Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1439: Shock 4 seats!

Chapter 1439 1439 [Shock the four! 】

Including Editor-in-Chief Hu, no one expected that the new president in front of him would be so young, and—why does he look familiar? !

You must know that Gao Dashao was a frequent visitor to newspapers and magazines before, and there are countless gossips about him.

Gao Chaohui was exposed to this kind of scene for the first time, so before coming here, he simulated what he should do in this kind of scene, how to have momentum and aura. For this reason, he also consulted the female star Pa Lan beside him.

At Palan's suggestion, Gao Chaohui wore a suit, sunglasses, and a back-cut.

Originally, Palan suggested that he put on a windbreaker, but when he entered the arena, he would shake his shoulders and shake off the windbreaker, and the people behind him would directly help catch it.

But today it's just him and Palan, and Palan is here to be the vice president, not his female secretary, so of course he can't help him with the windbreaker, but the element of the windbreaker has to be PASS.

In fact, Palan's suggestion is completely borrowed from Shi Zhijian's style.

Palan remembered that Shi Zhijian had played like this before, that aura, that aura could completely crush everything.

At this moment, Gao Chaohui is following the example of the cat and the tiger, learning from the example. Although he is four or five points weaker than Shi Zhijian, he can still calm down the newspaper executives in front of him.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Gao Zhaohui was both apprehensive and excited.

He also attended the shareholders' meeting of the Gao Group before, but it was all under the glory of his father, and everyone saw his father, who didn't take him seriously at all, even when he sat The seat is also second.

Unlike now, he has a feeling that the king is coming back, he is the protagonist, he is the focus, and he is also the only heir to the president's throne!

Gao Zhaohui strode forward, raised his chin slightly, and walked towards the center of the oval conference table with a look of contempt brewing in his eyes.

According to common sense, at this time, there should be a servant or something to help him open the chair, and then he would sit down again, but at this moment, there was no one to help him, so he had to do it himself and have enough food and clothing.

When he came to the seat, Gao Zhaohui didn't pull the chair to sit down immediately, but turned around and glanced at the crowd first, especially when he was squinting at the editor-in-chief Hu, Gao Zhaohui stared deeply at him, imitating Shi Zhijian, piercing the other's eyes with his eyes .

Even though Gao Chaohui's skills were not strong enough, this trick was still very effective. At least that rebellious editor-in-chief Hu coughed and turned his head away.

Only then did Gao Zhaohui pull out his chair and sit down.

Palan also pulled the chair and sat down, then smiled and looked at everyone.

Compared with the astonishment and fear of Gao Chaohui, what Palan gave them was a different feeling. Some even whispered: "Wow, my God, it's Miss Palan!"

"I didn't expect Miss Palan to come here!"

"She is much prettier in real life than on the screen!"

Gao Zhaohui glanced at Palan, meaning to be serious, don't just smile at people, we are here to run the newspaper, not a film conference.

Pa Lan received Gao Zhaohui's gaze, nodded apologetically, and then restrained his charming smile.

Gao Zhaohui let out a breath, imitating the meeting attitude of those big bosses in Hong Kong gangster movies, and calmly took out a big cigar—Gao Zhaohui was not used to his father smoking such a big cigar before, but now he thinks it looks very attractive .

After Gao Zhaohui took out the cigar, he took out the lighter and lightly toasted the cigar as if no one was there.

At this moment, Gao Zhaohui was actually panicking in his heart, for fear that he would make a mistake in a certain action.

Fortunately, the high-level executives of the newspaper office are all cultured people, who don't know anything about Hong Kong gangster culture. Seeing Gao Chaohui's gesture, they immediately became silent and looked at him silently.

The cigar was roasting, and Gao Zhaohui bit his mouth and took a puff, exhaling thick smoke—he was not used to the strong smell of cigars and almost coughed out, but fortunately he held back.

Then he imitated the attitude of the underworld boss in Hong Kong movies, and looked at everyone through the smoke with an indifferent look.

It has to be said that Gao Dashao's operation was very successful. At least he has the aura. Most people dare not underestimate him at this moment, especially because he is young.

Of course, the "most" of the people here did not include the editor-in-chief Hu who was determined to give Gao Chaohui a "dismissal".

Just as Gao Chaohui lit the cigar with a fork, Editor-in-Chief Hu also took out a bigger cigar without giving in!

And after he took out the cigar, he looked at Gao Chaohui with provocative eyes, knocked the big cigar on the table, and then bit it on his mouth with a rebellious expression.

It's fine to bite on the mouth, he didn't light the cigarette himself, but took out the lighter to help him light it with a flattering and fawning gesture.

After lighting it up, Editor-in-Chief Hu slowly exhaled a circle of smoke at Gao Chaohui very comfortably.

The aura of the two people makes a decision.

Gao Chaohui looked at the other party's big cigar that was thicker than his own, and then at the flattering guy next to Editor-in-Chief Hu. He gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, but with a calm expression on his face, he took another puff of cigarette and spit it at Editor-in-Chief Hu.

Seeing this, Editor-in-Chief Hu decided not to be indecent, so he also took a sharp puff and blew the smoke towards Gao Chaohui.

Immediately, Gao Chaohui and editor-in-chief Hu came and puffed clouds and smoke to each other, and the room was filled with smoke, like a fairyland.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Others in the conference room suffered. Some of them didn't usually smoke, and they coughed vigorously while fanning their noses with their hands. Some women even covered their mouths and noses, with uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

After all, Editor-in-Chief Hu Jiang is still old and hot, and he knows that he can no longer fight like a child like Gao Dashao, and loses his dignity.

"Ahem, if I remember correctly, you are the only son of Chairman Gao Wanjun, Gao Chaohui, Young Master Gao?" Chief Editor Hu said in a deliberate tone.

"That's right, I'm Gao Chaohui! Everyone should recognize me!" Gao Chaohui glanced at everyone, "You "Xingsiam Daily" often published my gossip news, and I also had lawsuits with you back then!"

Everyone looked embarrassed, especially those editors who were in charge of the lace news and entertainment section did not dare to look at Gao Zhaohui's eyes.

Editor-in-chief Hu was biting his cigar, and he didn't look embarrassed like the others. On the contrary, he calmly said, "I don't know, Mr. Gao, why don't you stay in Gao's company well and come to our newspaper office?"

"What are you doing?" Gao Zhaohui sneered, "Of course it's not a child's play house! To be precise, I am the president of this newspaper now! Miss Palan is the vice president!"

When Palan heard the introduction, he smiled and nodded to everyone, "I'm new here, and I don't understand many things, so I have to learn from everyone!"

"Ha, Miss Paran, you are welcome!"

"Yes, Miss Palan, you are ice-snow smart, you will definitely learn it!"

"Ahem!" Editor-in-Chief Hu saw that these guys couldn't figure out the seriousness, and even at this time, he still wanted to flatter the female star Palan, obviously because he was confused by the other party's beauty.

Immediately, editor-in-chief Hu coughed, bent down and flicked a cigar into the ashtray, breaking the crowd's flattery towards Palan, then raised his head and looked at Gao Zhaohui with a contemptuous look: "Master Gao, with all due respect, the distance is like a mountain, especially like us Those who run newspapers pay attention to skills in every aspect, and you may not understand a lot of things when you are new here, rather than sitting in that seat and doing nothing, or being unable to do anything, it’s better to give up and return to your Gao’s enterprise!”

"That's right! That's right! Editor-in-Chief Hu's insightful insights hit the nail on the head!"

"That's right, editor-in-chief Hu's word-for-word analysis is in place!"

The sycophants next to him flattered again.

Editor-in-Chief Hu bit his cigar with a smug look on his face, looking at Gao Zhaohui provocatively, meaning that you, a kid who hasn't even grown his hair yet, dare to fight with me? !

Gao Chaohui took over the newspaper from Shi Zhijian, and he was ready to make a big splash.

What's more, he is arrogant and arrogant, except for Shi Zhijian, even the king of heaven and I would not accept it! Even his father Gao Wanjun! This bad old man called Editor-in-Chief Hu actually dared to underestimate him, and suddenly a surge of anger surged from the bottom of his heart.

"What are you talking about? Louder! I can't hear you!" Gao Chaohui pointed at Editor-in-Chief Hu's nose with a cigar between his fingers and scolded, "You old man, you are so old, you don't even have the energy to speak, how can you be an editor-in-chief?" ? I think you go to the gate and forget it!"

"You, you, what are you talking about?" Editor-in-Chief Hu never expected that Young Master Gao would be so irritable if he didn't follow the routine, and even scolded himself directly, trembling with anger.

The others were also frightened by Gao Zhaohui's sudden violent temper. They were all educated and gentle people, and they usually didn't utter dirty words even if they cursed.

Have you ever seen Gao Dashao scolding him for "expressing his feelings directly"? !

Even the female star Pa Lan who was sitting next to Gao Dashao was shocked by Gao Dashao's reaction, and said to himself, is this still the rich man? How could he be more arrogant than the underworld boss in the movie? !

"What are you?" Gao Zhaohui continued to point at Editor-in-Chief Hu's nose and yell, "Don't think I don't know what you want to do? Encourage these people to resign collectively, so that I can show my authority! Then I tell you, I am not afraid !"

"You...what did you say?" Editor-in-Chief Hu gritted his teeth at Gao Zhaohui.

"I speak Chinese, don't you understand? Pu your mother!" Gao Dashao took a puff of cigar viciously, and sprayed it at Editor-in-Chief Hu, "Others work part-time, you also work part-time job! Other part-time part-time workers are dedicated to the good of the company and the newspaper! You Well, you want to take the president's seat all you want is for your own personal gain! Now I stand up and give you this seat, are you qualified to sit, do you dare to sit?"

While talking, Gao Zhaohui stood up directly from his seat, pointed to the seat and said, "As the saying goes, you can wear as big a hat as you have a big head, and you can sit on as big a chair as you have a big butt! As for my chair, you can't fit it! You know Why? Because you are too fat! Do you know, Fatty?!"

Editor-in-Chief Hu was almost mad with anger, almost foaming at the mouth, stood up and pointed at Gao Chaohui's lips tremblingly: "Gentle scum! Hooligan behavior! It's really worrying for our newspaper to have a president like you!"

"I'm worried about your mother!" Gao Zhaohui scolded back again, "Now you're given a chance, either stay in your seat honestly, or leave by yourself! Our newspaper office doesn't support useless people like you!"

"You actually called me a useless person?" Editor Hu gritted his teeth angrily, and without any regard for face, he threw the cigar in Gao Chaohui's face directly!

Gao Chaohui is young and strong, how could he be thrown by an old guy like him? Turn sideways and hide directly!

Seeing that no one was hit, Editor-in-Chief Hu said hysterically: "I am the veteran of this newspaper! I am Editor-in-Chief Hu! I have had more manuscripts than you have eaten rice! Without me, this newspaper would not exist! There is no hard work, but there is hard work! How dare you look down on me like a street boy? Don’t think that because your surname is Gao, I’m afraid of you?!”

After finishing speaking, Editor-in-Chief Hu angrily encouraged other people to say: "Did you see that? This Gao family boy doesn't respect us, the management, or me, a veteran! Even I am like this, but what will happen to you in the future? "

"If you are smart, you can resign collectively with me now. I want to see how this newspaper can operate without us?!"

It has to be said that editor-in-chief Hu has been running the "Sing Siam Daily" for many years, and there are still some dependents around him, not to mention Gao Chaohui's attitude really chills these "cultural people".

It's already enough for an outsider to lead an insider, but with this attitude, how can they bear it?

Immediately, everyone was ready to move.

Especially Editor-in-Chief Hu's one or two confidantes clamored in agreement at this time: "Editor-in-Chief Hu is right, let's see what he does without it?"

"If you don't respect us so much, we will resign collectively. Let's see how he runs this newspaper?!"

When the heroes were furious--

"Three times the salary!" Gao Zhaohui stood at the seat and raised three fingers!

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent.

Everyone looked at Gao Zhaohui.

"Everyone who stays will be paid three times their wages from today!" Gao Zhaohui glanced at the crowd and said solemnly, "I can sign an agreement with you, so that my promise will have legal effect!"

The meeting room was even more silent.

"Now, who is going to go?!" Gao Zhaohui said, smashing the cigar into the ashtray.

Wage earners, wage earners!

Isn't it for a few taels of silver to make money to support the family?

Now Gao Chaohui has tripled his salary all of a sudden, compared to the triple salary, the "loyalty" of editor-in-chief Tong Hu is worthless!

Immediately, those high-level people who had expressed their support for Editor-in-Chief Hu's collective resignation with a look of eagerness to move, were all scared.

Even the two people closest to Editor-in-Chief Hu stopped clamoring at this moment, and sat down on their buttocks, silent.

Editor-in-Chief Hu never expected that Gao Chaohui, a dude, would use such primitive and despicable methods to buy people's hearts with money!

His eyes were about to split open, and he glared fiercely at the two confidantes beside him, "Are you making a statement?!"

The two were startled.

One person whispered: "Actually...President Gao is quite sincere!"

Another person: "Yes, President Gao is full of sincerity, we all feel it!"

"Fart!" Editor-in-Chief Hu was furious, ignoring his gentle image, and scolded, "You bastards! You've been bribed for just a few taels of money. Do you still have the character of a literati? Do you understand what is called etiquette, righteousness and shame?"

Those people lowered their heads one by one after being scolded, not daring to say anything.

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