Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 365: The market has exploded!

   Chapter 425 0365 [The market has exploded! 】

   "Fengni, you are too willful!" Dai Fengnian flipped through the newspaper and shook his head at his sister Dai Fengni.

   It was breakfast time, Dai Fengni was eating sandwiches and omelettes, while Dai Fengnian was drinking morning tea and reading the newspaper.

  Dai Fengni took a knife and fork to open the egg yolk of the fried egg, the egg yolk overflowed, and said in her mouth, "I just want revenge! Who let that Shi Zhijian bully us? When I think of his face, I get angry!"

  Dai Fengni picked up the knife and fork and clicked the fried egg, as if the fried egg was Shi Zhijian's smiling face.

   What was a perfect omelette instantly turned into a mess.

  Dai Fengnian frowned: "Can you be more dignified? How can you get married in the future if you are like this?"

   "I'm going to get married?" Dai Fengni put a fork in a sausage, opened her red lips and took a bite, "I will never marry in the future! When I think of those stinky men, I get nauseated!"

"Seeing you like this makes my stomach even more nauseous! Sven, lady, please! Oh my god, I have no taste! Sister Lan, I don't need my sandwich omelette!" Dai Fengnian folded the newspaper and headed towards the kitchen. shouted.

  Dai Fengni stuck out her tongue, "Are you losing weight again?"

   "Shut down! I'm on a hunger strike, don't you see it? Because of you, I have two big heads and I'm on a hunger strike now!"

   "Hmph, I just spent some money to buy a script to satirize that Shi Zhijian, how can you be so arrogant?"

   "Of course I'm not angry anymore. What I'm angry about is that others only need to spend a few hundred yuan to pay for the manuscript, but you have thrown out thousands of dollars!"

   "Hey, how do you know?"

   "Can I not know? The people who collect the money from the newspaper office came to me to ask for it!"

  Dai Fengni pouted: "Damn the street newspaper! I really thought that Miss Ben would owe him money? If I hadn't made him write a lot of articles and scold Shi Zhijian a few times, I wouldn't have promised him that much money!"

  Dai Fengnian was about to be speechless, "Fengni, I hope you understand the situation, we are different today. In the past, you could spend a lot of money, and I don't care about you; but now every penny must be used on the edge of the knife!"

   "Am I not going to use it on the blade now? Sharpen the knife, kill that Shi Zhijian!" Dai Fengni said angrily.

   After a while, Dai Fengni said, "Actually, eldest brother, there is something I wanted to tell you a long time ago. Since you lost to that Shi Zhijian, you have become like the old man, full of anger all day long, so boring!"

   "Uh, what did you say?" Dai Fengnian was anxious.

   Dai Fengni hurriedly changed the subject.

"Look at it, big brother! After my attack on this article, that Shi Zhijian will definitely die very ugly. At that time, I will make him kneel in front of me and help me lick my toes! Hahaha!" Dai Fengni looked up to the sky. laugh.

  Dai Fengnian was speechless again.

  Although he blamed his sister for spending money like water and doing things too willfully.

   But let’s be honest, it’s pretty cool to step on Shi Zhijian this time.

  Since losing to Shi Zhijian one after another, Dai Fengnian has long lost his former spirit, just as his sister Dai Fengni said, he feels like an old man.

   "Perhaps, Shi Zhijian's failure this time can help me regain my confidence and rise again!"

  Dai Fengnian thought silently.


  Dai Fengni smeared Shi Zhijian's manuscript for nothing.

   The Hong Kong beverage market has only a small share. With a population of 4 million, one radish and one pit, Wahaha's entry will affect the survival of other beverages of the same type.

  The saying that colleagues are enemies is always true.

   So when Dai Fengni's draft came out, the entire beverage market began to sing badly about Wahaha and Shi Zhijian.

   At the same time, some food critics are not optimistic about Wahaha's future sales, and even scoff at it.

   Just when those colleagues were waiting to continue watching Shi Zhijian's jokes.

  Shi Zhijian's "bundled marketing" came out.


  Tsim Sha Tsui, Golden Harvest Cinema.

   A couple walked into the cinema and wanted to watch "Myth", which had been released for more than 20 days. There were too many people watching the show before, so they deliberately chose this time to watch it.

   "Your ticket!" The conductor handed over two movie tickets to the couple.

   "Thank you!" When the couple was about to leave, the conductor stopped them and said, "Friends, you are lucky this time, you can get ten bottles of Wahaha with one movie ticket! Two are twenty bottles!"

   "Uh, what?"

   "You can go to the store in front of our cinema to redeem! I wish you a happy viewing!"

   Soon, the couple exchanged twenty bottles of Wahaha at the store.

   "Is this delicious?"

   "The advertisement has been playing quite loudly recently!"

   "After drinking Wahaha, food is fragrant!"

   "Yes yes yes, this is it!"

   "Come on, let's try it!"

  The couple took a straw to tie Wahaha open, and took a sip.

   "It's sour and sweet, this taste... very good!"

   The couple looked surprised.


  Causeway Bay, non-staple food shop.

   "Boss, I want to buy a bottle of Wahaha." A student girl wearing glasses took out the money from her pocket and handed it to the owner of the grocery store.

  Wahaha's taste is very suitable for these little girls, and the students are quick to accept new things.

   The owner of the non-staple food store took a bottle of Wahaha and handed it to the female student, took the money and said, "Why don't you buy more bottles?"

   "Uh, what?"

   "Wahaha's new product launch is now holding an event. Buy ten bottles and you can get a free movie ticket for "Mythology"!"

   "Send movie tickets? Free?"

   "Of course it's free! How about it, do you want it?"

   "Of course I will! Nine more bottles!" The female student is very good at reckoning, and she drinks one bottle every day. If you buy ten bottles at one time and get a movie ticket, you will definitely earn it!

   A few minutes later, the female student was holding ten bottles of Wahaha yogurt and a free "Myth" movie ticket in her hand, her mouth was about to laugh crookedly.


  The entrance of the cinema, the entrance of the non-staple food store, and the entrance of the store.

  Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and other parts of the New Territories are playing the same scene.

   At ten o'clock in the morning, the market feedback was just two words, and it exploded!

  The newly listed Wahaha is selling like crazy.

   Those shop owners who were originally dismissive of this new product hurriedly moved Wahaha out from under the counter.

  Some bosses even put Wahaha in the most conspicuous place on the shelves, for fear that customers would not see it.

   But this is the case, Wahaha is still in short supply. After all, the production volume of new products is not large, and many purchasers are besieged at the entrance of the factory, requesting a large number of purchases.

   The seven telephones set up in the factory were about to be blasted by wholesalers.

   Fat Zaikun, who was in charge of marketing planning, frantically pushed open Liu Jianxiong's door, "Mr. Liu, it's a blast! It's a blast! Our Wahaha sales broke a record!"

   "Really, how much did you sell?"

   "One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand a day!"

With a bang, Liu Jianxiong's head exploded, doubting whether he heard it wrong.

   He never thought that Shi Zhijian's "bundling sale" would be so crazy.

   "One hundred thousand? Breaking one hundred thousand in one day? Brother Jian, you have created a miracle again!"

  Thinking of this, Liu Jianxiong ran to the fifth floor immediately. He wanted to tell Shi Zhijian the good news.

   a little bit!

  Liu Jianxiong, this little fat man, came to the fifth floor with a flying speed.

   "Brother Jian, I have good news for you! Our Wahaha sales have exploded!"

   "How much did it explode?" Seeing his excited look, Shi Zhijian asked with a broke 100,000! "

   "Really? It's okay!"

   "Eh? What did you say?! This is called 'fairly okay'?" Liu Jianxiong rolled his eyes.

   "Don't get too excited, this bundling model is equal to buy one get one free. As long as your mind is not full, you will make the right choice!" Shi Zhijian seemed to calmly take a sip of his tea.

   Liu Jianxiong was a little dazed, and he could tell from Shi Zhijian's reaction.

   It seems that everything is under Shi Zhijian's control, there is no surprise or joy, he seems so calm and calm, and there is no emotional fluctuation.

   A person who is not emotional makes people feel scary.

   With Wahaha's big sales explosion, it is a slap in the face of those colleagues who sing Shi Zhijian's bad myth.

  Especially in Dai's mansion, Dai Fengni, who was squatting on the toilet and humming a little song while watching martial arts novels, now has her beautiful eyes widened and her blood pressure soaring.

   First two chapters, continue in the afternoon!



   (end of this chapter)

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