Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 366: I am serious about doing charity!

   Chapter 426 0366 [I am serious about doing charity! ] (Three more!)

   The next day.

  Xiangjiang's major newspapers and media commented on Wahaha's crazy "bundled marketing" plan.

  Hong Kong "Ming Pao": "Wahaha's new product launches, bombing Hong Kong!"

  Hong Kong "The Tiger": "Breaking 100,000 a day, Wahaha's success is unparalleled!"

  The news swept the entire industry like a tornado. Such a marketing can definitely be recorded in the history of beverages. The scale and speed are so large that people have no time to react.

   At the same time, Wahaha's crazy sales also boosted the box office of "Myth", which had already cooled down. The box office changed from a downward trend to an upward trend. The total box office successfully exceeded 2.5 million and started to move towards 3 million!

  Under the watchful eyes of Liu Jianxiong and others, Shi Zhijian's "two birds with one stone" strategy was a great success!


   Dai's mansion.

  Dai Fengni squatted on the ground, holding a slender Centennial Lady's cigarette in her mouth. The cigarette was not lit, so she held it in her mouth listlessly.

   She is holding a tree branch in her hand, and is fiddling with the hard-working little ants on the ground with the tree branch.

  The group of ants carried a seed on their bodies and worked together to move towards the cave.

  Dai Fengni used a tree branch to stab those little ants over.

   Time and time again, those ants fail and start all over again.

   "Why don't you die? Why don't you fight? Why don't you raise your hands and surrender? Is it so hard to admit defeat to me? I'll give you a lung!"

  Master Su and Chen Biao could see clearly next to them, and they felt anxious.

   "What's wrong with the eldest miss, why did you have **** with ants?" Master Su asked Chen Biao.

  Chen Biao remained silent.

  Master Su felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that Chen Biao, the bastard, always liked to pretend to be cool, either with a straight face or a cold face. Especially, he never responded to his own questions, but he was unsatisfactory and liked to ask him.

  Master Su really wanted to slap his face.

   Chen Biao suddenly said, "Miss is in a bad mood, be careful, don't mess with her."

   "Uh, you're a big guy who can talk, I thought you were dumb!" Master Su was very happy.

   "Master Su!" Dai Fengni suddenly shouted.

   "Come on, Miss!" Master Su rushed over.

  Dai Fengni stood up from the ground and pointed at Master Su's nose with a tree branch: "Now I order you to destroy all these ants! Immediately! Immediately!"

   "Uh, don't worry, these ants are little creatures anyway." Master Su has been familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics since childhood, and occasionally flips through the Bible.

   "Crack!" Dai Fengni slapped her hand down and threw it on Master Su's face.

   "If you don't destroy them, I will destroy you!"

   Master Su is about to cry, the eldest lady is so tyrannical, she is simply a female version of Qin Shihuang!

   "Okay, Miss, I'll do it right away!" Master Su covered his face in fear and aggrieved, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to find hot water to burn the ants with hot water.

   for a moment.

  Master Su brought out the kettle, "Miss, do you really want to do it? Ants are small, but they are also small beings, so innocent!"

   "Crack!" Dai Fengni slapped again, "Then are you innocent?"

  Master Su has a five-fingered golden dragon printed on each of his left and right faces, which is very neat.

"Miss, I'll do it!" Master Su scalded the ants with the hot water bottle, and muttered: "If you are wronged, you have a debt, you must not be an ant in your next life! If you want to do it, you must also be an eldest lady. Such a strong woman, or like Chen Biao, who has no blood and no cold in the street!"

   "Master Su, what are you talking about?"

   "It's nothing, I'm helping them recite sutras! Ouch!" Master Su shook his hands when he spoke, and the hot water scalded his fingers.


Jingle Bell!

   Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly.

   Sister Ling, the maid, went to open the door, and Xu turned around and bowed to Dai Fengni, "Miss, a gentleman surnamed Shi is looking for you!"

   "What? Shi Zhijian is here?" Dai Fengni was taken aback.

  Master Su was also startled, and rushed up to protect Dai Fengni with the kettle: "You don't have to be afraid, miss! If the street wants you to kneel and apologize, I will splash him with this hot water!"

  Chen Biao also stood up, shaking his arms and said: "Miss, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

   While talking, Shi Zhijian walked in with his bodyguard Chen Huimin.

  Dai Fengni pushed away the master Su who was protecting her in front of her, raised her chin, looked at Shi Zhijian arrogantly and said, "Shi Zhijian, what are you doing?"

   "What am I here for? Of course I'm here to collect the bill!"

   "Anyone owes you a debt?" Dai Fengni was rude.

   "You won't be so shameless, have you forgotten what you said before?" Shi Zhijian frowned.

   "Is that so? What did I say, but you tell me?" Dai Fengni was about to carry out the trick to the end.

   "If you say you lose, you have to kneel and kowtow and apologize to me! I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to walk, so I came here!"

   "Ha, is there? When did I say something like this, how come I don't remember it?!"

   Sure enough, it's shameful for a woman to play with a man. The problem is that you can't smoke her yet.

  Shi Zhijian took a deep breath and looked at the masters Su and Chen Biao next to him: "What about you, won't you also have amnesia? Haven't you said something like this, Miss Dai?"

   "This..." Chen Biao is a martial artist and is not good at lying.

   "No!" Master Su is very straightforward, shamelessness is his character, and lying is his characteristic.

   "If there is, it will be struck by lightning!"

   Coincidentally, the weather is not very good today, it was already gloomy, and the **** Hong Kong weather is full of thunder and lightning.

   Then a dull thunder "click" fell!

   "My mother!" Master Su shrank his head in fright, and even threw the kettle out, almost scalding Chen Biao.

  Dai Fengni was also taken aback, her pink face changed color, and she looked at the sky, "You can't be so evil, right?"

   "Miss, why don't we recognize it! There is a **** three feet above this head..." Master Su was timid, and immediately revealed his mouth.

   "Shut up!" Dai Fengni slapped her.

   This time, Master Su was ready, so I ducked, but I shrugged and ducked.

   "Sorry, Miss, I escaped!"

   Before Master Su could finish her words, Dai Fengni kicked out, and the pointed toe of her shoes hit Master Su's calf.

  Master Su grimaced in pain, jumping up and down holding his calf, screaming.

   Just when Shi Zhijian and Dai Fengni were at a stalemate, a voice said, "Fengni, if you lose, you must admit it! Our Dai family has not yet reached the point where we can't afford to lose!"

  Dai Fengnian walked out of the living room while talking.

  Shi Zhijian nodded secretly. Although Dai Fengnian had been defeated several times by himself, other people would probably have lost their temperament, but he could say such words in front of him and still maintained his heroic character.

   "Brother, I——" Dai Fengni looked embarrassed.

   "Kneel down and apologize to others!" Dai Fengnian put his hands behind his back with a stern expression.

  Master Su endured the pain and just wanted to plead for Dai Fengni with Chen Biao.

   "Shut up for me!"

  Dai Fengnian glared at the two of them.

   The two immediately fell silent.

Dai Fengni bit her red lips and looked at the stern big looked at Shi Zhijian again, and then gritted her teeth, "My name is Dai Fengni no matter what, there's nothing I can't afford to lose!" As she spoke, she was ready to bend her knees He knelt down toward Shi Zhijian.

   At this time, Shi Zhijian opened his mouth: "Actually, I came to the door today to raise money--I don't know if 30,000 yuan will kowtow and kneel in your place, can't I get it?"

   "What?" Dai Fengni's beautiful eyes lit up.

   "What do you mean?" Dai Fengnian also asked in surprise.

   "To be honest, I'm going to set up a Shinhwa Charity Fund recently, and it's in the preparatory stage. If the two of you are willing to donate 30,000 Hong Kong dollars generously, then the grievance between me and Miss Dai can be written off!"

   "Doing charity, preparing funds? Shi Zhijian, what are you doing again?"

   "To do charity is to do charity! If I make more money and give back to the society, what kind of bad thoughts can I have?" Shi Zhijian spread his hands, his face open.

   "Believe you!" Dai Fengni looked in disbelief.

  Dai Fengnian said, "Okay, the deal!"

  30,000 yuan to buy Dai's face,

   worth it!

   (end of this chapter)

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