Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1430: Hunter!

Chapter 1430 1430 [Hunter! 】

Chinese Food Shop.

The dining table was filled with all kinds of food and wine, and the four beautiful-looking hostesses were very attentive to help pour the wine.

As Shi Zhijian's good friend, Feng Guoquan embraced the two beauties on the left and right, drinking the fine wine and eating the delicious food brought to his mouth by the beauties, feeling extremely comfortable.

"Okay, your service is very considerate! Going, I want to talk to my friends!" Feng Guoquan let go of the two little beauties, and then looked at Shi Zhijian with the expression of "bitterness and hatred" written all over his face: "Qian I It's all out, these beauties are just drinking and having fun with you, why do you have to put on such a look?"

"No, I'm really not interested." Shi Zhijian took a sip of his mulled wine, not even looking at the two girls beside him.

Those two girls met someone like Shi Zhijian for the first time. They were handsome and rich, but Shi Zhijian didn't like them from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even make a gesture of mopping up money, let alone let them serve drinks and eat food.

Feng Guoquan waved his hand and asked the four beauties to go and stay aside. He had something private to say to Shi Zhijian.

The four beauties immediately went to the side obediently, but they didn't know where to find dice to play with.

"Honestly, Ah Jian, do you think I'm a spy testing you?" Feng Guoquan asked.

"Brother Quan, what do you mean by that?"

Being called "Brother Quan" by a big man like Shi Zhijian, Feng Guoquan felt extremely comfortable in his heart, and even had a radiant sense of glory, wishing that everyone in the world could hear it.

After all, where is Shi Zhijian's status? Even the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany and the United States want to curry favor with him.

"Ajian, you and I are not outsiders. As for me, although I am a member of Ritchie's Boat Company, I am still your friend, and now I am standing with you! You are depressed, so I invite you to drink. As for asking these beauties to accompany the wine, it is pure It's to set off the atmosphere, don't get it wrong, it's not that Boss Li asked me to use my beauty to test you!"

Shi Zhijian smiled bitterly: "Of course I understand that! Besides, even if you really want to test whether I am loyal to Li Xuexuan, you can't use this method, not to mention that you seem to have more fun than me!"

Feng Guoquan's old face was embarrassed, "It's not because your sister-in-law is stricter at home, and I don't usually have the opportunity to go out to play with these things, and I can't help it for a while."

"Understood! Men, take a fresh picture!"

"Long live you understand! It's not that I was unfaithful to your sister-in-law, it's all because of that... I don't feel it anymore, seeing her now is like seeing a relative, even touching her little hand is gone. I'm touching my own hand!" Feng Guoquan said bitterly, "Especially now that I'm in my forties and your sister-in-law is in her thirties, I can't subdue her most of the time! She needs too much, and my supply is insufficient! Young and frivolous, There is no food in stock!"

"Understood! It's not easy for a man at this age!" Shi Zhijian sighed, "But you also have to understand my sister-in-law. She manages the housework by herself, so you can work hard outside. Why? Isn't it so that I can share the same bed with you at night? Sleep together, have a full meal? You always push back and forth like this, and find all kinds of excuses to avoid problems later!"

"That's right! A Jian, you're right! Now there's a problem. I always feel that she doesn't take any notice of me now. She looks at me through her nostrils, as if I am so small and useless. !" Feng Guoquan said pitifully, "But the problem is that I really can't be a real man!"

"Eat more goji berries and drink more tonic soup! Exercise frequently when you have time. Old age is not a problem, and physical weakness is not a problem. As a man, you must dare to show your sword at critical moments! Never let women underestimate you. Diligent and playful, you need to learn more, practice more, and the most important point..."


"Never use brute force! You must know how to outsmart, know how to hit the edge, and skill trumps everything!"

Feng Guoquan looked up at Shi Zhijian, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect, A Jian, you know so many ways to control your wife at such a young age?"

"Don't forget," Shi Zhijian said flatly, "In Hong Kong, I have three wives!"

Feng Guoquan cupped his fists towards Shi Zhijian: "I've been taught! As your big brother, I feel ashamed!"

After Feng Guoquan said this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Today he invited Shi Zhijian to come here to explain Shi Zhijian, but why did it turn out that Shi Zhijian came to enlighten him? !

Thinking of this, Feng Guoquan hurriedly said: "We're getting far! Closer to home, anyway, you will be engaged to Missy in three days, why don't you completely let go tonight and be happier?"

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "How can I be happy about being forced into marriage?"

Feng Guoquan smiled, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, put it down, smacked his lips and looked up at Shi Zhijian and said, "I know what you are worried about. You have conquered the Shinhwa Group at a young age, and now Boss Li is forcing you to get engaged to his daughter , and you have to be the main house. When you go back to Hong Kong, first, you have no reason to explain to your elder sister and your three wives. Second, you are worried that Ms. Li will affect the future successor of Shinhwa Group if she sits on the right. Third, you are afraid In the future, Lijia will take advantage of your power to take the opportunity to annex many companies in Thailand, steal other people's business, and leave you with a bad reputation after you leave!"

Feng Guoquan's analysis was clear and logical, but Shi Zhijian was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "Even you can see it so clearly, so you can imagine how difficult it is for me now!"

"Hehe, but in my opinion, you think too much!"

"Uh, how do you explain that?" Shi Zhijian held up his wine glass and looked at Feng Guoquan.

Feng Guoquan poured a glass of wine, took the initiative to clink glasses with Shi Zhijian and said, "You know what I want after you drink this glass of wine!"

Shi Zhijian brought the wine glass to his mouth and drank it down in one gulp!

"First of all, the first question, you are engaged to Miss Li without explaining to your elder sister and three wives in Hong Kong. This is really unreasonable! But as the saying goes, you will not accept the fate of the king! Your elder sister, your wife They can all understand, after all, you were indeed... caught by Boss Li that night!"

"Conversely, if you call to go to Hong Kong now, not only will there be troubles, but your old sister will rush over directly, and then it will be difficult to clean up the mess! So the best way is to wait until the uncooked rice is cooked and cooked to return to Hong Kong Tell them again."

Shi Zhijian sighed, "You've already said that, how could I not know?"

Feng Guoquan smiled slightly, put down his body and acted as Shi Zhijian's dog-headed military adviser: "As for the second point, although Ms. Li wants to be your wife, but you already have one in Hong Kong, so Ms. Li can only show off in Thailand. When you go back to Hong Kong, you still have to pour tea and water for your first wife, otherwise it will affect the harmony of the family! So you don’t need to solve this problem at all, just let your wives adjust themselves!” “As for your worries about future heirs, remember It’s true that you already have a son named Eggy, who is also an illegitimate child, which means that your heir problem is bad enough, it’s already rotten, so why are you afraid of the troubles that will follow?”

Shi Zhijian coughed and said, "Brother Quan, keep your mouth open, I'm also the president of Shinhwa Group, so we must find a good heir—"

"How old are you?"

"twenty five!"

"That's right! You are only twenty-five years old, young and strong, why should you think so much?"

"But—" Shi Zhijian wanted to say what to do if I died suddenly, but when he thought about it, wasn't he cursing himself?

"The third question, you are afraid that the Li family will use your influence to attack their Thai counterparts after marrying you, annex other companies, and steal other people's business. You can rest assured about this! I have been with Mr. Li for many years, who is he? I know best! He is a rare bodhisattva in the business world, and he likes to help the poor most! How could such a kind person like him do such abominable things?"

"Uh, this—"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's embarrassing expression, Feng Guoquan smiled and said: "You are overthinking! As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and you think that Boss Li is plotting against you to attack your Shinhwa Group, engulfing your group's property, and robbing your group's business? Do you think Boss Boss is benefiting? The purpose of letting your daughter marry you is to expand the Li family business and annex the Thai counterparts? Do you think that Miss Li marrying you will make you miserable and restless... None of these!"

Feng Guoquan clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and said solemnly, "The Buddha said, if you have good thoughts in your heart, the Buddha's light can be seen; if you have evil thoughts in your heart, everywhere is hell..."

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes, looked at the four beauties who were happily playing dice, and said to Feng Guoquan: "The Buddha also said that form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Why didn't you follow it?"

Feng Guoquan opened his eyes and laughed: "I know that you have solved your heart knot after being so stunned by you. You should understand!" After speaking, he raised his glass again, "Come on, let's toast!"

Shi Zhijian shook his head and raised his glass: "You fake monk who drinks flower wine and eats dog meat!"

"Monks may be fake, but what I say is true—he who can understand me is the one who plays the song!"

The two clinked glasses again and drank.

After Feng Guoquan released Shi Zhijian, he only felt that his merits and virtues had been completed, and he immediately called out to the girls who accompanied him, "Come on, keep on messing around!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Zhijian quickly raised his hands and clapped his hands above his head: "Thank you, Brother Quan, for the treat! But I've just eaten and drank enough, so I have to go back and rest first! Also, I'm going to cultivate myself and be a handsome man in a few days. Waiting to marry Miss Li three days later, so don't come to me for any entertainment! Thank you!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian got up and simply left the table, towards the stairs, Feng Guoquan said: "Hey, four beauties, I can't bear it! I've already paid the money!"

"Then you can discuss a discount with them! In short, there is no righteousness in business, as long as there is no trouble!" Shi Zhijian walked downstairs while walking.

Shi Zhijian went down the stairs, and Feng Guoquan looked at the four carefully selected beauties around him, and sighed, "Don't eat and waste, and you'll explode after eating, it's so difficult!"

Just as Feng Guoquan was grimacing, Shi Zhijian turned back.

Feng Guoquan was overjoyed, "Ajian, have you finally figured it out? That's right, I've already paid the money, and people don't waste their youth! At worst, you can pick any of these four, don't worry, I will never report to Boss Li !"

However, Shi Zhijian picked up the box of 35 cigarettes on the dining table, "I'm sorry, I just dropped the cigarettes! You also know that I'm not used to smoking your Thai tobacco, but this 35 is suitable for me!"

Shi Zhijian put away his cigarette, and after explaining to Feng Guoquan, he quickly went downstairs again.

Feng Guoquan deliberately walked to the stairs this time, and seeing that Shi Zhijian had already descended to the first floor, he opened his mouth full of alcohol and shouted towards the back of the downstairs: "I am really not sent by Boss Li to test you, trust me !"

Shi Zhijian waved his hand with his back to him, meaning it was received.

Feng Guoquan breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around and go back to continue eating and drinking, but Shi Zhijian stopped where he was, as if attracted by something.

Feng Guoquan couldn't help but follow Shi Zhijian's gaze to the elegant room on the first floor, only to see a secluded place, Miss Xie Jiasan, Xie Bingqian, "having a hot fight" with a man!

"Miss Xie, I knew you would call me!" Lu Kaiser, the head of HSBC Bank in Bangkok, said to Xie Bingqian while pinching an empty wine glass, "You are not only beautiful, but also smart. Of course you know how to infer other things from one instance!"

Xie Bingqian is very beautifully dressed today. She is wearing a crimson cheongsam that outlines her perfect curves. Coupled with her seductive and outstanding temperament, countless men's imaginations run wild.

Looking at Lu Kaiser, who was full of fat and full of color, Xie Bingqian's eyes flashed with disgust, she stood up and poured wine for Lu Kaiser, saying: "I know that I was a little reckless last time and offended you, Taipan Lu, so this time I personally apologize to you !"

"Apologize? Hehe, your method of apologizing is quite special, just pouring me a glass of wine is considered an apology?" Lu Kaiser pointed at Xie Bingqian maliciously.

Hearing this, Xie Bingqian picked up another cup, poured herself a cup and raised it up: "How about I drink with you?"

Lu Kaiser looked at Xie Bingqian and said provocatively: "Is it just for a drink? It seems that you don't understand my intentions. For Miss Xie, I have been in love with you for a long time. I have wanted you for a long time. I kissed Fangze, but I don't know if Miss Xie will give me this chance?"

Xie Bingqian resisted the thought of pouring the wine in the glass on the other party, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "I'm just the color of a willow, how can I fall into Lu Taipan's eyes? How about this, we have the right to be friends, in the future you and our Xie family will have more love come and go..."

"It's okay to make friends! It's okay to keep in touch!" Lu Kaiser interrupted Xie Bingqian, "But those are things for the future, let's talk about now—"

While talking, Lu Kaiser drank the wine in the glass, put it on the table with a bang, and stared at Xie Bingqian with a staring gaze like a hungry wolf: "We are all adults, so don't play around anymore! I like you very much, as long as you are willing to nod your head and accompany me once, then I promise to help you thank your family!"

Xie Bingqian couldn't bear it any longer, she was a rich young lady, and people used to flatter and flatter her, and had she ever been insulted like this?

Immediately she poured out a glass of wine!

The whole glass of wine hit Lu Kaiser right in the face!

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