Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1440: Big blood!

Chapter 1440 1440 [Too bloody! 】

Gao Chaohui smiled, "Editor Hu, you ask others if they know propriety, righteousness and shame, what about you? As the president, I am new here, what about your etiquette? How about your loyalty when you encourage everyone to resign collectively? How about your integrity? As for shame? Shameless, even if I don’t tell you, you should know!” Gao Zhaohui took out a document from his pocket and threw it over, “This is the proof of your shame, every time you use an excuse to attract business to the newspaper, you will be deducted. He also took advantage of his position to play with the female employees of the newspaper office, in the name of cultivating newcomers..."

Editor-in-Chief Hu was hit hard, staggered in a hurry, and almost fell!

Everyone around showed surprised expressions and looked at Editor-in-Chief Hu in disbelief.

"No way, Editor-in-Chief Hu—"

"No wonder he always invites the female staff to his house—"

Editor-in-Chief Hu: "Nonsense! This is pure nonsense! I didn't—"

"What do you mean no! The evidence is here, and I'm ashamed of you!" The confidant next to Editor-in-Chief Hu immediately stood up and accused loudly.

"It's because we trust you so much and respect you so much! I didn't expect you, Editor-in-Chief Hu, to be such a person! A beast in clothes! A wolf in sheep's clothing!" Another confidant also stood up immediately, "Now I want to cut the seat with you!"

"Yes, we want to be at odds with you!"

The two confidantes yelled loudly, and Editor-in-Chief Hu was stunned. These two guys used to fawn over his ass, but now they dare to talk to him like this?

"President Gao, we've thought it through, we've decided to abandon the dark and turn to the bright!" A confidant turned his head and said righteously to Gao Chaohui.

"Yes, we want to check Editor-in-Chief Hu!" Another said, "Not only did he enrich himself and play with women, but he also colluded with outsiders, formed cliques for personal gain, and contracted our newspaper's advertising business to other companies to earn the difference!"

"Also, his style of life is extremely unruly. Apart from intimidating and luring the new female employees, he also uses public funds to spend time and drink outside. In the nightclub Miss Bao, he dances eye-catching dances in the dance hall...and he dances very badly!"

This is incredible, these two are Editor-in-Chief Hu's confidantes, they know many of Editor-in-Chief Hu's secrets, and now they have revealed all of them, digging out the graves of Editor-in-Chief Hu's eight generations!

Editor-in-Chief Hu almost had a cerebral hemorrhage in the face of these accusations!

"We have been lurking by your side for a long time, and now that you have finally revealed your face, we must of course be obliged to abandon the dark and turn to the bright!"

Seeing the two confidantes reveal all the embarrassing things about Editor-in-Chief Hu, Gao Zhaohui took advantage of your illness to kill you!

"Editor Hu, what else do you want to say now?"

"I—" Editor Hu was speechless.

Everyone looked at him with contempt.

Editor-in-Chief Hu felt like he was being hacked into pieces by everyone's eyes!

"Since there is nothing to say, then—" Gao Zhaohui pointed at the door, "Didn't you just resign? I won't force you to stay free!"

Editor-in-chief Hu's face was ashen, he stood up from his seat unsteadily, and glanced at everyone.

Everyone's eyes were contemptuous, contemptuous, and ridiculed.

How he wished that someone could speak for him at this time, so that he could have an excuse to stay, but now that everyone is in danger, and some people are falling into trouble, who will help him?

"I—let's go!" Editor-in-chief Hu was no longer in high spirits this time, and he seemed to be ten years older.

Seeing this with a soft heart, I couldn't help sighing, I knew why I had to do it today, and I still have to be more down-to-earth!

Editor-in-Chief Hu staggered and almost stumbled and fell.

He reached out to support the conference table, and looked at Gao Zhaohui again.

Gao Zhaohui was expressionless.

Finally, Editor-in-Chief Hu sighed and walked towards the door of the conference room——

Behind his back, Gao Chaohui wrote lightly: "Security, don't let such insignificant people in in the future! To be precise, even the company will not be allowed in!"

Editor-in-Chief Hu couldn't hold it anymore when he heard this, puff, a mouthful of old blood spewed out!

The security guard guarding the meeting room didn't care about this, and went straight forward, dragging Editor-in-Chief Hu, and walked towards the outside of the meeting room.

Editor-in-chief Hu didn't care about face at this time, struggling in the hands of the security guard and shouting at Gao Zhaohui: "Sorry, Young Master Gao! I was wrong!"

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to admit his mistake at this time!

When Editor-in-Chief Hu was dragged out of the meeting room, Gao Chaohui lit a cigar slowly again, and said to the crowd in the newspaper office whose faces were all frightened: "Everyone is a scholar, and there is no need to tear your face when you do something! You respect me a foot, we Respect you, right?"

No one dared to say anything, they all looked at him.

Gao Zhaohui continued: "Then now, let's start working officially—"

While talking, Gao Zhaohui threw out another document and said, "I know what you are thinking now. Although you are afraid of me, you also despise me and think that I am young and know nothing! Now get rid of the old fox editor-in-chief Hu. Waiting to see my joke!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't dare to underestimate Gao Zhaohui for the first time. After all, they could even guess that this young man Gao was not as dandy as in the legend.

"But today I just want to make some achievements for you to see! Let you know that I, Gao Chaohui, am not bad. On the contrary, I am very capable. Not only can I support this newspaper office, but I can also lead you to open up territories and make the newspaper office a reality." Big and strong! Alright, Miss Palan, as the vice president, I would like to say a few words to everyone!"

"Wow, it turns out that Miss Palan is the vice president!"

"Miss Palan is a celebrity in the entertainment industry, and she knows this industry very well!"

Everyone whispered a few words.

Palan smiled slightly at the crowd: "I understand President Gao's meaning. First of all, we have to make a big project. This project can help us expand the subscription rate and reading rate of "Sing Siam Daily"! It even surpasses Thai-language newspapers and becomes Bangkok's No. Big news!"

As soon as this remark came out, the following whispered: "How is this possible?"

"That's right, Chinese people account for 10% of Thailand's population. No matter how powerful the Chinese language newspaper is, it can't surpass the Thai language!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Palan said confidently, "There is a saying in China that nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! As long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely win! Besides, our project this time is absolutely amazing— "

An absolutely explosive sentence immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

A high-level executive couldn't help asking: "May I ask Vice President Palan, can you tell me what this explosive news is?"

Palan smiled slightly, glanced at Gao Chaohui who held the power, and then said to everyone: "That is Shi Zhijian, the president of Shinhwa Group, Mr. Shi's grand wedding!"

All of a sudden, everyone below had different expressions, some were surprised, some couldn't believe it, and some didn't think so.

After all, the news that Shi Zhijian is going to marry Li Xuexuan is nothing new, almost everyone in Thailand knows it.

"Could it be...we got the exclusive news about the wedding?"

"It's not breaking news, it's a news bomb, a nuclear bomb of public opinion!" Gao Zhaohui interjected, "Our newspaper office has accepted Mr. Shi Zhijian's commission to tell everyone through the newspaper that there will be changes in his wedding the day after tomorrow—"

"Uh, something changed? What changed?"

"Everyone knows that Shi Zhijian married Li Xuexuan, how can it change?"

Gao Chaohui tapped his finger on the table, "This change is - the day after tomorrow he will marry not Li Xuexuan alone, but two people!"

"What?" Everyone was astonished this time!

"The other bride is Miss Xie Jiasan—Xie Bingqian!"

With a loud bang, Gao Zhaohui's words were like a huge thunder, and everyone was stunned!

Some people's jaws dropped in shock!

One Li Xuexuan is not enough, but there is Xie Bingqian?

Oh my god, this is definitely an exclusive!

"Ahem, Shi Zhijian will marry two wives the day after tomorrow?"

"Miss Li Xuexuan and Miss Xie Bingqian are going to marry Shi Zhijian at the same time, did we hear correctly?"

At this moment, Gao Zhaohui actually felt very uncomfortable.

Although he has been subdued by Shi Zhijian, when he thinks of Shi Zhijian embracing the two beauties in his arms, the extremeness of the man still makes his heart ache. Because of this, he can understand the psychology of the men at the scene. .

"That's right! What I said just now is true! I can even be held legally responsible! So everyone can report whatever they want!"

When Gao Chaohui finished speaking, someone said, "That's not right. In the beginning, Mr. Shi only married one, but now...does he have a problem with his character?"

A high-ranking female said: "Of course! Men eat from the bowl and look at the pot! They all have the same virtue!" After finishing speaking, she hurriedly glanced at Gao Chaohui, "I'm sorry, President Gao, I didn't say anything. You, you are different from those stinky men!"

The other high-ranking men collectively gave the high-ranking woman a blank stare.

The high-ranking female Quan pretended not to see it.

"Then now that the problem has arisen, our newspaper office can completely report on this point and strive for the reading rate!" Everyone eagerly guessed what Gao Zhaohui meant.

"That's right! That person surnamed Shi will be unlucky at that time, and his reputation may be damaged, which may cause the stock to plummet!"

"Then shall we short some stocks of his listed companies?"

"Great idea! We can make some money too!"

"Haha, then you should try your best to discredit him!"

Just when everyone was laughing and laughing and excited collectively——

"Wrong!" Gao Zhaohui tapped his fingers on the table, "Not only can we not smear Mr. Shi Zhijian this time, but we also need to help him cleanse his grievances!"

"Eh?" Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at Gao Zhaohui again: "Why?"

Gao Zhaohui didn't answer.

Palan smiled and replied instead of him: "Because the behind-the-scenes boss of this newspaper is Shi Zhijian!"

With a bang, another thunder!

This time everyone was shocked!

Especially the high-ranking female just now was so shocked that her eyes fell out!

"Shi Zhijian, Mr. Shi, he is... the boss of our newspaper?" Everyone trembled, unable to speak clearly. "That's right, this newspaper was bought by Mr. Shi! And the triple salary I promised was also paid by Mr. Shi!" Gao Chaohui said lightly.

It's all clear at this moment.

Who can acquire such a big newspaper in such a short period of time?

Can you pay everyone three times their salary in one go?

Can you ruthlessly drive away an old man like Editor-in-Chief Hu?

Only a big chaebol like Shi Zhijian can do it!

At this moment, everyone at the scene was half happy and half worried.

The joy is to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The worry is to use money and wealth to eliminate disasters for others. Since you have to get three times the salary of others, it goes without saying that you have to make three times the effort!

"I won't say much, everyone should understand by now, what should we do next?" Gao Zhaohui looked at the astonished expressions of everyone, and said softly.

Someone raised his hand: "Mr. Shi, oh no, of course it is necessary to clean up our boss, but the question is how?"

"Yeah, even if we don't discredit the boss and other newspapers, they will definitely report it with great fanfare!"

"Boss Shi is an advocate of the feminist movement in Thailand, but now he himself...marries two wives. Isn't this shooting himself in the foot?"

Everyone discussed and felt that they had encountered a problem this time.

Gao Zhaohui knocked on the table again, "Everyone be quiet!"

Only then did the noisy scene quiet down, and they all looked at President Gao Chaohui and Gao.

Gao Chaohui said: "I know what you are worried about, and I also know that you think this matter is difficult to do, so now we have to sacrifice a magic weapon - find someone to tell Mr. Shi Zhijian's love story!"

"Who are you looking for?"


"Huh?" The crowd was stunned and looked at Gao Zhaohui stupidly.

Gao Chaohui said: "Everyone, don't forget, Miss Li Xuexuan, Miss Xie Bingqian and I are all friends! So, this story is for me to tell—"

Everyone collectively swallowed their saliva—

The senior woman said: "I'm sorry, President Gao, I don't mean to underestimate you. Even if you stand up and tell a story, it won't be so easy to clear Mr. Shi from suspicion!"

"Yeah, I was originally a pioneer of women's rights liberation, but now I want to marry two at one go, how can I wash it?"

Gao Zhaohui smiled and looked at the female star Palan.

Palan smiled and took out two script-like things and put them on the conference table—

"Just use these!"

"Uh, what is this?"


"Script?" Everyone became curious.

Palan motioned everyone to take a look, and said, "These two scripts are about the love story of Mr. Shi and Ms. Li and Ms. Xie Bingqian!"

"First of all, Mr. Shi and Ms. Li knew each other in Hong Kong, and wrote a love story belonging to each other on the blue seaside of Hong Kong! Please read the details!"

"As for Mr. Shi and Ms. Xie Bingqian, their stories are even more rugged. They met and fell in love in one winter. At that time, Mr. Shi temporarily lost his memory due to a car accident and forgot his former lover Miss Li Xuexuan, so he fell in love with Ms. Xie , but after he regained his memory, he learned that he had another lover, and at the same time, Miss Xie told him that she was terminally ill—"


Everyone at the scene spurted out a mouthful of old blood!

Another car accident, another amnesia, and another terminal illness, this is too bloody!

Gao Chaohui ignored everyone's reaction, because when he got Shi Zhijian's three amulets, he also vomited so much!

"As for the names of these two scripts, one is called "Blue Life and Death", and the other is called—" Gao Zhaohui paused, ""Winter Sonata"!"

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