Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1434: Super dog licking!

Chapter 1434 1434 [Super dog licking! 】

Shi Zhijian walked out of the hotel with a cigarette in his mouth, and Ax Jun, Tang Long and Aji immediately stepped forward to meet him.

Shi Zhijian glanced at them, "Where's Yan Xiong?"

"Master Yan, he's hungry, he's off to eat!"

"Yeah, and coffee! He thought you'd be up there for a long time—"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes at the three guys, "Is it not long?"

"Oh, for a long time! Of course it will be a long time! Mr. Shi, you are strong and strong, and you are as powerful as a dragon!" Fu Tou Jun boasted.

Shi Zhijian kicked him: "If you don't learn well from Yan Xiong, try to learn some flattering skills!"

"Mr. Shi, did you call me? I heard you call my name!" But Yan Xiong ran over panting, holding pizza and milk tea in his hand.

"This is—" Shi Zhijian glanced at Yan Xiong.

"Oh, I'm afraid of Futou Jun, Tang Long and Aji are hungry, so I ran all the way to buy pizza for them, and milk tea by the way! Mr. Shi, would you like some?" Yan Xiong said with a look of serving the people look.

Shi Zhijian: "No need, I've got my heart!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glared at Axe Jun and the others: "You should learn from Yan Xiong and never forget that you eat, drink, and mess with each other. It's good for you, and you still sell him!"

Ax Jun and the other three lowered their heads in shame.

Shi Zhijian walked towards the car.

Yan Xiong handed them pizza and milk tea from behind and said, "500 Hong Kong dollars each!"

"So expensive?"

"It's not expensive anymore, ten yuan is the takeaway fee, and the rest is the tuition fee!" After Yan Xiong finished speaking, he backed his hands and straightened his chest, and followed Shi Zhijian to get into the car.

Ax Jun and the three looked at each other.

Tang Long said: "I finally know why you respect him! The tuition is worth it!"

Aji is still confused: "What tuition fee? What have I learned? Nothing!"

Ricci Mansion, inside the bedroom.

Li Xuexuan stood nervously in front of the fitting mirror, which was as tall as anyone, and looked through the mirror at her best friend, Azhu, who helped her smooth out the folds of the snow-white wedding dress, even though the soothing music playing on the nearby record player Even jazz music could not relax her nervousness.

Whether she was working in Ricci's Boat Company in Bangkok or later became the president of Ricci Group in Hong Kong, Li Xuexuan always wore professional suits in order to show the image of a strong woman. That kind of black, full of stern ladies' suits can give her A sense of self-confidence and honor.

Li Xuexuan also fantasized about wearing a white wedding dress, but she was still a child at that time. Like many innocent little girls, she fantasized about Prince Charming, castles, wedding dresses, and beautiful **** in fairy tales.

Only when she grew up did she realize that fairy tales are deceiving, and the world is full of intrigues.

"Here's another necklace! It's from Mr. Shi, it's very beautiful!" Azhu took out a diamond necklace from the jewelry box on the dressing table next to her, and helped Li Xuexuan wear it around her neck.

The snow-white gooseneck with purple diamonds makes Li Xuexuan look extraordinarily noble and elegant.

After helping Li Xuexuan put on the necklace, Ah Zhu took two steps back and looked at Li Xuexuan in the mirror, her voice was still faint: "Is there anything missing?"

In the mirror, Li Xuexuan's hair has been pulled into a gorgeous bun wearing a wedding dress, and the gold earrings on her ears have also been replaced with crystal earrings. She is dressed in a snow-white Western-style wedding dress, making Li Xuexuan's curvaceous and exquisite Her figure was perfectly outlined, and the skirt wrapped around her knees, revealing only a section of snow-white legs covered in glass stockings, and a pair of high heels on the floor.

"There is still a drilling machine missing!" Ah Zhu joked, "But I dare not wear this ring for you, I have to leave it to Mr. Shi to help you!"

"It's fine if you don't mention him. How could he be so kind as to personally deliver the wedding dress and diamond necklace?" Who was Li Xuexuan, and immediately felt that Shi Zhijian was a little abnormal.

"Maybe he has figured it out?" Ah Zhu looked at Li Xuexuan seriously, "After all, you are so beautiful, even a woman like me can't help swallowing, let alone a man!"

"It's not that simple! You haven't had much contact with him, so you don't know how treacherous Shi Zhijian is!"

"Wow, how can you talk about your husband like that?"

"Please, he's not my husband yet."

"That's about the same. You and him will be engaged the day after tomorrow!"

"I'm afraid... things will change!" Li Xuexuan was worried.

A Zhu took out a bottle of perfume, helped Li Xuexuan spray it on the neck and cuffs twice, and said softly: "He even sent the wedding dress and necklace, what else can be changed? If you are really scared, you can Go down and ask him yourself, he is waiting below!"

"He didn't leave?"

"Yeah, I've been staying below all the time."

"If things go wrong, there must be a demon!" Li Xuexuan began to take off her wedding dress and necklace, "You're right, I want to ask him why he suddenly became so attentive?!"

Ah Zhu was a little puzzled. Seeing that Li Xuexuan really took off her wedding dress, she had to help her tidy up, and said, "Maybe you are thinking too much! The matter is not as serious as you think... Is it true that men treat you well?" wrong?"

"You don't understand..." Li Xuexuan didn't say any more, and changed into a floral dress. After a few words to Ah Zhu, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and went downstairs.

Seeing Li Xuexuan leaving, Azhu sighed, and then looked at the snow-white wedding dress in her hand, a trace of envy and jealousy rose in her heart.

Involuntarily, she took off her own clothes and put the wedding dress on herself. Then she lowered her head and smiled self-deprecatingly, and turned twice in the mirror: "I don't know if my Prince Charming is here?!"

"Ajian, are you waiting for me?" Li Xuexuan went downstairs, and immediately saw Shi Zhijian pacing back and forth in the living room, biting a cigarette.

Seeing her go downstairs, Shi Zhijian walked to the coffee table, bent down and crushed the cigarette into the ashtray, then raised his head and said, "Yes, I have something to discuss with you."

"I knew you had something to do." Li Xuexuan thought she guessed right, and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down and talk!"

"No, it's still comfortable standing up." Shi Zhijian felt that standing up gave him more room to move around, making it easier to dodge or escape, because what he was going to talk about was a big thing, something that could drive people crazy.

"Whatever you want!" Li Xuexuan sat down on the sofa by herself, and looked at Shi Zhijian: "Say it!"

"That—" Shi Zhijian pondered for a moment, "Have you ever heard of Chinese myths and stories, such as Kuafu chasing the sun, Chang'e flying to the moon and so on?"

Li Xuexuan frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"Then you must have heard of Ehuang Nvying serving her husband?"

Li Xuexuan raised her eyebrows: "Speak clearly!"

"I meant that I was afraid that you would be lonely, especially when you were married, so I found a woman to accompany you!"

"Be more clear!"

"I'm going to marry Xie Bingqian!"

"What?!" Li Xuexuan stood up awkwardly, staring at Shi Zhijian with beautiful eyes: "You say it again?"

"I said, when I marry you, I plan to marry Xie Bingqian at the same time!"

Without saying a word, Li Xuexuan picked up the teacup on the coffee table and threw it at Shi Zhijian!

"I'll dodge!" Shi Zhijian turned sideways, and the teacup hit the wall behind him, shattering all over the place!

The servants of the Li family rushed over and looked sideways.

Shi Zhijian waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Miss Li is losing her temper! Anxiety before marriage is very common, let's go away!"

The servants looked at me and I looked at you, and then they retreated one after another.

After the servant left, Shi Zhijian said to Li Xuexuan: "You are always so impulsive! Women should be gentle and reserved, especially when dealing with your future husband, you must show virtuous and virtuous qualities!"

"I just want to know if what you just said is true or not?" Li Xuexuan stared at Shi Zhijian with beautiful eyes.

"Really, and absolutely true! I will marry Xie Bingqian together the day after tomorrow, and I will help her buy a wedding dress and diamond ring, but don't worry, it's not as expensive as yours!"

Li Xuexuan was about to go mad with anger, and said with restraint: "Give me a reason!"

"The reason is that she and I are actually just doing business! As for you, we are just in love!"

"I believe you!" Li Xuexuan said angrily, "You scumbag who played with my feelings!"

"Don't say that! I invented the word scumbag. In fact, scumbag has another meaning besides being rich in emotions and prone to overflowing emotions. That is--if you like someone, you will be devoted to her. At least on the surface!"

"You think I will believe your nonsense?" Li Xuexuan was still furious.

Seeing this, Shi Zhijian had no choice but to resort to a trick: "One hundred million! If you promise me to marry Xie Bingqian, I will give you one hundred million!"

"You think I'll like your little money?"

"Of course not! But if I marry Xie Bingqian, she promises to give me one billion!"

"She gave you money?" Li Xuexuan was stunned.

Shi Zhijian nodded, "I'm attracted by this 100 million, and marrying a wife can make a lot of money. No matter how I add it up, it's a good deal!"

Li Xuexuan snorted: "I think you are coveting her beauty!"

"With you, I have already owned the whole world. How can I care about Xie Bingqian's beauty?"

"Sounds good!"

"I'm telling the truth, you believe me!"

Immediately afterwards, Shi Zhijian explained the deal between himself and Xie Bingqian in detail. Of course, he didn't say a word that should not be said.

This trick really worked. When he heard that Shi Zhijian and Xie Bingqian's marriage was just a stopgap measure, and they could take the opportunity to carve up Xie's family property, Li Xuexuan, a businessman, was also tempted.

Shi Zhijian now feels that the world is really wonderful. Many people try hard to get what they want, but they can't get it. Some people don't want it, but they can get it at their fingertips.

"Hey, that's the way it is. I didn't want it at first, but the development of the matter is out of my control now. One billion is very tempting after all, isn't it?"

"500 million!"


"Didn't Xie Bingqian promise to give you one billion when things are done? We add five to one, and I want five hundred million!"

"Wow, you are too cruel, you were a robber in your previous life?"

"My man gave her half and only received 500 million from her. Isn't it worth it?"

Shi Zhijian shut up. If he said he was worthless, wouldn't he be saying that he was worthless?

"As for how much property you and her can plan to acquire the Xie family after marriage, then I don't care, you can do whatever you want!"

"Don't use the word planning, okay? It's very unpleasant! It makes me look like a conspirator!" Shi Zhijian said aggrievedly.

"What do you think?" Li Xue gave him a white look.

Shi Zhijian spread his hands: "Another word, steal from the rich and give to the poor, can't you get it?"

Li Xuexuan stared at him.

"I took the money to donate to the orphanage! Those children are so pitiful!" Shi Zhijian said sincerely.

One sentence immediately sublimated Shi Zhijian's image a lot, not to mention that the eavesdropping servants looked up at Shi Zhijian, thinking that Mr. Shi was too great and too difficult, and sacrificed himself to deal with two tigresses alone. Save the Orphans!

Even Li Xuexuan almost praised Shi Zhijian.

"In short, five hundred million, I promise you!"

"You are selling out your husband!"

"If you don't want to, we will renegotiate!"

"500 million is 500 million!" Shi Zhijian waved his hand, "For those poor orphans, I agree to your request! In addition—" Shi Zhijian looked at Li Xuexuan: "You should at least do something after taking the money !"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Talk about this to your father!"

"what's up?"

"Pretending to be confused? Of course I'm going to marry two wives at once!"

"Why didn't you tell yourself?"

"Still asking?" Shi Zhijian looked at Li Xuexuan with disdain, "I'm afraid he will kill me!"

In fact, the person Shi Zhijian is most afraid of at the moment is not the cheap father-in-law Li Yaozu, but the people who are going to eat melons and watch the show!

Originally, the fact that I and Li Xuexuan were going to get married was well known throughout Bangkok, and I and Li Xuexuan were also recognized as "golden boy and jade girl", "talented and beautiful", but now another Xie Bingqian popped up out of the blue. If you want to "one drags two", and marry them both at once, no matter how outsiders look at you, you will look like a scumbag of the century!

Seeing that he was about to get married, but suddenly married another woman, he would never be able to argue with it.

Therefore, Shi Zhijian must save his character no matter what!

What do people who eat melons like most?

As a time traveler, Shi Zhijian could not be more clear, that is—telling stories!

In the stock market, dealers tell stories to retail investors, and then frantically cut leeks.

In the entertainment industry, directors constantly tell stories to investors, UU reads and then raises funds.

On the Internet, major platforms tell stories to readers and then gain traffic.

This world is one crazy storytelling world!

Therefore, Shi Zhijian is going to find someone to tell a story to the public, telling a story about his private love triangle with Xie Bingqian and Li Xuexuan!

It tells the story of two girls abdicating and marrying themselves in order to fulfill each other.

Tell a story about Shi Zhijian, a saint of love, who flicked the hero's tears for two beauties.

The most important point is that the person who tells the story to the public must be able to match with Li Xuexuan and Xie Bingqian. As a witness, he often appears beside them, and even has a deep love for them! It's just a pity that the two women have no feelings for him!

In a word, it is a "licking dog"!

And this "dog licking" character, Shi Zhijian, has already been selected. He is Gao Chaohui from the four major families in Bangkok, young and old!

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