Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1487: Betrayal!

Chapter 1488 1487 [Everyone betrays relatives! 】

Shi Zhijian glanced at Director Luo, "I've read the TV station's marketing reports for the past two months. What's the reason for the huge difference between advertising revenue and program expenditure?"

"This is because—" Director Luo hurriedly explained that because of government intervention, the TV station had to broadcast educational programs during the prime time at 8 or 9 o'clock, which discouraged advertisers!

"Sorry, Mr. Shi! I don't want to, but even if we lose our legs, those advertisers won't put their ads on educational programs-now many citizens can't even eat enough, and a few Would you watch this kind of show?!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "You are right! However, the Hong Kong government is now based on education! I have always supported the investment in education! I even donated money to build several schools!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. It is well known that Shi Zhijian vigorously promoted basic education after he became a member of Parliament, and wanted to make all Hong Kong citizens literate and improve their cultural quality.

"What's more, in order to obtain a license before our TV station opened, we made a promise with Shangfeng to make education our main task. This cannot be changed or shaken!" Shi Zhijian said.

Everyone sighed after hearing the words, and the rope that stuck their necks still couldn't be untied.

"But—" Shi Zhijian changed his tone, "After re-negotiating with the Hong Kong government, I decided that in order to maintain the creativity of our TV station, we plan to open a separate educational channel and broadcast educational programs all day long!"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

After all, Director Luo is doing marketing, and his brain turned the fastest, and he immediately understood: "That's right! We will open a separate channel, so that it will not affect the programs of other channels! As for those viewers who like to watch educational programs, they can switch channels! "

Others also came to their senses.

Shi Zhijian's move seems to strongly support the government's educational cause. Instead of broadcasting educational programs at 8 or 9 o'clock on the main channel, he opened a separate channel to broadcast them all day long. In fact, he avoided the negative effects of these educational programs. Influence.

"However——" Minister Hu spoke again at this time, "It takes more time and effort to complete a separate channel, especially in terms of program hosts and invited guests—"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "We don't need our TV station to pay for these, on the contrary, we can make money!"

"Ah, how to do it?" Everyone was dumbfounded this time, not understanding how Shi Zhijian could make money from these shows with little ratings.

Shi Zhijian raised his finger and said: "Education is the foundation of a century-old plan! As a member of parliament, I will propose more educational competitions, such as "Chinese Poetry Conference", "The Most Powerful Brain" and so on! When these programs become popular, many people will pay for them. Money is up for grabs!"

When Shi Zhijian finished speaking, Hu Juncai took out some documents from his briefcase and handed them out!

He Zuozhi, Director Luo, Minister Hu and others almost rolled their eyes, suspecting that what Hu Juncai was carrying was not a briefcase, but a treasure bag!

Everyone took the information and looked!

Although Shi Zhijian had been shocked by Shi Zhijian's unimaginable conception before, after seeing "The Most Powerful Brain" and "Poetry Conference", everyone was once again thundered and numb from the shock!

Can you even earn money for education? !

Everyone looked at Shi Zhijian together, who is this monster? !

"Have you finished it?" Shi Zhijian saw that everyone stared at him in a daze after finishing the information, and then slowly stood up from his seat and said, "Of course, what you are watching now is the flagship program of our Jiayi TV station in the future, whether it is a TV series or not. Whether it's a variety show or a variety show, it needs to be carefully polished! But—"

Shi Zhijian propped his hands on the table, and scanned the crowd with burning eyes: "Time is waiting! We don't have much time to do this right now! Since the beginning of the station, our TV station has never had a show that exploded!"


Everyone bowed their heads.

He Zuozhi, the former TV boss, was even more ashamed.

At the beginning, he was ambitious, thinking that by establishing a TV station, he could sweep the world, but he didn't expect that he would fall into the gutter instead!

"So now we have to blow up a non--"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Shi Zhijian together.

Shi Zhijian had a strange look in his eyes, and looked at Minister Hu with a smile: "Is our production department interested in going to the Kowloon Walled City?!"


Minister Hu fell from his seat!

Where is Kowloon Walled City?

Hong Kong does not care about the place and is lawless!

It is said that there are all murderers, arsonists, and robbers there. Many people are hiding in the walled city. The whole walled city is full of smog. Even many gangsters dare not enter easily, let alone media reporters!

What's more, since the police force failed to attack the city wall the last two times, the entire city wall has been more tightly guarded, let alone people, not even flies can fly in!

If a TV station can enter the Walled City to shoot, not to mention the show's explosion, it can even be recorded in history!

So when Shi Zhijian suggested that Jiayi TV station enter the Walled City to film, everyone was absolutely shocked.

Minister Hu is an ambitious person, but he also spares his life! Kowloon Walled City is simply hell, asking him to lead the team to shoot in hell, wouldn't that kill him? !

Shi Zhijian looked at Minister Hu who was paralyzed from fright, his face was ashen, and he didn't laugh at him, but he understood his reaction: "Don't worry, I let you go to film, and I don't want you to sweep down the city...not to mention——"

Shi Zhijian looked outside, "The one who wiped out the walled city is someone else!"

When everyone looks at me and I look at you, they immediately understand.

The most turmoil in Hong Kong in the past few days is O Ji’s new Chief Superintendent Ding Yongqiang who vowed to the media to wipe out the Kowloon Walled City. Now many underground casinos are even offering bets, and many ordinary people are even staring at the excitement. .

Just as everyone was pondering the meaning of these words, the phone rang in the meeting room.

Someone went to answer the phone, then raised the microphone and said to Shi Zhijian, "Shi Sheng, call!"

Shi Zhijian froze for a moment, waved his hands and said to everyone: "The meeting is over!" Then he smashed out the cigarette in his hand, and then walked over to answer the phone.

Everyone in the meeting room was full of astonishment and left the meeting room.

The boss He Zuozhi had something to say to Shi Zhijian before he left. Seeing that Shi Zhijian was busy answering the phone, he could only sigh: "I'm not as good as it!" and left sadly.

As soon as Shi Zhijian took the phone in his hand, the voice of his elder sister Shi Yufeng came from inside: "Ajian, do you really want to let the idiot die? You know better than me where the Kowloon Walled City is! A idiot means he can't use his brain. Anyone who has a little brain knows that even the police failed to gather all their forces to attack twice, and he single-handedly led that big guy and didn't rush to the street?!"

Just as Shi Zhijian was about to speak, Shi Yufeng said again: "Hey, I'm not blaming you, nor speaking for Shaqiang! You don't know, not long ago, Shaqiang took a wedding photo with that girl Papaya. Married! If Silly Qiang rushes to the street, Papaya will directly become a widow!"

Shi Zhijian waited until Shi Yufeng on the other side of the phone had vented all his thoughts, and then he said, "Sister, I have my own sense of what to do! Silly Qiang is my brother, so of course I won't watch him rush to the street! As for the two police attacks The walled city has no results, not because they don't have enough people and firepower, but because they don't have the same heart!"

After a pause, Shi Zhijian said: "Whether Shaqiang can hold the position of chief superintendent this time depends on whether he succeeds! You should understand a truth after you have been in business for so many years-if you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

Shi Yufeng: "You big-headed ghost! Anyway, you have to help him!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "I've already helped, but you can't see it!"

"What are you helping?"

"You'll know soon!"

"Pretending to be a ghost, I'll top you-bah bah bah! Go home early and drink soup!" Shi Yufeng said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Shi Zhijian handed the phone to Hu Juncai.

Hu Juncai helped to hang up the phone, and asked cautiously, "Shi Sheng, Ding Yongqiang is going to attack the city tonight, are you really not going to take action?"

Shi Zhijian touched his chin: "Do I need it?"

"Huh?" Hu Jun didn't understand.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly: "A gangster in the rivers and lakes, one step to the king of heaven, one step to the king of Hades! It is destined!" After finishing speaking, he turned and walked outside.

Thunder Club.

Lei Luo, the hero of the police world, was biting a thick cigar, with his legs resting on the coffee table, and he was in a luxurious private room. On the surrounding sofas, there were many big men from the police world he had invited, including Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, Han Sen and others.

All these bigwigs are accompanied by two top-quality beauties, and on the table opposite them are various expensive drinks and exquisite fruit plates.

In the front, there is a small stage, three girls in bikinis are surrounded by a pole, dancing a hot pole dance!

The entire private room looks extravagant, and the feasting and feasting are even more extravagant!

Lei Luo pursed his lips, puffed out a puff of cigarette with a rebellious expression, and said to Chen Zhichao and the others next to him: "Hey, tonight our side is going crazy, and Ding Yongqiang is going crazy on the street! He is just a superintendent. Bringing those shrimp soldiers and crab generals to level the Kowloon Walled City is just a dream! Zhong You, he didn’t pay attention to me when he first came to power, thinking that he was arrogant because he thought he had a higher police rank than me. Overwhelmed!"

Chen Zhichao and others nodded, "Yes, yes! Brother Luo, you are so powerful, it is Ding Yongqiang who is stupid and overestimated!"

"Brother Luo, you treat him with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. It's because he doesn't know how to repay you, and he doesn't want to stand with you!"

"Hahaha!" Listening to these flattery and flattery, Lei Luo laughed happily again.

"So what if the ICAC is after me? I'll beat him up! When Ding Yongqiang, a rebellious boy, attacks the city and hits the streets, they will know who is the master of the police force! At that time, they will definitely invite me to come out and clean up the mess! Hahaha !” Lei Luo laughed while biting his cigar.

Chen Zhichao and the others looked at each other with different expressions.

"Hey, let's drink and have fun here tonight, if you don't get drunk, you won't return! I spent a lot of money to invite these girls, especially A Chao, A Sen, and Lan Gang. Those around you are all little stars. , I don’t usually make a show, tonight is to give me face..." Lei Luo bit his cigar, raised his chin, and looked like a heavenly king.

Chen Zhichao smiled, looked at the watch on his hand, put down the wine glass in his hand and said suddenly: "I'm sorry, Brother Luo, I was going to accompany you tonight, but it just so happens that my wife told me to go back and drink soup! You know that too , she has a bad temper, and I stayed away all night a few days ago, so I have to go back to appease her tonight no matter what!"

"Hahaha, you, you, the superintendent of the anti-drug team, are you still so afraid of your wife?!" Lei Luo laughed wantonly.

"Yeah, yeah, I just realized that I'm so afraid of my wife!" Chen Zhichao got up and said, "I ask Brother Luo to forgive me!"

"It's okay, you go back! Family harmony comes first!"

"Thank you for understanding, let's go first!" Chen Zhichao smiled at Lei Luo, hugged his fists at everyone, and left the luxury private room.

"This stinky fart, he used to be so majestic, but now he's getting worse and worse, even afraid of a woman!" Lei Luo sneered, shaking his feet on the coffee table.

"Ahem! I'm sorry, Brother Luo!" At this time, Lan Gang suddenly stood up, "I suddenly remembered that tonight is my mother's death anniversary! I'm going to go back no matter what..."

"No way, what a coincidence?" Lei Luo stared wide-eyed.

"No way, it's such a coincidence!" Lan Gang smiled wryly.

Lei Luo blinked, "Are you sure you want to go back? These girls are very punctual!" After speaking, he pointed to the beautiful girls who accompanied the wine and sang.

Lan Gang shrugged: "No way, next time! I am so filial to my mother!"

Lei Luo nodded helplessly, "Then you go too!"

"Thank you Brother Luo!" Lan Gang happily cupped his fists at Lei Luo, and turned to leave after speaking.

Laylo shouted from behind, "Come back—!"

"Brother Luo, what's the matter?" Lan Gang turned around and asked.

Lei Luo smoked at Lan Gang with a cigar in his hand, and looked straight at him: "During worship, greet your mother for me!"

"Have a heart!" Lan Gang cupped his fists again and left!

With the departure of Chen Zhichao and Lan Gang, the lively atmosphere of the scene seemed a little different.

Lei Luo gesticulated and said: "Everyone, don't stop, you should drink and sing! The most important thing is to be happy! I will pay the bill tonight!"

"Thank you Luoge!"

"Beautiful Luo!"

Everyone flattered again.

At this time, Han Sen suddenly stood up, "I'm sorry, Brother Luo, I may have to go back!"

"Uh, what are you doing back home? Your wife is abroad and not at home! Both your mother and Laodou are alive and well, and you don't need to worship!"

Han Sen coughed: "I just remembered that there is a case that needs to be dealt with quickly! The above explained, it can't be done!"

"Ha, working so hard?" Lei Luo had already smelled something, and his expression became ferocious.

"There is no way! There is no choice!" Han Sen and Lei Luo looked at each other.

"There is no way, there is no choice!" Lei Luo laughed loudly, stood up and stared at Han Sen and said, "Since you have said everything, wouldn't it be shameful if I don't let you go? Let's go, still staring at Han Sen." What are you doing?"

"Thank you Brother Luo for understanding!" Han Sen cupped his fists and said without saying anything, before turning and leaving.

Lei Luo bit his cigar and looked at Han Sen's back with one hand on his hip, his expression changed from ferocious to convulsive.

The surrounding atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

"You—" Lei Luo suddenly turned around and pointed at the tip of everyone's nose with a cigar in his hand: "Who else wants to go? I will never stop it!"

Everyone at the scene looked at me and I looked at you.

The hostesses looked at Lei Luo, trembling.


"I'm sorry, Brother Luo, I really have something to do! Farewell!" A police officer at the inspector level stood up and left.

"Brother have something to do too!"

"Brother Luo, I'm sorry!"

In an instant, more than half of the people at the scene left, and the rest were small fish and shrimp.

Lei Luo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes and roared: "Get out!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic!

Whether it was the policemen or the hostess, they fled one after another!

In an instant, Lei Luo was the only one left in Ruo Da's private room.

Looking at the empty room, the table full of delicious wine and fruit plates, and the soft music rippling in his ears, Lei Luo suddenly sat down on the sofa, with a trace of bitterness on his face!

He poured himself a glass of strong wine and drank it down in one gulp!

"What do you mean?" Lei Luo muttered to himself while biting his cigar, "Are you kidding me? I'm Lei Luo, are you kidding me?! Hehe!" He grabbed the wine glass and threw it out: "Pu, your mother! "

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