Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1431: The acting is superb!

Chapter 1431 1431 [Superb acting skills! 】

The wine splashed on Lu Kaiser's face, and the wine stains dripped down his face.

Everyone around looked sideways.

Kaiser Lu laughed, wickedly.

"This is the second time!" He took out a handkerchief and wiped the wine stains on his face, and looked up at Xie Bingqian, "I think you are a woman, so you have to bear it in every possible way—what do you think you are?! Or the one from the Xie family The girl of heaven? A noble goddess enshrined by others? No, you are just a **** now! I want you because I think highly of you!"

"Fart!" Xie Bingqian reached out to slap Lu Kaiser.

Lu Kaiser stood up abruptly and grabbed Xie Bingqian's wrist, "Bitch, do you dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I'll kill your whole family and make your Xie family go bankrupt?"

"Let go!" Xie Bingqian struggled.

"Quack, don't you like to play very much, I'll just play with you enough now!" Lu Kaiser was full of evil thoughts, especially Xie Bingqian, who was insulted by him, gave him an indescribable pleasure.

Lu Kaiser tried hard to hold Xie Bingqian in her arms, but Xie Bingqian struggled desperately and knocked over the table, causing a commotion at the scene.

at this time-

Shi Zhijian couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and said, "Hey, please, this is a public place!"

Xie Bingqian looked at Shi Zhijian who suddenly appeared, tears in her beautiful eyes, very pitiful.

"It's you...I..." Xie Bingqian bit her lip, turned her face sideways, not knowing what to say.

Lu Kaiser was in high spirits when he was suddenly interrupted, and immediately scolded Shi Zhijian: "What are you? What qualifications do you have to speak here?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, thinking that he was famous enough that everyone in Bangkok should know about him, but he didn't expect that there was a top quality in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you do now—" Shi Zhijian pointed to Lu Kaiser's hand holding Xie Bingqian's wrist, "It's wrong for a man to bully a woman, and even more wrong for a man to forcefully grab a woman's wrist! "

Lu Kaiser let go, flicked the lapel of his suit, and smiled contemptuously at Shi Zhijian, "So what if it's wrong? Believe it or not, I'll hit you too?"

Shi Zhijian: "I hate using violence!"

The voice landed!

With a slap, Lu Kaiser was slapped across the face!

The slap was crisp and loud!

The person who slapped Lu Kaiser was not Shi Zhijian, but Yan Xiong!

As a loyal lackey by Shi Zhijian's side, Yan Xiong has always stayed by Shi Zhijian's side, worrying about what Shi Zhijian is anxious about, and thinking about what Shi Zhijian thinks!

Now he and Shi Zhijian have a tacit understanding, what Shi Zhijian wants to do, he will receive it immediately!

Lu Kaiser was stunned by the beating and covered her face, "Who are you?"

"I am your ancestor!"

With a slap, Yan Xiong slapped him again!

Lu Kaiser is the manager in the office, and Yan Xiong is the chief inspector of Hong Kong. The two of them are a white-collar and a policeman, and their physical strength is not at the same level!

Lu Kaiser didn't even have a chance to fight back, and was so dizzy from Yan Xiong's two slaps that he almost squatted on the ground.

"You hit someone? I'm going to sue you, I'm going to put you in jail!" Kaiser Lu didn't expect that she would be so humiliated in front of everyone, and screamed like a woman.

"Send me to jail? Believe it or not, I stripped you alive?" Yan Xiong walked to the phone beside him, picked up the phone and made a call, then handed the phone to Lu Kaiser with a gloomy expression: "Aren't you going to call the police, come here Ya! I promise you!"

Kaiser Lu couldn't get off the tiger, and immediately walked over to answer the phone. Before he could speak, a police voice came from the other side: "Is it Kaiser Lu? Kaiser Lu, the head of HSBC Bank? I am Chief Qiao Sen of the No. 1 Police Station in Bangkok. Departmental investigation! Also, you have been reported on your private lending, and now the villa you live in, as well as your private property are all temporarily seized..."

Lu Kaiser thought he heard it wrong, "Are you kidding me?"

"Teasing you? Then you just wait, you'll hear the whining in three minutes!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Police car, fool!"

"You're lying to me again!" Lu Kaiser smiled, hung up the phone and looked at Yan Xiong, regardless of the swollen and painful cheeks, Yazi would report: "You beat me, but you still want to use this clumsy way to escape punishment, I tell you, delusion!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and stared fiercely at Xie Bingqian and said, "Stinky bitch, you can't escape the fifteenth day if you escape the first day of the junior high school! Don't think that if someone saves you this time, you can sit back and relax! As long as I am not dead, I will definitely kill you!"

At this time, Lu Kaiser didn't have the slightest gentle appearance, he looked like an uneducated mad dog!

In the end, he looked at Shi Zhijian again, "It's all about you, a jerk, who dared to spoil my good deeds, and wait to accept my harshest revenge!"

The voice did not fall—

Wow! Wow!

There was the sound of a police car outside.

Lu Kaiser, who was still full of hostility just now and said arrogantly that he wanted to take revenge on Shi Zhijian, immediately widened his eyes: "How is that possible?"

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that the police really came to arrest him!

The melon-eating audience around didn't believe it either, they thought Yan Xiong was scaring this idiot before, but now—

As the person involved, Xie Bingqian's beautiful eyes widened, she looked at Yan Xiong in disbelief, and then at Shi Zhijian. For the first time, she was surprised by Shi Zhijian's celestial energy.

Four Thai policemen in green uniforms barged in.

"Who is Kaiser Luc?"

"I am!" Lu Kaiser subconsciously raised his hand.

"Catch it!"

Immediately, the two policemen rushed up and handcuffed Lu Kaiser, who was still flaunting his might just now, with a click.

Lu Kaiser was dumbfounded, his jaw almost dropped in shock.

Those who eat melons are also surprised.

Xie Bingqian was even more stunned seeing such a scene.

After the police handcuffed Lu Kaiser, a man who looked like an officer walked up to Yan Xiong and said with a very respectful gesture, "Mr. Yan, are you okay?"

Yan Xiong raised his chin, showing three points of pride and seven points of rebellion, "It's okay! It's just Shi—"

Yan Xiong glanced at Shi Zhijian.

Seeing Shi Zhijian winking at him, he immediately changed his words: "Take this **** away quickly, I'm tired of looking at him even more!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan!" The officer didn't dare to say anything more, he knew Yan Xiong's identity clearly, and he also saw Shi Zhijian, and suspected that Shi Zhijian was the mysterious big man, but Yan Xiong didn't help to introduce, he I didn't dare to ask too much.

"Come on, take me away!" the officer ordered his subordinates.

"I protest! I was wronged!" Kaiser Lu yelled, "I am the head of HSBC Bank. I want to see your bureau chief, and I want to see the British ambassador!"

The officer slapped Lu Kaiser down the face, and the officer slapped Lu Kaiser's mouth to bleed, "You can see anyone you want, first go back to the police station with me and let you try our top ten tortures in Bangkok!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around fell silent!

In this era, the Bangkok police’s methods of punishing prisoners are not inferior to those in Hong Kong, and even better. The “tiger stool”, “feeding water”, and “toothpicks inserted between nails” are all very slippery.

Only now did Lu Kaiser see the situation clearly, knowing that he kicked a steel plate today and offended someone who shouldn't be offended.

Unfortunately, it was too late, when he figured it out, he had already been escorted to the car.

The police car roared away again!

Come fast, go fast!

Only that Lu Kaiser lay miserably on the window and shouted desperately at Shi Zhijian!

"Are you okay?" Shi Zhijian looked at Xie Bingqian.

To be honest, when Shi Zhijian saw Xie Bingqian being bullied and insulted by Lu Kaiser, he didn't intend to make a move at first.

He clearly knew that Miss Xie San had a fiery temper, and knew that Kaiser Lu would not get any favors, and the facts proved this.

Xie Bingqian poured wine on Lu Kaiser on the spot, but what Shi Zhijian didn't expect was that Lu Kaiser would go crazy and want to beat Xie Bingqian in front of so many people. Let Yan Xiong take action to teach this punk.

"I'm fine, thank you!" Xie Bingqian seemed overly frightened, her face still turning pale.

"That's good! Why don't I let Yan Xiong take you home?" Shi Zhijian suggested.

"Uh, thank you! But..." Xie Bingqian hesitated and said, "I don't live at home now, I live in a hotel."

Afraid that Shi Zhijian might misunderstand, Xie Bingqian said again: "Just now that Lu Kaiser was the head class of HSBC Bank in Bangkok. Our Xie family failed to repay the loan when it was due, so our villa will be impounded by the bank...My father and others are temporarily staying in the hotel!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, speaking of the catastrophe that the Xie family suffered this time, it was all caused by him.

Now if he said any more comforting words, he would look very embarrassed, and would even be suspected of being a fake merciful person.

"Then I'll ask Yan Xiong to take you back to the hotel?"

"Okay!" Xie Bingqian smiled slightly at Shi Zhijian after finishing speaking, her pale face was bloodless.

"Yan Xiong, take Third Miss back!"

"Yes, Mr. Shi!"

Xie Bingqian thanked Shi Zhijian again. When she turned around and walked past Shi Zhijian, she suddenly swayed and collapsed into Shi Zhijian's arms.

Shi Zhijian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly supported her, but saw that her eyes were closed tightly, and she seemed to have passed out.

"Yan Xiong, hurry up and call a car, go to the hospital first!"

"Okay!" Yan Xiong rushed outside to let Fu Toujun drive over.

Tang Long and A Ji also realized that the situation was wrong, and hurried over, but Xie Bingqian was the eldest daughter of Huanghua and the third miss of the Xie family. ! He sat on it himself and ordered Fu Toujun to drive.

Here Futou Jun is driving, Yan Xiong is sitting in the passenger cab, Shi Zhijian is holding Xie Bingqian and sitting in the back.

Behind, Aji was driving, Tang Long was sitting in the passenger cab, and the two followed closely behind.

The two cars sped towards the nearby hospital one after the other.

Halfway, Xie Bingqian, who was lying in Shi Zhijian's arms, woke up slowly. She opened her beautiful eyes and looked around, and asked Shi Zhijian, "Where am I?"

"You fainted just now, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Did I pass out? Why didn't I know?"

Shi Zhijian touched her forehead, not knowing what to say.

After a while, he said, "We're almost at the hospital, let the doctor check it out for you!"

"No, I won't go to the hospital!" Xie Bingqian struggled to get up from Shi Zhijian's arms, "I feel better, I really don't want to go to the hospital! I'm afraid of injections, I'm afraid of pain!"

Shi Zhijian couldn't laugh or cry, "You are already an adult, why..."

"I'm really afraid of injections." Xie Bingqian said with lingering fear.

"Don't worry, you may not get an injection when you arrive at the hospital." Shi Zhijian comforted her.

Xie Bingqian burst into tears suddenly, looked at Shi Zhijian tearfully and said, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Shi Zhijian froze for a moment.

Yan Xiong in front of him turned his head to take a look when he heard the sound, and then turned his head away again.

"I'm a man, you are a woman, you should help me!"

"Then do you know that I have always regarded you as an enemy?"

"I know! You think I caused your Xie family to go bankrupt and your business to go bankrupt!" Shi Zhijian said, "I also know that you, your father, and your two brothers all want me to die!"

"No, no!" Xie Bingqian shook her head and said, "In the beginning we were cruel to you, but now that our Xie family has been killed, we have encountered many things. Thinking about it now, you were right when you did that, it was our Xie family who first apologized to you!"

Xie Bingqian finished speaking and wiped away tears, "Especially my dad, who has been eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddha these days. He didn't believe in this before, but now he really believes in it! He often tells us brothers and sisters that this is all retribution ! It’s because he did too many bad things in the past, that’s the reason for this!”

Shi Zhijian couldn't deny it.

Yan Xiong couldn't help but whispered to Fu Toujun: "Do you believe this? The thousand-year-old fox will suddenly become a vegetarian?"

Ax Jun said nothing.

But Xie Bingqian heard it, her eyes watered down again, and she said to Shi Zhijian: "I know, you won't believe anything I tell! But what I say is true, now that my father has changed his ways, he will not believe it again. You won't do anything wrong!"

Shi Zhijian is not afraid of heaven or earth, but he is afraid of women's tears.

"Don't cry, I believe you can't do it?"


"Of course it's true!" Shi Zhijian planned to stabilize her first, "Wipe your tears first, the hospital has already arrived, it's not good to be seen by others!"

"Well, I'll listen to you!" Xie Bingqian tried hard to smile at Shi Zhijian.

Soon, the car arrived at the hospital, Shi Zhijian helped Xie Bingqian out of the car, a nurse came up to him, explained the situation, and took Xie Bingqian for a physical examination first.

Shi Zhijian brought Yan Xiong to the smoking smoked a cigarette and calmed down.

Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette and bit it at the corner of his mouth, Yan Xiong rushed forward and took out a match to help him light it.

The cigarette was lit, Yan Xiong shook the match.

After Shi Zhijian smoked, he exhaled the smoke.

Yan Xiong thought for a while, but finally couldn't hold back: "Mr. Shi, in my opinion, Miss Xie is not easy..."

"Why is it not easy?"

"Maybe she's faking her illness to gain sympathy..." Yan Xiong boldly said, "Look, the truth will surface soon after the inspection, and then you will be able to recognize her true colors!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, he could only half believe Yan Xiong's judgment, because no matter how you look at it, Xie Bingqian is so lovely and pitiful.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian didn't say a word, Yan Xiong knew that he didn't talk to the other party. It's no wonder that the authorities are fascinated by the onlookers, not to mention Xie Bingqian, a delicate beauty dangling in front of your eyes, no matter what kind of hero, he can't control it!

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