Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1488: 4 way help!

Chapter 1489 1488 [Four parties come to help! 】

It was seven o'clock that night.

Outside the Walled City of Kowloon—

"Ding SIR, I'm not joking! How can we attack the city with these people?" Jiang Haowen, a member of the O Ji operation team, pulled out the gun stuck in his waist and pointed at Ding Yongqiang: "This is our revolver. The opponent is an AK47, it cannot be compared!"

As O Ji, an old man in the police force, Jiang Haowen is a well-known old fritter, nicknamed "Datouwen". O Ji is also the real power department in the police force, and Datouwen has also made a lot of benefits by relying on the name of O Ji.

For him, the newly appointed Ding Yongqiang is looking for death. He dared to speak boldly to the media, saying that he wanted to eradicate the Kowloon Walled City tonight! Hurry up, the entire Hong Kong police force was mobilized the last two times, but they still failed to take down the Walled City. Now, just relying on them to remember this group of people, wouldn't they be sent to death? !

"Datouwen is right! Ding SIR, we will not stop you if you want to get promoted and get rich, and we have no objection if you want to secure the position of chief superintendent, but you can't make fun of our lives!" "Hua Jiaoming" echoed.

The other O Ji police officers were also listless and nodded one after another. Everyone is a policeman to make a living, not to die.

Facing this group of greedy men who are afraid of death and selfish, Ding Yongqiang had expected it, he jumped into the jeep and said, "Hey, I heard what you said! That's right, I, Ding Yongqiang, sent a message to the media to destroy the Kowloon Walled City." The oath is also what I will do! Why do I want to do it? Because the Kowloon Walled City cannot be suppressed!"

"We are all born to our parents, raised by our own mothers, and have wives and children, but have you ever thought that as long as the Kowloon Walled City exists, your parents and your children may be in danger! Among other things, There are 80 robbers hiding in the Kowloon Walled City alone! They rob their homes, do all sorts of crimes, kill people in the street, they are lawless! Fleeing to the Walled City, they can rest easy! But what about those who died? Who can they tell their grievances to?!"

Datouwen, Hua Jiaoming and the others fell silent.

Ding Yongqiang continued: "There are also those poisonous people in the Kowloon Walled City who sell fans on the street. If your children are infected for a lifetime, they will not be able to quit! Shouldn't they be punished? Can they get away with it for a lifetime?!"

Everyone was silent again.

Ding Yongqiang looked at Datouwen: "Datouwen, I know you are not happy with me. You think I am an airborne soldier with no strength and can only blow water and cannons. So today, I will round up this cannon. Kowloon City Walled me Must hit!"

Datouwen being named by name also aroused his temper: "Hey, Ding SIR, it's not that I don't give you face in Datouwen, everyone understands the big truth you just said, but there is one thing you didn't make clear, that is, this Walled City How to fight? Can you win? Could it be that you are stronger than the governor of Hong Kong, he can’t even attack twice, and we can take down the walled city with just a few people like us?”

"That's right, Ding SIR, as a human being, just let it go! We all have seen your courage! Now even if you temporarily cancel the attack on the walled city, we will not laugh at you. On the contrary, we will help you out. Others When asked, they said that our Oji is not ready yet, and we will attack the city when the time is right!" Hua Jiaoming said.

Others said one after another: "The big head text is right, we are not strong enough, we don't need to work hard! As for the big truths you said, everyone knows!"

"Hua Jiaoming's words are very reasonable! Even if Ding SIR admits that you are cowardly, we will not laugh at you! We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, we all prosper, and we all lose!"

"Why don't we turn the car around and go back to Causeway Bay for supper! Or simply sweep up a few gambling stalls in casinos to fill up the money, and when those media reporters ask us, we can deal with it!"

The people at the scene were eager to pay attention, in a word, they were all greedy for life and afraid of death and dared not attack the city.



It was Ding Yongqiang who suddenly pulled out his gun and fired a shot into the sky.

In the darkness of night, the surroundings were very quiet again.

The shot was crisp and loud, shocking everyone.

Everyone looked at Ding Yongqiang standing on the jeep.

Ding Yongqiang's eyes showed a fierce look: "What are you talking about? Go back to the gambling stalls? Eat supper? You pat your chest and feel your conscience. Are you worthy of this police uniform?"

Everyone was silent again, bowing their heads one by one.

Only Datouwen was still unconvinced: "We are not greedy for life and afraid of death, but we just think that such a death is not worth it!"

"That's right, the city wall is impenetrable, we people can't handle it!"

Before Hua Jiaoming finished speaking, a voice said, "You guys can't handle it alone, what if we add our anti-drug team?"

"What?" Everyone looked back.

But I saw Chen Zhichao in police uniform leading hundreds of police officers from the anti-drug team!

Ding Yongqiang also saw Chen Zhichao and jumped off the jeep.

Chen Zhichao walked up to him, saluted Ding Yongqiang and said, "Chen Zhichao from the anti-drug team is here to report!"

Chen Zhichao's police rank is ordinary superintendent, two ranks lower than chief superintendent Ding Yongqiang, so he needs to bow and salute when meeting.

Ding Yongqiang looked at Chen Zhichao so excited that he was even speechless for a while.

Chen Zhichao walked over after saluting, and patted Ding Yongqiang on the shoulder: "Sir Ding, don't be so moved, our anti-drug team is obliged to eradicate this malignant tumor in the Kowloon Walled City!"

Ding Yongqiang: "But—"

"But what? Do you think there are not enough people?" Chen Zhichao smiled, and looked back—

"Hong Kong Island Detective Lan Gang led all members of the anti-triad team to report!"

"Kowloon Inspector Han Sen led all members of the criminal investigation team to report!"

Along with the voice, Lan Gang and Han Sen among the four chief inspectors came from all directions with hundreds of people!

Looking at Ding Yongqiang's group of O members, they were all dumbfounded.

Datouwen dropped his jaw and murmured: "How is it possible? These people are all crazy?!"

Hua Jiaoming's eyes even popped out: "Impossible! I must be dreaming! Not only Chen Zhichao is here, but also the four chief inspectors?!"

In an instant, three waves of people joined O Ji, who was originally isolated and helpless! The total number of people exceeds 5,000! There are more people than the last time the Hong Kong governor gathered to sweep the Kowloon Walled City! You know, the last two times there were no more than 3,000 people at most! And those people are still a "rabble" reluctant to gather together, which is why the two attacks failed.

But now, not to mention that Ding Yongqiang organized all the strongest men in O Ji, even Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen brought elite soldiers.

The atmosphere at this time is extremely hot-blooded!

Just when everyone felt that they could fight to the death with the Kowloon Walled City, someone suddenly said, "Look, what is that?"

buzz buzz --

Five helicopters are flying in the sky!

The plane whistling, the wind blowing away the leaves, flying sand and rocks!

Immediately, more than 50 members of the Flying Tigers slid down from the helicopter like dumplings, all wearing masks and holding the most advanced weapons, and came to Ding Yongqiang fully armed.

The first person to come to the front was Ren Darong, an old friend of Ding Yongqiang's acquaintance, who has been competing with Ding Yongqiang for a long time.

Ren Darong saluted Ding Yongqiang: "Ren Darong, captain of the Flying Tigers, is here to report!"

Ding Yongqiang smiled, and hugged Ren Darong directly.

Ren Darong also laughed, hugged Ding Yongqiang and said, "Hey, this time I listen to your command, doesn't it feel good? But just this time, I will definitely surpass you in the future, Superintendent Ding!"

Ding Yongqiang patted him on the back: "Waiting for you!"

"Wow, even the Flying Tigers are here!"

"Yeah, they didn't take part in the attack on the city last time!"

"This time we have a good chance of winning!"

Everyone at the scene was excited.

At first they were still a little worried, but as the number of people increased, their confidence grew. Especially now, with the appearance of the Flying Tigers, they suddenly felt invincible!

In fact, during the last two attacks on the Walled City of Kowloon, Hong Kong Governor Mak Li-ho also ordered the Commissioner of Police to dispatch the Flying Tigers to help, but at that time the Flying Tigers were controlled by Lei Luo.

Lei Luo also has an inseparable relationship with the Kowloon Walled City, so of course he would not take the initiative to participate, so he found the reason that the Flying Tigers had just finished fighting and lacked energy as an excuse to refuse the dispatch of the Chief of Police. The chief of police is upset, but he has nothing to do with Lei Luo. Whoever makes the Flying Tigers the ace force controlled by Lei Luo, he can do whatever he says. This shows that Lei Luo really has a hand in the Hong Kong police force.

This time, Ren Darong directly passed Lei Luo and led fifty people to reinforce Ding Yongqiang, which is considered as the utmost benevolence!

"Now that we have so many people, not to mention attacking a Kowloon Walled City, even rebellion is fine!" Lan Gang was always open-mouthed, and he just blew it away!

Everyone laughed loudly.

"Hey, Superintendent Ding, you are the protagonist tonight. Now we all listen to you. You can do whatever you want!" Chen Zhichao said to Ding Yongqiang with a smile.

Ding Yongqiang opened his mouth, but before he could speak, suddenly the whole ground shook.

Everyone looked in amazement—

But I saw five armored vehicles coming in a mighty manner, and there were actually two tanks behind the armored vehicles! On both sides of the armored vehicles and tanks, there are sixty heavily armed British soldiers!

On the first armored vehicle, a ghost officer was biting a big cigar, standing on top of it with a domineering posture, puffing out clouds, looking like no one.

"That's... Colonel Smith?!" Chen Zhichao recognized him at a glance!

Because Chen Zhichao knew that the British Army stationed in Hong Kong had been doing arms business with Shi and this Smith relied on Shi Zhijian's help to do arms business!

Everyone was shocked by the formation of the army in front of them.

"Oh my god, even armored vehicles and tanks are coming?!"

"This is a world war!"

In the astonishment of everyone, Colonel Smith jumped out of the armored vehicle biting his cigar, went straight to Ding Yongqiang, and saluted each other: "Superintendent Ding, Councilor Shi told me to help you! I hope you don't mind!"

Ding Yongqiang looked at the armored vehicles, at the tanks, and then at the sixty soldiers!

His eyes shifted from Smith and the others to Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, Han Sen and the others.

He knew that Shi Zhijian was secretly helping him in all this!

So many people—

This time in the Kowloon Walled City, Ding Yongqiang is determined!

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