Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 426: Charity is very deep, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it!

   Chapter 427 0426 [The water of charity is very deep, I'm afraid you can't grasp it! ] (Four more!)

  Shi Zhijian is serious about charity work!

   is not a casual talk.

   In just one year, he has made a lot of money. For many people, this kind of person is called "upstart". The foundation is unstable, and it is easy to rise and fall.

   Hong Kong has no shortage of rich people, and there is no shortage of upstarts among the rich.

   The biggest difference between a nouveau riche and a celebrity is whether or not there is a heart that can help the world with wealth.

   To put it bluntly, it means donating money to charity.

  Fame and fortune! Fame and fortune!

  Fame and fortune have always gone hand-in-hand. If you don’t have fame and fortune alone, you will only be a nouveau riche all your life.

   In this regard, Shi Zhijian could have easily chosen some shortcuts.

For example, donate the money to the Hong Kong Red Cross, donate to the famous St. Mary's Charity Foundation in Hong Kong, or simply buy some materials to go to the orphanage to distribute items to the disabled and orphans, and then let reporters take pictures to promote a Wave.

   But Shi Zhijian chose the most difficult path, which is to set up the Shinhwa Charity Foundation and continue to do charity.

   There were also many such charitable foundations in Hong Kong in this era, but most of them were established by some large corporations and the British Hong Kong government.

  For example, the earliest Po Leung Kuk in Hong Kong used to be responsible for protecting the country and the people, cracking down on kidnappings and theft, building Yizhuang, building schools, and now setting up a charitable foundation to help people in need.

  Many bigwigs in Hong Kong, such as Li Zhaotian, Chairman Liao of the Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce, etc., are members of this charitable foundation.

   Now Shi Zhijian wants to set up the Shinhwa Charity Fund by himself. This idea is not a bad idea, but it is very difficult.

  A fund that no one supports, relying solely on the myth to support it, will soon break the capital chain. Even if it can support it for three to five years, as the scale of charitable investment expands, the capital will gradually collapse.

   So Shi Zhijian started the fundraising mode immediately after learning about the establishment and structure of the charitable fund.

   Dai's investment of 30,000 yuan is the first "donation" received by the Shinhwa Charity Fund.

   Of course, the donation of this "charity" is a little "embarrassing", but after all, there is a harvest.

  After dealing with the Dai brothers and sisters, Shi Zhijian turned around and rushed to the Far East Bank.

   Far East Bank boss Qiu Dewang, this is the second person Shi Zhijian is going to persuade to donate.


  It was ten o'clock when Shi Zhijian came out of the Dai family's mansion in the Western District. First, he drove to Guangfa to buy a pack of Pu'er tea.

   During this time, Pu-erh tea became popular in Hong Kong.

  Many bigwigs like to cook Pu'er, and they think this tea is more beneficial to health, especially to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, that is, elderly diseases.

   After leaving GF, Shi Zhijian got into a Bentley car and scolded the GF tea businessman that he was really black, and only two or three catties of old Pu'er tea cakes cost him thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

   "Sooner or later, Alibaba firm will start the business of Pu'er tea, and then it will depend on how you can monopolize Guangfa?!"

  Any business will make huge profits as long as it has a monopoly.

   The same is true for Pu'er tea. Because Guangfa has a good relationship with the mainland, it is only possible to source this top-quality Pu'er from the mainland. Other firms can only hope to sigh.

   At about eleven o'clock, Shi Zhijian officially came to the "Far East Bank Building" at No. 135 Qingshan Road.

  Shi Zhijian took Pu'er tea, got out of the car, let Chen Huimin wait below, and went straight into the building.

  Familiar with the road, Shi Zhijian came to the floor where Qiu De and his office were, and before he had time to say hello to the lady at the front desk, he saw Qiu Jiawen, who was beautiful and beautiful, was accompanying a man talking and laughing.

   "Mr. Shi, hello, I didn't expect to meet you here!" That person was Li Jiacheng, Li Daheng.

  Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment, but also stepped forward to say hello: "What an accident, Boss Li, stay safe?"

   "Of course I'm fine. I'm going to reopen the waterworks, and the land grant has come down. It's in Wanchai. Although the land is a bit more expensive, it's better than nothing!"

   "Then congratulations to Boss Li, you can rely on water for money again!"

   "Where! Where! When my water plant opens, Mr. Shi, you must admire your face! And——" Li Jiacheng smiled and leaned into Shi Zhijian's ear, "If you drink water, I will give you half the price!"

   "Then thank Boss Li first!"

   "Don't thank me! Your half price is in US dollars! Others use Hong Kong dollars, but you use US dollars! How about I treat you well?" Li Jiacheng smiled smugly.

   "Boss Li really looks up to me!"

   "Of course I look up to you! You're so pretentious recently, what kind of Wahaha is selling so well, and the movie box office is so good, you've made a lot of money? I'll spend it for you if you have more money!"

   "Wait until you have that qualification!"

   "Hehe, there will be soon!" After Li Jiacheng said harsh words, he turned around and said a few words to Qiu Jiawen, and then left triumphantly.

  Shi Zhijian looked at Li Jiacheng's back and was a little surprised. The "Disneyland Project" he designed didn't even trap him? !

   As expected, he was a super tycoon in the previous life. The water factory has always been completed. With water for money, Li Jiacheng will really make a lot of money in the future.

   "You seem to have a very bad relationship with Boss Li." Qiu Jiawen said suddenly.

  Shi Zhijian came back to his senses, looked at Qiu Jiawen and smiled: "The relationship between businessmen cannot be described as good or bad, it should be described as competition and cooperation - he and I have always been competitors, I hope this time is different."


   Inside the President's Office.

   Qiu Dewang happily accepted the Pu-erh tea sent by Shi Zhijian.

   However, Shi Zhijian noticed that when Qiu Jiawen opened the tea cabinet and stored the Pu'er tea, it was obvious that a larger batch of Pu'er tea had been placed in it and had not been opened.

  Shi Zhijian thought of Li Jiacheng who had just left, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

   When Shi Zhijian sat down and told Qiu Dewang his intentions, Qiu Dewang held his chin and hesitated.

   "A Jian, you want to do charity, this idea is good, but the water in charity is very deep, I'm afraid you can't grasp it!"

   "Mr. If you agree to support me and donate a little to my mythology fund, then I promise you that our charitable fund will be handed over to you Far East Bank in the future."

  Shi Zhijian had to come up with a killer.

   Qiu De smiled and said, "Do you know that someone told me this just now."

   "Li Jiacheng?" Shi Zhijian asked in surprise.

   Qiu Dewang nodded, "That's right, it's him. He is going to set up the Changjiang Charity Foundation, and he also wants me to donate!"

   "How could this happen?" Shi Zhijian was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that he would collide with Li Jiacheng again.

   "I don't know the specific situation, but you and he both have the heart to do charity for the world, and I am very touched."

   "It's useless to be moved! Are you supporting him or me?" Shi Zhijian didn't want to listen to so many polite words, and asked Qiu Dewang directly.

   The chapter number is wrong and will not be changed. It has no effect on the content. Continue to code words and strive for the fifth watch!



   (end of this chapter)

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