Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1435: Puppet, Father Jiko Takashi!

The young man Gao Zhaohui was a bit self-defeating during this period. To be precise, since he was crushed by Shi Zhijian in all directions, he has been a little self-defeating, and he is no longer in high spirits.

What Gao Zhaohui didn't expect was that at noon today, he received a call from Shi Zhijian, asking him to meet at Taibai Tea House.

At the first moment, Gao Chaohui guessed that Shi Zhijian wanted to humiliate him face to face. After all, Shi Zhijian was going to get married the day after tomorrow, and the girl he was going to marry, Li Xuexuan, was a woman he had never been able to get.

Gao Zhaohui wanted to reject Shi Zhijian's invitation on the phone, wanted to find excuses to excuse his discomfort, and didn't want to see Shi Zhijian.

Next to him, his father Gao Wanjun stood up from the dining table, winking and gesturing to him vigorously, meaning to agree.

Helpless, although Gao Chaohui is a playboy, he is also a filial son. He is just such an old man, and he doesn't want to **** him off, so he accepted Shi Zhijian's invitation and agreed to meet at Taibai Teahouse in Bangkok at three o'clock this afternoon.

After Gao Zhaohui hung up the phone, he immediately asked his father, "Why did you ask me to promise him?"

Gao Wanjun didn't say a word, and sat down at the dining table again, picked up a round orchid bean with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth, and then took another sip of whiskey.

This "Chinese-Western combination" eating method is created by Gao Wanjun. In his opinion, Chinese-style orchid beans and British whiskey are a perfect match!

The salty aroma of orchid beans just neutralizes the bitterness of whiskey, and the rest is only luscious and mellow!

Seeing that his father was silent, Gao Chaohui continued: "You know that Shi Zhijian has always looked down on me, so he asked me to meet up suddenly this time because he wanted to humiliate me in person... I am your son, but you still let me go ?”

Gao Wanjun turned a deaf ear to his son's words, and focused on picking up an orchid bean with chopsticks and putting it in his mouth. He closed his eyes and wet the orchid bean with saliva to feel its salty taste, and then chewed slowly. Feel its sweetness again, take a sip of the whiskey at the end, use the spicyness of the whiskey to dilute the fragrance of the orchid beans.

Gao Zhaohui couldn't take it anymore, so he walked over and sat down next to his father, picked up the tongs in the ice bucket, picked up some orchid beans and threw them into a whiskey glass, then handed the glass to his father and said, "You taught me, You have to pay attention to the method of doing things, like you eat one by one, how long will it last? Add them together and use a cup!"

Gao Wanjun smiled, put down his chopsticks, took the wine glass and said, "That's right, sometimes you have to pay attention to the method when doing things, but more often you have to pay attention to the mood when doing things!"

"I'm in a bad mood right now, and you let me see that Shi Zhijian!"

"Are you afraid of him, or are you jealous of him?" Gao Wanjun looked at his son.

Gao Chaohui said stubbornly: "Who would be afraid of him? It's rare to be jealous of him!"

"Zhaohui, you are not good at lying, your eyes and expression have betrayed you, you are afraid of Shi Zhijian!"

Gao Zhaohui glanced at his father dissatisfied: "So what? What do you mean by saying it? Don't you think your son is ashamed?"

Gao Wanjun took a sip of whiskey mixed with orchid beans, put down his glass, "I'm not afraid of your embarrassment, I'm just afraid that if you fall once, you'll never get up again! Remember, Zhaohui, failure is not scary, it's you After the failure, I lost my fighting spirit and confidence, and collapsed on the ground like mud, even if I, a father, wanted to help him, I couldn't help him!"

Gao Chaohui smiled wryly: "So I'm just a puddle of mud in your eyes? Not your proud son? Everything you told me before was false?"

"Whether it's true or not, you know for yourself!" Gao Wanjun said with a serious face, "One Shi Zhijian beat you like this, if another one is stronger than Shi Zhijian, wouldn't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"I won't! Besides, there is absolutely no one in this world who is stronger than him!" Gao Zhaohui argued, "He is just a monster!"

"You are finally right, he is an evildoer!" Gao Wanjun took a sip of whiskey before solemnly saying: "Since you know he is an evildoer, then don't confront him anymore, instead, you have to get close to him and touch him, the only way Only then can you regain your confidence, have the power to protect yourself, and even—get benefits from him!"

Gao Zhaohui was stunned for a moment, then reached out his hand and touched his forehead: "Am I out of my mind, did I hear wrong? You actually want me to submit to that Shi Zhijian?"

"In your eyes, have I always looked like a dictator? How could I not know the relationship between you and Shi Zhijian? The reason why I said this is to tell you that you have to stand up from where you fall! You are also afraid Anyone who wants to get close to them! If you are not familiar with the tiger's temperament, how can you beat the tiger? Tolerate a moment of conspiracy, endure a lifetime to be a hero! Then do you want to be a hero, or a bear?" Gao Wanjun was speechless to his son Gao Chaohui asked.

Gao Zhaohui hesitated. He casually took the wine glass his father had used, took a sip from the glass, and said disdainfully, "In your eyes, I've already become a bear, haven't I? Otherwise, you wouldn't have provoked me like this!"

"Is that how you look at me?" Gao Wanjun looked at Gao Chaohui and asked, suppressing the urge to beat his son up.

Gao Zhaohui drank the whiskey in one gulp, then picked up a pea and put it into his mouth, chewing it: "I have always listened to you in everything I do, and I have made achievements because of your command! I can't make achievements , It’s just that my own talent is too poor and I don’t work hard enough! In short, you want to shape me into a perfect son, but unfortunately no matter how hard I try, I am not qualified! To be precise, I am your shadow!”

Gao Wanjun was stunned for a moment, and then he choked out a sentence: "You are my shadow? Do you really think so?"

"Yes!" Gao Zhaohui went all out, poured out all the words he had been holding back for a long time, filled the wine glass himself, and said loudly to his father Gao Wanjun.

Gao Wanjun stared at his eyes, and suddenly smiled wryly: "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I didn't expect that my education for you for so many years would make you think that I am controlling you! You are my boy, the future heir of our Gao family! I control you!" What use are you for? I only want you to be talented, I only want you to be better than me, I only want you to stand out and make the Gao family better!"

Speaking of sadness, Gao Wanjun's eyes turned red, and he almost burst into tears.

"Forget it! Forget it! If you really feel that I am controlling you and keeping you from being free, then from today onwards I will completely let go, and you can do whatever you want. I will never care about you, nor can I control you!" Gao Wanjun said He swayed and stood up, looking terribly hurt and shaky.

Gao Zhaohui didn't say anything.

In fact, when he was in college, he was completely different from what he is now.

At that time, as the only son of the Gao family, he was studying abroad alone. He had a free and easy personality, a sense of humor, and a wide range of interests and friends.

For this reason, when he was in college, he was deeply liked by those ghost girls. The words "both character and learning" seemed to be tailored for him.

But since returning to China, under the watchful eye of his father Gao Wanjun, he has been under too much pressure.

Gao Wanjun wanted his son to be better and more excellent than him, but he was already an extremely outstanding figure, no matter how hard Gao Zhaohui tried to catch up, he couldn't catch up.

For this reason, Gao Wanjun could only "hand in hand" personally guide Gao Chaohui, but the impression left on Gao Chaohui was - remote control!

Being a puppet, being a puppet is always uncomfortable.

Especially for someone as proud and arrogant as Gao Chaohui, deep in his heart he has developed a strong rebellious mentality towards his father Gao Wanjun's "oppression".

At this moment, Gao Chaohui spoke out what was in his heart, which broke Gao Wanjun's heart.

Gao Zhaohui couldn't bear it any longer, stood up and said, "You don't need to act, I know you are in good health! Don't worry, I will go to see that Shi Zhijian this afternoon, but it's not for you, but I'm curious about what he's going to do? "

After finishing speaking, Gao Zhaohui didn't say another word, turned and left.

Looking at his son's back, Gao Wanjun trembled with anger, staggered and almost fell to the ground. He supported the table with his hands, supported his body and said, "Is it my fault for teaching you to do things? It is also my fault for letting you improve? As Your father, you teach me first, which one should be done and which one should not be done?!"

During this period of time, the atmosphere in the villa where Shi Zhijian lived was a bit special, to be precise, it was very depressing!

Ever since Shi Zhijian announced that he was going to be engaged to Miss Li Xuexuan the day after tomorrow, Ah Xiang, the maid at home, began to "do poorly" at work, which made Master Ma, her grandfather, very anxious.

Master Ma has been living in the villa all this time, and living in such a good environment makes him never want to go back to his small wooden house floating on the sea.

In the words of Master Ma, that is simply not the life of a human being! Among other things, just pooping and no toilet makes Master Ma unbearable.

When I lived in a floating house on the sea, where would there be a toilet? Dig a hole directly on the deck when you relieve your hand. When the gold falls, the fish in the water will swim over and grab it. Occasionally, a few mischievous ones will jump up and peck Master Ma's ass!

Master Ma is fed up with these fish harassment, he just wants to have a **** in peace.

Living in a villa now is simply paradise on earth.

Of course, Master Ma doesn't just eat and live for free and do nothing.

Recently, he found a job on the night shift at the health care product factory managed by Xiao Jinbao.

To put it bluntly, just look at the door.

Now Sanzhu Oral Liquid, Huiren Shenbao, and Melatonin are already selling like crazy. Occasionally, some greedy thieves will come to the factory to steal the goods, and then resell them in the market at a low price, disrupting the market.

The Thai man who used to guard the gate was found to be in collusion with these thieves, drawing money from them, and deliberately released water to these thieves after he was on duty at night, allowing them to sneak into the factory warehouse to steal.

After being discovered, the Thai guard was not only fired by Xiao Jinbao, but also handed over to the police station by Xiao Jinbao, thinking that this would make an example.

But little Jinbao underestimated the greedy appetite of these people.

After changing the guard, these thieves directly resorted to simple and rough methods, beat the new guard, and then went in to steal.

Now the problem arises.

It would cost more money to hire new gatekeepers, and it would be unrealistic to hire too many, after all, a gate could not be guarded by three or four people.

But if you hire one, what if you are beaten up by those thieves?

At this pass, Master Ma found Xiao Jinbao and offered to recommend himself, saying that he is old, sleeps late, and sleeps less, plus his status as a head-down master, it is most suitable to guard the gate.

Little Jinbao was not very satisfied, but felt that Master Ma was a little older, and he was afraid that he would not be able to handle such a hard night shift.

Helpless, now the temporary recruiter is too old, Xiao Jinbao can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so let Master Ma try it first.

From Xiao Jinbao's point of view, after three or five days when the new recruits arrive, he will replace Master Ma, and at that time it will be considered a balance between public and private.

In this way, Master Ma rushed to the post and became the gatekeeper of Shinhwa Health Care Company.

On the first day of work, he brought all the guys he used to tidy up.

The magical tools used to practice lowering the head, skulls, idols, and other strange things were moved to the hut guarding the gate.

According to what he said, he was good at work and lazy at play, and he hadn't played with these things for a long time, so he just took advantage of the dead of night to practice his hands and review his head-down technique.

Unexpectedly, the scene where Master Ma was concentrating on studying happened to be seen by those thieves, and they were scared out of their wits!

You must know that Thailand is a country that pays attention to taboos. People believe in gods and Buddhas, and of course they also believe in ancient witchcraft such as head-bending.

They never expected that the factory they stole would be so ruthless that they "hired" a head-down master to deal with them!

But how did he know that Master Ma was only an amateur, and he might be laid off in three to five days.

Just like that, Master Ma scared the **** out of these thieves after practicing his hands like this, not to mention stealing the factory, even the shoes were about to run away.

With the protection of Master Ma, the "door god", the factory was safe and sound for several days in a row.

This can't help but make Xiao Jinbao and others surprised by Master Ma's energy. How can a bad old man be able to guard the gate alone? !

Since then, Xiao Jinbao also let go of his worries about Master Ma, and directly handed over the important task of guarding the factory gate to Master Ma never thought that he would be able to usher in a second spring in his career because he was "old and strong".

Originally, no one wanted a bad old man of his age, and no one was willing to take him in.

It's good now, not only living in a big villa, but also finding a promising job, it's really a turnaround!

Besides, Xiao Jinbao, the current strong woman, has climbed up to the position of female director of the factory step by step by her own efforts after being arranged by Shi Zhijian to work as a warehouse manager in a health care product company.

It can be said that in Thailand, a place where men are superior to women, it is definitely a very exciting thing for a woman to be the factory director.

What's more, Xiao Jinbao's previous background was so humble. As a Lou Feng who betrayed her body, she never thought that one day she would stand in such a position.

Of course, all of this was given by Shi Zhijian!

For Xiao Jinbao, Shi Zhijian is her lifesaver! It is the person she will be grateful for in her life!

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