Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1506: Big shuffle!

Chapter 1507 1506 [Big shuffle! 】

"This is... a letter of resignation?" Mai Lihao looked at it and said to Shi Zhijian.

"Yes, it's a letter of resignation! Now, Governor of Hong Kong, you must have an excuse to let them go, right?" Shi Zhijian said indifferently, "They will resign automatically, and they will no longer affect the face of the police force, let alone lose the people of the Hong Kong government. !"

Mai Lihao rubbed his chin, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Shi Zhijian with sharp eyes: "I will give them a month! After they leave the job, I will issue an arrest warrant for them in a month. This is the only thing I can do too much!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, this way is almost the same as the previous life. In the last life, after Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang, Han Sen and others left their jobs, the Hong Kong government issued arrest warrants to hunt them down for corruption and bribery.

Although there was no result until the end, this arrest warrant saved the Hong Kong government a lot of face.

At least it shows that the Hong Kong government will not be merciless in dealing with the former police force who broke the law and discipline.

"Deal!" Shi Zhijian smiled and stretched out his hand to Mai Lihao, "They have saved their face for at least a month! I will tell them about your tolerance for them!"

Mai Lihao shook hands with Shi Zhijian: "I hope so!"

Other people around looked at this scene curiously, not understanding what exactly Shi Zhijian had said to the Governor of Hong Kong. At this moment, the face of the Governor of Hong Kong, Mai Lihao, was filled with indescribable happiness.

At this time, only Mai Lihao knew that he had made a big deal with Shi Zhijian again this time, and those **** Chinese detectives who were corrupt and accepting bribes were sold by him for a very good price again this time!

The current troublesome resettlement of Vietnamese refugees, as well as the management of these people in the future, have also been resolved with the establishment of the deal with Shi Zhijian.

That's right, as Shi Zhijian said, a fund of 100 million is enough for resettlement fees, and after the Vietnamese guys are resettled, the construction of the Kowloon Walled City will happen, and then let those Vietnamese guys run to move bricks!

Sometimes Mai Lihao really doubts that Shi Zhijian is his destiny!

"That's about it!"

At Victoria Harbour, there were several luxury cars parked beside him. Shi Zhijian was wearing a windbreaker and smoking a cigarette, standing facing the sea facing the wind. Standing beside him were Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen.

"The Hong Kong government has accepted your resignation. From today onwards, you are no longer members of the police force, no longer superintendents, chief inspectors of Hong Kong Island, chief inspectors of the New Territories, or chief inspectors of Kowloon!"

For such a result, the three of Chen Zhichao had already thought about it, and their expressions did not become too surprised.

Shi Zhijian took a puff of a cigarette, and the sea breeze blew the smoke away, "In addition, our dear Governor of Hong Kong has an additional condition. He kindly gave you a month, so that you can arrange everything and run away calmly. Wait until one month Then he'll issue a warrant-"


"It makes no sense!"

"He took our money and did this to us?"

The three of Chen Zhichao reacted fiercely.

According to their opinion, they have given away more than half of their net worth to survive, and they have also voluntarily resigned, which means that they have handed over their money and power. It stands to reason that the Hong Kong government should allow them to stay in Hong Kong safely, but now they are To issue a warrant for them in a month's time...

"Ah Jian, oh no, Councilor Shi! To be honest, we are already very careful, why does the Hong Kong government still treat us like this?" Chen Zhichao asked Shi Zhijian, patting his chest.

Shi Zhijian glanced at him, and flew out the almost smoked cigarette!

"Why? You have to ask yourself! Were you very happy when you were collecting money? Didn't you think that you will have today?" Shi Zhijian asked, "It is already a miracle that you can escape safely now! Compared with Luo Ge, what are you dissatisfied with?"


The three of Chen Zhichao were stunned.

Indeed, compared to Lei Luo who was in a hurry, it was a miracle that the three of them had enough time for a month to prepare.

Chen Zhichao wanted to say something else, but Lan Gang said at this time: "Okay, brother Chao, you don't need to talk so much! Everyone knows that you don't want to be a superintendent, thinking that you can at least get a retirement salary if you resign automatically. The scenery fades—"

"I'm not thinking about the pension money, I'm—"

"I know!" Lan Gang patted him on the shoulder, "It's a matter of face, it's a matter of dignity, right? But the problem is that the three of us are not good people in the first place, so why do we have to pretend to be good people? The Hong Kong government wants to be wanted. Well, we still want to run away!"

Chen Zhichao looked at Han Sen after hearing this.

Han Sen said: "This time I will stand with Ah Gang!"

Chen Zhichao rolled his eyes: "Okay! There are many of you, and the minority obeys the majority!" After speaking, he looked at Shi Zhijian, "Anyway, thank you very much, and you have helped us!" His tone was weak.

Shi Zhijian glanced at Chen Zhichao, then glanced at Lan Gang and Han Sen: "There is no need to say thank you! You should discuss where to go! I still have things to do, let's go first!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he nodded to the three of them, turned around and walked towards his Bentley.

The three of Chen Zhichao looked at Shi Zhijian's leaving back and didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the Bentley disappeared at the end of Victoria Harbour, that Chen Zhichao said, "Did you hear that? I'm running away! Where exactly are you going? What do you two think?" with a dejected look on his face.

Lan Gang: "Of course I'm going to find Brother Luo in Vancouver! At that time, our four major detectives will get together again, and Megatron Chinatown in Vancouver!"

Chen Zhichao glared at him angrily: "You and A Sen are detectives, but I'm not! Besides, A Luo and I were deadly enemies before, so it's so difficult for me to run to him..."

"Then you plan to go to Biandu?" Lan Gang looked at Chen Zhichao curiously.

Chen Zhichao sighed: "I'm going to Los Angeles, USA! I know people from Hongmen in Chinatown over there, and they tell me to go and do things!"

"Wow, that's amazing!" Lan Gang gave Chen Zhichao a thumbs up, "Brother Chao deserves to be Brother Chao. He used to be honored as a stinky fart super, no matter what he did, he overwhelmed everyone! Now he is the sharpest in running, To be invited to be a boss in Los Angeles Chinatown!"

"Be a ghost!" Chen Zhichao said angrily, "People leave their hometowns and are cheap, and horses are thin and hairy! Hong Kong is my blessed land. If I leave here, I will run to the United States alone, and I might die!"

"Then you come with us, so everyone can take care of each other!" Lan Gang greeted.

Chen Zhichao didn't speak, but pointed to Xinwozi: "What is this?"

Lan Gang: "Heart!"

Chen Zhichao patted his chest "papa": "I can't get over this hurdle!"

Lei Luo and Chen Zhichao are like Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang. For Chen Zhichao, he has been competing with Lei Luo all his life. Now it is absolutely impossible for him to bow his head to find Lei Luo!

Lei Luo took his family and fled to Thailand.

Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen resigned collectively on the same day, and the Hong Kong government has already approved their resignation applications.

As for the reason for resignation, Chen Zhichao's reason was that when he was investigating the HSBC robbery, he was injured in a ham fight with the gangsters.

Lan Gang’s reason for resignation was not so fancy. It directly stated that he was no longer interested in being a policeman, and was ready to devote himself to business. He was a serious businessman and looked forward to being called Mr. Lan in the future.

As for Han Sen, his resignation application is much more sincere. He feels that he is no longer suitable for this position. The police force needs more outstanding police officers to fill his position, in order to make way for young people and create a better Hong Kong. In the future, he voluntarily resigned.

In any case, Lei Luo ran away, and Chen Zhichao's departure was a foregone conclusion. The Hong Kong police force was reshuffled!

According to the agency, on the day the three of Chen Zhichao left, many colleagues in the police field should hold a farewell ceremony for them, and even the superiors should come out and tell about their achievements over the years.

But on the day they left, the entire police force was deserted. Someone came not to see them off, but to put their personal belongings in cardboard boxes for them to dispose of.

No matter how they looked at it, the three of Chen Zhichao felt that they were "fired" instead of resigning voluntarily.

When the three walked out of the lobby of the police building with a cardboard box in their arms, no one came to see off their colleagues. As for the group of people who used to jump up and down around them and flatter them, they disappeared without a trace at this moment.

At this moment, Chen Zhichao and the three of them had fully realized what the words "people take tea to cool down" are.

"Grandma Puta! Will you dare to underestimate me when I come back to see those gangsters?" Lan Gang said angrily while holding the cardboard box.

"Come back? In the next life!" Chen Zhichao sneered, "Although we resigned voluntarily on the surface, people with discerning eyes can see the reason for it. Now those people are avoiding us like the plague, fearing that we will cause trouble to them. !"

"Let's not think too much about it, let's leave now!" Han Sen said, "I won't stay here any longer!"

"Let's go! I've been a police officer for so many years, and now I'm going back to each house and looking for my mother!" Lan Gang cursed and Chen Zhichao left the police station.

Above the police a large group of people watched the three heroes leave, and they talked a lot: "Wow, they really left!"

"I didn't expect Lei Luo to run away, and the three major heroes would resign automatically! It seems that our police force is really going to be reshuffled this time!"

"Then who do you think will be the boss of the police in the future?"

"Fuck, the big bosses in the police world don't just talk about it, they have to be able to control the situation!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that our police force has no leader now, and the whole world will soon be turned upside down! Bloody winds everywhere are vying for territory and killing people--whoever can stand up and shake these gangsters at that time, the other is Our new boss!"

The other police officers nodded upon hearing this.

Indeed, if anyone wants to replace Lei Luo and the others in charge of the new police force, he must have strength.

Judging from the current situation, the only thing that can verify this strength is whether he can control those tyrants who are about to make trouble!

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