Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1507: Heroes will!

Chapter 1508 1507 [The meeting of heroes! 】

at the same time,

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong——

"From now on, Causeway Bay will be covered by us and Liansheng, whoever refuses to accept it, kill him!" A group of white-clothed men stood aggressively on the side of the street with murder weapons.

"He Liansheng, you guys dare to step on the street? This is the territory that Brother Luo has divided for us!" The men in black at the other end also held weapons in their hands.

"Brother Luo? Are you talking about Thunder Tiger? Now the old man has run away with his wife and children! In the future, I will have the final say on the territory he will divide!"

"You are not talking about the morals of the world!"

"Daoyi? The machete in Lao Tzu's hand is morality! If you want to be moral, ask it first!"

"Then there's nothing to talk about?"

"Talking about your mother! Cut it off!" The man in white yelled, and rushed towards the men in black with a machete in his hand.

In an instant, the black and white gangs fought together.

Portland Street, Hong Kong——

"Hey, Maoshiqiang, this is our 14K site, what do you and Liansheng's people mean by stepping over here?"

"What do you mean? The land on Portland Street is not all contracted by you and Kee, anyone with hands and feet can make money here!"

"Hey, that's not the way you said it. This territory was divided up by Brother Gang before..."

"Brother Gang? You mean Chief Inspector Lan Gang? He is stepping down now! What he said has been invalidated! Haven't you heard that sentence, once the emperor and the courtiers, now you guys are rebellious officials and thieves People get it and kill them! If you are sensible, hand over the land obediently, and everyone will make money together and make a fortune together, or else, wait for your younger brother to help you reap the benefits!"

"Take your mother! Fuck them to death!"


The two groups couldn't agree on an agreement, so they rushed to fight together.

And Lianshengtuo land.

"Boss, is it okay for us to do this?" As a white paper fan of Heliansheng, "Blowing Chicken" asked Heliansheng's talker "Pork Rong" cautiously.

Pork Rong is the new leader of Liansheng who has risen in the rivers and lakes in the last two years. His method of rise is very simple, that is, flattering his elder brother. Thick, step by step to the top, adhering to the tenets of "thick-skinned and not enough to eat", "non-toxic and not husband", led and grabbed a lot of land with Liansheng.

Pork Rong extinguished the freshly lighted fragrance fan in his hand, respectfully inserted it in front of Guan Erge's altar, and bowed to Guan Erge three times, then turned around, shaking his fat face and said: "Blow chicken!" , do you know why you debuted with me, I can become a big boss now, but you are just a blank paper fan? It's not that I can play, or that I'm smarter than you, but that I know what to do when! "

While talking, Zhurou Rong went to the table and reached out to pick up a newly served fatty pork elbow. He took a bite, his mouth was full of oil, and he bared his teeth and continued to say to Chuck: "You have to know how to look at the chicken." Knowing the situation, now that Lei Luo is running away, and Chen Zhichao and the three short-lived ghosts also resigned, of course all the territories they divided before will be cancelled! Then the question arises, who can take the lead now?"

Pork Rong squinted his eyes, bit his elbow hard, and swallowed a mouthful of fat, "As the saying goes, it is impossible to defend against it, and the first attack is the best! Now we and Liansheng are taking the initiative to break the era of the four major detectives." The established rules! Land is money, and if you want money, you have to fight with your life!"

Blowing Chicken swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "But—shoot the top bird, in case anyone stands up to restore order, then we can—"

"Hmph!" Rourou Rong sneered, "Maintain order? Unless he, Lei Luo, comes back again, no one in Hong Kong will be able to control the situation! This world is about to change!"

Just when Pork Rong made his vows and was about to lead and Liansheng out of the siege and become a new generation of Jianghu tycoons, some subordinates ran in and reported: "Boss, someone sent a hero post, and a hero meeting will be held at Dragon Phoenix Tea House in Tsim Sha Tsui tonight! "

"Uh, what? Hero post? Hero meeting?" Pork Rong squinted his eyes and took a look at the hero. It was written very simply, only the time and place, not even the convener.

Blowing Chicken took it and glanced at it, and hurriedly said to Zhu Rourong: "Boss, I think it's better not to go, so as not to be cheated!"

"What are you afraid of?" Zhu Rourong was not afraid at all, "This kind of ghost thing is just to fool people, let's see who has the guts to participate! If I really dare not go, then I will fall into this person's trap, and then I will return How to lead us and Liansheng to break through the siege and achieve supremacy?"


"But what?" Pork Rong snatched the hero post with a look of disdain, crumpled it up and threw it on the ground, "Hong Kong is such a big place, who I don't know? I want to see it, the next one tonight Dare to stand up and uphold justice?"

"Boom boom boom! Superintendent Ding, are you there?" Ren Darong knocked on the door of Ding Yongqiang's office: "Hey, you invited me to the meal last time, and I will treat you to this meal..."

In the middle of the conversation, Ren Darong stopped talking, because Ding Yongqiang was putting his feet on the table at this time, holding the phone receiver and speaking in a pleasant manner: "I know you have worked hard, so I told you a long time ago not to open a vegetable stall. When the time comes when I marry you, you will just be the young mistress... What, you can't be idle, you like to do things, and you will go crazy if you don't do them? Then you can find something to do, such as shopping in the mall, watching movies, and going to the West with Da Bolian For restaurants, I will pay for all the money!"

"Okay, okay, I know that you are diligent and thrifty in managing your family. That's right, my money is your money! Then why don't I spend it? I will save it and use it for our precious son when the time comes! What does it mean to be a daughter? ? My Ding Yongqiang’s seed must be a boy! OK, I won’t talk so much, if someone comes to me, hang up first!”

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yongqiang rubbed his forehead depressedly: "I just want to marry a wife and have a son so that our Ding family can spread branches and leaves to carry on the family. Why is it so difficult? Why, you are kind, You actually invited me to dinner? Now I am the chief superintendent, you are just the captain of the Flying Tigers, and my salary is twice yours!"

"I don't know that you are the Chief Superintendent, so stop showing off!" Ren Darong said with a smile, "When we graduated from the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy together, no matter which subjects we studied, we all went hand in hand, but I was not as lucky as you. When you meet someone as noble as Mr. Shi, you are still only the captain of the Flying Tigers, the inspector level! And you, you have already become the chief superintendent, so majestic!"

"Wow, why is your mouth full of jealousy? It's so sour!" Ding Yongqiang put his feet off the table and smiled at Ren Darong: "At that time, Mr. Shi also gave you a chance to go to the ICAC. You insisted on it." Take a bet on Lei Luo and join his Flying Tigers!"

"That's why I said I'm unlucky!" Ren Darong took out three or five cigarettes from his pocket and handed them to Ding Yongqiang. After helping him light them, he sat on the seat opposite him: "People are more angry than others! If I had chosen again , I might be a police superintendent now!"

"Take your time, there will still be opportunities. As long as you stand in line, then don't talk about being a superintendent, even a police chief is possible!" Ding Yongqiang took a puff of a cigarette: "Hey, I will give you the opportunity now." It’s a chance to join the team again, and accompany me to the Longfeng Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui later!”

"Going to Tsim Sha Tsui? What are you doing?" Ren Darong looked at Ding Yongqiang, and asked with a strange smile in his eyes: "Should I really go to drink tea? I remember that there is no scented tea there. If you want to drink scented tea, go to Portland Street." , it is said that there are many beautiful girls from the Repulse Bay Tea House..."

Before Ding Yongqiang could answer, another plainclothes man opened the door outside and said to Ding Yongqiang, "Ding SIR, Mr. Shi asked you to call him!"

"Received!" Ding Yongqiang picked up the phone, dialed the number, and said to Ren Darong, "Testing me again? I'm a superintendent now, and I won't do that kind of nonsense anymore!"

Ren Darong didn't say anything more, for fear of disturbing Ding Yongqiang's call with Hong Kong MP Shi Zhijian. As we all know, Shi Zhijian is a very busy person, so if he calls Ding Yongqiang now, something important must happen.

"Brother Jian, are you looking for me?" Ding Yongqiang asked after the call was connected, smoking a cigarette.

Shi Zhijian on the phone sounded in a good mood: "I won't say much else, you know what to do tonight! I just want to say one thing, tomorrow I will see that there are only four words in the newspaper - Tianxia Peaceful!"

"Don't worry, Brother Jian! I have everything! You can rest assured and sleep, don't say that the world is peaceful tomorrow, I will make the whole Xiangjiang River calm from now on!" Ding Yongqiang said to Shi Zhijian on the phone with a relaxed tone.

Shi Zhijian paused there, and finally said: "Try not to make things too big!"

When the other party hung up the phone, Ding Yongqiang's expression on the phone, which he had been laughing at just now, immediately became serious. He put on his coat, and said to Ren Darong: "Let's go, I'll take you to stand in line tonight!"

Ding Yongqiang drove Ren Darong directly to Tsim Sha Tsui without calling other plain clothes.

As a well-known landmark building in the rivers and lakes of Tsim Sha Tsui, Longfeng Tea House is brightly lit at the moment, and it is faintly crowded with people.

Under the teahouse, there stood a large group of Jianghu people in threes and fives. These people were all sturdy and looked fierce.

But it was such a large group of unruly people, seeing Ding Yongqiang get out of the car with Ren Darong, they all bent down to say hello to Ding Yongqiang honestly: "Ding Sir, hello!"

Ding Yongqiang casually threw the car keys to a quack boy, "Help me park the car!"

The little boy didn't expect to get such a glorious job of helping Ding Yongqiang park his car. He was so beautiful that he almost laughed out loud, "Don't worry, call SIR! I promise to help you park well, and it won't be scratched at all!"

Ding Yongqiang nodded, then pointed to Ren Darong who was following him, "Do you know him? Sir Ren from the Flying Tigers! Come on, call Rong Ge!"

"Hello, Brother Rong!" Everyone greeted Ren Darong again.

Ren Darong coughed twice, as if he was not used to this kind of scene.

Ding Yongqiang led Ren Darong all the way to the third floor of Longfeng Tea House without hindrance.

along the way—

"Good morning, Sir Ding!"

"Hello Ren SIR!"

These Jianghu people are all elites from various gangs and factions, UU Reading are all younger brothers in front of Ding Yongqiang—no, to be precise, they are even worse than younger brothers!

The aisles on the first, second, and third floors of Longfeng Tea House are all waiting for people, and it looks very strict. Most people, let alone going upstairs to drink tea, may be beaten up even if they glance here.

When I came to the third floor, there were seven or eight tables, all of which were tables of the Eight Immortals. There were two or three people sitting on each table, and these people were all big gangsters and club leaders in Hong Kong, including Hutchison boss Li Kuohua , Xinji Xiang, the 14K's Ge Tianwang, and Liansheng's Zhu Rourong and others!

These bigwigs of the rivers and lakes usually call the wind and rain in the rivers and lakes, and no one looks down on anyone, but now they gather here together.

Ren Darong frowned, as if he understood something, but he didn't have time to think about it at the moment, because Ding Yongqiang had already taken the lead and walked towards the group of unruly gangsters.

Seeing this, Ren Darong gritted his teeth and hurriedly followed.

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