and said, "Shi Zhijian, if you are caught by me and you are playing around outside, you will die!"

In fact, Li Xuexuan really wronged Shi Zhijian this time.

Although Shi Zhijian is "lovely", he will not go to the romantic scene at such a critical juncture, and the ditch girl will pick up girls.

Just when Li Xuexuan was busy, Shi Zhijian himself was not idle, but directly drove around 30 or so areas in Thailand.

Thailand is not a big place, and it is still very hurt to run in one breath, but Shi Zhijian endured it all, because he is doing one thing, that is to promote his three major health care products in advance.

The Shi Zhijian plan is divided into three parts.

First, there is an advertisement on TV, inviting big stars like Palan and Tongcai, and asking them to say, "Huiren Brand Shenbao, hello, so do I!"

Second, advertisements were placed on newspapers, and the most famous newspapers in Thailand were selected to buy out their front page headlines for a month, and bombarded the Thai people wildly.

Third, put up small advertisements and hire a large number of laborers to post advertisements for the three major health care products on the streets and alleys of various regions in Thailand, even on the huts, and carry out carpet bombing. UU reading

All in all, Shi Zhijian is spending money like crazy and promoting crazy, this promotion alone is as high as one million!

In the eyes of Feng Guoquan, Xu Shubiao and others, Shi Zhijian was simply crazy!

Only Shi Zhijian himself knows what it means to "brainwash" the future customer group!

So when Li Xuexuan was complaining about Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian was walking around the streets of Thailand, observing the most conspicuous places in each place, preparing to make billboards, and negotiating cooperation intentions with advertisers from all over the country. It can be said that Billy Seolhyun had to work even harder.

According to Shi Zhijian's unified plan, these TV advertisements, newspaper advertisements, and such large-scale street billboards, as well as small wall advertisements, must all be placed on New Year's Day!

Taking advantage of the holiday, Shi Zhijian must fight a big victory in propaganda!

Shi Zhijian knew that these few days were not peaceful, and he didn't dare to be careless when he came out. He basically wore bulletproof vests. In addition to the old driver Aji, he also brought Tang Long and Axe Jun.

As for Yan Xiong, he disappeared again. At this time, Yan Xiong was like a ghost and had some potential to be a secret agent.

Just as Shi Zhijian was driving back to Bangkok, a nearby building attracted him.

This building is very old, and it looks like it should be developed into a small apartment for rent.

Shi Zhijian got out of the car and looked up at the building with a cigarette in his mouth. What attracted him was the location of the building, which happened to be at the junction of Bangkok and the other two districts. It was often said that one building spanned three places.

"This is a very good advertising location!" Shi Zhijian sighed with a cigarette in his mouth, greedy eyes shot out of his eyes.

Just as Shi Zhijian was talking, the door of the apartment in front was pushed open, and a small woman with dark skin and a thin body came out with garbage, walked to a garbage disposal point not far away, and emptied the garbage in her hand.

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